2 goods where goods_id > 0 and cat_id = 40 and is_real = 1 and area in ( ' 000 ' , ' 0514 ' )
3 AND goods_name not like ' %B30(2G)纽曼MP3% ' and goods_name not like ' %IPOD音箱% '
4 and goods_name not like ' %SP-8210 史努比旋风吹风机% ' and goods_name not like ' %zippo打火机150ZL% '
5 and goods_name not like ' %ZIPPO打火机205% ' and goods_name not like ' %zippo打火机280AW陆军空战银章% '
6 and goods_name not like ' %爱国者音箱SP-F021% ' and goods_name not like ' %爱国者音箱SP-F027% '
7 and goods_name not like ' %铂金多用汤锅DFS-T012% ' and goods_name not like ' %不锈钢快速水壶OL-209% '
8 and goods_name not like ' %不锈钢快速水壶OL-215% ' and goods_name not like ' %不锈钢密封碗三件套% '
9 and goods_name not like ' %彩棉浴巾% ' and goods_name not like ' %超人电吹风SB80% '
10 and goods_name not like ' %超人电须刀SA35% ' and goods_name not like ' %超人电须刀SA850% '
11 and goods_name not like ' %超人电熨斗SY570% ' and goods_name not like ' %超人毛球修剪器SR2855% '
12 and goods_name not like ' %超人剃须刀SA2701% ' and goods_name not like ' %超人拓威干鞋机TH151% '
13 and goods_name not like ' %厨具十八件套CQG1518% ' and goods_name not like ' %春笑牌USB蓝鲸电暖手鼠标垫% '
14 and goods_name not like ' %春笑牌USB维尼熊电暖手鼠标垫% ' and goods_name not like ' %春笑牌USB喜洋洋电暖手鼠标垫% '
15 and goods_name not like ' %德世朗多功能蒸煮锅% ' and goods_name not like ' %迪士尼保温泡菜壶% '
16 and goods_name not like ' %迪士尼抽真空保温杯% ' and goods_name not like ' %迪士尼幸运草随手杯% '
17 and goods_name not like ' %冬暖复合被% ' and goods_name not like ' %都彭牛皮皮带8818C289% '
18 and goods_name not like ' %都彭牛皮皮带8881C055% ' and goods_name not like ' %都彭牛皮钥匙包8855B020-4% '
19 and goods_name not like ' %哆啦A梦便利收纳箱% ' and goods_name not like ' %哆啦A梦大容量真空保温杯% '
20 and goods_name not like ' %哆啦A梦红酒瓶雨伞(黄)% ' and goods_name not like ' %哆啦A梦时尚套装礼盒DM-2319% '
21 and goods_name not like ' %果缤纷(刀具套装)% ' and goods_name not like ' %韩式调料缸三件套(22*24*26)% '
22 and goods_name not like ' %好帮手淘米器% ' and goods_name not like ' %红厨铝合金煎盘YN0351% '
23 and goods_name not like ' %吉旺1厘无磁钢柄五件套装7162% '
24 and goods_name not like ' %吉旺3厘木纹6件套7191% ' and goods_name not like ' %康戈 蒸好(微波炉专用小蒸煲)CQG2004% '
25 and goods_name not like ' %康戈SURE不锈钢保温杯% ' and goods_name not like ' %康戈秤心如意厨房秤% '
26 and goods_name not like ' %康戈情侣密封罐CQG5001% ' and goods_name not like ' %康戈钛真空保温杯CQG4000% '
27 and goods_name not like ' %康戈蒸好(微波炉专用小蒸煲)CQG2004% '
28 and goods_name not like ' %康戈智能卡路里电子跳绳% ' and goods_name not like ' %乐扣茶杯HPL934M% '
29 and goods_name not like ' %乐扣乐扣四方型保鲜盒HPL809F% ' and goods_name not like ' %乐扣乐扣圆型保鲜盒HPL933% '
30 and goods_name not like ' %乐仕菲斯贝贝乐保温提盒RSC1000K% '
31 and goods_name not like ' %乐仕菲斯单柄奶锅RS1600K% ' and goods_name not like ' %乐仕菲斯优乐套装锅RS201T% '
32 and goods_name not like ' %绿波仙子(补铁绿彩套锅)% '
