第二章:开始学习 C++
//ex2.1--display your name andaddress
#include<iostream>int main(void)
usingnamespace std; cout<<"My name is liao chunguang and I live in hunanchenzhou.\n”;
//ex2.2--convert the furlong units to yard uints-把浪单位换位码单位
#include<iostream> doublefur2yd(double); int main()
usingnamespace std; cout<<"enter the distance measured by furlongunits:"; double fur; cin>>fur; cout<<"convert the furlongto yard"<<endl; double yd; yd=fur2yd(fur);cout<<fur<<" furlong is "<<yd<<" yard"<<endl;return 0;
doublefur2yd(double t)
#include<iostream> voidmice(); void see(); using namespace std; int main()
mice();mice(); see(); see(); return 0;
void mice()
cout<<"threeblind mice"<<endl;
void see()
cout<<"seehow they run"<<endl;
#include<iostream> int main()
using namespace std; cout<<"Enter yourage:"; int age; cin>>age; int month; month=age*12;cout<<age<<" years is "<<month<<"months"<<endl; return 0;
//ex2.5---convert the Celsiusvalve to Fahrenheit value
#include<iostream> doubleC2F(double); int main()
usingnamespace std; cout<<"please enter a Celsius value:"; double C;cin>>C; double F; F=C2F(C); cout<<C<<" degrees Celsiusis "<<F<<" degrees Fahrenheit."<<endl; return0;
doubleC2F(double t)
//ex2.6---convert the light years valve to astronomical units--把光年转换为天文单位
#include<iostream> doubleconvert(double);//函数原型 intmain()
usingnamespace std; cout<<"Enter the number of light years:"; doublelight_years; cin>>light_years; double astro_units;astro_units=convert(light_years); cout<<light_years<<"light_years = "<<astro_units<<" astronomicalunits."<<endl; return 0;
double convert(double t)
return63240*t;//1 光年=63240天文单位
#include<iostream>void show(); main()
usingnamespace std; show(); return 0;
void show()
usingnamespace std; int h,m; cout<<"enter the number of hours:";cin>>h; cout<<"enter the number of minutes:";cin>>m;
#include<iostream> const intinch_per_feet=12;// const 常量--1feet=12inches--1英尺=12 英寸 int main()
usingnamespace std; cout<<"please enter your height ininches:___\b\b\b";// \b 表示为退格字符 int ht_inch;cin>>ht_inch; int ht_feet=ht_inch/inch_per_feet;//取商 intrm_inch=ht_inch%inch_per_feet;//取余 cout<<"your height is"<<ht_feet<<" feet,and "
<<rm_inch<<"inches\n"; return 0;
//ex3.2--计算相应的 bodymass index(体重指数)
#include<iostream> const intinch_per_feet=12; const double meter_per_inch=0.0254; const double pound_per_kilogram=2.2;int main()
using namespace std;cout<<"Please enter your height:"<<endl;cout<<"First,enter your height of feet part(输入你身高的英尺部分):_\b";int ht_feet; cin>>ht_feet;
cout<<"Second,enter yourheight of inch part(输入你身高的英寸部分):_\b";int ht_inch; cin>>ht_inch;
cout<<"Now,pleaseenter your weight in pound:___\b\b\b"; double wt_pound;cin>>wt_pound; int inch; inch=ht_feet*inch_per_feet+ht_inch; doubleht_meter; ht_meter=inch*meter_per_inch; double wt_kilogram;wt_kilogram=wt_pound/pound_per_kilogram; cout<<endl;cout<<"Your pensonal body information as follows:"<<endl;cout<<"身高:"<<inch<<"(英尺 inch)\n"<<"身高:"<<ht_meter<<"(米 meter)\n"
<<"体重:"<<wt_kilogram<<"(千克 kilogram)\n"; double BMI;
cout<<"yourBody Mass Index(体重指数)is "<<BMI<<endl; return 0;
//ex3.3 以度,分,秒输入,以度输出
#include<iostream>const int minutes_per_degree=60; const int seconds_per_minute=60; int main()
usingnamespace std; cout<<"Enter a latitude in degrees,minutes,andseconds:\n"; cout<<"First,enter the degrees:"; int degree;cin>>degree; cout<<"Next,enter the minutes of arc:"; intminute; cin>>minute; cout<<"Fianlly,enter the seconds ofarc:"; int second; cin>>second; double show_in_degree;show_in_degree=(double)degree+(double)minute/minutes_per_degree+(double)second/mi
cout<<degree<<" degrees,"<<minute<<" minutes,"<<second<<"seconds
="<<show_in_degree<<"degrees\n"; return 0;
#include<iostream>const int hours_per_day=24; const int minutes_per_hour=60; const intseconds_per_minute=60; int main()
usingnamespace std; cout<<"Enter the number of seconds:"; longseconds; cin>>seconds; int Day,Hour,Minute,Second;
Minute=seconds/seconds_per_minute%minutes_per_hour;Second=seconds%seconds_per_minute; cout<<seconds<<"seconds = "<<Day<<" days,"<<Hour<<" hours,"<<Minute<<"minutes,"<<Second<<" seconds\n"; return 0;
#include<iostream> int main()
{ using namespace std; cout<<"Enter theworld population:"; long long world_population;cin>>world_population; cout<<"Enter the population of theUS:"; long long US_population; cin>>US_population; double percentage;percentage=(double)US_population/world_population*100; cout<<"Thepopulation of the US is "<<percentage<<"% of the worldpopulation.\n"; return 0;
//ex3.6 汽车耗油量-美国(mpg)or 欧洲风格(L/100Km)
#include<iostream>int main()
using namespace std;cout<<"Enter the miles of distance you have driven:"; doublem_distance; cin>>m_distance;
cout<<"Enter the gallonsof gasoline you have used:"; double m_gasoline; cin>>m_gasoline;
cout<<"Yourcar can run "<<m_distance/m_gasoline<<" miles pergallon\n"; cout<<"Computing by European style:\n";cout<<"Enter the distance in kilometers:"; double k_distance;cin>>k_distance;
cout<<"Enterthe petrol in liters:"; double k_gasoline; cin>>k_gasoline;
cout<<"InEuropean style:"<<"your can used"<<100*k_gasoline/k_distance<<" liters of petrol per 100kilometers\n";
return 0;
//ex3.7 automobile gasoline consumption-耗油量--欧洲风格(L/100Km)转换成美国风格(mpg)
#include<iostream>int main()
usingnamespace std; cout<<"Enter the automobile gasoline consumptionfigure in\n"
<<"Europeanstyle(liters per 100 kilometers):"; double Euro_style; cin>>Euro_style;cout<<"Converts to U.S. style(miles per gallon):"<<endl;cout<<Euro_style<<" L/100Km ="<<62.14*3.875/Euro_style<<" mpg\n"; return 0;
// Notethat 100 kilometers is 62.14 miles, and 1 gallon is 3.875 liters.
//Thus, 19mpg is about 12.4 L/100Km, and 27 mpg is about 8.7 L/100Km.
Enter the automobilegasoline consumption figure in European style(liters per 100 kilometers):12.4Converts to U.S. style(miles per gallon):
12.4 L/100Km =19.4187 mpg
Press any key tocontinue
// ex3.7 automobile gasoline consumption-耗油量--美国风格(mpg)转换成欧洲风格(L/100Km)
#include<iostream>int main()
usingnamespace std;
cout<<"Enterthe automobile gasoline consumption figure in\n"
<<"U.S.style(miles per gallon):"; double US_style; cin>>US_style; cout<<"Convertsto European style(miles per gallon):"<<endl;cout<<US_style<<" mpg = "<<62.14*3.875/US_style<<"L/100Km\n"; return 0;
// Enter theautomobile gasoline consumption figure in
U.S. style(miles pergallon):19
Converts to Europeanstyle(miles per gallon):
19mpg = 12.6733L/100Km Press any key to continue
第四章 复合类型
//ex4.1 display the information ofstudent
#include<iostream> const intAsize=20; using namespace std; struct student//定义结构描述
charfirstname[Asize]; char lastname[Asize]; char grade; int age;
voiddisplay(student);//函数原型放在结构描述后 intmain()
cout<<"whatis your first name?"<<endl;
cin.getline(lcg.firstname,Asize);cout<<"what is your last name?"<<endl;cin.getline(lcg.lastname,Asize); cout<<"what letter grade do youdeserve?"<<endl; cin>>lcg.grade; cout<<"what isyour age?"<<endl; cin>>lcg.age; display(lcg); return 0;
voiddisplay(student name)
//ex4.2 use the string-classinstead of char-array
#include<iostream>#include<string> int main()
usingnamespace std;
stringname,dessert; cout<<"Enter your name: \n"; getline(cin,name);
cout<<"Enteryour favorite dessert: \n"; getline(cin,dessert);
cout<<"I have somedelicious "<<dessert; cout<<" for you,"<<name<<".\n"; return 0;
//有时候会遇到需要按下两次回车键才能正确的显示结果,这是 vc++6.0的一个 BUG,更改如下:else if (_Tr::eq((_E)_C,_D))
{_Chg =true;
_I.rdbuf()->sbumpc();//修改后的 break; }
ex4.3 输入其名和姓,并组合显示
#include<iostream>#include<cstring> const int Asize=20; int main()
usingnamespace std; char fname[Asize]; char lname[Asize]; char fullname[2*Asize+1];
cout<<"Enteryour first name:";//输入名字,存储在 fname[]数组中 cin.getline(fname,Asize);
cout<<"Enteryour last name:";//输入姓,存储在 lname[]数组中 cin.getline(lname,Asize);
strncpy(fullname,lname,Asize);//把姓 lname 复制到 fullname 空数组中 strcat(fullname,", ");//把“, ”附加到上述fullname 尾部 strncat(fullname,fname,Asize);//把 fname 名字附加到上述 fullname 尾部 fullname[2*Asize]='\0';//为防止字符型数组溢出,在数组结尾添加结束符
cout<<"Here'sthe information in a single string:"<<fullname<<endl;//显示组合结果 return 0;
#include <iostream>#include <cstring> const int Asize = 20; intmain()
{ usingnamespace std;char firstname[Asize];char lastname[50];
cout << "Enteryour first name: "; cin.getline(firstname,Asize); cout<< "Enter your last name: ";cin.getline(lastname,50); strcat(lastname,",");strncat(lastname,firstname,Asize); cout << "Here'sthe information in a single string: "
<< lastname<<endl; return 0;
//ex4.4 使用 string对象 存储、显示组合结果
#include<iostream>#include<string> int main()
using namespace std; stringfname,lname,attach,fullname; cout<<"Enter your first name:";getline(cin,fname);//note:将一行输入读取到 string类对象中使用的是 getline(cin,str)
cout<<"Enteryour last name:"; getline(cin,lname); attach=", ";fullname=lname+attach+fname;
cout<<"Here'sthe information in a single string:"<<fullname<<endl; return0;
//ex4.5 declare a struct and initialize it 声明结果并创建一个变量
#include<iostream> const intAsize=20; struct CandyBar
char brand[Asize]; double weight;int calory;
int main()
usingnamespace std;
CandyBarsnack={"Mocha Munch",2.3,350}; cout<<"Here's theinformation of snack:\n";cout<<"brand:"<<snack.brand<<endl;cout<<"weight:"<<snack.weight<<endl; cout<<"calory:"<<snack.calory<<endl;return 0;
//ex4.6 结构数组的声明及初始化
#include<iostream> const intAsize=20; struct CandyBar
char brand[Asize]; double weight;int calory;
int main()
usingnamespace std;
for(inti=0;i<3;i++)//利用 for循环来显示 snack 变量的内容
return 0;
//ex4.7 pizza 披萨饼
#include<iostream>#include<string> const int Size=20; struct pizza//声明结构 {
charcompany[Size]; double diameter; double weight;
int main()
usingnamespace std;
pizzapie;//创建一个名为 pie的结构变量
cout<<"What'sthe name of pizza company:";
cin.getline(pie.company,Size);cout<<"What's the diameter of pizza:"; cin>>pie.diameter;cout<<"What's the weightof pizza:"; cin>>pie.weight; cout<<"company:"<<pie.company<<endl;cout<<"diameter:"<<pie.diameter<<"inches"<<endl;cout<<"weight:"<<pie.weight<<"ounches"<<endl;return 0;
//ex4.8 pizza pie 披萨饼 使用 new创建动态结构
#include<iostream>#include<string> const int Size=20; struct pizza//声明结构
charcompany[Size]; double diameter; double weight;
int main()
usingnamespace std;
pizza *pie=new pizza;//使用 new 创建动态结构 cout<<"What's the diameter of pizza:";cin>>pie->diameter;
cin.get();//读取下一个字符 cout<<"What's the name of pizza company:"; cin.get(pie->company,Size);cout<<"What's the weightof pizza:"; cin>>pie->weight;cout<<"diameter:"<<pie->diameter<<"inches"<<endl;cout<<"company:"<<pie->company<<endl;cout<<"weight:"<<pie->weight<<"ounches"<<endl; delete pie;//delete 释放内存 return 0;
//ex.4.9 使用 new 动态分配数组—方法 1
#include<iostream>#include<string> using namespace std; struct CandyBar
stringbrand; double weight;
int calory;
int main()
CandyBar*snack= new CandyBar[3];
snack[0].brand="A";//单个初始化由 new 动态分配的内存
snack[0].weight=1.1;snack[0].calory=200; snack[1].brand="B"; snack[1].weight=2.2;snack[1].calory=400; snack[2].brand="C"; snack[2].weight=4.4;snack[2].calory=500;
cout<< " brand: " << snack[i].brand << endl; cout<< " weight: " << snack[i].weight << endl; cout<< " calorie: " << snack[i].calory <<endl<<endl;
delete []snack; return 0;
//ex.4.10 数组—方法 1
#include<iostream> int main()
usingnamespace std; const int Size = 3; int success[Size];
cout<<"Enteryour success of the three times 40 meters running:\n"; cin >>success[0]>>success[1]>>success[2];cout<<"success1:"<<success[0]<<endl;cout<<"success2:"<<success[1]<<endl;cout<<"success3:"<<success[2]<<endl; doubleaverage=(success[0]+success[1]+success[2])/3;cout<<"average:"<<average<<endl; return 0;
//ex.4.10 array—方法 2
#include<iostream> #include <array> int main()
usingnamespace std; array<double,4>ad={0}; cout<<"Enter yoursuccess of the three times 40 meters running:\n"; cin >> ad[0]>>ad[1]>>ad[2];cout<<"success1:"<<ad[0]<<endl;cout<<"success2:"<<ad[1]<<endl;cout<<"success3:"<<ad[2]<<endl;ad[3]=(ad[0]+ad[1]+ad[2])/3; cout<<"average:"<<ad[3]<<endl;return 0;
第五章 循环和关系表达式
#include <iostream>
int main()
{ using namespace std;cout<<"Please enter two integers: "; int num1,num2;cin>>num1>>num2; int sum=0; for(inttemp=num1;temp<=num2;++temp)//or temp++ sum+=temp; cout<<"The sumfrom "<<num1<<" to "<<num2<<" is"<<sum<<endl; return 0;
#include <iostream> #include<array>
int main()
{ using namespace std;
array<long double,101>ad={0};
for(int i=2;i<101;i++)ad[i]=i*ad[i-1];
for(int i=0;i<101;i++)cout<<i<<"! = "<<ad[i]<<endl;
return 0;
#include <iostream>#include <array> using namespace std;
int main()
{ array<longdouble,101> multiply; multiply[0] = multiply[1] = 1LL; for (inti= 2; i <= 100; i++)
multiply[i] = multiply[i-1]*i;
cout <<multiply[100]; return 0;
#include <iostream> int main()
{ using namespace std;cout<<"Please enter an integer: "; int sum=0,num;while((cin>>num)&&num!=0)
{ sum+=num; cout<<"So far,the sum is "<<sum<<endl; cout<<"Please enter aninteger: ";
} return 0;
#include <iostream> int main()
using namespace std; double sum1,sum2; sum1=sum2=0.0; intyear=0; while(sum2<=sum1)
++year;sum1+=10; sum2=(100+sum2)*0.05+sum2;
cout<<"经过"<<year<<"年后,Cleo 的投资价值才能超过 Daphne 的投资价值。"<<endl; cout<<"此时,Cleo 的投资价值为"<<sum1<<",而 Daphne 的投资价值为"<<sum2<<endl;
return 0;
#include <iostream>using namespace std; int main()
{ doubleDaphne= 100.0; double Cleo= 100.0; int year= 0; while (Cleo<= Daphne)
Daphne += 10; Cleo *=1.05; year++;
} cout << year << endl; return0;
#include <iostream> const int MONTHS = 12;
const char*
months[MONTHS]={"January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"}; intmain()
{ using namespace std; intsales[MONTHS],sum=0; for(int i=0;i<MONTHS;i++)
{ cout<<"请输入在"<<months[i]<<"的C++ For Fools的销售量:";cin>>sales[i]; sum+=sales[i];
cout<<"这一年中的C++ For Fools的总销售量为:"<<sum<<endl;return 0;
#include <iostream> const int MONTHS = 12;
const char* months[MONTHS]={"January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"};
const char* years[3]={"第一年","第二年","第三年"}; int main()
{ using namespace std; intyear_sale[3],sum=0,sales[3][MONTHS]; for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
{ int temp=0;cout<<years[i]<<"的每个月销售量:"<<endl; for(int j=0;j<MONTHS;j++)
{ cout<<"请输入"<<months[j]<<"的销售量:"; cin>>sales[i][j]; temp+=sales[i][j];
} year_sale[i]=temp; sum+=year_sale[i];
} for(int i=0;i<3;i++)cout<<years[i]<<"的销售量为:"<<year_sale[i]<<endl;cout<<"这三年的总销售量为:"<<sum<<endl;return 0;
#include <iostream>using namespace std; const int Years = 3,Months = 12; const char* months[Months] =
"July","August","September","October","November","December"}; intmain()
{ intsale[Years][Months]= {0}; for (inti= 0; i < Years; i++)
int sum = 0; for(intj= 0; j < Months; j++)
{ cout << "Enterthe salesment of " << months[j] << ":";cin >> sale[i][j]; sum += sale[i][j];
} cout << "Salesmentfor this year: " << sum << endl <<endl; } return 0;
#include <iostream> #include <string>using namespace std; struct car{ string name; int year; }; int main()
{ cout<<"How many cars do you wish to catalog? "; int num;
(cin>>num).get(); car* ps=new car[num]; for(int i=0;i<num;++i)
{ cout<<"Car#"<<i+1<<":\n"; cout<<"Please enter themake: "; getline(cin,ps[i].name); cout<<"Please enter the yearmade: ";
cout<<"Here is your collection:\n";for(int i=0;i<num;++i) cout<<ps[i].year<<""<<ps[i].name<<endl; delete [] ps; return 0;
#include <iostream>#include <string> using namespace std; structcar
{ string maker; intyear;}; int main(){
int number; cout<< "How many cars do you wish to catalog? ";
cin >> number;
car* a = newcar[number];for (inti= 0; i < number; i++)
cout << "Car#" <<i+1 << ": " << endl; cout << "Pleaseenter the maker: "; cin.get(); getline(cin,a[i].maker);cout << "Please enter the year made: "; cin >> a[i].year;
} cout <<"Here is your collection: " << endl; for(inti= 0; i < number; i++) cout << a[i].year << "" <<a[i].maker <<endl; delete [] a; return0;
#include <iostream>using namespace std; struct car
{ char maker[20]; intyear;}; int main()
{ intnumber;cout << "How many cars do you wish to catalog? ";
cin >> number;
car* a = newcar[number];for (inti= 0; i < number; i++)
cout << "Car#" <<i+1 << ": " << endl; cout << "Pleaseenter the maker: "; cin.get(); cin.getline(a[i].maker,20); cout << "Please enter the year made: "; cin >> a[i].year;
} cout << "Hereis your collection: " << endl;
for (int i = 0; i <number; i++)
cout << a[i].year << "" <<a[i].maker <<endl; delete [] a; return0;
#include <iostream> #include <cstring>
int main()
{ using namespace std;
char word[20]; int sum=0; cout<<"Enterwords (to stop,type the word done):\n"; cin>>word;while(strcmp(word,"done"))
{ sum++; cin>>word; } cout<<"Youentered a total of "<<sum<<" words.\n"; return 0;
#include <iostream> #include <string>
int main()
{ using namespace std; string word; intsum=0; cout<<"Enter words (to stop, type the word done):\n";cin>>word; while(word!="done")
{ sum++; cin>>word; } cout<<"Youentered a total of "<<sum<<" words.\n"; return 0;
和 ex.5.8 的区别是:word != "done",因为当 word = done一样时,返回值为1,不一样时才是返回0.
