使用iperf打组播压力测试,发现电源设置为高性能模式时,1.6Gbps也不会丢包;而在动态节能模式下,iperf组播打到400Mbps就会有丢包现象。 没想到电源设置的影响这么大,特此记录。
- Dynamic Power Savings Mode—Automatically varies processor speed and power usage based on processor utilization. This mode uses an ROM-based algorithm to monitor processor activity. It can reduce overall power consumption with little or no impact to performance, and does not require OS support.
- Static Low Power Mode—Reduces processor speed and power usage. Guarantees a lower maximum power usage for the system. This mode is useful in environments where power availability is constrained and it is critical to lower the maximum power use of the system.
- Static High Performance Mode—Processors run in the maximum power and performance state, regardless of the OS power management policy. This mode is useful in environments where performance is critical and power consumption is less important.
- OS Control Mode—Processors run in their maximum power and performance state at all times, unless the OS enables a power management policy.