
news/2025/1/23 6:23:59/

上一篇手绘vs码绘  https://blog.csdn.net/Yangjin121/article/details/84325023

  • 让作品“动”起来


  • 首先让龙猫的肚子,脚,眼睛动起来,相比之前稍微显得滑稽鬼畜。


//在draw函数里画的龙猫的肚子push();translate(350,370);fill(219,217,183);rotate(frameCount / 50.0);polygon(0, 0, 100, 12); pop();//polygon函数
function polygon(x, y, radius, npoints) {var angle = TWO_PI / npoints;beginShape();for (var a = 0; a < TWO_PI; a += angle) {var sx = x + cos(a) * radius;var sy = y + sin(a) * radius;vertex(sx, sy);}endShape(CLOSE);
  •  加入交互,鼠标点击灯的位置,颜色会随机变换


  //画出灯strokeWeight(0);stroke(r, g, b);fill(r, g, b, 127);ellipse(50, 50, 80, 80);//mousePressed函数
function mousePressed() {// Check if mouse is inside the circlevar d = dist(mouseX, mouseY, 50, 50);if (d < 100) {// Pick new random color valuesr = random(255);g = random(255);b = random(255);}


// loop through snowflakes with a for..of loopfor (let flake of snowflakes) {flake.update(t); // update snowflake positionflake.display(); // draw snowflake}function snowflake() {// initialize coordinatesthis.posX = 0;this.posY = random(-50, 0);this.initialangle = random(0, 2 * PI);this.size = random(2, 3);// radius of snowflake spiral// chosen so the snowflakes are uniformly spread out in areathis.radius = sqrt(random(pow(width / 2, 2)));this.update = function(time) {// x position follows a circlelet w = 0.6; // angular speedlet angle = w * time + this.initialangle;this.posX = width / 2 + this.radius * sin(angle);// different size snowflakes fall at slightly different y speedsthis.posY += pow(this.size, 0.5);// delete snowflake if past end of screenif (this.posY > height) {let index = snowflakes.indexOf(this);snowflakes.splice(index, 1);}};this.display = function() {ellipse(this.posX, this.posY, this.size);};
  • 完整代码

let snowflakes = []; // array to hold snowflake objects
var r, g, b;
function setup() {createCanvas(700, 500);noStroke();r = random(255);g = random(255);b = random(255);}function draw() {background(167,148,150);let t = frameCount / 60; // update time// create a random number of snowflakes each framefill(219,217,183);for (var i = 0; i < random(5); i++) {snowflakes.push(new snowflake()); // append snowflake object}// loop through snowflakes with a for..of loopfor (let flake of snowflakes) {flake.update(t); // update snowflake positionflake.display(); // draw snowflake}//dengstrokeWeight(0);stroke(r, g, b);fill(r, g, b, 127);ellipse(50, 50, 80, 80);//dianganfill(179,209,193);rect(40,88,20,500);//longmao//waixingfill(229,129,133);ellipse(350,350,220,240);ellipse(300,230,30,55); ellipse(400,230,30,55); rect(315,230,80,10);//duzipush();translate(350,370);fill(219,217,183);rotate(frameCount / 50.0);polygon(0, 0, 100, 12); pop();//yanjingpush();translate(300,260);fill(219,217,183);rotate(frameCount / 50.0);polygon(0, 0, 10, 6); pop();push();translate(400,260);fill(219,217,183);rotate(frameCount / 50.0);polygon(0, 0, 10, 6); pop();//heiseyanzhufill(0);ellipse(300,260,8,8);ellipse(400,260,8,8);ellipse(350,260,20,8);//jiaopush();translate(400,470);fill(219,217,183);rotate(frameCount / 50.0);polygon(0, 0, 20, 3); pop();push();translate(300,470);fill(219,217,183);rotate(frameCount / 50.0);polygon(0, 0, 20, 3); pop();}function mousePressed() {// Check if mouse is inside the circlevar d = dist(mouseX, mouseY, 50, 50);if (d < 100) {// Pick new random color valuesr = random(255);g = random(255);b = random(255);}
}// snowflake class
function snowflake() {// initialize coordinatesthis.posX = 0;this.posY = random(-50, 0);this.initialangle = random(0, 2 * PI);this.size = random(2, 3);// radius of snowflake spiral// chosen so the snowflakes are uniformly spread out in areathis.radius = sqrt(random(pow(width / 2, 2)));this.update = function(time) {// x position follows a circlelet w = 0.6; // angular speedlet angle = w * time + this.initialangle;this.posX = width / 2 + this.radius * sin(angle);// different size snowflakes fall at slightly different y speedsthis.posY += pow(this.size, 0.5);// delete snowflake if past end of screenif (this.posY > height) {let index = snowflakes.indexOf(this);snowflakes.splice(index, 1);}};this.display = function() {ellipse(this.posX, this.posY, this.size);};
function polygon(x, y, radius, npoints) {var angle = TWO_PI / npoints;beginShape();for (var a = 0; a < TWO_PI; a += angle) {var sx = x + cos(a) * radius;var sy = y + sin(a) * radius;vertex(sx, sy);}endShape(CLOSE);


  • 总结:


  • 参考链接:


bilibili网站教程“详解码绘彩虹猫动画” https://www.bilibili.com/video/av19583422?t=45

bilibili网站教程“丹叔的教程”  https://www.bilibili.com/video/av16332092  (强烈推荐,入门很有用)

中国大学MOOC网互动媒体教程 https://www.bilibili.com/video/av16332092  (老师讲的很详细,还有QQ群可以讨论,提问)









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