L5 U5 电影

news/2025/3/19 19:42:05/

Module 1 谈论你最近看过的电影

1. 电影类型

viewers 观众
action movie 动作片
horror 恐怖片
thriller 惊悚片
happy ending 圆满结局
soundtrack 电影配乐

comedy 喜剧
a romantic comedy
thriller 惊险小说, 惊悚片

romance 富于想像力的故事; 浪漫故事
She's a compulsive reader of romances.

action 趣事, 活力刺激, 精彩的情节
I like films with plenty of action.

science fiction 科幻小说

horror 惊骇, 惊恐
In this section you'll find horror and science fiction.你可以在这一部份找恐怖和科幻小说。

documentary 记录
a television documentary about/on the future of nuclear power 关于未来核能的电视纪录片

western 西部片, 西部小说

2. One作为替换名词

the last one
the first one

A: I really like watching nature documentaries.
B: Yeah, me, too. Have you seen this one?

A: The Hitchcock movie 'Frenzy' is really scary.希区柯克的电影 'Frenzy' 真的很恐怖。
B: Oh, you mean the one with the guy who sells fruit?
A: Yeah, that one!

3. 用 I think that 表达意见

用'think that' 提出观点
用think that 的表达提出观点。
I think that Brad Pitt is a great actor.
I thought that 'Hunger Games' was really good.

A: Do you think that I should watch this horror movie?
B: No, I don't think you should watch it. It's too scary.

A: What did you think of 'Cat Woman'?
B: I thought it was fun, but a bit silly.

What's the last movie you saw? 你看过的上一部电影是什么?
I just saw 'The Dark Knight.'
What did you think about it?
I thought it was terrible.
You thought it was terrible? 你认为不好看吗?
I thought that they did a fantastic job.

Module 2 描述你最爱的电影

1. 电影词汇

soundtrack 电影配乐
stories 故事
characters 角色

Harry Jenkins is an excellent actor.
Kate Ellis is the best actress in Hollywood right now.
Betty Bevis is a big star in the UK.
She plays one of the most interesting characters in the film.
语言点:actor 一词常用作没有性别指向的中性词,男女都能指代。

director 是掌控影片制作的人。你可以使用动词 direct,描述导演所做的事情。
Jenny Lindstrom directed fifteen movies during her long career. She was an incredible director.
Jenny Linstrom 在她漫长的职业过程中拍摄了 15 部电影。她是一位了不起的导演。

The special effects in 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers' are terrible.
Invasion of the Body Snatchers' 的特效很差劲。
I love the costumes in historical dramas. 我喜欢历史题材影片中的服装。
The plot of that horror movie is ridiculous. 恐怖片的情节荒谬可笑。
I love the soundtrack of 'Casablanca.'

'Blade Runner' has amazing special effects.
The director is telling the actors what to do.
The star of the film is Tom Hanks.
Joe was the most interesting character in the film.
Do you understand the plot of 'Kill Bill'?
Great costume! I especially like the hat.

2. One of the 和 some of the

some of the best 最好的其中一些
of all time 总是
one of the saddest 最悲哀的其中之一
of all dramas 在所有的戏剧中

带有'one of the' 和 'some of the' 的表达
用one of the + 最高级 +复数名词表达某物是某一组的以一部分,是无法超越的。
'The Birds' has one of the most exciting plots I've ever seen.

用some of the + 最高级 +复数名词来表达未被超过的一组中的两个或更多个东西。
'Avatar' has some of the best special effects ever.

您可以用诸如of all time 和 ever的表达来加重强调。
Amelie is one of the greatest characters of all time.Amelie是有史以来最伟大的人物之一。
'The Terminator' is one of the coolest movies ever.

This movie had one of the worst plots ever.
That film has some of the best special effects ever.
'Love Story' has one of the worst soundtracks ever.
She is one of the greatest directors of all time. 她是史上最杰出的导演之一。
'Emma' has some of the best costumes of all time.
Marilyn Monroe is one of the biggest stars of all time.

3. 询问和描述电影

some of the best action movie soundtracks
'Indiana Jones' have some of the best action movie soundtracks of all time.

I think it was genius to …
I think it was genius to use classical music in the science-fiction movie '2001'.

'Love Story' has one of the saddest …
'Love Story' has one of the saddest soundtracks of all dramas.

The stories are good.
The characters are great.
There's just never a dull or boring moment.

以下是一些你可以询问影片的常见问题。注意,movie 和 film 所指相同,但 film 更正式一点。
A: What did you think of the film? 你觉得这部影片怎么样?
B: I loved it!

A: How did you like it? 你喜欢它吗?
B: I didn't like it at all! 我一点也不喜欢。

A: How would you describe it? 你要怎么形容它?
B: It's a romantic comedy. 这是一部浪漫喜剧。

A: What's your favorite movie? 你最喜欢哪部电影?
B: My favorite movie is 'Chinatown.'

