一般不用距离distance 但可以根据距离求瞬时速度(前提是时间间隔均匀 最小精度不低于1s) 不过如果距离和坐标之差相差太远 则不太好确定 Strava等软件通过这个来计算瞬时速度和距离 但不用于计算赛段速度(赛段时间)
以trkpt 为始 到 /trkpt 为止
<trkpt lat="30.3940883" lon="112.2400167"><ele>34</ele><time>2023-05-12T12:26:13Z</time><extensions><heartrate>167</heartrate><distance>26698</distance></extensions></trkpt>
首先借助time库 求出每个时刻的参数 并且转换为"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"格式
而后对海拔 经纬度进行获取
import timekeywords_list=["heartrate","cadence","power","distance"]def read_gpx(gpx):first_time=0first_str_time=""trkpt_flag=0j=0num_list=[0]time_list=[None]ele_list=[None]lat_list=[None]lon_list=[None]key_list=[]gpx_dict={}key_dict={}for i in keywords_list:key_list.append([None])for i in range(len(gpx)): try:ti=str((gpx[i].split("<time>")[1]).split("</time>")[0])now_time = time.mktime(time.strptime(ti, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))first_time=now_time first_str_time=time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",time.localtime(first_time)) breakexcept:passtime_list[0]=first_str_timefor i in range(len(gpx)):if gpx[i].count('<trkpt'):trkpt_flag=1 j=j+1num_list.append(j)time_list.append(j)ele_list.append(j)lat_list.append(j)lon_list.append(j) for k in range(len(keywords_list)):key_list[k].append(j)if trkpt_flag==1:try:ti=str((gpx[i].split("<time>")[1]).split("</time>")[0])now_time = time.mktime(time.strptime(ti, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))now_str_time=time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",time.localtime(now_time)) time_list[j]=now_str_timeexcept:passif gpx[i].count('<trkpt'):lat_list[j]=float(gpx[i].split('"')[1])lon_list[j]=float(gpx[i].split('"')[3])try:ele_list[j]=float(str((gpx[i].split("<ele>")[1]).split("</ele>")[0]))except:passfor k in range(len(keywords_list)): try:dat=str((gpx[i].split("<"+keywords_list[k]+">")[1]).split("</"+keywords_list[k]+">")[0])key_list[k][j]=float(dat)except:passif gpx[i].count('</trkpt>'):trkpt_flag=0if gpx[i].count('</trkseg>'):breakgpx_dict["num"]=num_list gpx_dict["time"]=time_list gpx_dict["lat"]=lat_listgpx_dict["lon"]=lon_listgpx_dict["ele"]=ele_list for k in range(len(keywords_list)):key_dict[keywords_list[k]]=key_list[k]gpx_dict["key"]=key_dictreturn gpx_dict
{'num': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184], 'time': ['2023-06-01 09:58:22', '2023-06-01 09:58:41', '2023-06-01 09:58:42', '2023-06-01 09:58:43', '2023-06-01 09:58:44', '2023-06-01 09:58:45', '2023-06-01 09:58:46', 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30.4523475, 30.4523411, 30.4523334, 30.4523246, 30.4523151, 30.4523058, 30.4522994, 30.4522931, 30.452284, 30.4522709, 30.4522573, 30.4522449, 30.4522331, 30.4522227, 30.4522135, 30.4522036, 30.4521941, 30.4521846, 30.4521749, 30.452165, 30.4521557, 30.4521475, 30.4521407, 30.452135, 30.4521298, 30.4521242, 30.4521187, 30.4521134, 30.4521077, 30.452099, 30.4520891, 30.4520801, 30.4520722, 30.4520656, 30.4520581, 30.4520494, 30.4520406, 30.4520326, 30.4520258, 30.4520207, 30.4520166, 30.4520156, 30.4520157, 30.4520148, 30.4520109, 30.4520021, 30.4519891, 30.451975, 30.4519647, 30.4519547, 30.4519429, 