#include <iostream> int main()
{ using namespace std;cout<<"Enter number of rows:";
int num; cin>>num; for(int i=0;i<num;i++)
{ for(int j=num-i;j>1;j--)
for(int k=0;k<=i;++k)cout<<"*";
} return 0; }
第六章 分支语句和逻辑运算符
#include <iostream> #include <cctype>
int main()
{ using namespace std;
char ch; cin.get(ch);
{ if(isdigit(ch)) cin.get(ch);
else { if(islower(ch)) ch=toupper(ch); else
ch=tolower(ch); cout<<ch; cin.get(ch);
} } return 0;
#include <iostream>#include <cctype> using namespace std;
int main()
{ charch;cout << "Please enter: \n"; while (cin.get(ch)&& ch != '@')
{ if(islower(ch))
{ ch = toupper(ch); cout<< ch; } else if(isupper(ch))
{ ch = tolower(ch); cout<< ch; } else
cout << ch; } return0;
#include <iostream> #include<cctype>int main() {
using namespace std;
double sum=0,average=0; double num[10]; int i=0,total=0;
double temp;
{ num[i]=temp; sum+=num[i];
++i; }
if(i!=0) average=sum/i;
for(int j=0;j<i;++j) if(num[j]>average)
return 0;
#include <iostream>using namespace std; const int Num = 10; intmain()
{ doubledonation[Num];
int i = 0; intcount=0; double sum= 0.0; cout << "Please enter: \n"; while(i < Num&& cin >> donation[i])
{ sum += donation[i++];
} if(i == 0)
cout << "Nodata--bye \n";
{ double average =sum/i; for (intj= 0; j < i; j++)
{ if(donation[j]> average)
} cout << "Theaverage = "
<< average << endl
<< "Thenumbers bigger than the average: "
<< count << endl;
} return 0;
#include <iostream>
#include<cctype> #include<array> intmain()
{ using namespace std;
double sum=0,average=0;
int i=0,total=0;
double temp;
{ ad[i]=temp; sum+=ad[i];
++i; }
if(i!=0) average=sum/i;
for(int j=0;j<i;++j) if(ad[j]>average)
return 0;
#include <iostream>
int main()
{ using namespace std;
cout<<"Please enter one of the followingchoices:\n"
<<"c)carnivore p)pianist\n"
<<"t)tree g)game\nf\n"; //书上的这个f个人认为是打印错误
cout<<"Please enter a c, p,t, or g: ";
char ch; cin>>ch;
{ cout<<"Please enter a c,p, t, or g: "; cin>>ch;
{ case 'c': cout<<"A mapleis a carnivore.\n"; break;
case 'p': cout<<"A maple isa pianist.\n"; break;
case 't': cout<<"A maple isa tree.\n"; break;
case 'g':
cout<<"Amaple is a game.\n";
} return 0;
#include <iostream>using namespace std; void show(); intmain()
{ show(); charchoice;while (cin>> choice)
{ switch(choice)
case 'c':cout << break;
case 'p':cout << break;
case 't':cout << break;
case 'g':cout << break;
default : cout<<
} return0;}
void show()
{ cout<< "Please enter
#include <iostream> const int strsize=20;
struct bop{
"It's acarnivore.\n";
"It's apianist.\n";
"Amaple is a tree.\n";
"It's agame.\n";"Please enter a c, p, t, or g:"; oneof the following choices: \n"
char fullname[strsize]; char title[strsize]; charbopname[strsize]; int preference;
}; int main()
{ using namespace std;
cout<<"Benevolent Order of ProgrammersReport\n"
<<"a. display by name b. display by title\n"
<<"c. display by bopname d. diplay by preference\n"
<<"q. quit\n"; char ch;bop member[5]={
{"WimpMacho","English Teacher","DEMON",0},
{"RakiRhodes","Junior Programmer","BOOM",1},
{"Celia Laiter","SuperStar","MIPS",2},
{"HoppyHipman","Analyst Trainee","WATEE",1},
}; cout<<"Enter your choice:";while(cin>>ch&&ch!='q')
{ switch(ch)
{ case 'a':
for(int i=0;i<5;i++)cout<<member[i].fullname<<endl; break;
case 'b':
for(int i=0;i<5;i++)cout<<member[i].title<<endl; break;
case 'c':
for(int i=0;i<5;i++)cout<<member[i].bopname<<endl; break;
case 'd': for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
{ if(member[i].preference==0)cout<<member[i].fullname<<endl; else if(member[i].preference==1)cout<<member[i].title<<endl; else if(member[i].preference==2)cout<<member[i].bopname<<endl;
} break;
} cout<<"Next choice: ";
} cout<<"Bye!\n"; return 0;
#include <iostream>using namespace std; const int strsize = 30; structbop{char fullname[strsize];char title[strsize];char bopname[strsize];int preference;
}; voidshow();int main()
{ bopA[5]= {
{"WimpMacho","Teacher", "HAHA", 0},
{"RakiRhodes","Junior Programmer", "LIAR", 1},
{"Celia", "engineer", "MIPS", 2},
{"HoppyHipman","Analyst Trainee", "WAHU", 1},
{"PatHand","Student", "LOOPY", 2}
}; cout << "BenevolentOrder of Programmers Report\n"; show(); cout << "Enteryour choice: ";char choice;cin >> choice; while (choice!= 'q')
{ switch(choice)
{ case 'a':cout << A[0].fullname << endl << A[1].fullname << endl
<<A[2].fullname << endl << A[3].fullname << endl
<<A[4].fullname << endl; break;
case 'b' : cout<< A[0].title << endl << A[1].title << endl
<< A[2].title << endl<< A[3].title << endl
<<A[4].title << endl; break;
case'c' :cout << A[0].bopname << endl << A[1].bopname << endl
<<A[2].bopname << endl << A[3].bopname << endl
<<A[4].bopname << endl; break;
case'd' :cout << A[0].fullname << endl << A[1].title << endl
<< A[2].bopname << endl<< A[3].title << endl
<< A[4].bopname<< endl; break;
default : cout<< "That's not the proper choice.\n";
} cout << "Nextchoice: ";cin >> choice;
} cout << "Bye!\n"; return0;
} void show()
cout << "a. display by name | b. display by title\n" |
<< "c. display by bopname << "q. quit\n"; | d. display by preference\n" |
#include <iostream> int main()
{ using namespace std;
double income,revenue;
{ if(income<=5000) revenue=0.0; elseif(income<=15000) revenue=0.1*(income-5000); else if(income<=35000)revenue=0.1*(15000-5000)+0.15*(income-15000); elserevenue=0.1*(15000-5000)+0.15*(35000-15000)+0.2*(income-35000);
} return 0;
#include <iostream>using namespace std; int main()
{ double income,tax;cout << "Please enter your income: ";
while (cin >>income && income >= 0)
{ if(income <=5000)
tax = 0;
else if(income <=15000) tax = 0.1*(income - 5000);
else if(income <=35000) tax = 10000*0.1 + 0.15*(income - 15000);
tax =10000*0.1 + 0.15*20000 + 0.2*(income - 35000);
cout << "Yourtax is: " <<tax << endl; cout << "Please enter yourincome: ";
} cout << "Bye!\n"; return0;
#include <iostream> #include <string>using namespace std; struct patron{ string name; double money;
int main()
int num,temp=0;
cin>>num; cin.get();
patron *ps=new patron[num];
for(int i=0;i<num;++i)
cin>>ps[i].money; cin.get(); }
cout<<"Grand Patrons:\n"; for(inti=0;i<num;++i) if(ps[i].money>10000)
++temp; }
cout<<"Patrons:\n"; for(inti=0;i<num;++i) if(ps[i].money<=10000)
++temp; }
delete [] ps; return 0;
#include <iostream>
#include <string>using namespace std; struct charity
{ stringname;double money;
}; intmain()
{ intnumber;int count= 0; cout << "Please enter the number of donator: "; cin >>number; charity *pt = new charity[number]; for(inti= 0; i < number; i++)
{ cout << "Pleaseenter your name: "; cin.get(); getline(cin, pt[i].name);cout << "Please enter the money you are going to donate: "; cin >>pt[i].money;
if(pt[i].money> 10000) count++;
} if(count == 0)cout << "None(money > 10000)";
{ cout << "GrandPatron\n";for(inti= 0; i < number; i++)
{ if(pt[i].money> 10000) cout << pt[i].name << "" <<pt[i].money << endl; }
} cout << endl; if(10 - count ==0) cout << "None(money < 10000)";
{ cout << "Patron\n"; for(inti= 0; i < number; i++)
{ if(pt[i].money< 10000) cout << pt[i].name << "" <<pt[i].money << endl; } } return 0;
#include <iostream> #include <cctype>
int main()
{ using namespace std;
int vowel=0,consonant=0,other=0; charword[15];
cout<<"Enter words (q to quit):\n";while(cin>>word)
{ if(isalpha(word[0]))
{ if(word[0]=='q'&&strlen(word)==1)break; else if(word[0]=='a'||word[0]=='i'||word[0]=='u'||word[0]=='e'||word[0]=='o')
++vowel; else ++consonant;
} else ++other;
cout<<vowel<<" words beginningwith vowels\n"; cout<<consonant<<" words beginning withconsonants\n"; cout<<other<<" others\n"; return 0;
#include <iostream>#include <cctype> using namespace std; intmain()
{ charword[20];int vow= 0, consonant = 0, other =0; cout << "Enterwords (q to quit):\n"; while(cin >>word)
{ if (isalpha(word[0]))
{ if(word[0] == 'a'||word[0] == 'e' ||word[0] == 'i'||word[0]
== 'o'||word[0] == 'u' ||word[0] == 'A' ||word[0] == 'E' ||word[0] == 'I' ||word[0] ==
'O' || word[0] == 'U')
else if(word[0] == 'q'&&strlen(word) == 1) break;
else consonant++;
} else other++;
} cout << vow<< " words beginning with vowels\n"
<< consonant<< " words beginning with consonants\n"
<< other << "others\n";return 0;
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream> #include <cstdlib>
int main()
{ using namespace std;
char ch; int sum=0;
ifstream inFile; inFile.open("abc.txt");if(!inFile.is_open())
{ cout<<"Could not open thefile \n"; cout<<"Program terminating.\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
inFile>>ch; while(inFile.good()) { ++sum;inFile>>ch;
if(inFile.eof()) cout<<"End of filereached.\n"; else if(inFile.fail()) cout<<"Input terminated bydata mismatch.\n"; else cout<<"Input terminated for unkonwnreason.\n";
cout<<"总共有"<<sum<<"个字符在这个文件中。"<<endl; return 0;
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>#include <cstdlib> using namespace std; constint Size= 20; int main()
{ charfilename[Size];ifstream infile; cout << "Entername of data file: "; cin.getline(filename, Size);infile.open(filename); if (!infile.is_open())
{ cout<< "Could not open the file " <<filename <<endl; cout << "Program terminating.\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
} char a; intcount= 0; infile >> a; while (infile.good()){
++count; infile >>a;
} if (infile.eof())cout << "End of file reached.\n";
elseif (infile.fail())cout << "Input terminated by data mismatch.\n";
elsecout<< "Input terminated for unknown reason.\n";
if (count == 0)cout << "No data processed.\n";
elsecout<< "The text contains " << count << "character(s)" <<endl;
infile.close(); return0;
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream> #include <cstdlib>
struct member
{ char name[20]; double donation;
int main()
{ using namespace std; intnum,count1=0,count2=0; ifstream fin; char file[20];
cout<<"Enter name of data file: ";cin.getline(file,20); fin.open(file); if(!fin.is_open())
{ cout<<"Could not open thefile-"<<file<<endl;
cout<<"Program terminating.\n";
} fin>>num; fin.get(); member *pd=newmember[num]; for(int i=0;i<num;i++)
{ fin.getline(pd[i].name,20);fin>>pd[i].donation; fin.get(); } cout<<"GrandPatrons:\n"; for(int i=0;i<num;i++) if(pd[i].donation>=10000)
{ cout<<pd[i].name<<"\n"<<pd[i].donation<<endl;count1++; } if(count1==0) cout<<"none\n";cout<<"Patrons:\n"; for(int i=0;i<num;i++)if(pd[i].donation<10000)
{cout<<pd[i].name<<"\n"<<pd[i].donation<<endl;count2++; } if(count2==0) cout<<"none\n";
delete [] pd; return 0;
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>#include <string> using namespace std; structcharity
{ stringname;double money;
int main()
{ stringfilename;ifstream infile; cout << "Entername of data file: "; getline(cin, filename);infile.open(filename); if (!infile.is_open())
{ cout<< "Could not open the file " <<filename <<endl; cout << "Program terminating.\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
int number,count =0; infile >> number; charity *pt = newcharity[number]; for (inti= 0; i < number; i++)
{ infile.get();getline(infile, pt[i].name); infile >> pt[i].money;
if(pt[i].money> 10000) count++;
} if(count == 0)cout << "None(money > 10000)";
{ cout << "GrandPatron:\n";for(inti= 0; i < number; i++)
{ if(pt[i].money> 10000) cout << pt[i].name << "" <<pt[i].money << endl; }
} if(10 - count ==0) cout << "None(money < 10000)";
{ cout << "Patron:\n"; for(inti= 0; i < number; i++)
{ if(pt[i].money< 10000) cout << pt[i].name << "" <<pt[i].money << endl; }
} delete [] pt; return0;
#include <iostream>double t_av(doublex,double y);int main(){ using namespace std; double x, y; doubleresult;cout << "Please enter two numbers (0 to stop): "; while((cin>> x >> y) && x != 0 && y != 0)
{ result = t_av(x, y);cout << "调和平均数= " << result << endl; cout<< "Please enter two numbers (0 to stop): ";
} return 0; } doublet_av(doublex,double y)
return 2.0 * x * y /(x + y);
#include <iostream>using namespace std; void average(double, double); intmain()
{ double A, B; cout<< "Please enter two numbers: "; while (cin >>A >> B)
if (A == 0 || B== 0) break;
average(A, B);
cout << "Pleaseenter two numbers: ";
} cout << "Bye!\n"; return0;} void average(doublex,double y)
{ cout<< "The average is: "
<< 2.0 * x * y / (x + y)
<< endl;
#include <iostream>const int MAX = 10; using namespacestd;int fill_ar(doublear[],int limit);void show_ar(constdouble ar[],int n);double average(constdouble ar[],int n);int main(){ double scores[MAX];int size= fill_ar(scores, MAX); show_ar(scores, size); if (size > 0)cout << "The average of scores is: " << average(scores,size) << endl; return 0; } intfill_ar(doublear[],int limit)
{ double temp; inti;for (i= 0; i < limit; i++)
cout << "Enterscore #" <<i+1 << ": "; cin >> temp; if (!cin) {cin.clear(); while (cin.get()!= '\n')continue;cout << "Bad input; enter a number: "; break;
if (temp < 0)
break; ar[i] =temp; } return i;} void show_ar(constdouble ar[],int n)
for (int i = 0; i <n; i++)
cout << "score#" <<i+1 << ": " << ar[i] << endl;
} double average(constdouble ar[],int n)
{ double sum = 0.0; for(inti= 0; i < n; i++) sum += ar[i]; return sum / n; }
#include <iostream>using namespace std; double score[10]; intinput(double[],int);void average(double[],int);void show(constdouble[],int);int main()
{ int size =input(score, 10); if (size> 0)
{ show(score, size);average(score, size);
} cout << "Done.\n"; return0;} int input(doublescore[],int limit)
{ doublea;int i;for (i= 0; i < limit;i++)
{ cout << "Yourscore: ";cin >> a; if (!cin)
{ cin.clear(); while(cin.get()!= '\n')continue;
cout << "Badinput; input process terminated.\n"; break;
elseif (a< 0) break;
score[i] = a;
} return i; } voidshow(constdouble ar[],int n)
{ doubletotal= 0.0; cout << "Score: "; for (inti= 0; i < n;i++)
cout << ar[i] << "";
} cout << endl;
} void average(doublear[],int n)
{ doubleav,total= 0.0; int i;for (i= 0; i < n;i++)
{ total += ar[i];
av = total / i;
cout << "Theaverage score: " << av << endl;
//ex7.3 #include<iostream> struct box { charmaker[40];float height;float width;float length;float volume;}; void set_box(box*); void show_box(box);int main(){ using namespace std; box carton = {"BingoBoxer",2, 3, 5}; set_box(&carton); show_box(carton); return 0; }
void set_box(box * pb)
{ pb->volume =pb->height * pb->length * pb->width;
void show_box(box b)
{ using namespacestd;cout << "Box maker: " << b.maker << "\nheight:" <<b.height
<< "\nlwidth:" <<b.width
<< "\nlength:" <<b.length
<< "\nvolume:" <<b.volume << endl; }
#include <iostream>using namespace std; struct box
{ charmaker[40];float height;float width;
float length; floatvolume;
}; voidshow(box); box* calculate(box*);int main()
{ box a = {"M", 3.4, 4.5,5.6, 0.0}; show(a); box*pt; cout << endl; pt = calculate(&a); show(a); return0;} void show(boxx)
{ cout<< "The height of the box: " << x.height <<endl
<< "Thewidth of the box: " << x.width<< endl
<< "Thelength of the box: " << x.length<< endl
<< "Thevolume of the box: " << x.volume<< endl;
} box* calculate(box* ps) {
(*ps).volume = (*ps).height * (*ps).length * (*ps).width; returnps;
//ex7.4 #include<iostream> long double probability(unsignednumbers,unsigned picks); int main() { usingnamespace std;double total,choices, mtotal; long double probability1, probability2;
cout<< "Enter total number of game card choices and\n""number of picks allowed for the field:\n"; while ((cin >>total >> choices) && choices < total)
{ cout << "Entertotal number of game card choices and\n" "number of picks allowed forthe mega:\n";if (!(cin>> mtotal)) break;
probability1 =probability(total, choices); probability2 = probability(mtotal, 1); cout<< "The chances of getting all " << choices << "picks is one in "
<<probability1 << ".\n"; cout<< "The chances of getting the megaspot is one in "
<< probability2<< ".\n"; cout << "Youhave one chance in "; cout << probability1 *probability2; cout << " of winning.\n";
cout << "Nextset of numbers (q to quit): ";
} cout << "bye\n"; return0;} long double probability(unsigned numbers, unsignedpicks)
{ long double result = 1.0; longdouble n;unsigned p; for (n = numbers,p = picks; p > 0; n--, p--) result = result * n / p; returnresult;}
#include <iostream>using namespace std; long double probability1(unsigned, unsigned); longdouble probability2(unsigned); intmain()
{ doublea,b, c; cout << "Enter the number of choices on the game card and\n"
<< "thenumber of picks allowed(in 1 field number):\n"; cin >> a >>b; cout << "Enter the number of choices on the game card \n"
<< "(in2 field number):\n"; cin >> c; while(cin)
if (b <= a)
{ longdouble chance;chance = probability1(a, b) * probability2(c); cout << "Youhave one chance in "
<<chance << " of wining.\n\n"; cout << "Enterthe number of choices on the game card and\n"
<< "thenumber of picks allowed(in 1 field number):\n"; cin >> a >>b; if (!cin)break;
cout << "Enterthe number of choices on the game card \n"
<< "(in2 field number):\n"; cin >> c;
} else break;
} cout << "Bye!\n"; return0;
} long double probability1(unsignednumbers,unsigned picks)
{ longdouble result= 1.0; long double n; unsigned p; for(n= numbers,p = picks;p > 0; n--, p--) result = result * n / p; return result;
} long double probability2(unsignednumbers)
{ longdouble result;result = 1.0 / numbers;return result;
#include <iostream>long long int recure(int); intmain(){ using namespace std; int number; cout<< "Enter a integer (q to stop): "; while(cin>> number)
{ long long int result =recure(number); cout << number << "! =" <<result << endl; cout << "Next:"; } cout<< "Done!" << endl; return 0; }
long long int recure(intn)
{ long long int result; if (n > 0)result = n * recure(n-1); else result = 1; returnresult;}
#include <iostream>using namespace std; unsigned long sub(int); intmain()
{ cout<< "Enter one integer: (q to quit)"; intnum;while(cin>> num)
{ unsigned long result =sub(num); cout << "The result of "<<num << "! is: "
<< result << endl
<< "Nextnumber: ";
} return 0; } unsignedlong sub(intn)
{ unsignedlong result= n;if (result> 0)
result = result * sub(n - 1); else
result = 1;
return result;
#include <iostream>const int Size = 10; int Fill_array(doublear[],int n);void Show_array(constdouble ar[],int n);void Reverse_array(doublear[],int n);int main(){ using namespace std; double values[Size]; intlen= Fill_array(values, Size); cout << "Arrayvalues:\n";Show_array(values, len); cout << "Arrayreversed:\n";Reverse_array(values, len); Show_array(values, len); cout << "Allbut end values reversed:\n";
Reverse_array(values+1,len-2); Show_array(values, len); return 0; } intFill_array(doublear[],int n)
{ using namespacestd;double temp;int i;for (i=0;i<n; i++)
cout << "Entervalue #" <<i+1 << ": "; cin >> temp; if (!cin) break; ar[i] =temp; } cout << endl; return i; } voidShow_array(constdouble ar[],int n)
