Lab 6 C重写Lab1-5
使用高级编程语言(例如C / C++)来实现以前编写的所有代码。请注意,该算法需要与之前使用的算法一致
- 明确禁止使用LC3不直接支持的
等操作及等效库函数; - 可以使用
; - 可以使用
for 、 while 、do while 、if 、continue 、break、switch case
; - 可以定义不违反上述规则的帮助功能。
several examples:
lab1:counting how many 1
int16_t lab1(int16_t a, int16_t b) {// initializeint16_t res = 0, ptr = 1;// calculationwhile(b--){if(a&ptr)res++;ptr += ptr ;}// return valuereturn res;
lab2:a variant of the fibonacci sequence
int16_t lab2(int16_t p, int16_t q, int16_t n) {// initializeint16_t R1 = p-1, R2 = q, R3 = n-2;int16_t R0 = 1, R4 = 1, R5 = -q, R6 = 1;// R0: F(n-2)%p R4:F(n-1) R6:F(n-1)%q// R1: p-1 R2:q R3:n R5:-q// calculationmod:R6 += R0;R3 -= 1;if(R3 < 0) return R6;R0 = R4 & R1;R4 = R6;re:R6 += R5;if(R6>=0) goto re;R6 += R2;goto mod;// return value
lab3: longest duplicate substring
int16_t lab3(int16_t n, char s[]) {// initializeint16_t res = 1,temp = res;// calculationfor(int i = 0,j = 1; j <= n; i++,j++ ){if(s[i] == s[j])res++;else{if(res > temp) temp = res;res = 1;}}// return valueif(temp>res) return temp;else return res;
lab4:sort and count
void lab4(int16_t score[], int16_t *a, int16_t *b) {// initialize(*a) =0, (*b) = 0;int16_t temp;//冒泡排序for(int i = 1; i <=15; i++) {for (int j = 0; j <= 15 - i; j++) {if (score[j] > score[j + 1]) {temp = score[j];score[j] = score[j + 1];score[j + 1] = temp;}}}for(int i = 12; i <=15; i++){if (score[i] >= 85)(*a)++;else if (score[i] >= 75)(*b)++;}for(int i = 8; i<=11 ;i++)if(score[i] >= 75)(*b)++;
lab3中 res应该要重新设置为1,一开始设置为0导致每个的结果都少了1
else{if(res > temp) temp = res;res = 1;}
lab4中,由于传入的参数类型为指针类型int16_t *a, int16_t *b
,所以后面对其的操作应该要使用(*a) (*b)
int16_t lab1(int16_t a, int16_t b) {// initializeint16_t res = 0, ptr = 1;// calculationwhile(b--){if(a&ptr)res++;ptr += ptr ;}// return valuereturn res;
}int16_t lab2(int16_t p, int16_t q, int16_t n) {// initializeint16_t R1 = p-1, R2 = q, R3 = n-2;int16_t R0 = 1, R4 = 1, R5 = -q, R6 = 1;// R0: F(n-2)%p R4:F(n-1) R6:F(n-1)%q// R1: p-1 R2:q R3:n R5:-q// calculationmod:R6 += R0;R3 -= 1;if(R3 < 0) return R6;R0 = R4 & R1;R4 = R6;re:R6 += R5;if(R6>=0) goto re;R6 += R2;goto mod;// return value
}int16_t lab3(int16_t n, char s[]) {// initializeint16_t res = 1,temp = res;// calculationfor(int i = 0,j = 1; j <= n; i++,j++ ){if(s[i] == s[j])res++;else{if(res > temp) temp = res;res = 1;}}// return valueif(temp>res) return temp;else return res;
}void lab4(int16_t score[], int16_t *a, int16_t *b) {// initialize(*a) =0, (*b) = 0;int16_t temp;//冒泡排序for(int i = 1; i <=15; i++) {for (int j = 0; j <= 15 - i; j++) {if (score[j] > score[j + 1]) {temp = score[j];score[j] = score[j + 1];score[j + 1] = temp;}}}for(int i = 12; i <=15; i++){if (score[i] >= 85)(*a)++;else if (score[i] >= 75)(*b)++;}for(int i = 8; i<=11 ;i++)if(score[i] >= 75)(*b)++;// calculation// return value
What is the difference between programming in a high-level language andprogramming in LC3 assembly language?
高级语言可读性强,对程序员友好,提供的功能更全面更强大,适合编写较大的项目以及程序,但运行效率可能较低,而汇编语言可读性差,编写工程量大的代码时十分费劲,指令也很多而繁琐,许多细节都要程序员自己手动配置,对程序员不友好,但执行效率高 -
What instructions do you think need to be added to LC3? (Hint: You can thinkabout the previous labs and what instructions could be added to greatly simplifythe previous programming)
乘法指令和除法指令,这两个指令都需要通过循环以及其他各种指令来实现,如果多次用到那么程序会很臃肿并且写起来很麻烦,所以添加这个指令比较重要 -
Is there anything you need to learn from LC3 for the high-level language you use?