30.4519314, 30.4519224, 30.4519173, 30.4519121, 30.451905, 30.4518969, 30.4518886, 30.4518795, 30.45187, 30.4518607, 30.4518506, 30.451841, 30.451832, 30.4518227, 30.4518112, 30.4517992, 30.451789, 30.4517806, 30.4517714, 30.4517642, 30.4517577, 30.4517519, 30.4517441, 30.4517381, 30.4517355, 30.4517277, 30.4517154, 30.451696, 30.4516821, 30.4516804, 30.4516841, 30.4516871, 30.4516861, 30.4516817, 30.4516731, 30.4516592, 30.4516392, 30.4516241, 30.4515869, 30.4515576, 30.4515302, 30.4515145, 30.4514761, 30.4514449, 30.4514142, 30.4513832, 30.451353, 30.4513262, 30.4513047, 30.4512268, 30.4512039, 30.4511808, 30.4511591, 30.4510384, 30.4510348, 30.4510312, 30.4510243, 30.4510148, 30.4509683], 'lon': [None, 114.42341, 114.4234075, 114.4234007, 114.4233901, 114.4233757, 114.4233531, 114.4233333, 114.4233105, 114.4232842, 114.4232355, 114.4231986, 114.4231621, 114.4231234, 114.42308, 114.4230341, 114.4229862, 114.4229577, 114.4229293, 114.4228785, 114.4228315, 114.4227793, 114.4227282, 114.4226775, 114.4226272, 114.422577, 114.4225274, 114.4224779, 114.4224276, 114.4223772, 114.4223269, 114.4222768, 114.4222261, 114.4221743, 114.422121, 114.4220673, 114.4220143, 114.4219619, 114.4219094, 114.4218565, 114.4218039, 114.4217506, 114.421697, 114.4216435, 114.4215901, 114.4215373, 114.4214851, 114.4214326, 114.4213798, 114.4213273, 114.421277, 114.4212281, 114.4211797, 114.4211314, 114.4210826, 114.4210331, 114.4209821, 114.4209311, 114.4208804, 114.4208289, 114.420777, 114.4207252, 114.4206734, 114.4206211, 114.4205688, 114.4205168, 114.420465, 114.4204133, 114.4203623, 114.4203093, 114.4202557, 114.4202033, 114.4201521, 114.4201022, 114.4200552, 114.4200083, 114.419961, 114.4199125, 114.4198619, 114.4198099, 114.4197569, 114.4197042, 114.4196513, 114.4195989, 114.4195456, 114.4194927, 114.4194397, 114.4193878, 114.4193369, 114.419286, 114.4192341, 114.4191815, 114.419129, 114.4190763, 114.4190232, 114.4189688, 114.418915, 114.418861, 114.4188058, 114.4187511, 114.418697, 114.4186434, 114.4185905, 114.4185378, 114.4184854, 114.4184328, 114.4183798, 114.4183267, 114.4182727, 114.4182176, 114.4181623, 114.4181082, 114.4180579, 114.4180111, 114.4179664, 114.4179228, 114.4178808, 114.41784, 114.4177991, 114.4177536, 114.4177059, 114.4176574, 114.4176081, 114.4175565, 114.4175062, 114.4174569, 114.4174089, 114.4173598, 114.4173088, 114.4172565, 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788.0, 790.0, 803.0, 806.0, 808.0, 809.0, 820.0, 820.0, 820.0, 820.0, 821.0, 821.0]}}
首先 地球的平均半径为6371393米
近视地球为一个球体 则经纬度坐标就是一个球坐标方程
其中 φ为经度 90°-θ为纬度(这里有个坑需要注意):
可以看到 θ是90°-纬度
所以如果带入经纬度的话 就是:
(theta是经度 phi是纬度)
df['r'] = 6371393+df['ele']# radius of the Earth in meters
df['theta'] = np.deg2rad(df['lon'])
df['phi'] = np.deg2rad(df['lat'])
df['x'] = df['r']*np.cos(df['theta'])*np.cos(df['phi'])
df['y'] = df['r']*np.sin(df['theta'])*np.cos(df['phi'])
df['z'] = df['r']*np.sin(df['phi'])df['x2'] = df['x'].shift()
df['y2'] = df['y'].shift()