{ using namespacestd;for (inti=0;i<n; i++) cout << "Property #" << i+1<< ": "
<< ar[i] << endl;
cout << endl; } voidReverse_array(doublear[],int n)
{ double temp;
for (int i=0,j=n-1;i<j; i++,j--)
{ temp = ar[i]; ar[i] =ar[j]; ar[j] = temp;
#include <iostream>using namespace std; const int Asize = 10; intFill_array(double[],int);void Show_array(double[],int);double *Reverse_array(double [],int,int);int main()
{ double numbers[Asize];cout << "Please enter some numbers(less than ten): \n"; inti= Fill_array(numbers, Asize);
cout << "You'veentered " <<i << " numbers:\n"; Show_array(numbers, i); cout <<endl;
double * pt =Reverse_array(numbers, 0, i); Show_array(pt, i); cout << endl;
double * ps =Reverse_array(numbers, 1, i); Show_array(ps, i); cout << endl; return0;} int Fill_array(doublear[],int size)
{ inti;for (i= 0; i < Asize; i++)
{ if (cin >> ar[i])
; else break;
} return i; } voidShow_array(doublear[],int size)
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
cout << ar[i] << "";
} double *Reverse_array(double ar[],int a,int size)
{ cout << "Hereare(is) the number(s) after reverse:\n"; double temp;
for (int i = a; i < size/2; i++)
{ temp = ar[i]; ar[i] = ar[size-i - 1]; ar[size-i - 1] = temp;
} return ar;
#include <iostream>const int Max = 5; double * fill_array(double*begin, double *end); void show_array(constdouble *begin, const double * end); void revalue(doubler,double *begin, double *end); int main(){ using namespace std; double properties[Max];double *pbegin = properties; double * pend =fill_array(pbegin, pbegin + Max); show_array(pbegin, pend); if (pend-pbegin> 0)
{ cout << "Enterrevaluation factor: "; double factor; while(!(cin>> factor))
{ cin.clear(); while(cin.get()!= '\n')continue;cout << "Bad input; Please enter a number: "; }revalue(factor, pbegin, pend); show_array(pbegin, pend);
} cout << "Done.\n"; return0;} double *fill_array(double *begin, double *end)
{ using namespacestd;double temp;int i= 1; while (begin< end)
cout << "Entervalue #" <<i << ": "; cin >> temp; if (!cin) {cin.clear(); while (cin.get()!= '\n')continue;cout << "Bad input; input process terminated.\n"; break;
else if (temp < 0)
*begin = temp; begin++;i++; } return begin;} void show_array(constdouble *begin, const double * end)
{ using namespacestd;int i= 1; while (begin< end)
cout << "Property#" <<i << ": $"; cout << *begin << endl;begin++; i++; }
void revalue(doubler,double *begin, double *end)
while (begin <end)
*begin *= r; begin++; }
#include <iostream>using namespace std; const int Max = 5; voidshow_array(constdouble [],double *);void revalue(double, double[],double *);double *fill_array(double [],int);int main()
{ doubleproperties[Max];double *p = fill_array(properties, Max); show_array(properties, p); if (p !=&properties[0])
{ cout << "Enterrevaluation factor: "; double factor; while(!(cin>> factor))
{ cin.clear(); while(cin.get()!= '\n')continue;
cout << "Badinput; Please enter a number: ";
} revalue(factor,properties, p); show_array(properties, p);
} cout << "Done.\n"; return0;} double *fill_array(double ar[],int n)
{ doubletemp;int i;for (i= 0; i < n;i++)
cout << "Entervalue #" <<(i + 1) << ": ";
cin >> temp; if (!cin)
{ cin.clear(); while(cin.get()!= '\n')continue;
cout << "Badinput; input process terminated.\n"; break;
elseif (temp< 0) break;
ar[i] = temp;
double * pt = &ar[i - 1]; returnpt;
} void show_array(constdouble ar[],double *ps)
{ constdouble *p = &ar[0];for (inti= 0; p != ps +1; p++,i++)
cout << "Property#" <<(i + 1) << ": $"; cout << ar[i] <<endl;
} } voidrevalue(doubler,double ar[],double *ps)
{ double*p = &ar[0];for (inti= 0; p != ps +1; p++, i++) ar[i]*= r;
#include <iostream>const int Seasons = 4; const char * Snames[] = {"Spring", "Summer", "Fall", "Winter"}; voidfill(doublear[],int n);void show(doublear[],int n);int main(){ using namespace std; double expenses[Seasons];fill(expenses, Seasons);
show(expenses, Seasons); return0;} void fill(doublear[],int n)
{ using namespacestd;for (inti=0;i<n; i++)
{ cout << "Enter" <<Snames[i] << " expenses: "; cin >> ar[i];
} } voidshow(doublear[],int n)
{ using namespacestd;cout << "\nEXPENSES\n"; double total = 0.0; for(inti=0;i<n; i++)
{ cout << Snames[i]<< ": $" << ar[i] <<endl; total +=ar[i];
} cout << "TotalExpenses: $" <<total << endl; }
#include <iostream>using namespace std; const char * Seasons[4] ={"Spring", "Summer", "Fall", "Winter"}; voidfill(double*);void show(double[]);int main()
{ double expenses[4];fill(expenses); show(expenses); return 0; } voidfill(doublear[])
{ doublecosts;
for (int i = 0; i <4; i++)
{ cout << "Enter" <<Seasons[i] << " expenses: "; cin >> ar[i];
} } voidshow(doublear[])
{ double total = 0.0;cout << "\nEXPENSES\n";
for (int i = 0; i <4; i++)
{ cout << Seasons[i]<< ": $" << ar[i] <<endl;; total += ar[i];
} cout << "TotalExpenses: $" <<total << endl;
#include <iostream>const int Seasons = 4; struct data { doublearr[Seasons];
}; constchar *Snames[] = {"Spring", "Summer", "Fall", "Winter"}; datafill(); void show(data);int main(){ using namespace std; data expenses = fill();show(expenses); return 0;} data fill() { using namespace std; data expenses;
for (int i=0;i<Seasons; i++)
{ cout << "Enter" <<Snames[i] << " expenses: "; cin >> expenses.arr[i];
return expenses;
} void show(dataexpenses)
using namespacestd;cout << "\nEXPENSES\n"; double total = 0.0; for(inti=0;i<Seasons; i++)
{ cout << Snames[i]<< ": $" << expenses.arr[i] <<endl;total += expenses.arr[i];
} cout << "TotalExpenses: $" <<total << endl;
#include <iostream>const int Seasons = 4; struct data { doublearr[Seasons];
}; constchar *Snames[] = {"Spring", "Summer", "Fall", "Winter"}; voidfill(data* pd); void show(data* pd); int main(){ using namespace std; data expenses; fill(&expenses);show(&expenses); return 0; }
void fill(data * pd)
{ using namespacestd;for (inti=0;i<Seasons; i++)
{ cout << "Enter" <<Snames[i] << " expenses: "; cin >> pd->arr[i];
} }
void show(data * pd)
{ using namespacestd;cout << "\nEXPENSES\n"; double total = 0.0; for(inti=0;i<Seasons; i++)
cout << Snames[i]<< ": $" << pd->arr[i] <<endl;total += pd->arr[i];
} cout << "TotalExpenses: $" <<total << endl; }
#include <iostream>using namespace std; const char * Seasons[4] ={"Spring", "Summer", "Fall", "Winter"}; structexpenditure
{ doubleexpenses[4];
};expenditure fill(expenditure); voidshow(expenditure); intmain()
{expenditure a = {{0.0}}; expenditure v = fill(a);show(v); return 0;} expenditure fill(expenditure b)
for (int i = 0; i <4; i++)
{ cout << "Enter" <<Seasons[i] << " expenses: "; cin >> b.expenses[i];
}return b;} void show(expenditureb)
{ double total = 0.0;cout << "\nEXPENSES\n";
for (int i = 0; i <4; i++)
{ cout << Seasons[i]<< ": $" << b.expenses[i]<< endl; total += b.expenses[i];
} cout << "TotalExpenses: $" <<total << endl;
#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS#include <iostream> usingnamespace std;const int SLEN = 30; struct student { charfullname[SLEN];char hobby[SLEN];int ooplevel;}; int getinfo(studentpa[], int n);void display1(studentst); void display2(conststudent* ps); void display3(conststudentpa[], int n);int main(){ cout << "Enter class size: "; int class_size;cin >> class_size; while (cin.get() != '\n') continue; student *ptr_stu = new student[class_size];int entered= getinfo(ptr_stu, class_size); for (int i = 0; i <entered; i++)
{ display1(ptr_stu[i]);display2(&ptr_stu[i]);
} display3(ptr_stu,entered); delete []ptr_stu; cout << "Done\n"; return0;
// getinfo() has twoarguments: a pointer to the first element of
// an array of studentstructures and an int representing the
// number of elements of thearray. The function solicits and
// stores data aboutstudents. It terminates input upon filling
// the array or upon encountering a blank line for the student //name. The function returns the actual number of array elements // filled.
int getinfo(student pa[], intn)
{ int num_array_elem= n; char tmp[SLEN];
for (int i = 0; i < n;++i)
{ cout << "Entername: ";cin.getline(tmp, SLEN); bool blank_line = true;
for (unsigned j = 0; j <strlen(tmp); ++j)
{ if (!isspace(tmp[j]))
{ blank_line = false; break; } }
if (blank_line)
{ num_array_elem = i; break; } strcpy(pa[i].fullname,tmp); cout << "Enter hobby: "; cin.getline(pa[i].hobby,SLEN); cout << "Enter ooplevel:";cin >> pa[i].ooplevel; cin.get(); } cout << endl; returnnum_array_elem;
// display1() takes astudent structure as an argument
// and displays its contents void display1(studentst)
{ cout <<st.fullname << '\t' <<st.hobby << '\t' <<st.ooplevel << endl;
// display2() takes the address of student structure as an //argument and displays the structure’¡¥s contents void display2(conststudent* ps)
{ cout <<ps->fullname << '\t' <<ps->hobby << '\t' <<ps->ooplevel
<< endl;
// display3() takes theaddress of the first element of an array
// of student structures and the number of array elements as //arguments and displays the contents of the structures void display3(conststudentpa[], int n)
for (inti= 0; i < n; ++i) cout << pa[i].fullname << '\t'<<pa[i].hobby << '\t' <<pa[i].ooplevel << endl; }
#include <iostream>using namespace std; const int SLEN = 30; structstudent { char fullname[SLEN];char hobby[SLEN];int ooplevel;
}; intgetinfo(studentpa[],int n);void display1(studentst);void display2(conststudent * ps); void display3(conststudent pa[], int n); intmain()
{ cout<< "Enter class size: "; int class_size;cin >> class_size; while (cin.get() != '\n') continue;
student * ptr_stu = newstudent[class_size]; int entered =getinfo(ptr_stu, class_size); for (int i = 0; i <entered; i++)
{ display1(ptr_stu[i]);display2(&ptr_stu[i]);
} display3(ptr_stu,entered); delete []ptr_stu; cout << "Done\n"; return0;} int getinfo(student*p,int num)
int i; for(i= 0; i < num;i++)
{ cout << "Enterthe fullname: ";cin.getline((p +i)->fullname, SLEN); cout << "Enter the hobby:";cin.getline((p +i)->hobby, SLEN); cout << "Enter the ooplevel:";cin >> (p +i)->ooplevel; if (!cin)break;
else cin.get();
} return i;
} void display1(studentst)
{ cout<< st.fullname<< " "
<< st.hobby<< " "
<< st.ooplevel<< endl;
} void display2(conststudent * ps)
{ cout<< ps->fullname<< " "
<< ps->hobby<< " "
<< ps->ooplevel<< endl;
} void display3(conststudent pa[], intnum)
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
{ cout << pa[i].fullname<< " "
<< pa[i].hobby<< " "
<< pa[i].ooplevel<< endl;
//ex7.10 #include<iostream> double calculate(doublex,double y,double (*pf)(double, double)); doubleadd(doublex,double y);double sub(doublex,double y);double mean(doublex,double y);
int main() { usingnamespace std;double a,b; double (*pf[3])(double, double) = {add, sub,mean}; char *op[3] = {"add", "sub", "mean"}; cout<< "Enter pairs of numbers (q to quit): "; while(cin>> a >> b)
{ for (inti=0;i<3; i++)
cout << op[i] << ":" <<a << " and " << b << "= "
<< calculate(a, b, pf[i]) <<endl;
} } doublecalculate(doublex,double y,double (*pf)(double, double))
{ return (*pf)(x, y);
} double add(doublex,double y)
return x + y;
} double sub(doublex,double y)
return x - y;
} double mean(doublex,double y)
return (x + y) / 2.0;
#include <iostream>void show(constchar *ps, int n= 0); int main()
using namespacestd;char *pstr = "Hello\n"; show(pstr); int num; cout<< "Enter a number: "; cin >> num;show(pstr, num); cout << "Done\n"; return0;} void show(constchar *ps, int n)
{ using namespacestd;int lim= n; if (n== 0) lim = 1; for (inti=0;i<lim; i++) cout << ps;
#include <iostream>#include <string> usingnamespace std;struct CandyBar{ string name; double weight;int hot;
}; voidset(CandyBar& cb, char *ps, double w,int h);void show(constCandyBar& cb); int main(){ using namespace std; CandyBar candy; char*p = "Millennium Munch"; double x = 2.85; inty= 350; set(candy, p, x, y); show(candy); return 0;
} void set(CandyBar& cb, char *ps, double w,int h)
cb.name = ps; cb.weight =w; cb.hot = h;
} void show(constCandyBar& cb)
{ cout << "Name:" <<cb.name << endl << "Weight: " <<cb.weight << endl
<< "Hot:" <<cb.hot << endl;
#include <iostream>#include <string> using namespace std; structCandyBar { string brand; doubleweight;int calories;
}; void function(CandyBar&,char *str = "Millennium Munch", double a = 2.85, intb= 350); void show(constCandyBar &); int main()
CandyBar x; cout<< "Please enter the brand: \n"; getline(cin, x.brand);cout << "Please enter the weight: \n"; cin >> x.weight;cout << "Please enter the colories: \n"; cin >>x.calories; show(x); function(x); show(x); return 0;
} void show(constCandyBar &a)
{ cout<< endl << a.brand << endl
<< a.weight<< endl
<< a.calories<< endl;
} void function(CandyBar&r, char*str,double a,int b)
r.brand = str;
r.weight = a;
r.calories = b;
#include <iostream>
#include <string>#include <cctype> usingnamespace std;void str_to_upper(string& str); int main(){ string str1; cout << "Enter a string (q toquit): ";while (getline(cin,str1) && str1!="q" &&str1!="Q")
{ str_to_upper(str1); cout<< str1 << endl; cout << "Nextstring (q to quit): ";
} cout << "Bye."; return0;} void str_to_upper(string& str)
{ int limit =str.size(); for (inti=0;i<limit; i++)
{ if (isalpha(str[i]))str[i] = toupper(str[i]);
#include <iostream>
#include <string>#include <cctype> using namespace std; voidupper(string&);int main()
{ string str; cout<< "Enter a string (q to quit): ";
getline(cin, str);
while (str != "q"&&str != "Q")
{ upper(str); cout<< str << endl; cout << "Nextstring (q to quit): "; getline(cin, str);
} cout << "Bye.\n"; return0;} void upper(string&a)
for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++)
{ if (islower(a[i])) a[i] = toupper(a[i]);
// ex8.4
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring> //for strlen(), strcpy() using namespace std; structstringy{ char *str; // points to a string int ct; //length of string (not counting '\0')
}; voidshow(constchar *str,int cnt= 1); void show(conststringy& bny, int cnt= 1); void set(stringy& bny, const char * str); int main(void) { stringybeany; char testing[]= "Reality isn't what it used to be."; set(beany,testing); // first argument is a reference,
// allocates space to hold copy of testing, // sets str member ofbeany to point to the
// new block,copies testing to new block, // and sets ct member of beany show(beany); //prints member string once show(beany, 2); // printsmember string twice testing[0]= 'D';testing[1] = 'u';
show(testing); //prints testing string once show(testing, 3); //prints testing string thrice show("Done!"); return0;} void show(constchar *str,int cnt)
{ while(cnt-- > 0)
{ cout << str<< endl;
} } voidshow(conststringy& bny, int cnt)
{ while(cnt-- > 0){ cout << bny.str << endl;
} } voidset(stringy& bny, const
{ bny.ct = strlen(str);bny.str = new char[bny.ct+1];strcpy(bny.str, str); }
#include <iostream>using namespace std; #include <cstring>struct stringy { char * str; intct;}; void set(stringy&,char []);void show(conststringy &, int void show(constchar [],int nint main()
{ stringybeany;char *str) n= 1); = 1);
char testing[] = "Realityisn't what it used to be."; set(beany, testing); show(beany);show(beany, 2); testing[0] = 'D';
testing[1] = 'u';show(testing); show(testing, 3); show("Done!"); return0;} void set(stringy&a,char b[])
a.str = b; } voidshow(conststringy &x, intn)
for (int i = n; i > 0;i--)
cout << x.str <<endl;
} void show(constchar a[],int n)
for (int i = n; i > 0;i--)
cout << a << endl;
#include <iostream>const int Limit = 5; template <typenameT>T max5(T ar[]); int main(){ using namespace std; int ari[Limit] ={1, 2, 3, 5, 4}; double ard[Limit]= {1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 5.5, 4.4}; int maxi = max5(ari); doublemaxd= max5(ard); cout << "maxi = " << maxi<< endl; cout << "maxd = " << maxd<< endl; return 0;}
template <typenameT>
T max5(T ar[]) {
T max = ar[0]; for(inti=1;i<Limit; i++)
{ if (max <ar[i]) max = ar[i]; } return max; }
#include <iostream>using namespace std; const int Num = 5; template<classAnyType> AnyType max5(AnyType[]);int main()
int a[Num] = {1,2, 3, 4, 5}; double b[Num]= {1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5}; int maxi = max5(a); doublemaxd= max5(b); cout << "max in a[5]: " << maxi<< endl
<< "max inb[5]: " <<maxd << endl; return 0;}
template <classAnyType>
AnyType max5(AnyType ar[]) {
AnyType max = ar[0]; for(inti= 0; i < 5; i++)
{ if (max < ar[i])
max = ar[i];
} return max;
//ex8.6 #include<iostream> template <typenameT>T maxn(T ar[], int n);template <> const char* maxn(constchar*ar[], int n);int main(){ using namespace std; int ari[6] = {1,2, 3, 4, 6, 5}; double ard[4]= {1.1, 2.2, 4.4, 3.3}; const char * ars[5] = {
}; cout << "Themax integer of array is: " << maxn(ari, 6) << endl;cout << "The max double of array is: " <<maxn(ard, 4) << endl; cout << "Themax string of array is: " << maxn(ars, 5)<<endl;
template <typenameT>T maxn(T ar[], int n)
T maxar = ar[0]; for(inti=1;i<n; i++)
{ if (maxar <ar[i]) maxar = ar[i];
} return maxar;
} template <> constchar*maxn(const char* ar[],int n)
{ const char * maxs =ar[0]; for (inti=1;i<n; i++)
{ if (strlen(maxs)< strlen(ar[i])) maxs = ar[i];
} return maxs; }
#include <iostream>using namespace std; template <typenameT>T maxn(T[],int);template <>const char* maxn<const char *>(constchar *[], int);int main()
int a[6] = {1, 2,3, 4, 5, 6}; double b[4]= {1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4}; int maxi = maxn(a, 6); doublemaxd= maxn(b, 4); const char * c[5] = {
cout << "maxi:" <<maxi << endl
<< "maxd:" <<maxd << endl
<< "Themax string of array is:
" <<maxn(c, 5) << endl;
return 0; }
template <typenameT>T maxn(Tar[],int n){
T max = ar[0]; for(inti= 0; i < n;i++)
{ if (max < ar[i]) max = ar[i];
} return max;
} template <> constchar*maxn<const char *>(const char * ar[],intn)
{ const char * maxs = ar[0]; for(inti=1;i<n;i++)
{ if (strlen(maxs)< strlen(ar[i]))maxs = ar[i];} return maxs;}
//ex8.7 #include<iostream> template <typenameT>T SumArrray(Tarr[],int n);template <typenameT>T SumArrray(T*arr[], int n);struct debts
{ char name[50]; doubleamount;
}; intmain(){ using namespace std;
int things[6] ={13, 31, struct debts mr_E[3]= { {"Ima Wolfe", 2400.0},
{"IbyStout",1800.0} }; double *pd[3]; for (inti=0;i<3; i++)
103, 301, 310, 130};
pd[i] = &mr_E[i].amount;
cout << "Sum:Mr.E's counts of things: "
<<SumArrray(things, 6) << endl; cout << "Sum:Mr.E's debts: "
<< SumArrray(pd, 3)<< endl; return 0;} template <typenameT>
T SumArrray(Tarr[],int n)
{ usingnamespace std;T sum= 0;
cout << "templateA\n";for (inti= 0; i < n;i++) sum += arr[i];
returnsum;} template <typenameT>
T SumArrray(T*arr[],int n)
{ usingnamespace std;T sum= 0;
cout << "templateB\n";for (inti= 0; i < n;i++) sum += *arr[i];
