
news/2024/10/19 6:49:11/


Wearable — a trend catching up among the people of Indonesia. Apple tops this market with leading 35% of users worldwide. And in Indonesia, Apple is the third most popular brand.

可穿戴-印度尼西亚人民正在追赶潮流。 苹果在全球35%的用户中领先于该市场。 在印度尼西亚,苹果是第三大最受欢迎的品牌。

At Tokopedia, we have a culture of focusing on consumers, and following one of the DNA — Growth MindSet, we decided to explore this form factor too.

在Tokopedia,我们有一种以消费者为关注焦点的文化,并且遵循一种DNA — Growth MindSet,我们决定也探索这种外形。

让我们开始 (Let’s Begin)

Tokopedia Mobile apps are packed with the power of many features. I’ll be honest here, we were excited and a bit greedy 🙈 to ship many useful things in our very first Apple Watch app. Our beloved users know that we do a lot of gamification to make earning rewards and discounts fun. We thought of building those in here. But real soon we realized, it is not what the customer would like. They would like to have something quick, something important on the computer tied on their wrists and the ease in doing that.

Tokopedia Mobile应用程序具有许多功能。 我会在这里说实话,我们很兴奋,也有点贪心🙈在我们的第一个Apple Watch应用程序中发布了许多有用的东西。 我们心爱的用户知道,我们做了很多游戏化工作,以使赚取的奖励和折扣变得有趣。 我们想到了在这里建造那些。 但是我们很快意识到,这不是客户想要的。 他们希望快速地完成一些事情,将重要事情绑在手腕上,并且操作起来很轻松。

锤击范围 (Hammering down the scope)

Still, there were many things that we can build but now it wasn’t like we want to build. It was more like what the users would want us to build.

尽管如此,我们仍然可以构建许多东西,但是现在我们还不想构建。 它更像是用户希望我们构建的。

Our developers think tank was busy thinking about the features that can be super relevant and in parallel we started to work on a POC. A proof of concept around one tiny but super relevant use-case — Order Tracking. Here was the result of that effort.

我们的开发人员认为Tank忙于思考可能具有高度相关性的功能,与此同时,我们开始在POC上进行工作。 围绕一个微小而又非常相关的用例( 订单跟踪)的概念证明。 这是该努力的结果。

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Order Listing — First Draft

We were also able to narrow down to the features, we would like to ship with the first versions to the users.- Search Product — With keywords - Wishlist — User’s wishlist. Request guest user to login to see. - Product Details — PDP with minimal details from SRP and Wishlist- Orders List — User’s orders. Request guest user to login to see.- Order Details — Order page with minimal details.- Profile section — Visible only for logged in users

我们还可以缩小功能范围,我们希望将第一个版本提供给用户。-搜索产品-带有关键字-愿望清单-用户的愿望清单。 要求访客用户登录以查看。 -产品详细信息-PDP,包括来自SRP和愿望清单的最少详细信息-订单列表-用户的订单。 要求访客用户登录以查看。-订单详细信息-最少详细信息的订购页面。-个人资料部分-仅对已登录用户可见

解决的障碍 (Hurdles which were tackled)

Xcodegen. When we were done with our POC, we tried to integrate the code base with our main app project. I have mentioned earlier, our app is super packed with loads of features. So the main app project is big and we use Xcodegen for generating our iOS project. Though as documented, it supports watch extension but still, we saw a few hurdles causing issues in the connection between the extension and host (main) app. We learned that the support needs to be provided for BuildableProductRunnable in the watch scheme file. Soon with some debugging, some modification in extension, we sorted that out.

Xcodegen。 当我们完成POC时,我们尝试将代码库与主应用程序项目集成。 我之前已经提到过,我们的应用程序包含了很多功能。 因此,主应用程序项目很大,我们使用Xcodegen 用于生成我们的iOS项目。 尽管已记录,但它支持手表扩展,但仍然看到一些障碍,导致扩展与主机(主)应用之间的连接出现问题。 我们了解到需要为BuildableProductRunnable提供支持 在监视方案文件中。 不久,通过一些调试,对扩展进行了一些修改,我们进行了整理。

Bazel. Sometime back, our project used to take a lot of time to get build. But that is a thing of the past after we got saved by Bazel. Now the build is a lot faster than before but we knew, this could cause another hurdle. When we talked about it with the Bazel team they suggested updating it. We did some changes in Bazel to support Objective-C (just 3% of our codebase) completely. Which made it a bit difficult to update Bazel. However, our brilliant team of PEs cherrypicked the changes and did what was needed. Now for the connection between extension and main app, a method — wcSession.transferUserInfo which was working earlier stopped working. However a little bit of googling led us to use this instead wcSession.sendMessage. Voila! it is working now

