
news/2024/12/13 2:39:46/

0 创建测试用户

create user soctt identified by 11;
grant dba to scott;create user one identified by 11;

1 角色role

-- 查询所有角色, connect/resource/dba比较常见
select * from dba_roles;	-- 不存在user_roles和all_roles-- grantee-role: dba
select * from user_role_privs;
select * from dba_role_privs where grantee = 'SCOTT';-- 此时还没有role
select * from dba_role_privs where grantee = 'ONE';

2 权限privilege

  • system_privilege和table_privilege
-- [create | alter | drop ..] any [table |view | index | trigger | procedure..]
-- [select | update | detele] and table
select * from system_privilege_map order by name;	-- 系统权限共208个-- create alter select update delete execute ...
select * from table_privilege_map;	-- 对象权限共26个-- 角色的系统权限和对象权限
select * from role_sys_privileges;
select * from role_tab_privileges;
  • 授予、回收系统权限(user_sys_privs)
-- 下面使用scott管理one的权限
-- 报错:user ONE lacks CREATE SESSION privilege; logon denied
sqlplus one/22		-- 没有创建会话的权限grant create session to one;	-- sqlplus可登录
revoke create session from one;-- 报错:权限不足
create table t1 ...grant create table to one;-- 报错:对表空间'SYSTEM'无权限
create table t1 ...-- select/update/delete都正常
grant UNLIMITED TABLESPACE to one;	-- create table t1 ...正常-- 权限:create session, create table, unlimited tablespace
select * from user_sys_privs;
select * from dba_sys_privs where grantee = 'ONE';select * from dba_sys_privs where grantee = 'DBA' order by privilege;
  • 授予、回收对象权限(user_tab_privs)
grant select, update on scott.t1 to one;
revoke update from scott.t1 from one;-- one可在scott.t1执行select/update
select * from scott.t1;		-- one-- {grantee, owner, table_name, grantor, privilege}
select * from user_tab_privs;	--  scott-- grantor/grantee分别是授予/被授予权限的用户
select * from dba_tab_privs where grantor = 'SCOTT';
select * from all_tab_privs where grantee = 'ONE';




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