33 and goods_name not like ' %欧莱斯特304不锈钢无缝内胆水壶OL-818橙色% '
34 and goods_name not like ' %欧莱斯特304不锈钢无缝内胆水壶QL-818% '
35 and goods_name not like ' %欧然电水壶CR-1130% ' and goods_name not like ' %日式环保包袋组合(折叠环保包+爱心便当包)% '
36 and goods_name not like ' %三洋SANYO 煮蛋器 JH702A% '
37 and goods_name not like ' %三洋SANYO煮蛋器JH702A% ' and goods_name not like ' %三洋电吹风DH-JH104% '
38 and goods_name not like ' %三洋电吹风HD-JH101A% '
39 and goods_name not like ' %三洋电吹风HD-JH104% ' and goods_name not like ' %三洋电熨斗A-JH102M% '
40 and goods_name not like ' %三洋加湿器CFK-JH6013% '
41 and goods_name not like ' %膳之厨多功能锅CJ-096% ' and goods_name not like ' %膳之厨锅具两件套CJ-960% '
42 and goods_name not like ' %膳之厨时尚三件套CJ-3683% ' and goods_name not like ' %圣德保罗工具套装SD-007-C% '
43 and goods_name not like ' %十八子作高级不锈钢家用剪WJJ-01% ' and goods_name not like ' %十八子作开瓶器SC-02% '
44 and goods_name not like ' %十八子作雅刃六件套刀S2902% ' and goods_name not like ' %十八子作银盈快刃斩切刀S2504-A% '
45 and goods_name not like ' %时尚折叠凳% ' and goods_name not like ' %史努比故事保鲜盒组SP-A123% '
46 and goods_name not like ' %史努比故事水杯SP-A317% ' and goods_name not like ' %史努比酷狗健康称SP-H201% '
47 and goods_name not like ' %史努比酷炫多功能杯SP-A105% ' and goods_name not like ' %史努比亲亲四入冷水壶SP-A203% '
48 and goods_name not like ' %史努比清凉小冰杯SP-A112% '
49 and goods_name not like ' %史努比提手杯% ' and goods_name not like ' %史努比幸福双层饭盒SP-C103% '
50 and goods_name not like ' %史努比紫洋保温杯SP-A602% ' and goods_name not like ' %天飞伞3007% '
51 and goods_name not like ' %天堂10302E国色天香伞% ' and goods_name not like ' %天堂苏印丝伞% '
52 and goods_name not like ' %西铁城电子体温计CT513W% ' and goods_name not like ' %香山牌电子健康秤EB9003L% '
53 and goods_name not like ' %香山牌机械健康秤BR2017B% ' and goods_name not like ' %小天子钢柄八件套刀A-019% '
54 and goods_name not like ' %伊莱特3L电饭煲CFXB30-J31A% ' and goods_name not like ' %宜剪美% '
55 and goods_name not like ' %羽梦情缘被套(简装)% ' and goods_name not like ' %羽梦情缘床单(简装)% '
56 and goods_name not like ' %羽梦情缘枕套(简装)% ' and goods_name not like ' %雨花丝绒毯% '
57 and goods_name not like ' %蒸功夫蒸汤两用锅% ' and goods_name not like ' %竹纤维被% ' and goods_name not like ' %竹纤维浴巾% '
58 and goods_name not like ' %红厨 32cm炫雅雪花不沾炒锅YN0304% ' and goods_name not like ' %春笑牌烘鞋器(大)% '
59 and goods_name not like ' %欧然不锈钢快速电水壶CR-1181 1.2L% ' and goods_name not like ' %春笑牌烘鞋器(小)% '
60 and goods_name not like ' %史努比紫洋保温杯 SP-A602% ' and goods_name not like ' %欧然不锈钢快速电水壶CR-1120 0.8L% '
61 and goods_id not in
62 ( select top 16 goods_id from goods where goods_id > 0 and cat_id = 40 and is_real = 1 and area in ( ' 000 ' , ' 0514 ' )
63 and goods_name not like ' %B30(2G)纽曼MP3% ' and goods_name not like ' %IPOD音箱% '
64 and goods_name not like ' %SP-8210 史努比旋风吹风机% ' and goods_name not like ' %zippo打火机150ZL% '