淡褐色 有时回来, 乌尔项目中使用采取了很多的时间去积累。 但是,在我们被Bazel 救出之后, 这已经成为过去。 现在构建速度比以前快了很多,但是我们知道,这可能会导致另一个障碍。 当我们与Bazel团队讨论此问题时,他们建议对其进行更新。 我们对Bazel进行了一些更改,以完全支持Objective-C(仅占代码库的3%)。 这使得更新Bazel有点困难。 但是,我们出色的PE团队精心挑选了变化并做了所需的工作。 现在,对于扩展程序和主应用程序之间的连接,以前工作的方法— wcSession.transferUserInfo停止了工作。 但是,由于使用了一些谷歌搜索功能,因此我们改用了wcSession.sendMessage瞧! 现在正在工作

因祸得福 (Blessing in Disguise)

Till now, we were working on it as a side project and we used to spare some time from our engineering bandwidth. But it wasn’t enough. Then we heard that we are going to have a day full of engineering initiatives in our team — a whole 24 hrs Hackathon, right before the weekend, 😉 IYKWIM. Few were working on some deep engineering problems, some were picking some awesome innovations on the platform, some brainstormed and worked on their own ideas. Many of those are successfully live in the production app. A tiny detour, now back to us. We invested around 50 hours in our extension. We started at this —

到现在为止,我们一直在作为一个辅助项目进行这项工作,过去我们常常在工程带宽上浪费一些时间。 但这还不够。 然后,我们听说我们的团队将进行为期一天的工程活动-整整24小时的黑客马拉松比赛,就在周末之前,😉IYKWIM。 很少有人在解决一些深层次的工程问题,有些人在平台上选择了一些很棒的创新,有些人集思广益,并按照自己的想法进行工作。 其中许多成功地在生产应用程序中运行。 绕道而行,现在回到我们身边。 我们在扩展中投入了大约50个小时。 我们从这里开始

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We were sure and committed that, after these couple of days this extension has to be done and production-ready. That way, we can finish our work on watch and win the Ship-It award too 🤓, maybe, who knows 🤞🏼. So the Initial 5–7 hours, we didn’t write a single line of code, we were drawing the designs covering the important information for the pages to keep it concise and to the point and the color scheme. And after the hackathon, here we are.

我们确信并承诺,在这几天之后,必须完成此扩展并准备好进行生产。 这样,我们就可以完成观察工作,也可以赢得Ship-It奖🤓,也许知道。 因此,在最初的5到7个小时内,我们没有编写任何代码,而是绘制了涵盖页面重要信息的设计,以使其简洁明了,并指向重点和配色方案。 黑客马拉松之后,我们来了。

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Home Page of the Watch Extension

画龙点睛 (Finishing Touches)

We were done, excited. Shown this to the seniors and fellow engineers. Shared the build to play around this extension and UAT as a byproduct. We limited the shown information on the extension to very important fields only, so a few of the team members noticed that they get into a flow on the extension but after a while, they get blocked. Including more info and steps looked overkill in the extension but still needed by the users.

我们完成了,很兴奋。 展示给年长者和工程师。 共享了构建,以围绕此扩展和UAT作为副产品使用。 我们仅将扩展中显示的信息限制在非常重要的字段中,因此,一些团队成员注意到他们进入了扩展中的流程,但过了一会儿,他们被阻止了。 在扩展中添加更多信息和步骤看起来有些过分,但用户仍然需要。

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Buka di HP
Buka di HP

Here comes Buka di HP (Continuing in Phone). We quickly assembled and prepared this functionality. So if user is on any page and he/she wants to see more, they tap on this button, which is present on almost all the extension screens. This sends a message to the host app.

这是Buka di HP ( 电话继续) 我们Swift组装并准备了此功能。 因此,如果用户在任何页面上并且想要查看更多内容,则可以点击此按钮,该按钮几乎出现在所有扩展屏幕上。 这会将消息发送到主机应用程序。

  • If the user is using the app (in foreground), it asks permission and takes the user to the page accordingly.

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  • If the app is killed state or in the background, it makes use of local notification to let the user decide whether they want to go there now or later.

    如果应用处于命中状态或处于后台 ,则它会利用本地通知让用户决定他们现在是否要去那里。

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然后这件事发生了 (And then this happened)

We released our watch extension to the users. The extension was an instant hit and we were getting good organic traffic. We were thinking about how can we educate our users that now they can have the fun of browsing their favorite product right from their wrists and track order with max ease. We were talking to the communication teams and then this happened and solved for us — Tokopedia in Apple Watch Spotlight. And yes we won the hackathon too 😎.

我们向用户发布了手表扩展名。 该扩展程序立即受到欢迎,我们获得了良好的自然流量。 我们正在考虑如何教育我们的用户,使他们现在可以从他们的手腕上浏览自己喜欢的产品,并最大程度地轻松跟踪订单。 我们正在与沟通团队进行交谈,然后这种情况为我们解决了-Apple Watch Spotlight中的 Tokopedia 是的,我们也赢得了黑客马拉松😎。

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Featured in AppStore

Thank you so much, Aman, and Rajmani for collaborating on this project.Cheers 🍻!!

非常感谢 Aman Rajmani 在这个项目上的合作。 干杯🍻!

翻译自: https://medium.com/tokopedia-engineering/apple-watch-dee2f31131b0




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