return sum;
第 9章 内存模型和名称空间
// ex9.1
const int Len = 40; structgolf
{ charfullname[Len];int handicap;
}; voidsetgolf(golf&g, const char * name, int hc); intsetgolf(golf&g); void handicap(golf&g, int hc);void showgolf(constgolf &g);
#include <iostream>#include "golf.h" using namespace std; intsetgolf(golf&g)
{ cout<< "Enter the golfer's name: \n"; cin.get(g.fullname,Len); if (g.fullname[0]== '\0')return 0;
cout << "Enterthe handicap for " << g.fullname<< endl; while (!(cin>> g.handicap))
{ cin.clear(); while(cin.get()!= '\n')continue;
cout << "Pleaseenter an integer.\n";
} cin.get(); return1;} void setgolf(golf&g,const char * name, inthc)
{ strncpy_s(g.fullname, name, Len); g.handicap = hc; } voidhandicap(golf&g,int hc)
g.handicap = hc; } voidshowgolf(constgolf &g)
{ cout << "Golfer:" <<g.fullname<< "\n"; cout << "Handicap:" <<g.handicap<< "\n\n";
#include <iostream>#include "golf.h" const int Men = 5; intmain()
{ golfgolfer[Men];int i;for (i= 0; i < Men; i++)
{ if(setgolf(golfer[i])== 0) break;
for (intj= 0; j < i; j++) showgolf(golfer[j]);
golf ann;setgolf(ann, "Ann Birdfree", 24); showgolf(ann);handicap(ann, 4); showgolf(ann); return 0;
#include <iostream>#include <string> using namespace std; voidstrcount(conststring);int main()
{ stringinput;cout << "Enter a line:\n"; getline(cin, input); while(input!= "")
{strcount(input); cout << "Enter next line(empty line to quit):\n";
getline(cin, input);
cout << "Bye\n"; return0;} void strcount(conststring str)
{ staticint total= 0; int count;count = str.size();total += count; cout << count << "characters\n";cout << total << " characterstotal\n";
#include <iostream>
#include <new>#include <cstring> using namespace std; structchaff
{ char dross[20]; intslag;}; int main()
{ chaff*p = new chaff[2];strcpy_s(p[0].dross, "Piffa like"); p[0].slag = 5; strcpy_s(p[1].dross, "Fuckme so hard");p[1].slag = 6; for (inti= 0; i < 2; i++)
cout <<p[i].dross << " " << p[i].slag << endl;
return 0;
//ex9.4//sales.h namespace SALES { const int QUARTERS = 4; structSales{ double sales[QUARTERS];double average;double max;double min;
// copies the lesser of 4 orn items from the array ar
// to the sales member of sand computes and stores the
// average, maximum, and minimum values of the entered items; //remaining elements of sales, if any, set to 0 void setSales(Sales& s, const double ar[], int n); //gathers sales for 4 quarters interactively, stores them
// in the sales member of sand computes and stores the
// average, maximum, and minimum values void setSales(Sales& s);
// display all information in structure s void showSales(constSales& s);
#include <iostream>#include "Sales.h" namespaceSALES
{ using std::cout; usingstd::cin;using std::endl;static double calaverage(double arr[], unsignedarrSize)
{ double sum = 0; for(inti=0;i<arrSize; i++) sum += arr[i]; return sum/arrSize;
} static double calmax(doublearr[],unsigned arrSize)
{ double max = arr[0]; for(inti=1;i<arrSize; i++)
{ if (max <arr[i]) max = arr[i]; } return max; } staticdouble calmin(doublearr[],unsigned arrSize)
{ double min = arr[0]; for(inti=1;i<arrSize; i++)
{ if (min >arr[i]) min = arr[i]; } return min; } voidsetSales(Sales& s, const double ar[], int n)
{ unsigned times = n <QUARTERS ? (unsigned)n: QUARTERS; for (inti=0;i<times; i++) s.sales[i] = ar[i]; for (int i=times;i<QUARTERS; i++) s.sales[i] = 0;
s.average = calaverage(s.sales, times);
s.max = calmax(s.sales, times);
s.min = calmin(s.sales,times); } void setSales(Sales& s)
{ cout << "Enter4 sales:\n";for (inti=0;i<QUARTERS; i++)
cout << "sales" <<i+1 << ": "; cin >> s.sales[i];
s.average = calaverage(s.sales,QUARTERS);
s.max = calmax(s.sales, QUARTERS);
s.min = calmin(s.sales,QUARTERS); } void showSales(constSales& s)
{ cout << "sales:";for (inti=0;i<QUARTERS; i++) cout << s.sales[i] << "";cout << endl; cout << "average: " <<s.average << endl; cout << "max:" <<s.max << endl; cout << "min: " << s.min<< endl;
#include <iostream>#include "Sales.h" usingnamespace std;int main()
using namespaceSALES;Sales salesBook; double salesList[]= {12.2, 11.16, 10.61, 16.24, 11.53}; setSales(salesBook, salesList, sizeof(salesList)/sizeof(salesList[0]));showSales(salesBook); Sales salesPen; setSales(salesPen); showSales(salesPen);
#include <iostream>#include "Sale.h" using namespace std; intmain()
{ usingnamespace SALES;Sales A,B; double h[4]= {1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4}; setSales(A); showSales(A); setSales(B); showSales(B); return0;
#define BANKACCOUNT_H_#include <string> classBankAccount
{ private:
std::string name;std::string acctnum; double balance; public:
BankAccount(const std::string& client,
const std::string& num, double bal=0.0);void show()const;void deposit(doublecash);void withdraw(doublecash);
#include <iostream>
#include "bankaccount.h"
BankAccount::BankAccount(conststd::string& client, const std::string& num, double bal)
{ name = client; acctnum =num; balance = bal; } void BankAccount::show()const
{ using std::cout; usingstd::endl;cout << "Client: " << name << endl; cout<< "Account Number: " << acctnum <<endl; cout << "Balance: " << balance << endl;
} void BankAccount::deposit(doublecash)
{ if (cash >= 0)balance += cash; else std::cout<< "Illegal transaction attempted";
} void BankAccount::withdraw(doublecash)
if (cash< 0) std::cout << "Illegal transactionattempted";else if (cash<= balance) balance -=cash; else std::cout << "Requestdenied due to insufficient funds.\n";
#include <iostream>#include "bankaccount.h" intmain()
BankAccount ba("Kermit", "croak322", 123.00); ba.show();ba.deposit(20); ba.show(); ba.withdraw(300); ba.show(); ba.withdraw(23);ba.show(); return 0;}
#ifndef PERSON_H_
#define PERSON_H_ #include<string> class Person { private:
static constint LIMIT=25;std::string lname; char fname[LIMIT];public:
Person() {lname=""; fname[0]='\0';} //#1
Person(conststd::string&ln, const char * fn="Heyyou"); //#2// the following methods display lname and fname void Show() const; //firstname lastname format void FormalShow() const; //lastname, firstname format
#include <iostream> #include<cstring>
#include "person.h"
Person::Person(const std::string&ln, const char * fn)
{ lname = ln;strcpy(fname, fn);
} void Person::Show()const
{ using std::cout; usingstd::endl;cout << "The people's name is " << fname << ""<<lname << endl;
void Person::FormalShow() const
{ using std::cout; usingstd::endl;cout << "The people's name is " << lname << ","<<fname <<endl;
#include <iostream>#include "person.h" intmain(){ using std::cout;using std::endl;
Person one;
Person two("Smythecraft"); Personthree("Dimwiddy", "Sam"); one.Show();one.FormalShow(); cout << endl; two.Show(); two.FormalShow(); cout<< endl; three.Show(); three.FormalShow(); cout << endl; return0;}
#ifndef GOLF_H_ #defineGOLF_H_class Golf{ private:
static constint Len= 40; char fullname[Len];int handicap;public:Golf();
Golf(constchar *name, int hc);const Golf& setgolf(const Golf& g); void showgolf()const;
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include "golf.h"
Golf::Golf() {strcpy(fullname, "No Name"); handicap = 0;
Golf::Golf(const char * name, inthc)
{ strcpy(fullname, name);handicap = hc; } const Golf& Golf::setgolf(const Golf& g)
{ strcpy(fullname,g.fullname); handicap = g.handicap; return *this; } voidGolf::showgolf()const
{ std::cout << "Golfer:" <<fullname << "\n"; std::cout << "Handicap:" <<handicap << "\n\n";
#include <iostream>#include "golf.h" intmain()
Golf golger1("AnnBirdfree",5); golger1.showgolf(); Golf golger2; golger2.setgolf(golger1);golger2.showgolf(); return 0;}
#ifndef SALE_H_ #defineSALE_H_namespace SALES { const int QUARTERS = 4; classSales{ private:
double sales[QUARTERS];double average;double max;double min;public:
// default constructor
// copies the lesser of 4 orn items from the array ar
// to the sales member of sand computes and stores the
// average, maximum, andminimum values of the entered items;
// remaining elements ofsales, if any, set to 0
Sales(const double ar[], intn);
// gathers sales for 4quarters interactively, stores them
// in the sales member of sand computes and stores the
// average, maximum, and minimum values void setSales();
// display all information in structure s void showSales() const;
#include <iostream>#include "sale.h" namespaceSALES
{ using std::cout; usingstd::cin;using std::endl;static double calaverage(double arr[], unsignedarrSize)
{ double sum = 0; for(inti=0;i<arrSize; i++) sum += arr[i]; return sum/arrSize;
} static double calmax(doublearr[],unsigned arrSize)
{ double max = arr[0]; for(inti=1;i<arrSize; i++)
if (max <arr[i]) max = arr[i]; } return max; } staticdouble calmin(doublearr[],unsigned arrSize)
{ double min = arr[0]; for(inti=1;i<arrSize; i++)
{ if (min >arr[i]) min = arr[i]; } return min; }
min = 0; max = 0; average= 0; for (inti= 0; i < QUARTERS; i++) sales[i] =0;
Sales::Sales(const double ar[], intn)
{ unsigned times = n <QUARTERS ? (unsigned)n: QUARTERS; for (inti=0;i<times; i++) sales[i] = ar[i]; for (int i=times;i<QUARTERS; i++) sales[i] = 0; average = calaverage(sales, times); max =calmax(sales, times); min = calmin(sales, times);
} void Sales::setSales()
{ cout << "Enter4 sales:\n";for (inti=0;i<QUARTERS; i++)
cout << "sales" <<i+1 << ": "; cin >> sales[i];
} *
this = Sales(sales, QUARTERS);
void Sales::showSales() const
{ cout << "sales:";for (inti=0;i<QUARTERS; i++) cout << sales[i] << "";cout << endl; cout << "average: " <<average << endl; cout << "max: " << max<< endl; cout << "min: " << min<< endl;
#include <iostream>#include "sale.h" usingnamespace std;int main()
{ using namespaceSALES;
double salesList[] ={12.2, 11.16, 10.61, 16.24, 11.53}; Sales salesBook(salesList, sizeof(salesList)/sizeof(salesList[0]));salesBook.showSales(); Sales salesPen; salesPen.setSales();salesPen.showSales(); return 0; }
#ifndef STACK_H_ #defineSTACK_H_struct customer{char fullname[35];double payment;}; typedef customerItem; class Stack{ private:
enum {MAX = 10};Item items[MAX]; int top;public:Stack();
bool isempty() const; boolisfull()const;
// push() returns false if stack already is full, true otherwise boolpush(constItem& item); // add item to stack
// pop() returns false if stack already is empty, true otherwise boolpop(Item& item); // pop top into item
#include <iostream>
#include "stack.h"
top = 0;
} bool Stack::isempty()const
return top == 0;
} bool Stack::isfull()const
return top == MAX;
} bool Stack::push(constItem& item)
{ if (top < MAX)
{ items[top++] = item; returntrue;} else return false;
} bool Stack::pop(Item& item)
if (top > 0)
{ item = items[--top]; returntrue;} else return false; }
#include <iostream>
#include <cctype>#include "stack.h" voidget_customer(customer& cu); int main(){
using namespacestd;Stack st; customer temp; double payment = 0; charch;cout << "Please enter A to add a customer,\n" << "Pto process a customer, and Q to quit.\n"; while (cin >>ch && (ch = toupper(ch)) != 'Q')
{ while (cin.get() != '\n') continue;
if (ch != 'A'&&ch != 'P')
cout << "Pleaserespond A, P or Q: ";
continue; } switch(ch){ case 'A':if (st.isfull())cout << "stack already full\n"; else {get_customer(temp); st.push(temp); } break; case 'P':if (st.isempty())cout << "stack is empty\n"; else {st.pop(temp); payment += temp.payment; cout << temp.fullname << "processed. ";cout << "Payments now total $"
<< payment << "\n";
} break; }
cout << "Pleaseenter A to add a customer,\n"
<< "P toprocess a customer, and Q to quit.\n";
} cout << "Done!\n"; return0;} void get_customer(customer& cu)
{ using namespacestd;cout << "Enter customer name: "; cin.getline(cu.fullname,35); cout << "Enter customer payment: "; cin >> cu.payment;while (cin.get()!= '\n')continue;}
#ifndef MOVE_H_ #defineMOVE_H_class Move{ private:double x;double y;public:
Move(doublea= 0, double b= 0); void showMove()const;
Move add(const Move & m) const;
//this function adds x of m to x of invoking object to get new x//add y of m to y of invoking object to get new y, creates a new //move objectinitialized to new x,y values and returns it void reset(doublea= 0,double b= 0);
#include <iostream>
#include "move.h"
Move::Move(double a, doubleb)
x = a; y = b;
} void Move::showMove()const {
std::cout << "x= " <<x << ", y = " << y << "\n";
Move Move::add(const Move & m) const
Move temp; temp.x = x +m.x; temp.y = y + m.y; return temp; } voidMove::reset(doublea,double b)
x = a; y = b;
#include <iostream>#include "move.h" intmain(){ using std::cout;using std::endl;Move move1(4,5);
Move move2(2,1); Movemove3; cout << "The number in move1is:\n";move1.showMove(); cout << "The number in move2is:\n";move2.showMove(); move3 = move2.add(move1); cout << "Thenumber in move3 is :\n"; move3.showMove(); cout << "move1+move2,now move2's number is :\n"; move2.showMove(); cout << "Aftermove1 + move2,now move1's number is :\n"; move1.showMove();move1.reset(); cout << "After resetmove1,now move1's number is:\n"; move1.showMove(); return0;}
#ifndef PLORG_H_ #definePLORG_H_class Plorg{ private:char name[20];int CI;public:
Plorg(char*na, int n= 50); void resetCI(intn);void showplorg()const;
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include "plorg.h"
Plorg::Plorg() {
strcpy(name, "Plorga");
CI = 0;
Plorg::Plorg(char * na, intn)
strcpy(name, na);
CI = n;
} void Plorg::resetCI(intn)
CI = n;
} void Plorg::showplorg()const
{std::cout << "The plorg's name is " << name << "\n"
<<"The CIis "<<CI <<std::endl;
#include <iostream>#include "plorg.h" intmain(){
using namespacestd;Plorg plorg1; plorg1.showplorg(); Plorg plorg2("heyyroup", 31);plorg2.showplorg(); plorg1.resetCI(41); plorg1.showplorg(); return0;}
#ifndef LIST_H_ #defineLIST_H_const int TSIZE = 50; struct film { chartitle[TSIZE];int rating;}; typedef struct film Item; const int LISTMAX = 10; classList{ private:Item items[LISTMAX]; int count; public: List(); boolisempty();bool isfull();int itemcount();bool additem(Itemitem); void visit(void(*pf)(Item&));
#include "list.h"
{ count = 0;
} bool List::isempty(){ return count== 0; } bool List::isfull(){ return count== LISTMAX;
} int List::itemcount()
{ return count; } boolList::additem(Itemitem)
{ if (count ==LISTMAX) return false; else items[count++]= item; return true; } void List::visit(void(*pf)(Item&))
{ for (inti=0;i<count; i++)
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>#include "list.h" voidshowfilm(Item& item); int main(){
using namespace std;
List movies; Item temp; if (movies.isfull())
{ cout << "Nomore room in list! Bye!\n"; exit(1); } cout << "Enterfirst movie title:\n"; while (cin.getline(temp.title,TSIZE) && temp.title[0] != '\0')
{ cout << "Enteryour rating <1-10>: "; cin >> temp.rating; while(cin.get()!= '\n')continue;if (movies.additem(temp)== false)
cout<< "List already is full!\n"; break; }
if (movies.isfull())
{cout << "You have filled the list.\n"; break; } cout<< "Enter next movie title (empty line to stop):\n";
} if (movies.isempty())cout << "No data entered."; else { cout<< "Here is the movie list:\n"; movies.visit(showfilm);
} cout << "Bye!\n"; return0;} void showfilm(Item& item)
{ std::cout << "Movie:" <<item.title << " Rating: "
<< item.rating << std::endl;
#include <ctime> #include<fstream> using namespace std;
{ public:
enum Mode {RECT, POL };
private:double x; double y; double mag; doubleang; Mode mode;
voidset_mag();voidset_ang(); voidset_x(); voidset_y();
Vector(doublen1, double n2, Mode form = RECT); void reset(double n1, double n2, Mode form =RECT);
~Vector();doublexval()const{ return x; } doubleyval()const{ return y; }doublemagval()const { return mag; } doubleangval()const { return ang; }voidpolar_mode(); voidrect_mode();
Vectoroperator+(const Vector &b)const;
Vectoroperator-(const Vector &b)const;
Vectoroperator-()const; Vector operator*(double n)const;
friendVector operator*(double n, const Vector &a); friendostream&operator<<(ostream&os, const Vector &v);
constdouble Rad_to_deg = 45.0 / atan(1.0);
mag =sqrt(x * x + y * y);
if (x ==0.0 && y == 0.0)
ang = 0.0;else
ang =atan2(y, x);
x =mag * cos(ang);
y =mag * sin(ang);
x = y = mag= ang = 0.0; mode = RECT;
Vector::Vector(doublen1, double n2, Mode form)
mode =form; if (form == RECT)
x = n1; y =n2;
else if(form == POL)
mag = n1;ang = n2 / Rad_to_deg;
cout<<"Incorrect 3rd argument to Vector() -- "; cout<< "vectorset to 0\n"; x = y = mag = ang = 0.0; mode = RECT;
voidVector::reset(double n1, double n2, Mode form)
mode = form;if (form == RECT)
x = n1; y =n2;
else if(form == POL)
mag = n1;ang = n2 / Rad_to_deg;
cout<<"Incorrect 3rd argument to Vector() -- "; cout<< "vectorset to 0\n"; x = y = mag = ang = 0.0; mode = RECT;
mode = POL;
mode =RECT;
VectorVector::operator+(const Vector &b)const
returnVector(x + b.x, y + b.y);
VectorVector::operator-(const Vector &b)const
returnVector(x - b.x, y - b.y);
returnVector(-x, -y);
VectorVector::operator*(double n)const
returnVector(n*x, n*y);
Vectoroperator*(double n, const Vector &a)
return a*n;
ostream&operator<<(ostream&os,const Vector &v)
if(v.mode == Vector::RECT) os<< "(x,y) = (" <<v.x<<", " <<v.y<< ")";
else if(v.mode == Vector::POL)
os<<"(m,a) = (" <<v.mag<< ", "
os<<"Vector object mode is invalid";
//randwalk.cpp#include "vector.h" int main()
usingVECTOR::Vector; srand(time(0)); double direction; Vector step;
Vectorresult(0.0, 0.0); unsigned long steps = 0; double target; doubledstep;ofstreamfout; fout.open("savesteps.txt"); cout<< "Entertarget distance (q to quit): "; while (cin>> target)
cout<<"Enter step length: "; if (!(cin>>dstep)) break;
fout<<"Target Distance: " << target << " Step Size: "<<dstep<<endl; while (result.magval() < target)
fout<<steps << ": " << result <<endl; direction = rand()% 360; step.reset(dstep, direction, Vector::POL); result = result + step;steps++;
cout<<"After " << steps << " steps, the subject "
"hasthe following location:\n"; cout<< result <<endl;
fout<<"After " << steps << " steps, the subject "
"hasthe following location:\n"; fout<< result <<endl;
result.polar_mode();cout<< " or\n" << result <<endl; cout<<"Average outward distance per step = "
<<result.magval()/ steps <<endl;
fout<<" or\n" << result <<endl; fout<< "Averageoutward distance per step = "
<<result.magval()/ steps <<endl; steps = 0;
result.reset(0.0,0.0); cout<< "Enter target distance (q to quit): ";
cin.clear();while (cin.get() != '\n') continue;
cin.get();return 0;
#include <cstdlib> #include<ctime> using namespace std;
{ public:
enum Mode { RECT, POL }; private:double x; double y; Mode mode;
doubleset_mag()const;doubleset_ang()const; voidset_x(double mag, double ang); voidset_y(double mag,double ang);