65 and goods_name not like ' %ZIPPO打火机205% ' and goods_name not like ' %zippo打火机280AW陆军空战银章% '
66 and goods_name not like ' %爱国者音箱SP-F021% ' and goods_name not like ' %爱国者音箱SP-F027% '
67 and goods_name not like ' %铂金多用汤锅DFS-T012% ' and goods_name not like ' %不锈钢快速水壶OL-209% '
68 and goods_name not like ' %不锈钢快速水壶OL-215% ' and goods_name not like ' %不锈钢密封碗三件套% '
69 and goods_name not like ' %彩棉浴巾% ' and goods_name not like ' %超人电吹风SB80% '
70 and goods_name not like ' %超人电须刀SA35% ' and goods_name not like ' %超人电须刀SA850% '
71 and goods_name not like ' %超人电熨斗SY570% ' and goods_name not like ' %超人毛球修剪器SR2855% '
72 and goods_name not like ' %超人剃须刀SA2701% ' and goods_name not like ' %超人拓威干鞋机TH151% '
73 and goods_name not like ' %厨具十八件套CQG1518% ' and goods_name not like ' %春笑牌USB蓝鲸电暖手鼠标垫% '
74 and goods_name not like ' %春笑牌USB维尼熊电暖手鼠标垫% ' and goods_name not like ' %春笑牌USB喜洋洋电暖手鼠标垫% '
75 and goods_name not like ' %德世朗多功能蒸煮锅% ' and goods_name not like ' %迪士尼保温泡菜壶% '
76 and goods_name not like ' %迪士尼抽真空保温杯% ' and goods_name not like ' %迪士尼幸运草随手杯% '
77 and goods_name not like ' %冬暖复合被% ' and goods_name not like ' %都彭牛皮皮带8818C289% '
78 and goods_name not like ' %都彭牛皮皮带8881C055% ' and goods_name not like ' %都彭牛皮钥匙包8855B020-4% '
79 and goods_name not like ' %哆啦A梦便利收纳箱% ' and goods_name not like ' %哆啦A梦大容量真空保温杯% '
80 and goods_name not like ' %哆啦A梦红酒瓶雨伞(黄)% ' and goods_name not like ' %哆啦A梦时尚套装礼盒DM-2319% '
81 and goods_name not like ' %果缤纷(刀具套装)% ' and goods_name not like ' %韩式调料缸三件套(22*24*26)% '
82 and goods_name not like ' %好帮手淘米器% ' and goods_name not like ' %红厨铝合金煎盘YN0351% '
83 and goods_name not like ' %吉旺1厘无磁钢柄五件套装7162% ' and goods_name not like ' %吉旺3厘木纹6件套7191% '
84 and goods_name not like ' %康戈 蒸好(微波炉专用小蒸煲)CQG2004% ' and goods_name not like ' %康戈SURE不锈钢保温杯% '
85 and goods_name not like ' %康戈秤心如意厨房秤% ' and goods_name not like ' %康戈情侣密封罐CQG5001% '
86 and goods_name not like ' %康戈钛真空保温杯CQG4000% '
87 and goods_name not like ' %康戈蒸好(微波炉专用小蒸煲)CQG2004% ' and goods_name not like ' %康戈智能卡路里电子跳绳% '
88 and goods_name not like ' %乐扣茶杯HPL934M% ' and goods_name not like ' %乐扣乐扣四方型保鲜盒HPL809F% '
89 and goods_name not like ' %乐扣乐扣圆型保鲜盒HPL933% ' and goods_name not like ' %乐仕菲斯贝贝乐保温提盒RSC1000K% '
90 and goods_name not like ' %乐仕菲斯单柄奶锅RS1600K% ' and goods_name not like ' %乐仕菲斯优乐套装锅RS201T% '
91 and goods_name not like ' %绿波仙子(补铁绿彩套锅)% ' and goods_name not like ' %欧莱斯特304不锈钢无缝内胆水壶OL-818橙色% '
92 and goods_name not like ' %欧莱斯特304不锈钢无缝内胆水壶QL-818% ' and goods_name not like ' %欧然电水壶CR-1130% '
93 and goods_name not like ' %日式环保包袋组合(折叠环保包+爱心便当包)% '
94 and goods_name not like ' %三洋SANYO 煮蛋器 JH702A% ' and goods_name not like ' %三洋SANYO煮蛋器JH702A% '
