第 37 天: 十字链表
package datastructures.graph;/*** ClassName: OrthogonalList* Package: datastructures.graph* Description: Orthogonal List for directed graph.** @Author: luv_x_c* @Create: 2023/5/28 14:53*/
public class OrthogonalList {/*** An inner class for adjacent list.*/static class OrthogonalNode {/*** The row index.*/int row;/*** The column index.*/int column;/*** The next out node.*/OrthogonalNode nextOut;/*** The next in node.*/OrthogonalNode nextIn;/*** The first constructor.** @param paraRow The row.* @param paraColumn The column.*/public OrthogonalNode(int paraRow, int paraColumn) {row = paraRow;column = paraColumn;nextIn = null;nextOut = null;}// Of OrthogonalNode}// Of class OrthogonalNode/*** The number of nodes.*/int numNodes;/*** The headers for each row.*/OrthogonalNode[] headers;/*** The first constructor.** @param paraMatrix The matrix indicting the graph.*/public OrthogonalList(int[][] paraMatrix) {numNodes = paraMatrix.length;// Step1. Initialize. The data in the headers are not meaningful.OrthogonalNode tempPreciousNode, tempNode;headers = new OrthogonalNode[numNodes];// Step2. Link to its out nodes.for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {headers[i] = new OrthogonalNode(i, -1);tempPreciousNode = headers[i];for (int j = 0; j < numNodes; j++) {if (paraMatrix[i][j] == 0) {continue;}// Of if// Create a new node.tempNode = new OrthogonalNode(i, j);// Link.tempPreciousNode.nextOut = tempNode;tempPreciousNode = tempNode;}// Of for j}// Of for i// Step3. Link to its in nodes.OrthogonalNode[] tempColumnNodes = new OrthogonalNode[numNodes];System.arraycopy(headers, 0, tempColumnNodes, 0, numNodes);for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {tempNode = headers[i].nextOut;while ((tempNode != null)) {tempColumnNodes[tempNode.column].nextIn = tempNode;tempColumnNodes[tempNode.column] = tempNode;tempNode = tempNode.nextOut;}// Of while}// Of for i}// Of the first constructor@Overridepublic String toString() {String resultString = "Out arcs: ";OrthogonalNode tempNode;for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {tempNode = headers[i].nextOut;while (tempNode != null) {resultString += " (" + tempNode.row + ", " + tempNode.column + ")";tempNode = tempNode.nextOut;}// Of whileresultString += "\r\n";}// Of for iresultString += "\r\nIn arcs: ";for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {tempNode = headers[i].nextIn;while (tempNode != null) {resultString += " (" + tempNode.row + ", " + tempNode.column + ")";tempNode = tempNode.nextIn;}// Of whileresultString += "\r\n";}// Of for ireturn resultString;}// Of toString/*** The entrance of the program.** @param args Not used now.*/public static void main(String[] args) {int[][] tempMatrix = {{0, 1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 1}, {1, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 1, 0}};OrthogonalList tempList = new OrthogonalList(tempMatrix);System.out.println("The data are:\r\n" + tempList);}// Of main
}// Of class OrthogonalList
for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {tempNode = headers[i].nextOut;while ((tempNode != null)) {tempColumnNodes[tempNode.column].nextIn = tempNode;tempColumnNodes[tempNode.column] = tempNode;tempNode = tempNode.nextOut;}// Of while}// Of for i
tempNode = headers[i].nextOut
while (tempNode != null)
tempColumnNodes[tempNode.column].nextIn = tempNode
tempColumnNodes[tempNode.column] = tempNode
tempNode = tempNode.nextOut