df['z2'] = df['z'].shift()df['distance'] = np.sqrt((df['x2']-df['x'])**2 + (df['y2']-df['y'])**2 + (df['z2']-df['z'])**2)df['central_angle'] = np.arccos((df['x']*df['x2'] + df['y']*df['y2'] + df['z']*df['z2'])/df['r']**2)df['arclength'] = df['central_angle']*df['r']df['elapsed_time'] = (df.index.to_series().diff() / pd.Timedelta(seconds=1))df['speed'] = df['arclength'] / df['elapsed_time']*3.6 # km/h
df = df[columns + ['speed']]
若要精确计算速度 则应该求两个连续弧长/两个经过的时间
弧长公式在球坐标中更容易求得 而且如果转成直角坐标 则可能把角度弄错(我第一次就把90°-θ踩坑了 导致我的弧长求反三角函数时 居然大于1)
假设A点纬度lat1,精度lng1.B点纬度lat2, 经度lng2, 地球半径为R
A(Rcos(lat1)cos(lng1), Rcos(lat1)sin(lng1), Rsin(lat1))
B(Rcos(lat2)cos(lng2), Rcos(lat2)sin(lng2), Rsin(lat2))
COS = (向量A*向量B) / (向量A的模 * 向量B的模)
COS = (xa+yb+zc)/[√(x2+y2+z2)*√(a2+b2+c2)]
COS = cos(lat2) * cos(lat1) * cos(lng1-lng2) + sin(lat2)*sin(lat1)
得到夹角的余弦值可得角度,然后就可以算出弧长了,即得距离(arccos 为反余弦函数,这里反余弦的结果得到的是弧度)
d = 2PI*R * (arccos(COS) / 2 * PI)
d = R * arccos(COS)
d = R * arccos( cos(lat2) * cos(lat1) * cos(lng2-lng1) + sin(lat2)*sin(lat1))
df['arclength'] = df['r'] * np.arccos(np.cos(df['phi']) * np.cos(df['phi2']) * np.cos(df['theta2']-df['theta']) + np.sin(df['phi'])*np.sin(df['phi2']))
加上物理中求速度的公式 运动速度求解就成了:
try:speed_list.append((df['arclength'][i]+df['arclength'][i+1])/ (elapsed_time_list[i]+elapsed_time_list[i+1])) # km/h
except:speed_list.append(df['arclength'][i]/ elapsed_time_list[i]) # m/s
如果还想更加精确 则再延伸两个时间段 并且求出来的速度按权重去求平均值 这里就需要经验值了
同时也要引入状态机考虑如果时间戳相同的结果(一般GPX是一秒钟更新一次 所以也没啥影响)
def calculate_speed(time_list,lat_list,lon_list,ele_list):if len(time_list)==len(lat_list) and len(time_list)==len(lon_list) and len(time_list)==len(ele_list):passelse:return df = pd.DataFrame({'time': time_list, 'lat': lat_list, 'lon': lon_list, 'ele': ele_list})columns = df.columns.tolist()df['r'] = 6371393+df['ele'] # radius of the Earth in metersdf['theta'] = np.deg2rad(df['lon'])df['phi'] = np.deg2rad(df['lat'])df['theta2']=df['theta'].shift()df['phi2']=df['phi'].shift()df['arclength'] = df['r'] * np.arccos(np.cos(df['phi']) * np.cos(df['phi2']) * np.cos(df['theta2']-df['theta']) + np.sin(df['phi'])*np.sin(df['phi2']))elapsed_time_list=[]stamp_list=[]speed_list=[]stamp_same_list=[]same_flag=0enable_flag=0exit_same_list=[]for i in range(len(time_list)):try:stamp_list.append(time.mktime(time.strptime(time_list[i], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))enable_flag=1if i>0 and enable_flag==1:if stamp_list[i]>stamp_list[i-1]:elapsed_time_list.append(stamp_list[i]-stamp_list[i-1]) if same_flag==1:same_flag=0exit_same_list.append(i)else:if same_flag==0:stamp_same_list.append(i)same_flag=1elapsed_time_list.append(0.0)else:elapsed_time_list.append(None)except:if enable_flag==0:elapsed_time_list.append(None)else:if same_flag==0:stamp_same_list.append(i)same_flag=1elapsed_time_list.append(0.0)if len(stamp_same_list)>len(exit_same_list):exit_same_list.append(0) j=0displacement=0.0displacement_time=0.0end_displacement=0.0same_flag=0end_elapsed_time=0.0stamp_same_in_1st_flag=0if len(stamp_same_list)==0:for i in range(len(elapsed_time_list)):try:try:speed_list.append((df['arclength'][i]+df['arclength'][i+1])/ (elapsed_time_list[i]+elapsed_time_list[i+1])) # km/hexcept:speed_list.append(df['arclength'][i]/ elapsed_time_list[i]) # m/sexcept:speed_list.append(None)else: