SQL Server 2022
SQL Server Management Studio Management Studio 19
create function func1( @coursename char ( 30 ) )
returns float
begin declare @avg_score float select @avg_score = avg ( score) from sc, cwhere c. cname = @coursename and sc. cno = c. cnoreturn @avg_score
end go select dbo. func1( '高数' ) avg_score go
create proc update_score@coursename char ( 30 )
begin declare @id char ( 12 ) , @old int , @c_id char ( 6 ) , @new int ; declare cur cursor for select sno, score, sc. cno from sc, c where c. cname = @coursename and sc. cno = c. cnoopen curfetch next from cur into @id , @old , @c_id ; while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 begin if @old > 90 and @old < 95 set @new = @old + 5 ; else if @old <= 90 and @old > 90 set @new = @old + 3 ; else if @old <= 80 and @old > 70 set @new = @old + 2 ; else if @old <= 70 and @old > 60 set @new = @old + 1 ; update sc set score = @new where sno = @id and sc. cno = @c_id ; fetch next from cur into @id , @old , @c_id ; end close curdeallocate cur
end exec dbo. update_score '高等数学1'