95 and goods_name not like ' %三洋电吹风DH-JH104% ' and goods_name not like ' %三洋电吹风HD-JH101A% '
96 and goods_name not like ' %三洋电吹风HD-JH104% ' and goods_name not like ' %三洋电熨斗A-JH102M% '
97 and goods_name not like ' %三洋加湿器CFK-JH6013% ' and goods_name not like ' %膳之厨多功能锅CJ-096% '
98 and goods_name not like ' %膳之厨锅具两件套CJ-960% ' and goods_name not like ' %膳之厨时尚三件套CJ-3683% '
99 and goods_name not like ' %圣德保罗工具套装SD-007-C% ' and goods_name not like ' %十八子作高级不锈钢家用剪WJJ-01% '
100 and goods_name not like ' %十八子作开瓶器SC-02% ' and goods_name not like ' %十八子作雅刃六件套刀S2902% '
101 and goods_name not like ' %十八子作银盈快刃斩切刀S2504-A% ' and goods_name not like ' %时尚折叠凳% '
102 and goods_name not like ' %史努比故事保鲜盒组SP-A123% ' and goods_name not like ' %史努比故事水杯SP-A317% '
103 and goods_name not like ' %史努比酷狗健康称SP-H201% ' and goods_name not like ' %史努比酷炫多功能杯SP-A105% '
104 and goods_name not like ' %史努比亲亲四入冷水壶SP-A203% ' and goods_name not like ' %史努比清凉小冰杯SP-A112% '
105 and goods_name not like ' %史努比提手杯% ' and goods_name not like ' %史努比幸福双层饭盒SP-C103% '
106 and goods_name not like ' %史努比紫洋保温杯SP-A602% ' and goods_name not like ' %天飞伞3007% '
107 and goods_name not like ' %天堂10302E国色天香伞% ' and goods_name not like ' %天堂苏印丝伞% '
108 and goods_name not like ' %西铁城电子体温计CT513W% ' and goods_name not like ' %香山牌电子健康秤EB9003L% '
109 and goods_name not like ' %香山牌机械健康秤BR2017B% ' and goods_name not like ' %小天子钢柄八件套刀A-019% '
110 and goods_name not like ' %伊莱特3L电饭煲CFXB30-J31A% ' and goods_name not like ' %宜剪美% '
111 and goods_name not like ' %羽梦情缘被套(简装)% ' and goods_name not like ' %羽梦情缘床单(简装)% '
112 and goods_name not like ' %羽梦情缘枕套(简装)% ' and goods_name not like ' %雨花丝绒毯% '
113 and goods_name not like ' %蒸功夫蒸汤两用锅% ' and goods_name not like ' %竹纤维被% ' and goods_name not like ' %竹纤维浴巾% '
114 and goods_name not like ' %红厨 32cm炫雅雪花不沾炒锅YN0304% '
115 and goods_name not like ' %春笑牌烘鞋器(大)% ' and goods_name not like ' %欧然不锈钢快速电水壶CR-1181 1.2L% '
116 and goods_name not like ' %春笑牌烘鞋器(小)% ' and goods_name not like ' %史努比紫洋保温杯 SP-A602% '
117 and goods_name not like ' %欧然不锈钢快速电水壶CR-1120 0.8L% ' order by suppliertabid) order by suppliertabid
全是not like,排序写了两次(order by suppliertabid),还有一个条件,重复写了两次(goods_id>0 and cat_id=40 and is_real=1 and area in('000','0514'))。
然后又仔细看了下 OMG ,LDGAGA,这个 nd goods_id not in (条件),重复上面where条件了,这个这个,当我没说,一个程序能干出来这样的事,我就不发表意见了。
然后我就想给优化下,排序重复了去掉一个,现在暂时不先考虑NOT LIKE,还有 goods_id>0 and cat_id=40 and is_real=1 and area in('000','0514')也重复了,去掉一个。
去掉子条件里面的。现在执行在毫秒级别。and goods_id not in ()这样写没有什么意义,去掉。这样少了一半的代码啊。继续改,where 条件改成where goods_id>0 and cat_id=40 and is_real=1 and area in('000','0514') and