Vector(doublen1, double n2, Mode form = RECT); void reset(double n1, double n2, Mode form =RECT);
~Vector();doublexval()const{ return x; } doubleyval()const{ return y; }doublemagval()const { return set_mag(); } doubleangval()const { returnset_ang(); } voidpolar_mode(); voidrect_mode();
Vectoroperator+(const Vector &b)const;
Vectoroperator-(const Vector &b)const;
Vectoroperator-()const; Vector operator*(double n)const;
friendVector operator*(double n, const Vector &a); friendostream&operator<<(ostream&os, const Vector &v);
constdouble Rad_to_deg = 45.0 / atan(1.0);
returnsqrt(x* x + y * y);
if(x == 0.0 && y == 0.0) return 0.0;
elsereturn atan2(y, x);
voidVector::set_x(double mag, double ang)
x =mag * cos(ang);
voidVector::set_y(double mag, double ang)
y =mag * sin(ang);
x = y =0.0; mode = RECT;
Vector::Vector(doublen1, double n2, Mode form)
mode =form; if (form == RECT)
x = n1; y =n2;
else if(form == POL)
set_x(n1,n2 / Rad_to_deg); set_y(n1, n2 / Rad_to_deg);
cout<<"Incorrect 3rd argument to Vector() -- "; cout<< "vectorset to 0\n"; x = y = 0.0; mode = RECT;
voidVector::reset(double n1, double n2, Mode form)
mode =form; if (form == RECT)
x = n1; y =n2;
else if(form == POL)
set_x(n1,n2 / Rad_to_deg); set_y(n1, n2 / Rad_to_deg);
cout<<"Incorrect 3rd argument to Vector() -- "; cout<< "vectorset to 0\n"; x = y = 0.0; mode = RECT;
mode = POL;
mode =RECT;
VectorVector::operator+(const Vector &b)const
returnVector(x + b.x, y + b.y);
VectorVector::operator-(const Vector &b)const
returnVector(x - b.x, y - b.y);
returnVector(-x, -y);
VectorVector::operator*(double n)const
returnVector(n*x, n*y);
Vectoroperator*(double n, const Vector &a)
return a*n;
ostream&operator<<(ostream&os,const Vector &v)
if(v.mode == Vector::RECT) os<< "(x,y) = (" <<v.x<<", " <<v.y<< ")";
else if(v.mode == Vector::POL)
os<<"(m,a) = (" <<v.set_mag() << ", "
elseos<< "Vector object mode is invalid";
//randwalk.cpp#include "vector.h"
int main()
usingVECTOR::Vector; srand(time(0)); double direction; Vector step;
Vectorresult(0.0, 0.0); unsigned long steps = 0; double target; doubledstep;cout<< "Enter target distance (q to quit): "; while(cin>> target)
cout<<"Enter step length: "; if (!(cin>>dstep)) break;
while(result.magval() < target)
direction =rand() % 360; step.reset(dstep, direction, Vector::POL); result = result +step; steps++;
cout<<"After " << steps << " steps, the subject "
"hasthe following location:\n"; cout<< result <<endl;result.polar_mode(); cout<< " or\n" << result<<endl; cout<< "Average outward distance per step = "
<<result.magval()/ steps <<endl; steps = 0;
result.reset(0.0,0.0); cout<< "Enter target distance (q to quit): ";
cin.clear();while (cin.get() != '\n') continue;
cin.get();return 0;
#include <cstdlib> #include<ctime> using namespace std;
{ public:
enum Mode {RECT, POL };
private:double x; double y; double mag; doubleang; Mode mode;
voidset_mag();voidset_ang(); voidset_x(); voidset_y();
Vector(doublen1, double n2, Mode form = RECT); void reset(double n1, double n2, Mode form =RECT);
~Vector();doublexval()const{ return x; } doubleyval()const{ return y; }doublemagval()const { return mag; } doubleangval()const { return ang; }voidpolar_mode(); voidrect_mode();
Vectoroperator+(const Vector &b)const;
Vectoroperator-(const Vector &b)const;
Vectoroperator-()const; Vector operator*(double n)const;
friendVector operator*(double n, const Vector &a); friendostream&operator<<(ostream&os, const Vector &v);
constdouble Rad_to_deg = 45.0 / atan(1.0);
mag =sqrt(x * x + y * y);
if (x ==0.0 && y == 0.0)
ang = 0.0;else
ang =atan2(y, x);
x =mag * cos(ang);
y =mag * sin(ang);
x = y = mag= ang = 0.0; mode = RECT;
Vector::Vector(doublen1, double n2, Mode form)
mode =form; if (form == RECT)
x = n1; y =n2;
else if(form == POL)
mag = n1;ang = n2 / Rad_to_deg;
cout<<"Incorrect 3rd argument to Vector() -- "; cout<< "vectorset to 0\n"; x = y = mag = ang = 0.0; mode = RECT;
voidVector::reset(double n1, double n2, Mode form)
mode =form; if (form == RECT)
x = n1; y =n2;
else if(form == POL)
mag = n1;ang = n2 / Rad_to_deg;
cout<<"Incorrect 3rd argument to Vector() -- "; cout<< "vectorset to 0\n"; x = y = mag = ang = 0.0; mode = RECT;
mode = POL;
mode =RECT;
VectorVector::operator+(const Vector &b)const
returnVector(x + b.x, y + b.y);
VectorVector::operator-(const Vector &b)const
returnVector(x - b.x, y - b.y);
returnVector(-x, -y);
VectorVector::operator*(double n)const
returnVector(n*x, n*y);
Vectoroperator*(double n, const Vector &a)
return a*n;
ostream&operator<<(ostream&os,const Vector &v)
if(v.mode == Vector::RECT) os<< "(x,y) = (" <<v.x<<", " <<v.y<< ")";
else if(v.mode == Vector::POL)
os<<"(m,a) = (" <<v.mag<< ", "
os<<"Vector object mode is invalid";
//randwalk.cpp#include "vector.h"
int main()
usingVECTOR::Vector; srand(time(0)); double direction; Vector step;
Vectorresult(0.0, 0.0); unsigned long steps = 0; double target; doubledstep;doublenumbers,N; double Min, Max, Sum, Average; cout<< "Enter targetdistance: "; cin>> target; cout<< "Enter step length:"; cin>>dstep; cout<< "Enter test numbers: ";cin>> numbers;
N =numbers;
Min = Max =Sum = Average = 0.0; while (numbers)
while(result.magval() < target)
direction =rand() % 360; step.reset(dstep, direction, Vector::POL); result = result +step; steps++;
cout<<"After " << steps << " steps once a walk\n"; if(Min == 0 || Max == 0)
Min = Max =steps; if (Min > steps)
Min =steps; if (Max < steps)
Max =steps; Sum += steps; numbers--; steps = 0; result.reset(0.0, 0.0);
Average =Sum / N; cout<< "Max steps is " << Max <<endl;cout<< "Min steps is " << Min <<endl; cout<<"Average steps is " << Average <<endl; cout<<"Bye!\n";
cin.clear();while (cin.get() != '\n') continue;
cin.get();return 0;
#include <string> #include<stdio.h> using namespace std;
class Time
{ private:int hours; int minutes;
Time(int h,int m = 0); voidAddMin(int m); voidAddHr(int h); void Reset(int h = 0, int m =0);
Timeoperator*(double n)const; friend Time operator-(const Time &t1, const Time&t2); friend Time operator+(const Time &t1, const Time &t2); friendTime operator*(double m, const Time &t)
return t *m;
friendostream&operator<<(ostream&os, const Time &t);
hours =minutes = 0;
Time::Time(inth, int m)
hours = h;minutes = m;
voidTime::AddMin(int m)
minutes +=m; hours += minutes / 60; minutes %= 60;
voidTime::AddHr(int h)
hours += h;
voidTime::Reset(int h, int m)
hours = h;minutes = m;
Timeoperator+(const Time &t1, const Time &t2)
Time sum;
sum.minutes= t1.minutes + t2.minutes; sum.hours = t1.hours + t2.hours + sum.minutes / 60;sum.minutes %= 60; return sum;
Timeoperator-(const Time &t1, const Time &t2)
Time diff;int tot1, tot2; tot1 = t1.minutes + 60 * t1.hours; tot2 = t2.minutes + 60 *t2.hours; diff.minutes = (tot1 - tot2) % 60; diff.hours = (tot1 - tot2) / 60;return diff;
TimeTime::operator*(double mult)const
Timeresult; longtotalminutes = hours * mult * 60 + minutes * mult; result.hours =totalminutes / 60; result.minutes = totalminutes % 60; return result;
ostream&operator<<(ostream&os,const Time &t)
os<<t.hours<<" hours, " <<t.minutes<< " minutes"; returnos;
//usetime.cpp#include "mytime.h"
int main()
Timeaida(3, 35);
Timetosca(2, 48); Time temp;
cout<<"Aida and Tosca:\n"; cout<<aida<< "; " <<tosca<<endl;temp = aida + tosca; cout<< "Aida + Tosca: " << temp<<endl; temp = aida - tosca; cout<< "Aida - Tosca: "<< temp <<endl; temp = aida * 1.17;
cout<<"Aida * 1.17: " << temp <<endl; cout<< "10.0 *Tosca: " << 10.0 * tosca<<endl;
cin.get();return 0;
#include <stdio.h> #include<string> using namespace std;
{ public:
enum Mode {STN, INPD, FPD }; private: staticintconstLbs_per_stn = 14; int stone;doublepds_left; double pounds; intpounds_int;
Mode mode;voidset_stn(); voidset_pds(); voidset_pds_int();
Stonewt(doublelbs, Mode form);
Stonewt(intstn,double lbs, Mode form);
Stonewt();~Stonewt(); voidstn_mode(); voidpds_mode(); voidint_pds_mode();operatorint()const; operator double()const; Stonewtoperator+(constStonewt&st)const;
Stonewtoperator-(constStonewt&st)const; Stonewt operator*(double n)const;
friendStonewtoperator*(double n, constStonewt&st);friendostream&operator<<(ostream&os, constStonewt&st);
//stonewt.cpp#include "stonewt.h"
stone =int(pounds) / Lbs_per_stn; pds_left = int(pounds) % Lbs_per_stn + pounds -int(pounds);
pounds =stone*Lbs_per_stn + pds_left;
pounds_int= int(pounds);
Stonewt::Stonewt(doublelbs, Mode form)
mode =form; if (form == STN)
stone =int(lbs) / Lbs_per_stn; pds_left = int(lbs) % Lbs_per_stn + lbs - int(lbs);set_pds(); set_pds_int();
else if(form == INPD)
pounds_int= int(lbs); pounds = lbs;
else if(form == FPD)
pounds =lbs; set_pds_int(); set_stn();
cout<<"Incorrect 3rd argument to Stonewt() -- "; cout<< "Stonewtset to 0\n"; stone = pounds = pds_left = 0; mode = STN;
Stonewt::Stonewt(intstn,double lbs, Mode form)
mode =form;
if (form ==STN)
stone =stn; pds_left = lbs; set_pds(); set_pds_int();
else if(form == INPD)
pounds_int= int(stn*Lbs_per_stn + lbs); pounds = stn*Lbs_per_stn + lbs; set_stn();
else if(form == FPD)
pounds =stn*Lbs_per_stn + lbs; set_pds_int(); set_stn();
cout<<"Incorrect 3rd argument to Stonewt() -- "; cout<< "Stonewtset to 0\n"; stone = pounds = pds_left = 0; mode = STN;
stone =pounds = pds_left = 0; mode = STN;
mode = STN;
mode = FPD;
mode =INPD;
returnint(pounds+ 0.5);
returnStonewt(pounds+ st.pounds, st.mode);
} StonewtStonewt::operator-(constStonewt&st)const
returnStonewt(pounds- st.pounds, st.mode);
Stonewtoperator*(double n, constStonewt&st)
if(st.mode == Stonewt::STN) os<<st.stone<< " stone, "<<st.pds_left<< " pounds\n";
elseif (st.mode == Stonewt::INPD) os<<st.pounds_int<< "pounds(int)\n";
elseif (st.mode == Stonewt::FPD) os<<st.pounds<< "pounds(double)\n";
elseos<< "Error in type\n";
//stone.cpp#include "stonewt.h"
int main()
Stonewttaft(21,8,Stonewt::INPD); Stonewt temp; cout<< "The celebrity weighed"; cout<< incognito <<endl; cout<< "The detectiveweighed "; cout<<wolfe<<endl; cout<< "The Presidentweighed "; cout<<taft<<endl; temp = incognito + wolfe;
cout<<"Incognito + Wolfe = " << temp <<endl; temp = wolfe -incognito; cout<< "Wolfe - Incognito = " << temp<<endl; temp = taft * 10.0; cout<< "Taft * 10.0 = "<< temp <<endl; temp = 10.0 * taft; cout<< "10.0 * Taft= " << temp <<endl;
cin.get();return 0;
#include <stdio.h> #include<string> using namespace std;
{ private:
enum {Lbs_per_stn = 14 }; int stone; doublepds_left; double pounds; public:
Stonewt(intstn,double lbs);
Stonewt();~Stonewt(); bool operator<(constStonewt&st)const; booloperator<=(constStonewt&st)const; booloperator>(constStonewt&st)const; booloperator>=(constStonewt&st)const; booloperator==(constStonewt&st)const; bool operator!=(constStonewt&st)const;friendostream&operator<<(ostream&os, constStonewt&st);
stone =int(lbs) / Lbs_per_stn; pds_left = int(lbs) % Lbs_per_stn + lbs - int(lbs);pounds = lbs;
Stonewt::Stonewt(intstn,double lbs)
stone =stn; pds_left = lbs; pounds = stn * Lbs_per_stn + lbs;
stone =pounds = pds_left = 0;
if (pounds<st.pounds)
elsereturn false;
if (pounds<= st.pounds)
elsereturn false;
if(pounds >st.pounds) return true;
elsereturn false;
if(pounds >= st.pounds) return true;
elsereturn false;
if(pounds == st.pounds) return true;
elsereturn false;
if(pounds != st.pounds) return true;
elsereturn false;
os<<st.pounds<<" pounds\n"; returnos;
//stone.cpp#include "stonewt.h"
int main()
Stonewtsw[6] = { 10.0, 11.0, 12.5 }; Stonewttemp(11.0); for (inti = 3; i< 6; i++)
double input; cout<<"Enter #" <<i + 1 << ": "; cin>> input;
sw[i] =input;
for(inti = 0; i< 6; i++) cout<< "#" <<i<< ":" <<sw[i];
int count =0; Stonewt Min = sw[0]; Stonewt Max = sw[0]; for (inti = 0; i< 6; i++)
if (Min>sw[i])
Min =sw[i]; if (Max <sw[i])
Max = sw[i]; if (temp >= sw[i])count++;
cout<<"The Min pounds: " << Min; cout<< "The Max pounds:" << Max; cout<< "The numbers not under 11 pounds: "<< count;
cin.get();cin.get(); return 0;
#include <stdio.h> #include<cmath> using namespace std;
{ private:
doublereal; double imaginary;
Complex(doublen1, double n2);
Complexoperator+(const Complex &c)const;
Complexoperator-(const Complex &c)const;
Complexoperator*(const Complex &c)const;
Complexoperator*(double n)const; Complex operator~()const;
friendComplex operator*(double n, const Complex &c);friendostream&operator<<(ostream&os, const Complex &c);friendistream&operator>>(istream&is, Complex &c);
real = 0.0;imaginary = 0.0;
real = n1;imaginary = 0.0;
Complex::Complex(doublen1, double n2)
real = n1;imaginary = n2;
ComplexComplex::operator+(const Complex &c)const
returnComplex(real + c.real, imaginary + c.imaginary);
ComplexComplex::operator-(const Complex &c)const
returnComplex(real - c.real, imaginary - c.imaginary);
ComplexComplex::operator*(const Complex &c)const
doublereal_s;doubleimaginary_s; real_s = real*c.real - imaginary*c.imaginary; imaginary_s =real*c.imaginary + imaginary*c.real; return Complex(real_s, imaginary_s);
ComplexComplex::operator*(double n)const
returnComplex(n*real, n*imaginary);
returnComplex(real, -imaginary);
Complexoperator*(double n, const Complex &c)
returnComplex(n*c.real, n*c.imaginary);
ostream&operator<<(ostream&os,const Complex &c)
os<<"(" <<c.real<< ", "<<c.imaginary<<"i)"; returnos;
istream&operator>>(istream&is,Complex &c)
cout<<"Real: "; if (is >>c.real)
cout<<"Imaginary: "; is>>c.imaginary;
return is;
//useComplex.cpp#include "complexh.h"
int main()
Complexa(3.0, 4.0); Complex c; charch; cout<< "Enter a complex number (q toquit): "; while (cin>>ch)
if(ch == 'q' || ch == 'Q') break;
cin>>c; cout<< "c is " << c << '\n'; cout<<"Complex conjugate is " << ~c << '\n'; cout<<"a is " << a << '\n'; cout<< "a + c is "<< a + c << '\n'; cout<< "a - c is " << a - c<< '\n'; cout<< "a * c is " << a * c << '\n';cout<< "2 * c is " << 2 * c << '\n';
cout<<"Enter a complex number (q to quit): ";
cout<<"Done!\n"; cin.get(); cin.get(); return 0;
第十二章编程练习答案 12.1 根据以下类声明,完成类,并编小程序使用它
#include <iostream> #include <cstring> using namespace std;
class Cow{ char name[20]; char * hobby; double weight; public:
Cow(const char* nm, const char * ho, double wt);
Cow(const Cow & C); ~Cow(); void ShowCow()const;
Cow::Cow(constchar * nm, const char * ho, double wt)
{ strcpy(name,nm); hobby=new char[strlen(ho)+1]; strcpy(hobby,ho); weight=wt;
Cow::Cow(constCow & C)
{ strcpy(name,C.name); hobby=new char[strlen(C.hobby)+1]; strcpy(hobby,C.hobby);weight=C.weight;
Cow::~Cow(){delete [] hobby;} void Cow::ShowCow() const
{ cout <<name << endl; cout <<hobby << endl; cout <<weight << endl;
int main()
Cow cow;
Cowccc("adads","dsdfsad",34);cow=ccc; cow.ShowCow(); ccc.ShowCow();
12.2 根据以下的主函数,编写类,使得:
b.使用 Stringlow()成员函数,使得字母可以转换为小写
c.使用 Stringup()成员函数,使得字母可转换为大写
d.提供一个成员函数,使它返回一个 char 字符出现的个数
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring> #include <cctype> using namespace std;
class String
char* mp_text;
unsignedm_text_length; void assignMember (const char* text)
{ m_text_length = strlen(text); mp_text = new char [m_text_length + 1]; strcpy(mp_text, text);
staticconst unsigned k_buffer_max_size = 256; const char* toCstr () const
{ return (mp_text);
String (constchar* text = "")
{ assignMember(text);
String (constString& str)
{ assignMember(str.toCstr());
~String ()
{ delete [] mp_text; } unsigned getLength ()const
{ return (m_text_length);
void stringup()
{ for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_text_length; ++i) mp_text[i]= (char)toupper(mp_text[i]);
} voidstringlow ()
{ for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_text_length; ++i) mp_text[i]= (char)tolower((int)mp_text[i]);
}unsigned has (char ch) const
unsigned cnt = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i< m_text_length; ++i) if (ch == mp_text[i])
++cnt; return (cnt);
String&operator= (const String& str)
{ if (&str == this) return (*this);delete [] mp_text; assignMember(str.toCstr()); return (*this);
String &operator+= (const String& str)
{ return (*this += str);
}char& operator[] (unsigned idx)
{ return (mp_text[idx]);
} const char & operator[] (unsigned idx) const
{ return (mp_text[idx]);
} friendostream & operator<< (ostream& os, const String& str)
{ os<< str.toCstr(); return (os); } friend istream & operator>>(istream& is, String& str) { char txt[k_buffer_max_size];if (is >> txt) str = txt;
is.ignore(k_buffer_max_size, '\n'); return (is); } friend booloperator< (const String& lvalue, const String& rvalue)
{ return (strcmp(lvalue.toCstr(), rvalue.toCstr()) < 0);
}friend bool operator> (const String& lvalue, const String& rvalue)
{ return (rvalue < lvalue);
}friend bool operator== (const String& lvalue, const String& rvalue)
{ return (!(lvalue < rvalue) && !(lvalue > rvalue));
}friend bool operator<= (const String& lvalue, const String& rvalue)
{ return (!(lvalue > rvalue));
}friend bool operator>= (const String& lvalue, const String& rvalue)
{ return (!(lvalue < rvalue));
}friend String operator+ (const String& lvalue, const String& rvalue)
{ char* p_txt = new char[lvalue.getLength() + rvalue.getLength() + 1]; strcpy(p_txt, lvalue.toCstr()); strcat(p_txt,rvalue.toCstr()); String tmp(p_txt); delete [] p_txt; return (tmp);
} };
int main()
String s1(" and I am a C++ student.");
Strings2 = "Please enter your name:"; String s3; cout << s2;
// overloaded <<operator cin >>s3; // overloaded >> operator s2 = "My name is " + s3; // overloaded =, +operators cout <<s2 << ".\n"; s2 = s2 + s1;
// converts string touppercase cout << "The string\n" <<s2 << "\ncontains " << s2.has('A')
<<" 'A' characters init.\n"; s1 = "red";
// tstring(const char *),
// then tstring &operator=(const string&)
Stringrgb[3] = {String(s1), String("green"), String("blue")}; cout <<"enter the name of a primarycolor for mixing light: "; String ans; bool success = false;while (cin >>ans)
{ ans.stringlow();
// converts string tolowercase for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
{ if (ans == rgb[i]) // overloaded == operator
{ cout << "That's right!\n";success = true; break;
} } if(success) break; else cout << "Try again!\n";
} cout << "Bye" << endl;
12.3 重新编写程序清单 10.7,10.8,使用动态内存并重载<<代替 show()
#include <iostream> #include <cstring> using namespace std; class Stock{ char *company; int shares; double share_val; doubletotal_val; void set_tot(){total_val=shares*share_val;}; public:
Stock(){ company=new char[8]; strcpy(company,"no name");shares=0;share_val=0.0;total_val=0.0;
Stock(constchar *co,long n=0,doublepr=0)
{ int len=strlen(co); company=newchar[len+1];strcpy(company,co); if(n<0)
{ cout<<"Number of shares can't be negative;"
<<company<<" shares set to0"<<endl; shares=0; } else shares=n; share_val=pr; set_tot();
{delete []company; } void buy(long num,double price)
{ if(num<0)
{ cout<<"Number of shares purchase can't benegative."
