使用 PyTorch+LSTM 进行单变量时间序列预测(附完整源码)

news/2025/1/1 18:49:10/



在本教程中,我们将使用 PyTorch-LSTM 进行深度学习时间序列预测。






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 date       dcoilwtico  2013-01-01 NaN  2013-01-02 93.14  2013-01-03 92.97  2013-01-04 93.12  2013-01-07 93.20  2013-01-08 93.21  2013-01-09 93.08  2013-01-10 93.81  2013-01-11 93.60  2013-01-14 94.27


 from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler  # Fit scalers  scalers = {}  for x in df.columns:  scalers[x] = StandardScaler().fit(df[x].values.reshape(-1, 1))  # Transform data via scalers  norm_df = df.copy()  for i, key in enumerate(scalers.keys()):  norm = scalers[key].transform(norm_df.iloc[:, i].values.reshape(-1, 1))  norm_df.iloc[:, i] = norm


对于训练数据我们需要将完整的时间序列数据截取成固定长度的序列。假设我们有一个序列:[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]。

通过选择长度为 3 的序列,我们可以生成以下序列及其相关目标:

[Sequence] Target

[1, 2, 3] → 4

[2, 3, 4] → 5

[3, 4, 5] → 6


 # 如上所示,定义一个创建序列和目标的函数  def generate_sequences(df: pd.DataFrame, tw: int, pw: int, target_columns, drop_targets=False):  '''  df: Pandas DataFrame of the univariate time-series  tw: Training Window - Integer defining how many steps to look back  pw: Prediction Window - Integer defining how many steps forward to predict  returns: dictionary of sequences and targets for all sequences  '''  data = dict() # Store results into a dictionary  L = len(df)  for i in range(L-tw):  # Option to drop target from dataframe  if drop_targets:  df.drop(target_columns, axis=1, inplace=True)  # Get current sequence    sequence = df[i:i+tw].values  # Get values right after the current sequence  target = df[i+tw:i+tw+pw][target_columns].values  data[i] = {'sequence': sequence, 'target': target}  return data


 class SequenceDataset(Dataset):  def __init__(self, df):  self.data = df  def __getitem__(self, idx):  sample = self.data[idx]  return torch.Tensor(sample['sequence']), torch.Tensor(sample['target'])  def __len__(self):  return len(self.data)

然后,我们可以使用PyTorch DataLoader来遍历数据。使用DataLoader的好处是它在内部自动进行批处理和数据的打乱,所以我们不必自己实现它,代码如下:

 # 这里我们为我们的模型定义属性  BATCH_SIZE = 16 # Training batch size  split = 0.8 # Train/Test Split ratio  sequences = generate_sequences(norm_df.dcoilwtico.to_frame(), sequence_len, nout, 'dcoilwtico')  dataset = SequenceDataset(sequences)  # 根据拆分比例拆分数据,并将每个子集加载到单独的DataLoader对象中  train_len = int(len(dataset)*split)  lens = [train_len, len(dataset)-train_len]  train_ds, test_ds = random_split(dataset, lens)  trainloader = DataLoader(train_ds, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True, drop_last=True)  testloader = DataLoader(test_ds, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True, drop_last=True)




 class LSTMForecaster(nn.Module):  def __init__(self, n_features, n_hidden, n_outputs, sequence_len, n_lstm_layers=1, n_deep_layers=10, use_cuda=False, dropout=0.2):  '''  n_features: number of input features (1 for univariate forecasting)  n_hidden: number of neurons in each hidden layer  n_outputs: number of outputs to predict for each training example  n_deep_layers: number of hidden dense layers after the lstm layer  sequence_len: number of steps to look back at for prediction  dropout: float (0 < dropout < 1) dropout ratio between dense layers  '''  super().__init__()  self.n_lstm_layers = n_lstm_layers  self.nhid = n_hidden  self.use_cuda = use_cuda # set option for device selection  # LSTM Layer  self.lstm = nn.LSTM(n_features,  n_hidden,  num_layers=n_lstm_layers,  batch_first=True) # As we have transformed our data in this way  # first dense after lstm  self.fc1 = nn.Linear(n_hidden * sequence_len, n_hidden)  # Dropout layer  self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=dropout)  # Create fully connected layers (n_hidden x n_deep_layers)  dnn_layers = []  for i in range(n_deep_layers):  # Last layer (n_hidden x n_outputs)  if i == n_deep_layers - 1:  dnn_layers.append(nn.ReLU())  dnn_layers.append(nn.Linear(nhid, n_outputs))  # All other layers (n_hidden x n_hidden) with dropout option  else:  dnn_layers.append(nn.ReLU())  dnn_layers.append(nn.Linear(nhid, nhid))  if dropout:  dnn_layers.append(nn.Dropout(p=dropout))  # compile DNN layers  self.dnn = nn.Sequential(*dnn_layers)  def forward(self, x):  # Initialize hidden state  hidden_state = torch.zeros(self.n_lstm_layers, x.shape[0], self.nhid)  cell_state = torch.zeros(self.n_lstm_layers, x.shape[0], self.nhid)  # move hidden state to device  if self.use_cuda:  hidden_state = hidden_state.to(device)  cell_state = cell_state.to(device)  self.hidden = (hidden_state, cell_state)  # Forward Pass  x, h = self.lstm(x, self.hidden) # LSTM  x = self.dropout(x.contiguous().view(x.shape[0], -1)) # Flatten lstm out  x = self.fc1(x) # First Dense  return self.dnn(x) # Pass forward through fully connected DNN.



