
news/2024/11/17 23:48:51/
















标题: Pan Wang has to go

邮件正文: Co-chair of Enterprise Information Systems Technical Committe,

IEEE SMCEditor in Chief of Journal of Industrial Information Integration,

Organizational Coordination Chairperson of CONFENIS Conference 2018,

I am an alumnus of Wuhan University of Technology(WUT). I am writing to you to remind you of a WUT professor, Pan Wang, is a suspect for a power abuse case ending up with suicidal of one graduate student, Chongyuan Tao. For the reputation of your organization, I sincerely suggest you suspend any academic cooperation with Wang until his case is fairly and transparently investigated and the decision made public.

Following is an extraction of SupChina’s media report:

Tao Chongyuan陶崇园, a graduate student at Wuhan University of Technology’s School of Automation, jumped off the sixth floor of his dormitory building on March 26, reportedly after being mentally abused by his supervisor, Professor Wang Pan 王攀.

Tao’s sister, a doctor at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), wrote on her Weibo account that her brother was coerced into assisting Wang with his personal affairs; under the request of Wang, Tao went to Wang’s apartment at night to prepare meals for him and do his laundry.

Wang allegedly applied for scholarships on behalf of Tao, who was obliged to “voluntarily” donate the fund in part or in full to Wang’s research institute. When Tao decided to apply for Ph.D. programs abroad and look for off-campus jobs, Wang threatened to expel him from the institute and prevent him from receiving a degree from the university.

Based on the screenshots of the chat history between Tao and Wang, the student more than once told Wang, “Father, I will always love you,” as the professor — who addressed Tao as “son” — requested.

“I can no longer tolerate this. I don’t know how to escape from Wang Pan,” Tao wrote to his mother, in what turned out to be his final words, before he jumped to his death.

According to The Paper, Wuhan University of Technology began investigating the incident on March 31. On April 4, alumni of WUT drafted an open letter calling for justice. The letter asks the university to guarantee transparency in the investigation, promise not to silence students, apologize to Tao’s family, and transfer the case to the police when necessary. The document was collaboratively authored on Shimo Docs, a platform similar to Google Docs.

Students have expressed dissatisfaction toward the school’s administration on the university’s Tieba forum, the Chinese counterpart of Reddit. Some students organized an event on campus to commemorate Tao, but the university allegedly stopped the memorial, labeling it an act of illegal assembly.One student questioned, “Why is the commemoration an act of illegal assembly, while plaza dancing isn’t?”

On April 8th, authority of WUT posted a Situation Notice on Weibo and claimed Pan Wang has only done ‘some activities unrelated to academic research’ and would ‘suspend his qualification of continuing to recruit more graduate students ’. This notice was taken by the victim’s family as evading the essence of the case and demand suspension of his qualification as professor.

I am informed that Chinese academia has the custom that though a graduate may be accepted by one professor, he/she may end up with working for another professor. I am concerning that this loophole could potentially be abused by Pan Wang so that he could continue what he has done with the victim. So continual of his current research activity will jeopodize his current and future graduate students. Suspension of any acdemic cooperation will be the first step towards justice.

Since WUT authority is yet to disqualify Wang’s tenure, I strongly suggest the your organization maintain its consistently high moral standards and suspend Pan Wang’s involvement, until his case is thoroughly and transparently investigated.

I am also informed that multiple renown international media are following this story. I sincerely hope you make the right decision before it becomes a public relation disaster.

*This email is a part of a series of #justicefortcy# joint actions. It may the first but definitely not the last. Apology for same email from different alumni. But we have to make sure our voices heard.


【你名字的英文拼写,先名后姓,比如 Wei Zhou】

A WUT alumnus,

Relevant media reports: https://supchina.com/2018/04/05/graduate-students-suicide-raises-questions-about-the-professor-student-power-dynamic-on-chinese-campuses/ http://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/simp/chinese-news-43621581 [in Mandarin]


【社会公众版,翻译见文档尾部】 邮件给:【分别是王攀所在IEEE技术委员会共同主席、担任编辑的学术期刊主编和即将参加的国际学术会议组委会主席,请不要复制此中文部分】lxu@odu.edu;myu2@fsu.edu;ifip-wcc@ifs.tuwien.ac.at


标题: Pan Wang has to go

邮件正文: Co-chair of Enterprise Information Systems Technical Committe,IEEE SMC

Editor in Chief of Journal of Industrial Information Integration,

Organizational Coordination Chairperson of CONFENIS Conference 2018,

I am a Chinese citizen and concerned member of the society. I am writing to you to remind you of a WUT professor, Pan Wang, is a suspect for a power abuse case ending up with suicidal of one graduate student, Chongyuan Tao. For the reputation of your organization, I sincerely suggest you suspend any acdemic cooperation with Wang until his case is fairly and transparently investigated and the decision made public.