<<" Transaction is aborted."<<endl;
} else
{ shares+=num; share_val=price; set_tot();
} }void sell(long num,double price)
{ if(num<0)
{ cout<<"Number of shares sold can't be negative."
<<"Transaction is aborted."<<endl;
} elseif(num>shares)
{ cout<<"You can't sell more than you have!"
<<"Transaction is aborted."<<endl;
} else
{ shares-=num; share_val=price; set_tot();
} } voidupdate(double price)
{share_val=price; set_tot(); } const Stock &topval(const Stock &s)const
{if(s.total_val>total_val) return s; else return *this; } friend ostream&operator<<(ostream &os,const Stock &s)
{ ios_base::fmtflags orig=os.setf(ios_base::fixed,ios_base::floatfield);streamsize prec=os.precision(3);os<<"Company:"<<s.company
<<" Shares:"<<s.shares<<endl;os<<" Share Price:$"<<s.share_val; os.precision(2); os<<" Total Worth:&"<<s.total_val<<endl;os.setf(orig,ios_base::floatfield); os.precision(prec); return os;
constint STKS = 4; intmain()
// create an array ofinitialized objects Stock stocks[STKS] = {
Stock("NanoSmart", 12, 20.0),
Stock("Boffo Objects", 200, 2.0),
Stock("Monolithic Obelisks", 130, 3.25),
Stock("Fleep Enterprises", 60, 6.5)
}; cout << "Stock holdings:\n"; intst; for (st = 0; st< STKS; st++) cout <<stocks[st];
// set pointer to firstelement const Stock * top = &stocks[0]; for (st = 1; st < STKS; st++)
top =&top->topval(stocks[st]);
// now top points to themost valuable holding cout << "\nMost valuableholding:\n"; cout << *top; return 0;
12.4 按以下类声明,完成类,并编写一个演示程序
#include <iostream> usingnamespace std; typedefunsigned long Item;
classStack{ enum{MAX=10};Item * items; int size; int top; public:
{ items=new Item [MAX]; top=0; size=0;
Stack(constStack &st)
{ items=new Item[st.size]; top=0; size=0; for(int i=0;i<st.size;i++)
{ items[i]=st.items[i]; size++; top++;
~Stack(){ delete [] items; } bool isEmpty()
{return top==0; }bool isFull()
{return top==MAX; } bool push(const Item &it)
{ if(isFull()) cout<<"error! Stack is full!"<<endl;else
{ items[top++]=it;size++; return true; } return false; } bool pop(Item &item)
{ if(isEmpty()) cout<<"error! Stack is empty!"<<endl;else
{ item=items[top--]; size--; return true; }return false;
Stack &operator = (Stack &st)
{ delete [] items; items=new Item[st.size]; top=0; size=0; for(int i=0;i<st.size;i++)
{items[i]=st.items[i]; size++; top++; } return (*this); } friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os,const Stack & st)
{ os<<"This Stack is:"<<endl;int len=st.top-1;while(len!=-1)
{ cout<<st.items[len]<<endl;len--; } return os;
int main ()
Stacks; Item it[20]={0}; for(int i=0;i<11;i++)
{ it[i]=i+1;
s.push(it[i]);} cout<<s;
Stacks1(s); cout<<"s1="<<s1;Stack s2=s; cout<<s;
12.5-12.6 银行 ATM 顾客系统
// queue.h -- interfacefor a queue
#ifndef QUEUE_H_ #define QUEUE_H_
// This queue will contain Customer items | |
class Customer { private: |
long arrive; | // arrival time for customer |
int processtime; | // processing time for customer |
Customer(): arrive(0), processtime(0){}void set(long when); long when() const { return arrive; } int ptime() const {return processtime; }
typedefCustomer Item;
classQueue { private:
// class scopedefinitions
// Node is a nestedstructure definition local to this class structNode { Item item; struct Node * next;}; enum {Q_SIZE = 10};
// private class members
Node * front; // pointer to front ofQueue
Node * rear; | // pointer to rear of Queue |
int items; | // current number of items in Queue |
const int qsize; | // maximum number of items in Queue |
// preemptive definitionsto prevent public copying Queue(const Queue & q) : qsize(0) { }
Queue& operator=(const Queue & q) { return *this;} public:
Queue(intqs = Q_SIZE); // create queue with a qs limit
~Queue();bool isempty() const; bool isfull() const; int queuecount() const; boolenqueue(const Item &item); // add item to end booldequeue(Item &item); // remove item from front
// queue.cpp -- Queue andCustomer methods
#include "queue.h"
#include <cstdlib> // (or stdlib.h) for rand()
// Queue methods
Queue::Queue(intqs) : qsize(qs)
{ front = rear = NULL;// or nullptr items= 0;
Node *temp; while (front != NULL) // while queue is not yet empty
temp =front; // save address of front item
front= front->next;// reset pointer to next item deletetemp; // delete former front
} }
boolQueue::isempty() const
{return items == 0; }
boolQueue::isfull() const
{ return items == qsize;
intQueue::queuecount() const
{ return items;
// Add item to queue bool Queue::enqueue(const Item & item) { if (isfull()) returnfalse;
Node * add =new Node; // create node
// on failure, new throwsstd::bad_alloc exception add->item = item; // set node pointers add->next= NULL; // or nullptr;
if (front == NULL) // if queue is empty, front = add; // place item at front
rear->next= add; // else place at rear
rear = add; // have rear point to newnode
return true;
// Place front item intoitem variable and remove from queue boolQueue::dequeue(Item & item)
{ if (front == NULL) return false; item = front->item; // set item to first itemin queue
Node *temp = front;// save location of first item front= front->next;// reset front to next item
delete temp; // delete former firstitem
if(items == 0) rear= NULL; return true;
// customer method
// when is the time atwhich the customer arrives
// the arrival time isset to when and the processing // time set to a random value in the range 1 - 3
void Customer::set(long when)
{ processtime = std::rand() % 3 + 1; arrive = when;
// bank.cpp -- using theQueue interface
// compile with queue.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib> // for rand() and srand()
#include <ctime> // for time()
#include "queue.h"
const int MIN_PER_HR = 60; bool newcustomer(double x); // is there a new customer? | |
int main() { using std::cin; using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::ios_base; // setting things up |
std::srand(std::time(0));// | random initializing of rand() |
cout << "Case Study: Bank of Heather Automatic Teller\n"; cout <<"Enter maximum size of queue:"; int qs; cin >> qs;
Queue line(qs); // line queue holds up toqs people
cout<< "Enter the number of simulation hours: ";
int hours; // hours of simulation
cin>> hours;
// simulation will run 1cycle per minute long cyclelimit = MIN_PER_HR * hours; // # of cycles
cout << "Enter the average number of customers per hour: "; double perhour; // average # of arrival per hour
cin>> perhour; double min_per_cust;// average time betweenarrivals
min_per_cust = MIN_PER_HR / perhour; | ||
Item temp; |
| // new customer data |
long turnaways = 0; | // | turned away by full queue |
long customers = 0; | // | joined the queue |
long served = 0; |
| // served during the simulation |
long sum_line = 0; | // | cumulative line length |
int wait_time = 0; | // | time until autoteller is free |
long line_wait = 0; | // | cumulative time in line |
// running the simulation
for (int cycle= 0;cycle < cyclelimit; cycle++)
if (newcustomer(min_per_cust)) | // have newcomer | |
{ if (line.isfull()) turnaways++; else { customers++; |
| |
temp.set(cycle); | // cycle = time of arrival | |
line.enqueue(temp); // add newcomer to line |
} } if(wait_time <= 0 &&!line.isempty())
{line.dequeue (temp); // attend next customer wait_time = temp.ptime(); // for wait_time minutes line_wait+= cycle - temp.when(); served++; } if (wait_time > 0) wait_time--; sum_line += line.queuecount();
// reporting results if (customers > 0)
{ cout <<"customers accepted: " << customers << endl; cout << " customers served: " <<served << endl; cout << " turnaways: " << turnaways << endl;
cout << "average queue size: "; cout.precision(2); cout.setf(ios_base::fixed, ios_base::floatfield); cout << (double) sum_line / cyclelimit<< endl; cout <<" average wait time: "
<<(double) line_wait / served << "minutes\n";
} elsecout <<"No customers!\n"; cout <<"Done!\n"; // cin.get(); // cin.get(); return0;
// x = average time, in minutes, between customers // returnvalue is true if customer shows up this minute boolnewcustomer(double x)
{ return (std::rand()* x / RAND_MAX < 1);
#include <iostream>#include <cstring> using namespace std;
// base class class Cd
{ char performers[50];char label[20];
int selections; // number ofselections double playtime; // playing time in minutes
explicit Cd(const char *s1 = "", const char * s2 = "", int n =
0, double x = 0.0);virtual ~Cd() {}
virtual void Report() const; //reports all CD data
static void cpStr (char* p_des_txt,const char* p_src_txt, unsigned des_arr_size) { unsigned str_len = strlen(p_src_txt) < des_arr_size-1 ?
strlen(p_src_txt) :des_arr_size-1; strncpy(p_des_txt, p_src_txt, str_len); p_des_txt[str_len] ='\0';
Cd::Cd (const char * s1, const char *s2, int n, double x)
: selections(n), playtime(x)
{ cpStr(performers, s1,50); cpStr(label, s2, 20);
void Cd::Report() const
{ cout << performers <<", "<< label << ", " << selections<< ",
" << playtime <<flush;
class Classic : public Cd
static const unsigned mk_size = 64;
char m_songs[mk_size];
Classic(constchar* songs_list = "", constchar* s1 = "", const char* s2 = "", int n = 0, double x = 0.0); virtual void Report() const;// reports all CD data
Classic::Classic (const char*songs_list, const char * s1, constchar * s2, int n, double x)
: Cd(s1, s2, n, x)
{ cpStr(m_songs,songs_list, mk_size);
void Classic::Report () const
cout << ", " <<m_songs << endl;
void Bravo(const Cd & disk)
{ disk.Report(); cout<< endl;
int main()
Cd c1("Beatles","Capitol", 14, 35.5);
Classic c2 = Classic("PianoSonata in B flat, Fantasia in C",
"AlfredBrendel", "Philips", 2, 57.17); Cd *pcd = &c1;
cout << "Using objectdirectly:\n"; c1.Report(); // use Cd method c2.Report(); // use Classicmethod cout << "Using type cd * pointer to objects:\n";pcd->Report(); // use Cd method for cd object pcd = &c2;
pcd->Report(); // use Classicmethod for classic object cout << "Calling a function with a Cdreference argument:\n";
Bravo(c1); Bravo(c2);
cout << "Testingassignment: "; Classic copy; copy = c2;
//13.2 对 13.1,使用动态内存记录字符串
#include<iostream> #include <cstring> using namespace std;
// base class class Cd
char* performers; char* label;
intselections; // number of selections double playtime; // playing time in minutespublic:
explicit Cd(constchar * s1 = "", const char * s2 = "", int n = 0, double x =0.0); Cd(const Cd & d); virtual ~Cd();
virtual void Report() const; // reports all CD data
Cd & operator=(const Cd & d);
staticchar* cpNewStr (const char* p_src_txt)
unsigned str_len = strlen(p_src_txt); char*p_des_txt = new char [str_len + 1];
strcpy(p_des_txt, p_src_txt); return(p_des_txt);
Cd::Cd(const char * s1, const char * s2, int n, double x)
: selections(n), playtime(x)
performers = cpNewStr(s1); label =cpNewStr(s2);
delete [] performers; delete [] label;
Cd::Cd(constCd & d)
: selections(d.selections), playtime(d.playtime)
performers = cpNewStr(d.performers); label =cpNewStr(d.label);
Cd& Cd::operator=(const Cd & d)
if (&d == this) {
delete [] performers; performers =cpNewStr(d.performers); delete [] label; label = cpNewStr(d.label); selections= d.selections; playtime = d.playtime; return (*this);
voidCd::Report() const
cout << performers << ", " << label<< ", " << selections << ", " << playtime<< flush;
// derive class Classic : public Cd
char* songs; public:
explicit Classic(const char* songs_list = "", const char * s1 = "", constchar * s2 = "", int n = 0, double x = 0.0); Classic (constClassic& classic); virtual ~Classic ();
Classic& operator= (const Classic&classic); virtual void Report() const; // reports all CD data
Classic::Classic (const char* songs_list, constchar * s1, const char * s2, int n, double x) : Cd(s1, s2, n, x)
songs = cpNewStr(songs_list);
Classic::Classic(const Classic& classic)
: Cd(classic)
songs = cpNewStr(classic.songs);
delete [] songs;
Classic& Classic::operator= (const Classic& classic)
if (&classic == this) return (*this);Cd::operator=(classic); delete [] songs; songs = cpNewStr(classic.songs);return (*this);
voidClassic::Report () const
cout << ", " << songs << endl;
voidBravo(const Cd & disk)
disk.Report(); cout << endl;
Cd c1("Beatles", "Capitol", 14, 35.5);
Classic c2 = Classic("Piano Sonata in Bflat, Fantasia in C", "Alfred Brendel", "Philips", 2,57.17); Cd *pcd = &c1;
cout << "Using objectdirectly:\n"; c1.Report(); // use Cd method c2.Report(); // use Classicmethod cout << "Using type cd * pointer to objects:\n";pcd->Report(); // use Cd method for cd object pcd = &c2;
pcd->Report(); // use Classic method forclassic object cout << "Calling a function with a Cd referenceargument:\n";
cout << "Testing assignment: ";Classic copy; copy = c2;
//13.3 让三个类从一个基类 DMA继承而来,然后用程序清单 13.10 对比测试,基类使用虚类。
#include<iostream> #include <string> using namespace std;
string label; int rating;
DMA(const string l="null",int r=0)
{ label=l; rating=r;
virtual void test(){};
virtualvoid tese2() {cout<<"test2"; }
DMA(const DMA &rs)
{ label=rs.label; rating=rs.rating;
virtual ~DMA() {} stringlab() {return label;} int ra() {return rating;}
friend ostream&operator<<(ostream &os,const DMA&rs)
os<<"label:"<<rs.label<<"rating:"<<rs.rating<<endl;="" return=""os;="" }="" virtual="" void=""show()="" {="" cout<<"label:"<<label<<"=""rating:"<<rating<<"="""<<endl;="" };="" class=""basedma:public="" dma="" public:=""basedma(const="" string="" l="null" ,int=""r="0):DMA(l,r)" {}="" basedma(basedma=""&bd):dma(bd.lab(),bd.ra())="" test()const{};=""~basedma(){}="" friend="" ostream&operator<<(ostream=""&os,const="" basedma="" &bd)=""os<<"this="" is="" basedma:=""";="" os<<(dma="" &)bd;=""cout<<"this="" dma::show();=""cout<<endl;="" lacksdma:public="" color;=""lacksdma(const="" c="blank" ,const=""color="c;" ~lacksdma(){};="" 必须实现虚基类的所有虚函数=""lacksdma="" &ld)="" lacksdma:=""&)ld<<"="" color:"<<ld.color;="" 通过强制类型转换调用基类友元函数 ="" cout<<"=""color:"<<color;="" hasdma:public=""style;="" hasdma(const="" s="none"style="s;" ~hasdma(){};="" hasdma:="" style:"<<style;=""hasdma="" &hd)="" &)hd<<"=""style:"<<hd.style;="" int="" main=""()="" *pd[3];="" 虚基类不能创建对象,但可以创建指向其的指针=""for(int="" i="0;i<3;i++)"cout<<"\nenter="" the=""label:";="" label;=""getline(cin,label,'\n');=""rating:";="" rat;="" cin="">>rat;cout<<"Enter the 1 for baseDMA"<<endl<<"2="" for=""lacksdma"<<endl="" <<"3=""hasdma"<<endl;=""
int=""temp;="" cin="">>temp;
cin.get();if(temp==1) pd[i]=new baseDMA(label,rat);
cout<<"Enterthe color:"; string color; getline(cin,color);
cout<<"Enterthe style:"; string style; getline(cin,style);
cout<<"invalidinput! try again!"<<endl; i--;="" }=""while(cin.get()!="'\n')" continue;="" cout<<endl;=""
for(int=""i="0;i<3;i++)" pd[i]-="">show();
//13.4根据 Port 类派生出一个VintagePort 类,完成并测试
#include<iostream> #include <cstring> using namespace std;
char * brand;
char style[20]; // i.e., tawny, ruby, vintageint bottles;
explicit Port(const char * br ="none", const char * st = "none", int b = 0); Port(constPort & p); // copy constructor virtual ~Port() { delete [] brand; } Port& operator=(const Port & p); virtual void Show() const;
Port & operator+=(int b); // adds b to bottles
Port & operator-=(int b); // subtracts bfrom bottles, if available int BottleCount() const { return bottles; }
friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, constPort & p);
staticchar* cpNewStr (const char* p_src_txt)
unsigned str_len = strlen(p_src_txt); char*p_des_txt = new char [str_len + 1];
strcpy(p_des_txt, p_src_txt);
return (p_des_txt);
staticvoid cpStr (char* p_des_txt, const char* p_src_txt, unsigned des_arr_size)
unsigned str_len =strlen(p_src_txt) < des_arr_size-1 ? strlen(p_src_txt) : des_arr_size-1;strncpy(p_des_txt, p_src_txt, str_len); p_des_txt[str_len] = '\0';
Port::Port(const char * br, const char * st, int b)
: brand(cpNewStr(br)), bottles(b)
cpStr(style, st, 20);
Port::Port(constPort & p)
: brand(cpNewStr(p.brand)), bottles(p.bottles)
cpStr(style, p.style, 20);
voidPort::Show() const
cout << "Brand: " <<brand << endl
<<"Style: " << style << endl
<<"Bottles: " << bottles << flush;
Port& Port::operator=(const Port & p)
if (&p == this) return (*this);
delete [] brand; brand = cpNewStr(p.brand);cpStr(style, p.style, 20); bottles = p.bottles; return (*this);
Port& Port::operator+=(int b)
bottles += b; return (*this); }
Port& Port::operator-=(int b)
bottles -= b; return (*this);
ostream& operator<< (ostream & os, const Port & p)
cout << p.brand << ", "<< p.style << ", " << p.bottles << flush;return (os);
classVintagePort : public Port // style necessarily = "vintage"
char * nickname; // i.e., "The Noble" or "OldVelvet", etc.