for i in range(len(elapsed_time_list)):try:if i>0:try:if i==stamp_same_list[j]-1:same_flag=1if stamp_same_list[0]==1 and stamp_same_in_1st_flag==0:stamp_same_in_1st_flag=1same_flag=1except:passif same_flag==0:try:speed_list.append((df['arclength'][i]+df['arclength'][i+1])/ (elapsed_time_list[i]+elapsed_time_list[i+1])) # m/sexcept:speed_list.append(df['arclength'][i]/ elapsed_time_list[i]) # m/selse: try:displacement=displacement+df['arclength'][i]except:displacement=displacement+0.0try:displacement_time=displacement_time+elapsed_time_list[i]except:displacement_time=displacement_time+0.0if j==len(stamp_same_list)-1 and exit_same_list[j]==0:if end_elapsed_time==0.0:end_elapsed_time=elapsed_time_list[i] end_displacement=end_displacement+df['arclength'][i]if end_elapsed_time>0.0:speed_list.append(end_displacement/end_elapsed_time)else:speed_list.append(end_displacement/1.0)else:speed_list.append(None)if i==exit_same_list[j]: avg_speed=displacement/displacement_timefor k in range(stamp_same_list[j]-1,i+1):speed_list[k]=avg_speed j=j+1try:if elapsed_time_list[j]-end_elapsed_time[j-1]<=1:passelse:same_flag=0displacement=0.0displacement_time=0.0except:same_flag=0displacement=0.0displacement_time=0.0else:speed_list.append(None)except:speed_list.append(None)df['elapsed_time'] = elapsed_time_listdf['speed'] = speed_list # m/sdf['speed'] = 3.6*df['speed'] # km/hdf = df[columns + ['arclength']+['speed']]return df
time lat ... arclength speed
0 2023-06-01 09:58:22 NaN ... NaN NaN
1 2023-06-01 09:58:41 30.452805 ... NaN NaN
2 2023-06-01 09:58:42 30.452813 ... 0.870153 3.309064
3 2023-06-01 09:58:43 30.452819 ... 0.968216 3.904454
4 2023-06-01 09:58:44 30.452825 ... 1.200925 4.775849
5 2023-06-01 09:58:45 30.452829 ... 1.452325 6.533599
6 2023-06-01 09:58:46 30.452831 ... 2.177452 7.392403
7 2023-06-01 09:58:47 30.452827 ... 1.929438 7.792940
8 2023-06-01 09:58:48 30.452818 ... 2.399973 9.492160
9 2023-06-01 09:58:49 30.452806 ... 2.873450 14.872643
10 2023-06-01 09:58:50 30.452782 ... 5.389130 17.373583
11 2023-06-01 09:58:51 30.452761 ... 4.262861 15.114427
12 2023-06-01 09:58:52 30.452741 ... 4.134043 14.777814
13 2023-06-01 09:58:53 30.452725 ... 4.075853 15.040074
14 2023-06-01 09:58:54 30.452717 ... 4.279743 15.715562
15 2023-06-01 09:58:55 30.452710 ... 4.451124 16.370151
16 2023-06-01 09:58:56 30.452704 ... 4.643404 13.346376
17 2023-06-01 09:58:57 30.452700 ... 2.771250 9.955965
18 2023-06-01 09:58:58 30.452696 ... 2.759842 13.890313
19 2023-06-01 09:58:59 30.452688 ... 4.956999 17.185842
20 2023-06-01 09:59:00 30.452680 ... 4.590692 17.396119
21 2023-06-01 09:59:01 30.452672 ... 5.073819 18.063651
22 2023-06-01 09:59:02 30.452665 ... 4.961543 17.782722
23 2023-06-01 09:59:03 30.452658 ... 4.917747 17.655921
24 2023-06-01 09:59:04 30.452651 ... 4.891098 17.607951
25 2023-06-01 09:59:05 30.452643 ... 4.891098 17.420183
26 2023-06-01 09:59:06 30.452638 ... 4.786782 17.164355
27 2023-06-01 09:59:07 30.452636 ... 4.748971 17.231882
28 2023-06-01 09:59:08 30.452635 ... 4.824296 17.407732
29 2023-06-01 09:59:09 30.452631 ... 4.846666 17.447997
.. ... ... ... ... ...