你可以使用短语 all-time favorite,谈论你最爱的电影。
My all-time favorite movie is 'Casablanca.'

A: What's it about? 它是关于什么的?
B: It's about a boy and his dog.

A: Who directed it? 谁导演的?
B: It was directed by Woody Allen.

A: Who's in it? 里面有谁?
B: It stars Glenda Smith. 主演是 Glenda Smith。

A: How's the acting? 演技怎么样?
B: It's really good.

A: Where does the film take place? 电影在哪发生?
B: It takes place in Paris in 1952.

A: How does it end? 电影是怎么样结尾的?
B: Sheila and Mark get married.

What happens at the end?
Who stars in the movie?
Let's watch it together.
Does it have a good soundtrack?
It's one of the most famous movies ever.
Why is it your favorite movie of all time?

Module 3 选择一部要看的电影

1. 更多电影词汇

shoot 拍摄
bad acting 拙劣的表演
black and white 黑白片
special effects 特效
brilliant 卓越的,优秀的
subtitles 字幕
actress 女演员
original 原创的,新意
westerns 西部片
remake 翻拍,改编

The movie is in French, so there are subtitles. 电影是法语的,所以配有字幕。
Many of the classic movies are in black and white. 许多经典影片都是黑白片。
It's a brilliant remake of the 1980s movie. 这是一部基于 1980 年代影片的优秀翻拍片。
It's a good story, but it isn't very original. 故事情节不错,但缺乏新意。
The acting is very strong, but the plot is weak. 表演很优秀,但情节有所欠缺。
The beginning is slow, but the ending is fantastic. 开头进展缓慢,但结尾非常精彩。

The directing and acting are brilliant.
The plot is difficult to understand.
I love classic films in black and white.
I don't like watching movies with subtitles.
I think this remake is fantastic.
The film is original, with great special effects.

2. 现在时过去时态

Ai Jones + directed + this fantastic film. Ai Jones 执导了这部优秀的影片。

This fantastic film + is directed + by Ai Jones. 这部优秀的影片由 Ai Jones 执导。

The movie is directed by George Lucas. 电影由 George Lucas 导演。
The costumes are designed by Virginia Poole.
服装由 Virginia Poole 设计。
The main character is played by Bruce Willis. 主角由 Bruce Willis 扮演。

The subtitles are translated into five languages. 字幕被翻译成五种语言。

The main character is played by Bruce Willis.
The movie is directed by George Lucas.
The subtitles are translated into five languages.
The costumes are designed by Virginia Poole.

3. 您想看什么呢?

in the mood for 有心情去做某事
A: What are you in the mood for tonight?
B: I'm in the mood for an action movie. What about the new Bond movie? 我想看动作片。那部邦德新片怎么样?

A: Do you feel like seeing a comedy or a romance? 您想看喜剧片还是爱情片?
B: I'd rather see a comedy. I don't really care for romances. 我比较喜欢看喜剧片。我不喜欢爱情片。

I've already seen it, but I'd see it again.
I've heard it's not very good.
The reviews were very negative. 评论都非常负面。
People say it's really fabulous. 大家说非常精彩。

The reviews were very positive.
I've heard it's a great movie!
He doesn't really care for romances.
I've seen it, but I'd see it again.
What are you in the mood to see?
Do you feel like seeing an action movie?

Module 4 写关于一个电影

1. 描述电影的形容词

fun 有趣的
amazing 惊人的
famous 著名的
dreadful 可怕的
the same 一样的
simple 简单的
poor 贫穷的
good against evil 善与恶的交锋
dark 黑色的

2. 过去时被动语态

如果您要把焦点放在一个过去的动作,而不是完成该动作的人,用过去被动式。结构与现在被动式相同,除了助动词be 用过去式而不是现在式。
The special effects were created by 23 people.
The bank manager was shot by the bad guys. 银行经理被坏人开枪击中了。

如果完成了事情的人不重要或未知,by +人从句可以省略。
A: Guess what? The producer was fired. 猜猜怎么着?制片人被解雇了。
B: Why?
A: The actors weren't paid. 演员没收到钱。
B: Oh, no! Was a new producer hired? 不是吧!新制片人请好了吗?

3. 阅读影评


Gene Kelly did a great job in the movie 'Singin' in the Rain'! He's an excellent dancer. Gene Kelly 在影片 'Singin' in the Rain' 中表现非常出色!他舞跳得很好。

作者并没有直接说 Gene Kelly 在影片 'Singin' in the Rain' 有跳舞,但因为两个关于电影和 Gene Kelly 的句子前后相邻,我们可以推断他在电影中跳过舞。

'The Class' is a great movie. It was made in France. 'The Class' 是一部优秀的影片。影片在法国制作。

作者并没有直接说影片 'The Class' 中讲哪种语言,但由于影片在法国制作,我们可以推断它是法语影片。




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