 nhid = 50 # Number of nodes in the hidden layer  n_dnn_layers = 5 # Number of hidden fully connected layers  nout = 1 # Prediction Window  sequence_len = 180 # Training Window  # Number of features (since this is a univariate timeseries we'll set  # this to 1 -- multivariate analysis is coming in the future)  ninp = 1  # Device selection (CPU | GPU)  USE_CUDA = torch.cuda.is_available()  device = 'cuda' if USE_CUDA else 'cpu'  # Initialize the model  model = LSTMForecaster(ninp, nhid, nout, sequence_len, n_deep_layers=n_dnn_layers, use_cuda=USE_CUDA).to(device)




 # Set learning rate and number of epochs to train over  lr = 4e-4  n_epochs = 20  # Initialize the loss function and optimizer  criterion = nn.MSELoss().to(device)  optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW(model.parameters(), lr=lr)


# Lists to store training and validation losses  
t_losses, v_losses = [], []  
# Loop over epochs  
for epoch in range(n_epochs):  train_loss, valid_loss = 0.0, 0.0  # train step  model.train()  # Loop over train dataset  for x, y in trainloader:  optimizer.zero_grad()  # move inputs to device  x = x.to(device)  y  = y.squeeze().to(device)  # Forward Pass  preds = model(x).squeeze()  loss = criterion(preds, y) # compute batch loss  train_loss += loss.item()  loss.backward()  optimizer.step()  epoch_loss = train_loss / len(trainloader)  t_losses.append(epoch_loss)  # validation step  model.eval()  # Loop over validation dataset  for x, y in testloader:  with torch.no_grad():  x, y = x.to(device), y.squeeze().to(device)  preds = model(x).squeeze()  error = criterion(preds, y)  valid_loss += error.item()  valid_loss = valid_loss / len(testloader)  v_losses.append(valid_loss)  print(f'{epoch} - train: {epoch_loss}, valid: {valid_loss}')  
plot_losses(t_losses, v_losses)  




def make_predictions_from_dataloader(model, unshuffled_dataloader):  model.eval()  predictions, actuals = [], []  for x, y in unshuffled_dataloader:  with torch.no_grad():  p = model(x)  predictions.append(p)  actuals.append(y.squeeze())  predictions = torch.cat(predictions).numpy()  actuals = torch.cat(actuals).numpy()  return predictions.squeeze(), actuals  





  1. 从历史(训练窗口长度)中获取最新的有效序列。

  2. 将最新的序列输入模型并预测下一个值。

  3. 将预测值附加到历史记录上。

  4. 迭代重复步骤1。



def one_step_forecast(model, history):  '''  model: PyTorch model object  history: a sequence of values representing the latest values of the time   series, requirement -> len(history.shape) == 2  outputs a single value which is the prediction of the next value in the  sequence.  '''  model.cpu()  model.eval()  with torch.no_grad():  pre = torch.Tensor(history).unsqueeze(0)  pred = self.model(pre)  return pred.detach().numpy().reshape(-1)  def n_step_forecast(data: pd.DataFrame, target: str, tw: int, n: int, forecast_from: int=None, plot=False):  '''  n: integer defining how many steps to forecast  forecast_from: integer defining which index to forecast from. None if  you want to forecast from the end.  plot: True if you want to output a plot of the forecast, False if not.  '''  history = data[target].copy().to_frame()  # Create initial sequence input based on where in the series to forecast   # from.  if forecast_from:  pre = list(history[forecast_from - tw : forecast_from][target].values)  else:  pre = list(history[self.target])[-tw:]  # Call one_step_forecast n times and append prediction to history  for i, step in enumerate(range(n)):  pre_ = np.array(pre[-tw:]).reshape(-1, 1)  forecast = self.one_step_forecast(pre_).squeeze()  pre.append(forecast)  # The rest of this is just to add the forecast to the correct time of   # the history series  res = history.copy()  ls = [np.nan for i in range(len(history))]  # Note: I have not handled the edge case where the start index + n is   # before the end of the dataset and crosses past it.  if forecast_from:  ls[forecast_from : forecast_from + n] = list(np.array(pre[-n:]))  res['forecast'] = ls  res.columns = ['actual', 'forecast']  else:  fc = ls + list(np.array(pre[-n:]))  ls = ls + [np.nan for i in range(len(pre[-n:]))]  ls[:len(history)] = history[self.target].values  res = pd.DataFrame([ls, fc], index=['actual', 'forecast']).T  return res  




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