155 2023-06-01 10:01:15 30.451680 ... 1.308677 7.122322
156 2023-06-01 10:01:16 30.451684 ... 2.648168 14.741737
157 2023-06-01 10:01:17 30.451687 ... 5.541685 17.552431
158 2023-06-01 10:01:18 30.451686 ... 4.209665 14.294663
159 2023-06-01 10:01:19 30.451682 ... 3.731814 12.683910
160 2023-06-01 10:01:20 30.451673 ... 3.314802 11.483126
161 2023-06-01 10:01:21 30.451659 ... 3.064712 10.890838
162 2023-06-01 10:01:22 30.451639 ... 2.985753 8.692529
163 2023-06-01 10:01:23 30.451624 ... 1.843429 11.085891
164 2023-06-01 10:01:24 30.451587 ... 4.315399 13.704922
165 2023-06-01 10:01:25 30.451558 ... 3.298446 11.427151
166 2023-06-01 10:01:26 30.451530 ... 3.049971 8.631806
167 2023-06-01 10:01:27 30.451514 ... 1.745477 10.830216
168 2023-06-01 10:01:28 30.451476 ... 4.271310 13.934782
169 2023-06-01 10:01:29 30.451445 ... 3.470236 12.391505
170 2023-06-01 10:01:30 30.451414 ... 3.413934 12.368084
171 2023-06-01 10:01:31 30.451383 ... 3.457224 12.377582
172 2023-06-01 10:01:32 30.451353 ... 3.419210 11.702734
173 2023-06-01 10:01:33 30.451326 ... 3.082309 10.101783
174 2023-06-01 10:01:34 30.451305 ... 2.529793 2.130881
175 2023-06-01 10:01:54 30.451227 ... 9.900348 2.152631
176 2023-06-01 10:01:55 30.451204 ... 2.656664 9.511795
177 2023-06-01 10:01:56 30.451181 ... 2.627666 9.192733
178 2023-06-01 10:01:57 30.451159 ... 2.479408 3.373405
179 2023-06-01 10:02:13 30.451038 ... 13.450560 2.933653
180 2023-06-01 10:02:14 30.451035 ... 0.402802 1.450089
181 2023-06-01 10:02:15 30.451031 ... 0.402802 2.195135
182 2023-06-01 10:02:16 30.451024 ... 0.816717 3.477648
183 2023-06-01 10:02:17 30.451015 ... 1.115310 11.646074
184 2023-06-01 10:02:18 30.450968 ... 5.354732 19.277034[185 rows x 6 columns]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Jun 6 13:58:42 2023@author: ZHOU
"""import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import timekeywords_list=["heartrate","cadence","power","distance"]def read_gpx(gpx):first_time=0first_str_time=""trkpt_flag=0j=0num_list=[0]time_list=[None]ele_list=[None]lat_list=[None]lon_list=[None]key_list=[]gpx_dict={}key_dict={}for i in keywords_list:key_list.append([None])for i in range(len(gpx)): try:ti=str((gpx[i].split("<time>")[1]).split("</time>")[0])now_time = time.mktime(time.strptime(ti, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))first_time=now_time first_str_time=time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",time.localtime(first_time)) breakexcept:passtime_list[0]=first_str_timefor i in range(len(gpx)):if gpx[i].count('<trkpt'):trkpt_flag=1 j=j+1num_list.append(j)time_list.append(j)ele_list.append(j)lat_list.append(j)lon_list.append(j) for k in range(len(keywords_list)):key_list[k].append(j)if trkpt_flag==1:try:ti=str((gpx[i].split("<time>")[1]).split("</time>")[0])now_time = time.mktime(time.strptime(ti, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))now_str_time=time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",time.localtime(now_time)) time_list[j]=now_str_timeexcept:passif gpx[i].count('<trkpt'):lat_list[j]=float(gpx[i].split('"')[1])lon_list[j]=float(gpx[i].split('"')[3])try:ele_list[j]=float(str((gpx[i].split("<ele>")[1]).split("</ele>")[0]))except:passfor k in range(len(keywords_list)): try:dat=str((gpx[i].split("<"+keywords_list[k]+">")[1]).split("</"+keywords_list[k]+">")[0])key_list[k][j]=float(dat)except:passif gpx[i].count('</trkpt>'):trkpt_flag=0if gpx[i].count('</trkseg>'):breakgpx_dict["num"]=num_list gpx_dict["time"]=time_list gpx_dict["lat"]=lat_listgpx_dict["lon"]=lon_listgpx_dict["ele"]=ele_list for k in range(len(keywords_list)):key_dict[keywords_list[k]]=key_list[k]gpx_dict["key"]=key_dictreturn gpx_dictdef calculate_speed(time_list,lat_list,lon_list,ele_list):if