goods where goods_id > 0 and cat_id = 40 and is_real = 1 and area in ( ' 000 ' , ' 0514 ' ) and
goods_id not in (
select top 16 goods_id from goods where
goods_name not like ' %SP-8210 史努比旋风吹风机% ' and goods_name not like ' %zippo打火机150ZL% '
and goods_name not like ' %ZIPPO打火机205% ' and goods_name not like ' %zippo打火机280AW陆军空战银章% '
and goods_name not like ' %爱国者音箱SP-F021% ' and goods_name not like ' %爱国者音箱SP-F027% '
and goods_name not like ' %铂金多用汤锅DFS-T012% ' and goods_name not like ' %不锈钢快速水壶OL-209% '
and goods_name not like ' %不锈钢快速水壶OL-215% ' and goods_name not like ' %不锈钢密封碗三件套% '
and goods_name not like ' %彩棉浴巾% ' and goods_name not like ' %超人电吹风SB80% '
and goods_name not like ' %超人电须刀SA35% ' and goods_name not like ' %超人电须刀SA850% '
and goods_name not like ' %超人电熨斗SY570% ' and goods_name not like ' %超人毛球修剪器SR2855% '
and goods_name not like ' %超人剃须刀SA2701% ' and goods_name not like ' %超人拓威干鞋机TH151% '
and goods_name not like ' %厨具十八件套CQG1518% ' and goods_name not like ' %春笑牌USB蓝鲸电暖手鼠标垫% '
and goods_name not like ' %春笑牌USB维尼熊电暖手鼠标垫% ' and goods_name not like ' %春笑牌USB喜洋洋电暖手鼠标垫% '
and goods_name not like ' %德世朗多功能蒸煮锅% ' and goods_name not like ' %迪士尼保温泡菜壶% '
and goods_name not like ' %迪士尼抽真空保温杯% ' and goods_name not like ' %迪士尼幸运草随手杯% '
and goods_name not like ' %冬暖复合被% ' and goods_name not like ' %都彭牛皮皮带8818C289% '
and goods_name not like ' %都彭牛皮皮带8881C055% ' and goods_name not like ' %都彭牛皮钥匙包8855B020-4% '
and goods_name not like ' %哆啦A梦便利收纳箱% ' and goods_name not like ' %哆啦A梦大容量真空保温杯% '
and goods_name not like ' %哆啦A梦红酒瓶雨伞(黄)% ' and goods_name not like ' %哆啦A梦时尚套装礼盒DM-2319% '
and goods_name not like ' %果缤纷(刀具套装)% ' and goods_name not like ' %韩式调料缸三件套(22*24*26)% '
and goods_name not like ' %好帮手淘米器% ' and goods_name not like ' %红厨铝合金煎盘YN0351% '
and goods_name not like ' %吉旺1厘无磁钢柄五件套装7162% ' and goods_name not like ' %吉旺3厘木纹6件套7191% '
and goods_name not like ' %康戈 蒸好(微波炉专用小蒸煲)CQG2004% ' and goods_name not like ' %康戈SURE不锈钢保温杯% '
and goods_name not like ' %康戈秤心如意厨房秤% ' and goods_name not like ' %康戈情侣密封罐CQG5001% '
and goods_name not like ' %康戈钛真空保温杯CQG4000% '
and goods_name not like ' %康戈蒸好(微波炉专用小蒸煲)CQG2004% ' and goods_name not like ' %康戈智能卡路里电子跳绳% '
and goods_name not like ' %乐扣茶杯HPL934M% ' and goods_name not like ' %乐扣乐扣四方型保鲜盒HPL809F% '
and goods_name not like ' %乐扣乐扣圆型保鲜盒HPL933% ' and goods_name not like ' %乐仕菲斯贝贝乐保温提盒RSC1000K% '
and goods_name not like ' %乐仕菲斯单柄奶锅RS1600K% ' and goods_name not like ' %乐仕菲斯优乐套装锅RS201T% '
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这样就完整了吗?NO NO NO。
继续优化,这还怎么优化,当然能了,现在查的是商品名字啊,改啊商品ID,不使用NOT LIKE 性能太差了。创建唯一索引,OMG,更加快了。这样是最终效果。任务完成。代码真雷死我了。