python 指定证书验证_如何在python中验证SSL证书?

news/2024/12/1 19:03:58/


# Custom CA file: ca-cert.pem

# Cert signed by above CA: bob.cert

$openssl verify -CAfile test-ca-cert.pem bob.cert

bob.cert: OK


参考this question如何在C代码中完成同样的任务,我已经能够得到一半的.我选择的变量名称与openssl verify命令行实用程序的源代码中使用的变量名相同,请参阅openssl-xxx / apps / verify.c.

import M2Crypto as m2

# Load the certificates

cacert = m2.X509.load_cert('test-ca-cert.pem') # Create cert object from CA cert file

bobcert = m2.X509.load_cert('bob.cert') # Create cert object from Bob's cert file

cert_ctx = m2.X509.X509_Store() # Step 1 from referenced C code steps

csc = m2.X509.X509_Store_Context(cert_ctx) # Step 2 & 5

cert_ctx.add_cert(cacert) # Step 3

cert_ctx.add_cert(bobcert) # ditto

# Skip step 4 (no CRLs to add)

# Step 5 is combined with step 2...I think. (X509_STORE_CTX_init: Python creates and

# initialises an object in the same step)

# Skip step 6? (can't find anything corresponding to

# X509_STORE_CTX_set_purpose, not sure if we need to anyway???)


# It all falls apart at this point, as steps 7 and 8 don't have any corresponding

# functions in M2Crypto -- I even grepped the entire source code of M2Crypto, and

# neither of the following functions are present in it:

# Step 7: X509_STORE_CTX_set_cert - Tell the context which certificate to validate.

# Step 8: X509_verify_cert - Finally, validate it


请注意,我正在使用证书加密/解密FILES,所以我不喜欢使用基于SSL连接的对等证书验证(其中有already been answered),因为我没有任何SSL连接.


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