len(time_list)==len(lat_list) and len(time_list)==len(lon_list) and len(time_list)==len(ele_list):passelse:return df = pd.DataFrame({'time': time_list, 'lat': lat_list, 'lon': lon_list, 'ele': ele_list})columns = df.columns.tolist()df['r'] = 6371393+df['ele'] # radius of the Earth in metersdf['theta'] = np.deg2rad(df['lon'])df['phi'] = np.deg2rad(df['lat'])df['theta2']=df['theta'].shift()df['phi2']=df['phi'].shift()df['arclength'] = df['r'] * np.arccos(np.cos(df['phi']) * np.cos(df['phi2']) * np.cos(df['theta2']-df['theta']) + np.sin(df['phi'])*np.sin(df['phi2']))elapsed_time_list=[]stamp_list=[]speed_list=[]stamp_same_list=[]same_flag=0enable_flag=0exit_same_list=[]for i in range(len(time_list)):try:stamp_list.append(time.mktime(time.strptime(time_list[i], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))enable_flag=1if i>0 and enable_flag==1:if stamp_list[i]>stamp_list[i-1]:elapsed_time_list.append(stamp_list[i]-stamp_list[i-1]) if same_flag==1:same_flag=0exit_same_list.append(i)else:if same_flag==0:stamp_same_list.append(i)same_flag=1elapsed_time_list.append(0.0)else:elapsed_time_list.append(None)except:if enable_flag==0:elapsed_time_list.append(None)else:if same_flag==0:stamp_same_list.append(i)same_flag=1elapsed_time_list.append(0.0)if len(stamp_same_list)>len(exit_same_list):exit_same_list.append(0) j=0displacement=0.0displacement_time=0.0end_displacement=0.0same_flag=0end_elapsed_time=0.0stamp_same_in_1st_flag=0if len(stamp_same_list)==0:for i in range(len(elapsed_time_list)):try:try:speed_list.append((df['arclength'][i]+df['arclength'][i+1])/ (elapsed_time_list[i]+elapsed_time_list[i+1])) # km/hexcept:speed_list.append(df['arclength'][i]/ elapsed_time_list[i]) # m/sexcept:speed_list.append(None)else: for i in range(len(elapsed_time_list)):try:if i>0:try:if i==stamp_same_list[j]-1:same_flag=1if stamp_same_list[0]==1 and stamp_same_in_1st_flag==0:stamp_same_in_1st_flag=1same_flag=1except:passif same_flag==0:try:speed_list.append((df['arclength'][i]+df['arclength'][i+1])/ (elapsed_time_list[i]+elapsed_time_list[i+1])) # m/sexcept:speed_list.append(df['arclength'][i]/ elapsed_time_list[i]) # m/selse: try:displacement=displacement+df['arclength'][i]except:displacement=displacement+0.0try:displacement_time=displacement_time+elapsed_time_list[i]except:displacement_time=displacement_time+0.0if j==len(stamp_same_list)-1 and exit_same_list[j]==0:if end_elapsed_time==0.0:end_elapsed_time=elapsed_time_list[i] end_displacement=end_displacement+df['arclength'][i]if end_elapsed_time>0.0:speed_list.append(end_displacement/end_elapsed_time)else:speed_list.append(end_displacement/1.0)else:speed_list.append(None)if i==exit_same_list[j]: avg_speed=displacement/displacement_timefor k in range(stamp_same_list[j]-1,i+1):speed_list[k]=avg_speed j=j+1try:if elapsed_time_list[j]-end_elapsed_time[j-1]<=1:passelse:same_flag=0displacement=0.0displacement_time=0.0except:same_flag=0displacement=0.0displacement_time=0.0else:speed_list.append(None)except:speed_list.append(None)df['elapsed_time'] = elapsed_time_listdf['speed'] = speed_list # m/sdf['speed'] = 3.6*df['speed'] # km/hdf = df[columns + ['arclength']+['speed']]return dfif __name__ == '__main__':calculate_speed(['2017-07-08 22:05:45', '2017-07-08 22:05:46', '2017-07-08 22:05:47', '2017-07-08 22:05:48', '2017-07-08 22:05:49','2017-07-08 22:05:50'],[-33.81612, -33.81615, -33.816117, -33.816082, -33.816043,-33.816001],[150.871031, 150.871035, 150.87104399999998, 150.87105400000002, 150.871069,150.871080],[74.0, 73.0, 74.0, 75.0, 73.0,75.0])path="./2.gpx"f=open(path, 'r', encoding="utf-8")gpx=f.readlines()f.close() gpx=read_gpx(gpx)print(gpx)df=calculate_speed(gpx["time"],gpx["lat"],gpx["lon"],gpx["ele"])print(df)