int year; // vintage year
explicit VintagePort(const char * br ="", int b = 0, const char * nn = "", int y = 0);VintagePort(const VintagePort & vp); virtual ~VintagePort() { delete []nickname; } VintagePort & operator=(const VintagePort & vp); virtualvoid Show() const;
friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, constVintagePort & vp);
VintagePort::VintagePort(const char * br, int b, const char * nn, int y)
: Port(br, "vintage", b), nickname(cpNewStr(nn)),year(y) {}
VintagePort::VintagePort(const VintagePort & vp)
: Port(vp), nickname(cpNewStr(vp.nickname)), year(vp.year) {}
voidVintagePort::Show () const
Port::Show(); cout << endl;
cout << "Nickname: " <<nickname << endl; cout << "Year: " << year <<flush;
VintagePort& VintagePort::operator= (const VintagePort & vp)
if (&vp == this)
return (*this); Port::operator=(vp); delete []nickname; nickname = cpNewStr(vp.nickname); year = vp.year; return (*this);
ostream& operator<< (ostream & os, const VintagePort & vp)
os << Port(vp);
cout << ", " <<vp.nickname << ", " << vp.year << flush; return(os);
Port port1("gallo","tawny", 20); cout << port1 << endl << endl;
VintagePort vp("gallo", 24,"nice", 16); VintagePort vp2(vp); cout << vp2 << endl<< endl; VintagePort vp3; vp3 = vp; cout << vp3 << endl<< endl; Port* p_port; p_port =&port1; p_port->Show(); cout << endl; p_port = &vp;p_port->Show(); cout << endl;
usingnamespace std;
template<classT1, class T2> class Pair
{ private:
T1 year;
T2 bottles;public:
Pair(constT1 &yr, const T2 &bt) :year(yr), bottles(bt){}
voidSet(const T1 &yr, const T2 &bt); int Sum()const; void Show(int y)const;
template<classT1, class T2> void Pair<T1,T2>::Set(const T1 &yr, const T2&bt)
year = yr;bottles = bt;
template<classT1,class T2> int Pair<T1, T2>::Sum()const
template<classT1, class T2> void Pair<T1,T2>::Show(int y)const
for(inti = 0; i< y; i++) cout<< "\t" << year[i] <<"\t" << bottles[i] <<endl;
typedefvalarray<int>ArrayInt;typedef Pair<ArrayInt, ArrayInt>PairArray;
class Wine
{ private:
PairArrayyb;stringfullname; intyrs;
Wine(constchar *l, int y, constintyr[], constint bot[]); Wine(const char *l, int y);voidGetBottles(); string&Label(); void Show()const; int sum()const;
Wine::Wine(constchar *l, int y, constintyr[], constint bot[])
fullname =l; yrs = y; yb.Set(ArrayInt(yr, yrs), ArrayInt(bot, yrs));
Wine::Wine(constchar *l, int y)
fullname =l; yrs = y;
ArrayIntyr(yrs),bt(yrs); for (inti = 0; i<yrs; i++)
cout<<"Enter the year: "; cin>>yr[i]; cout<< "Enter thebottles: "; cin>>bt[i];
while(cin.get() != '\n') continue;
cout<<"Wine: " <<fullname<<endl; cout<<"\tYear\tBottles\n"; yb.Show(yrs);
//main.cpp#include "winec.h"
cout<<"Enter name of wine: "; char lab[50]; cin.getline(lab, 50); cout<<"Enter number of years: ";
intyrs;cin>>yrs; Wine holding(lab, yrs); holding.GetBottles(); holding.Show();constint YRS = 3; int y[YRS] = { 1993, 1995, 1998 }; int b[YRS] = { 48, 60, 72}; Wine more("Gushing Grape Red", YRS, y, b); more.Show(); cout<<"Total bottles for " <<more.Label()
<< ": "<<more.sum() <<endl; cout<< "Bye\n";system("pause"); return 0;
#include <string> #include<valarray> using namespace std;
template<classT1, class T2> class Pair
{ private:
T1 year;
T2 bottles;public:
Pair(constT1 &yr, const T2 &bt) :year(yr), bottles(bt){}
voidSet(const T1 &yr, const T2 &bt); int Sum()const; void Show(int y)const;
template<classT1, class T2> void Pair<T1,T2>::Set(const T1 &yr, const T2&bt)
year = yr;bottles = bt;
template<classT1,class T2> int Pair<T1, T2>::Sum()const
template<classT1, class T2> void Pair<T1,T2>::Show(int y)const
for(inti = 0; i< y; i++) cout<< "\t" << year[i] <<"\t" << bottles[i] <<endl;
typedefvalarray<int>ArrayInt; typedef Pair<ArrayInt,ArrayInt>PairArray; class Wine :private PairArray, private string { private:intyrs;
Wine(constchar *l, int y, constintyr[], constint bot[]); Wine(const char *l, int y);voidGetBottles(); string&Label(); void Show()const; int sum()const;
Wine::Wine(constchar *l, int y, constintyr[], constint bot[]) :string(l), yrs(y),PairArray(ArrayInt(yr, y), ArrayInt(bot, y))
Wine::Wine(constchar *l, int y) : string(l), yrs(y)
ArrayIntyr(yrs),bt(yrs); for (inti = 0; i<yrs; i++)
cout<<"Enter the year: "; cin>>yr[i]; cout<< "Enter thebottles: "; cin>>bt[i];
while(cin.get() != '\n') continue;
return(string &)(*this);
cout<<"Wine: " << (string &)(*this) <<endl; cout<<"\tYear\tBottles\n"; PairArray::Show(yrs);
//main.cpp#include "winec.h"
cout<<"Enter name of wine: "; char lab[50]; cin.getline(lab, 50); cout<<"Enter number of years: ";
intyrs;cin>>yrs; Wine holding(lab, yrs); holding.GetBottles(); holding.Show();constint YRS = 3; int y[YRS] = { 1993, 1995, 1998 }; int b[YRS] = { 48, 60, 72}; Wine more("Gushing Grape Red", YRS, y, b); more.Show(); cout<<"Total bottles for " <<more.Label()
<< ": "<<more.sum() <<endl; cout<< "Bye\n";system("pause"); return 0;
#include <string> #include<cstring> using namespace std;
template<typenameT> classQueueTp
{ private:
struct Node{ T item; struct Node *next; };
Node*front; Node *rear; int items; constintqsize;
QueueTp&operator=(constQueueTp&q){return *this; } public:
QueueTp(intqs= 10); ~QueueTp(); boolisempty()const; boolisfull()const; intqueuecount()const;boolenqueue(const T &item); booldequeue(T &item);
front =rear = NULL; items = 0;
template<typenameT> QueueTp<T>::~QueueTp()
Node *temp;while (front != NULL)
temp = front; front =front->next; delete temp;
template<typenameT> boolQueueTp<T>::isempty()const
returnitems == 0;
template<typenameT> boolQueueTp<T>::isfull()const
returnitems == qsize;
template<typenameT> intQueueTp<T>::queuecount()const
template<typenameT> boolQueueTp<T>::enqueue(const T &item)
{if (isfull())
Node *add =new Node; add->item = item; add->next = NULL; items++; if (front == NULL)
front = add;
rear->next= add;
rear = add;return true;
template<typenameT> boolQueueTp<T>::dequeue(T &item)
if(front == NULL) return false;
item =front->item; items--;
Node *temp= front;
front =front->next; delete temp; if (items == 0) rear = NULL;
{ private:stringfullname; long id;
Worker():fullname("no one"), id(0L){}
Worker(conststring &s, long n) :fullname(s), id(n){}
~Worker();void Set(); void Show()const;
#include"queuetp.h" Worker::~Worker(){}
cout<<"Name: " <<fullname<<endl; cout<< "EmployeeID: " << id <<endl;
cout<<"Enter worker's name: "; getline(cin, fullname); cout<<"Enter worker's ID: "; cin>> id; while (cin.get() != '\n')continue;
#include "queuetp.h" constint Size = 5;
int main()
QueueTp<Worker*>lolas(Size); Worker *temp;
for (ct =0; ct< Size; ct++)
charch;cout<< "Enter the command:\n"
<<"A or a enter queue, "
<<"P or p delete queue, "
<<"Q or q quit.\n"; cin>>ch; while (strchr("apq", ch)== NULL)
cout<<"Please enter a p or q: "; cin>>ch;
if(ch == 'q') break;
{ case'a':
temp= new Worker;
cout<<"Queue already full\n";
cout<<"Queue already empty\n"; else lolas.dequeue(temp);
cout<<"\nHere the total count: "; cout<<lolas.queuecount();cout<< "Done.\n"; system("pause"); return 0;
#include <cstdlib> #include<cstring> using namespace std; class Person
{ private:
virtualvoid Data()const; virtual void Get();
Person():firstname("noone"),lastname("no one"){}
Person(conststring &f,const string &l):firstname(f),lastname(l){} Person(constPerson &p):Person(p){} virtual ~Person() = 0; virtual void Set() = 0;virtual void Show()const = 0;
classGunslinger:virtualpublic Person
{ private:intnumsk;
protected:void Data()const; void Get(); public:
Gunslinger(intnk,const string &f, const string &l) :numsk(nk), Person(f, l){}Gunslinger(intnk, const Person &p):numsk(nk),Person(p){} void Show()const;void Set(); double Draw()const;
classPokerPlayer:virtualpublic Person
protected:void Data()const;
PokerPlayer(conststring &f, const string &l) : Person(f, l){} PokerPlayer(const Person&p):Person(p){} int Draw()const; void Show()const; void Set(){Person::Set(); }
protected:void Data()const; void Get();
BadDude(intnk, const string &f, const string &l)
:Person(f,l), Gunslinger(nk, f, l), PokerPlayer(f, l){}
BadDude(intnk,const Person &p)
:Person(p),Gunslinger(nk, p), PokerPlayer(p){}
BadDude(constGunslinger &g)
:Person(g),Gunslinger(g),PokerPlayer(g){}BadDude(intnk, constPokerPlayer&po)
:Person(po),Gunslinger(nk, po), PokerPlayer(po){} doubleGdraw()const; intCdraw()const; voidSet(); void Show()const;
#include"person.h" Person::~Person(){}
cout<<"First name is : " <<firstname<<endl; cout<<"Last name is : " <<lastname<<endl;
cout<< "Enter firstname: \n"; getline(cin, firstname); cout<< "Enter last name:\n"; getline(cin, lastname);
cout<<"Nick is :" <<numsk<<endl; cout<< "The time ofget the gun :" << Gunslinger::Draw() <<endl;
cout<<"Enter Nick: \n"; cin>>numsk;
cout<<"Enter Guns name: \n";
cout<<"Gunslinger: \n";
returnrand() % 3 + 1;
returnrand() % 52 + 1;
cout<<"The cards :" << Draw() <<endl;
cout<<"PokerPlayer :\n";
Gunslinger::Data();PokerPlayer::Data(); cout<< "The next cards: " <<Cdraw()<<endl; cout<< "The time of BadDude get the gun: "<<Gdraw() <<endl;
cout<<"Enter BadDude name: \n";
cout<<"BadDude: \n";
//main.cpp#include "person.h"
constintSize=5; int main ()
Person*per[Size]; intct;
for (ct =0; ct< Size; ct++)
charchoice; cout<< "Enter the Person: \n"
<<"g: gunslinger p: poker "
<<"b: bad dude q: quit\n"; cin>> choice;
while(strchr("gpbq", choice) == NULL)
cout<<"Please enter a p,g,o,q: "; cin>> choice;
if(choice == 'q') break;
{ case'g':per[ct] = new Gunslinger; break;
per[ct] =new PokerPlayer; break;
per[ct] =new BadDude; break;
}cin.get(); per[ct]->Set();
cout<<"\nHere is your staff:\n";
for (i = 0;i<ct; i++)
for(i = 0; i<ct; i++) delete per[i];
cout<<"Bye\n"; system("pause"); return 0;
#include <iostream> #include<string> using namespace std;
{ private:
stringfname;stringlname; string job;
abstr_emp();abstr_emp(const string &fn, const string &ln, const string &j);
virtualvoid ShowAll()const; virtual void SetAll();friendostream&operator<<(ostream&os, constabstr_emp&e);virtual ~abstr_emp() = 0;
classemployee :public abstr_emp
{ public:
employee();employee(const string &fn, const string &ln, const string &j);
virtualvoid ShowAll()const; virtual void SetAll();
classmanager :virtual public abstr_emp
{ private:intinchargeof;
intInChargeOf()const{ return inchargeof; } int&InChargeOf(){ return inchargeof; }
manager();manager(const string &fn, const string &ln, const string &j, intico= 0);
manager(constabstr_emp&e,intico = 0); manager(const manager &m); virtual void ShowAll()const;virtual void SetAll(); voidgetInCharge(){ cout<< "Enter inchargeof:"; cin>>inchargeof;
class fink:virtual public abstr_emp
{ private:stringreportsto;
conststring ReportsTo()const{ return reportsto; } string&ReportsTo(){ returnreportsto; }
fink(conststring &fn, const string &ln, const string &j, const string&rpo);
fink(constabstr_emp&e,const string &rpo); fink(const fink &e); virtual void ShowAll()const;virtual void SetAll(); voidgetReportsTo(){ cout<< "Enter reportsto:"; cin>>reportsto;
classhighfink:public manager, public fink
{ public:
highfink(); highfink(const string&fn, const string &ln, const string &j, const string &rpo,intico = 0);
highfink(constabstr_emp&e,const string &rpo, intico = 0); highfink(const fink &f, intico = 0);highfink(const manager &m, const string &rpo);highfink(consthighfink&h); virtual void ShowAll()const; virtual voidSetAll();
//emp.cpp#include "emp.h"
abstr_emp::abstr_emp():fname("no one"), lname("no one"), job("no job")
abstr_emp::abstr_emp(conststring &fn, const string &ln, const string &j) : fname(fn),lname(ln), job(j)
cout<< "Firstname:" <<fname<<endl; cout<< "Lastname: "<<lname<<endl; cout<< "Job is: " << job<<endl;
cout<<"Enter firstname: "; getline(cin, fname); cout<< "Enterlastname: "; getline(cin, lname); cout<< "Enter position:"; getline(cin, job);
os<<e.fname<<" " <<e.lname<< ", " <<e.job<<endl;returnos;
employee::employee(conststring &fn, const string &ln, const string &j) : abstr_emp(fn, ln,j)
manager::manager(conststring &fn, const string &ln, const string &j, intico) :abstr_emp(fn, ln, j), inchargeof(ico)
manager::manager(constabstr_emp&e,intico) : abstr_emp(e), inchargeof(ico)
manager::manager(constmanager &m) : abstr_emp(m)
abstr_emp::ShowAll();cout<< "Inchargeof: " <<InChargeOf() <<endl;
abstr_emp::SetAll();cout<< "Enter inchargeof: ";
fink::fink(conststring &fn, const string &ln, const string &j, const string&rpo) : abstr_emp(fn, ln, j), reportsto(rpo)
fink::fink(constabstr_emp&e,const string &rpo) : abstr_emp(e), reportsto(rpo)
fink::fink(constfink &e) : abstr_emp(e)
abstr_emp::ShowAll();cout<< "Reportsto: " <<ReportsTo() <<endl;
} voidfink::SetAll()
abstr_emp::SetAll();cout<< "Enter reportsto: "; cin>>reportsto;
highfink::highfink():abstr_emp(), manager(), fink()
highfink::highfink(conststring &fn, const string &ln, const string &j, const string&rpo, intico) : abstr_emp(fn, ln, j), manager(fn, ln, j, ico), fink(fn,
ln, j, rpo)
highfink::highfink(constabstr_emp&e,const string &rpo, intico) : abstr_emp(e), manager(e, ico), fink(e, rpo)
highfink::highfink(constfink &f, intico) : abstr_emp(f), manager(f, ico), fink(f)
highfink::highfink(constmanager &m, const string &rpo) : abstr_emp(m), manager(m), fink(m, rpo)
highfink::highfink(consthighfink&h): abstr_emp(h), manager(h), fink(h)
abstr_emp::ShowAll();cout<< "InChargeOf: " << manager::InChargeOf()<<endl; cout<< "ReportsTo: " << fink::ReportsTo()<<endl;
abstr_emp::SetAll();manager::getInCharge(); fink::getReportsTo();
//useemp.cpp#include "emp.h"
employeeem("Trip","Harris", "Thumper"); cout<<em<<endl;em.ShowAll(); manager ma("Amorphia", "Spindragon","Nuancer", 5); cout<< ma <<endl; ma.ShowAll();
finkfi("Matt", "Oggs", "Oiler", "JunoBarr"); cout<< fi <<endl; fi.ShowAll(); highfinkhf(ma,"Curly Kew"); hf.ShowAll(); cout<< "Press a key for nextphase:\n"; cin.get(); highfink hf2; hf2.SetAll();
cout<<"Using an abstr_emp * pointer:\n"; abstr_emp *tri[4] = { &em,&fi, &hf, &hf2 }; for (inti = 0; i< 4; i++)tri[i]->ShowAll();
system("pause");return 0;
#include<iostream> using namespace std;
friendclass Remote;
enum { Off,On }; enum { MinVal, MaxVal = 20 }; enum { Antenna, Cable }; enum { TV, DVD };enum { USUAL, EXCHANGE };
Tv(ints = Off, int mc = 125) :state(s), volume(5), maxchannel(mc), channel(2),mode(Cable), input(TV){}
voidonoff(){state = (state == On) ? Off : On; } boolison()const{ return state == On; }boolvolup(); boolvoldown(); voidchanup(); voidchandown();
voidset_mode(){mode = (mode == Antenna) ? Cable : Antenna; } voidset_input(){ input = (input== TV) ? DVD : TV; } void settings()const; voidset_rmode(Remote &r);private: int state; int volume; intmaxchannel; int channel; int mode; intinput;
friendclass Tv;
enum {USUAL, EXCHANGE }; int mode; intfmode;
Remote(intm = Tv::TV, int f = USUAL) :mode(m), fmode(f){} boolvolup(Tv&t){ returnt.volup(); } boolvoldown(Tv&t){ return t.voldown(); } voidonoff(Tv&t){t.onoff(); } voidchanup(Tv&t){ t.chanup(); } voidchandown(Tv&t){t.chandown(); } voidset_chan(Tv&t, int c){ t.channel = c; }voidset_mode(Tv&t){ t.set_mode(); } voidset_input(Tv&t){ t.set_input();} voidmode_show()const{ cout<< "Remote pretent mode is "<<fmode<<endl; }