Following is an extraction of SupChina’s media report:

Tao Chongyuan陶崇园, a graduate student at Wuhan University of Technology’s School of Automation, jumped off the sixth floor of his dormitory building on March 26, reportedly after being mentally abused by his supervisor, Professor Wang Pan 王攀.

Tao’s sister, a doctor at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), wrote on her Weibo account that her brother was coerced into assisting Wang with his personal affairs; under the request of Wang, Tao went to Wang’s apartment at night to prepare meals for him and do his laundry.

Wang allegedly applied for scholarships on behalf of Tao, who was obliged to “voluntarily” donate the fund in part or in full to Wang’s research institute. When Tao decided to apply for Ph.D. programs abroad and look for off-campus jobs, Wang threatened to expel him from the institute and prevent him from receiving a degree from the university.

Based on the screenshots of the chat history between Tao and Wang, the student more than once told Wang, “Father, I will always love you,” as the professor — who addressed Tao as “son” — requested.

“I can no longer tolerate this. I don’t know how to escape from Wang Pan,” Tao wrote to his mother, in what turned out to be his final words, before he jumped to his death.

According to The Paper, Wuhan University of Technology began investigating the incident on March 31. On April 4, alumni of WUT drafted an open letter calling for justice. The letter asks the university to guarantee transparency in the investigation, promise not to silence students, apologize to Tao’s family, and transfer the case to the police when necessary. The document was collaboratively authored on Shimo Docs, a platform similar to Google Docs.

Students have expressed dissatisfaction toward the school’s administration on the university’s Tieba forum, the Chinese counterpart of Reddit. Some students organized an event on campus to commemorate Tao, but the university allegedly stopped the memorial, labeling it an act of illegal assembly.One student questioned, “Why is the commemoration an act of illegal assembly, while plaza dancing isn’t?”

On April 8th, authority of WUT posted a Situation Notice on Weibo and claimed Pan Wang has only done ‘some activities unrelated to academic research’ and would ‘suspend his qualification of continuing to recruit more graduate students ’. This notice was taken by the victim’s family as evading the essence of the case and demand suspension of his qualification as professor.

I am informed that Chinese academia has the custom that though a graduate may be accepted by one professor, he/she may end up with working for another professor. I am concerning that this loophole could potentially be abused by Pan Wang so that he could continue what he has done with the victim. So continual of his current research activity will jeopodize his current and future graduate students. Suspension of any acdemic cooperation will be the first step towards justice.

Since WUT authority is yet to disqualify Wang’s tenure, I strongly suggest the your organization maintain its consistently high moral standards and suspend Pan Wang’s involvement, until his case is thoroughly and transparently investigated.

I am also informed that multiple renown international media are following this story. I sincerely hope you make the right decision before it becomes a public relation disaster.

*This email is a part of a series of #justicefortcy# joint actions. It may the first but definitely not the last. Apology for same email from different alumni. But we have to make sure our voices heard.


【你名字的英文拼写,先名后姓,比如 Wei Zhou】

A concerned Chinese citizen

Relevant media reports https://supchina.com/2018/04/05/graduate-students-suicide-raises-questions-about-the-professor-student-power-dynamic-on-chinese-campuses/ http://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/simp/chinese-news-43621581 [in Mandarin]




*This email is a part of a series of #justicefortcy# joint actions. It may the first but definitely not the last. Apology for same email from different alumni. But we have to make sure our voices heard.


【你名字的英文拼写,先名后姓,比如 Wei Zhou】

A concerned Chinese citizen

Relevant media reports https://supchina.com/2018/04/05/graduate-students-suicide-raises-questions-about-the-professor-student-power-dynamic-on-chinese-campuses/ http://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/simp/chinese-news-43621581 [in Mandarin]





**《Industrial Information Integration》杂志编委会成员名单中的王攀资料截图


* CONFENIS2018 组委会名单中的王攀资料截图



IEEE 信息系统技术委员会共同主席,

Industrial Information Integration 期刊主编,

2018CONFENIS 会议组委会主席,

我是一名武汉理工大学校友/关注此事的中国公民。我写该邮件是为了提醒你们 武汉理工大学教授王攀,是一起导致研究生陶崇园自杀的权力滥用案件的被调查 对象。为了贵组织的声誉,我真诚地建议你们暂停和王攀任何形式的合作,直到 王攀的案件得到公平透明的调查,并公开。 











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