inline voidTv::set_rmode(Remote &r)
{if (ison())
r.fmode =Remote::EXCHANGE;
#define TVFM_H_ #include<iostream> using namespace std;
{ public:
enum State{Off, On }; enum { MinVal, MaxVal = 20 }; enum { Antenna, Cable }; enum { TV,DVD }; private:
int mode;public:
Remote(intm = TV) :mode(m){} boolvolup(Tv&t); boolvoldown(Tv&t);voidonoff(Tv&t); voidchanup(Tv&t); voidchandown(Tv&t);voidset_chan(Tv&t, int c); voidset_mode(Tv&t); voidset_input(Tv&t);
{ public:
friend voidRemote::set_chan(Tv&t, int c); enum State{ Off, On }; enum { MinVal, MaxVal= 20 }; enum { Antenna, Cable }; enum { TV, DVD };
Tv(ints = Off, int mc = 125) :state(s), volume(5), maxchannel(mc), channel(2),mode(Cable), input(TV){}
voidonoff(){state = (state == On) ? Off : On; } boolison()const{ return state == On; }boolvolup(); boolvoldown(); voidchanup(); voidchandown();
voidset_mode(){mode = (mode == Antenna) ? Cable : Antenna; } voidset_input(){ input = (input== TV) ? DVD : TV; } void settings()const;
private:int state; int volume; intmaxchannel; int channel; int mode; int input;
inlineboolRemote::volup(Tv&t){ return t.volup(); } inlineboolRemote::voldown(Tv&t){ return t.voldown(); } inline voidRemote::onoff(Tv&t){ t.onoff(); } inline void Remote::chanup(Tv&t){t.chanup(); } inline void Remote::chandown(Tv&t){ t.chandown(); } inlinevoid Remote::set_chan(Tv&t, int c){ t.channel = c; } inline voidRemote::set_mode(Tv&t){ t.set_mode(); } inline voidRemote::set_input(Tv&t){ t.set_input(); }
#include"tv.h" //#include "tvfm.h" boolTv::volup()
if (volume<MaxVal)
volume++;return true;
elsereturn false;
volume--;return true;
elsereturn false;
if(channel <maxchannel) channel++;
channel =1;
if(channel>1) channel--;
elsechannel = maxchannel;
} voidTv::settings()const
cout<<"TV is " << (state == Off ? "Off" : "On")<<endl; if (state == On)
cout<< "Volume setting =" << volume <<endl; cout<< "Channel setting =" << channel <<endl; cout<< "Mode = " <<(mode == Antenna ? "antenna" : "cable") <<endl;cout<< "Input = " << (input == TV ? "TV" :"DVD") <<endl;
//use_tv.cpp#include "tv.h" int main()
Tvs42; Remote grey; grey.mode_show(); cout<< "Initial settings for42\" TV:\n"; s42.settings(); s42.onoff(); s42.chanup(); cout<<"\nAdjusted settings for 42\" TV:\n"; s42.settings();
s42.set_rmode(grey);grey.set_chan(s42, 10); grey.volup(s42); grey.volup(s42); cout<<"\n42\" settings after using remote:\n"; s42.settings();
Tvs58(Tv::On);s58.set_mode(); grey.set_chan(s58, 28); cout<< "\n58\"settings:\n"; s58.settings(); s58.set_rmode(grey);system("pause"); return 0;
#include <stdexcept> #include<string> using namespace std;
classbad_hmean:public logic_error
{ private:string name;
explicitbad_hmean(const string&n = "hmean", const string &s = "Error inhmean()\n"); stringmesg(); virtual ~bad_hmean()throw(){}
bad_hmean::bad_hmean(conststring &n, const string &s) :name(n), logic_error(s)
inlinestring bad_hmean::mesg()
return"hmean() arguments a=-b should be div a+b=0!\n";
classbad_gmean:public logic_error
{ private:string name;
explicitbad_gmean(conststring &n = "gmean", const string &s = "Error ingmean()\n"); stringmesg(); virtual ~bad_gmean()throw(){}
bad_gmean::bad_gmean(conststring &n, const string &s) :name(n), logic_error(s)
inlinestring bad_gmean::mesg()
return"gmean() arguments should be >= 0\n";
doublehmean(doublea, double b); doublegmean(double a, double b);
int main()
double x,y, z; cout<< "Enter two numbers:"; while (cin>> x>> y)
z = hmean(x,y); cout<< "Harmonic mean of " << x << " and" << y
<<"is " << z <<endl; cout<< "Geomettric mean of "<< x << " and " << y
<<"is " <<gmean(x, y) <<endl; cout<< "Enter next setof numbers <q to quit>: ";
cout<<bg.what();cout<< "Error message: \n" <<bg.mesg() <<endl;cout<< "Try again.\n"; continue;
cout<<"Error message: \n" <<hg.mesg() <<endl; cout<<"Sorry, you don't get to play and more.\n"; break;
cout<<"Bye!\n"; system("pause"); return 0;
doublehmean(doublea, double b)
if(a == -b) throwbad_hmean();
return2.0*a*b / (a + b);
doublegmean(doublea, double b)
if(a < 0 || b < 0) throwbad_gmean();
#include <stdexcept> #include<string> using namespace std;
classbad_hmean:public logic_error
{ private:
double v1;double v2;
explicitbad_hmean(doublea = 0, double b = 0, const string &s = "Error in hmean()\n");
voidmesg();virtual ~bad_hmean()throw(){}
bad_hmean::bad_hmean(doublea, double b, const string &s)
:v1(a),v2(b), logic_error(s)
name ="hmean";
inline voidbad_hmean::mesg()
cout<<name << "(" << v1 << ", " << v2
<<") arguments a=-b should be div a+b=0!\n";
classbad_gmean:public bad_hmean
{ private:string name;
explicitbad_gmean(doublea = 0, double b = 0, const string &s = "Error in gmean()\n");
voidmesg();virtual ~bad_gmean()throw(){}
bad_gmean::bad_gmean(doublea, double b, const string &s)
:bad_hmean(a,b, s)
name ="gmean";
inline voidbad_gmean::mesg()
cout<<name << "(" <<bad_hmean::v1 << ", "<<bad_hmean::v2 << ") arguments should
be >=0\n";
doublehmean(doublea, double b); doublegmean(double a, double b);
int main()
double x,y, z; cout<< "Enter two numbers:"; while (cin>> x>> y)
z =hmean(x, y); cout<< "Harmonic mean of " << x <<" and " << y
<<"is " << z <<endl; cout<< "Geomettric mean of "<< x << " and " << y
<<"is " <<gmean(x, y) <<endl; cout<< "Enter next setof numbers <q to quit>: ";
cout<<hg.what();cout<< "Error message: \n"; hg.mesg(); cout<<endl;cout<< "Sorry, you don't get to play and more.\n"; break;
cout<<bg.what();cout<< "Error message: \n"; bg.mesg(); cout<<endl;cout<< "Try again.\n"; continue;
cout<<"Bye!\n"; system("pause"); return 0;
doublehmean(doublea, double b)
if(a == -b) throwbad_hmean();
return2.0*a*b / (a + b);
doublegmean(doublea, double b)
if (a <0 || b < 0)
#include <iostream> #include<cstdlib> using namespace std;
class Sales
{ public:
enum {MONTHS = 12 };
{ private:int bi;
explicitbad_index(intix, const string &s = "Index error in Sales object\n");intbi_val()const { return bi; } virtual ~bad_index()throw(){}
explicitSales(intyy = 0); Sales(intyy, const double *gr, int n); virtual ~Sales(){} intYear()const { return year; } virtual double operator[](inti)const; virtualdouble &operator[](inti);
doublegross[MONTHS]; int year;
classLabeledSales:public Sales
{ public:classnbad_index :public Sales::bad_index
nbad_index(conststring &lb, int ix, const string &s = "Index error in LabeledSalesobject\n");
conststring &label_val()const { return lbl; } virtual ~nbad_index()throw(){}
explicitLabeledSales(conststring &lb = "none", intyy = 0); LabeledSales(const string&lb, intyy, const double *gr, int n); virtual ~LabeledSales(){} conststring &Label()const { return label; } virtual doubleoperator[](inti)const; virtual double &operator[](inti);
Sales::bad_index::bad_index(intix, const string &s) :logic_error(s), bi(ix)
year = yy; for (inti = 0; i<MONTHS; ++i) gross[i] = 0;
Sales::Sales(intyy,const double *gr, int n)
year = yy;intlim = (n < MONTHS) ? n : MONTHS;
for(i = 0; i<lim; ++i) gross[i] = gr[i];
for(; i< MONTHS; ++i) gross[i] = 0;
if (i< 0|| i>= MONTHS)
if (i< 0|| i>= MONTHS)
LabeledSales::nbad_index::nbad_index(conststring &lb, int ix, const string &s) :Sales::bad_index(ix, s)
lbl = lb;
LabeledSales::LabeledSales(conststring &lb, intyy) : Sales(yy)
label = lb;
LabeledSales::LabeledSales(conststring &lb, intyy, const double *gr, int n) : Sales(yy, gr, n)
label = lb;
if (i< 0|| i>= MONTHS)
if (i< 0|| i>= MONTHS)
//use_sales.cpp#include "sales.h" int main()
doublevals1[12] =
1220, 1100,1122, 2212, 1232, 2334,
2884, 2393,3302, 2922, 3002, 3544
doublevals2[12] =
12, 11, 22,21, 32, 24,
28, 29, 33,29, 32, 35
Salessales1(2011, vals1, 12);
LabeledSalessales2("Blogstar",2012, vals2, 12);
Sales::bad_index *s;LabeledSales::nbad_index *l; cout<< "First try block:\n"; try
cout<<"Year = " << sales1.Year() <<endl; for (i = 0; i< 12;++i)
cout<<sales1[i] << ' '; if (i % 6 == 5) cout<<endl;
cout<<"Year = " << sales2.Year() <<endl; cout<<"Label = " << sales2.Label() <<endl; for (i = 0; i<=12; ++i)
cout<<sales2[i] << ' '; if (i % 6 == 5) cout<<endl;
cout<<"End of try block 1.\n";
if (l =dynamic_cast<LabeledSales::nbad_index *>(&bad))
cout<<"Comany: " << l->label_val() <<endl; cout<<"bad index: " << l->bi_val() <<endl;
elseif (s = dynamic_cast<Sales::bad_index *>(&bad)) cout<<"bad index: " << s->bi_val() <<endl;
cout<<"\nNext try block:\n"; try
sales2[2] =37.5; sales1[20] = 23345; cout<< "End of try block 2.\n";
cout<<bad.what();if (l = dynamic_cast<LabeledSales::nbad_index *>(&bad))
cout<<"Comany: " << l->label_val() <<endl; cout<<"bad index: " << l->bi_val() <<endl;
elseif (s = dynamic_cast<Sales::bad_index *>(&bad)) cout<<"bad index: " << s->bi_val() <<endl;
cout<<"done\n"; system("pause"); return 0;
Chapter 16
PE 16-1
//pe16-1.cpp -- one of many possible solutions
#include <iostream> #include<string> bool isPal(const std::string & s);
{std::string input; std::cout << "Enter a string (empty string toquit):\n";
std::getline(std::cin,input);while (std::cin && input.size() > 0)
{ if (isPal(input)) std::cout <<"That was a palindrome!\n";
elsestd::cout << "That was not a palindrome!\n";
std::cout<< "Enter a string (empty string to quit):\n";
std::cout<< "Bye!\n";
boolisPal(const std::string & s)
{std::string rev(s.rbegin(), s.rend()); // construct reversed
//some older compilers don’t implement the above constructor
//another approach is this
// std::string rev(s); // revsame size as s
//copy(s.rbegin(), s.rend(), rev.begin());
return(rev == s);
PE 16-4
//pe16-4.cpp -- one possibility
#include<algorithm> #define MAX 10
intreduce(long ar[], int n); void show(const long ar[], int n); int main()
{ long myarray[MAX] = {12, 12 ,5, 6,11, 5, 6, 77, 11,12}; show(myarray, MAX);
int newsize = reduce(myarray,MAX); show(myarray,newsize); return (0);
intreduce(long ar[], int n)
// orone could copy to a list and use list methods
// orcopy to a set; in either case, copy results
//back to array std::sort(ar, ar + n); long * past_end;
past_end= std::unique(ar, ar + n); return past_end - ar;
voidshow(const long ar[], int n)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) std::cout << ar[i] << ' ';
std::cout<< std::endl;
PE 16-8
#include <cstdlib> #include <string>int main()
{ using namespace std; string temp;
cout<< "Enter Mat's guest list (empty line to quit):\n"; while(getline(cin,temp) && temp.size() > 0) mats.insert(temp);
ostream_iterator<string,char>out (cout, "\n");
cout << "Mat's guest list:\n"; copy(mats.begin(),mats.end(), out);
cout<< "Enter Pat's guest list (empty line to quit):\n"; while(getline(cin,temp) && temp.size() > 0) pats.insert(temp);
cout << "\nPat's guest list:\n"; copy(pats.begin(),pats.end(), out);
set_union(mats.begin(),mats.end(), pats.begin(),
pats.end(),insert_iterator<set<string> >(both, both.begin()));
cout << "\nMerged guest list:\n"; copy(both.begin(),both.end(), out);
Chapter 17
PE 17-1
//pe17-1.cpp #include <iostream>
{using namespace std; char ch; int count = 0;
while (cin.get(ch) && ch != '$') count++;
if (ch== '$')
else cout << "End of input was reached\n";
cout<< count << " characters read\n";
cout<< "Then next input character is " << ch << endl;return 0;
PE 17-3
#include<fstream> #include <cstdlib>
intmain(int argc, char * argv[])
{using namespace std;
if(argc < 3)
{ cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0]
<<" source-file target-file\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
ifstreamfin(argv[1]); if (!fin)
{ cerr << "Can't open "<< argv[1] << " for input\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
ofstreamfout(argv[2]); if (!fout)
{ cerr << "Can't open "<< argv[2] << " for output\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
char ch; while (fin.get(ch)) fout << ch;
cout<< "Contents of " << argv[1] << " copied to"
<<argv[2] << endl; fin.close(); fout.close(); return 0;
PE 17-5
#include<cstdlib> #include <string>
{using namespace std; ifstream mat("mat.dat"); if (!mat.is_open())
{ cerr << "Can't open mat.dat.\n";
ifstreampat("pat.dat"); if (!pat.is_open())
{ cerr << "Can't open pat.dat.\n";
exit(1); }
ofstreammatnpat("matnpat.dat"); if (!matnpat.is_open())
{ cerr << "Can't open pat.dat.\n"; exit(1); } stringtemp;
set<string>mats; while (getline(mat,temp)) mats.insert(temp);
ostream_iterator<string,char>out (cout, "\n");
cout << "Mat's guest list:\n"; copy(mats.begin(),mats.end(), out);
set<string>pats; while (getline(pat,temp)) pats.insert(temp);
cout << "\nPat's guest list:\n"; copy(pats.begin(),pats.end(), out);
ostream_iterator<string,char>fout (matnpat, "\n"); set<string> both;
set_union(mats.begin(),mats.end(), pats.begin(),
pats.end(),insert_iterator<set<string> >(both, both.begin()));
cout << "\nMerged guest list:\n"; copy(both.begin(),both.end(), out); copy(both.begin(), both.end(), fout);
} if(!pat.is_open())
{ cerr << "Can't open pat.dat.\n";
exit(1); }
ofstreammatnpat("matnpat.dat"); if (!matnpat.is_open())
{ cerr << "Can't open pat.dat.\n";
exit(1);} string temp; set<string> mats; while (getline(mat,temp))mats.insert(temp);
ostream_iterator<string,char>out (cout, "\n");
cout << "Mat's guest list:\n"; copy(mats.begin(),mats.end(), out);
set<string>pats; while (getline(pat,temp)) pats.insert(temp);
cout << "\nPat's guest list:\n"; copy(pats.begin(),pats.end(), out);
ostream_iterator<string,char>fout (matnpat, "\n"); set<string> both;
set_union(mats.begin(),mats.end(), pats.begin(),
pats.end(),insert_iterator<set<string> >(both, both.begin()));
cout<< "\nMerged guest list:\n"; copy(both.begin(), both.end(),out); copy(both.begin(), both.end(), fout); return 0;
PE 17-7
#include<algorithm> #include <cstdlib>
voidShowStr(const std::string & s);
voidGetStrs(std::istream & is, std::vector<std::string> & vs);
std::ostream& os;
Store(std::ostream & o) : os(o) {} void operator()(const std::string &s);
{ using namespace std; vector<string> vostr; string temp;
//acquire strings cout << "Enter strings (empty line toquit):\n"; while (getline(cin,temp) && temp[0] != '\0')vostr.push_back(temp);
cout << "Here is your input.\n";for_each(vostr.begin(), vostr.end(), ShowStr);
//store in a file ofstream fout("strings.dat", ios_base::out |
ios_base::binary); for_each(vostr.begin(), vostr.end(), Store(fout));fout.close();
// recoverfile contents vector<string> vistr;
ifstreamfin("strings.dat",ios_base::in|ios_base::binary);if (!fin.is_open())
{ cerr << "Could not open file for input.\n";
cout<< "\nHere are the strings read from the file:\n";for_each(vistr.begin(), vistr.end(), ShowStr);
voidShowStr(const std::string & s)
{std::cout << s << std::endl;
voidStore::operator()(const std::string &s)
{std::size_t len = s.size();
os.write((char*)&len, sizeof(std::size_t)); os.write(s.data(), len);
voidGetStrs(std::istream & is, std::vector<std::string> & vs)
{ std::string temp; size_t len;
while(is.read((char *) &len, sizeof(size_t)) && len > 0)
{ char ch; temp = "";
for(int j = 0; j < len; j++)
{ if(is.read(&ch, 1))
{ temp+= ch;
} elsebreak;
} if(is) vs.push_back(temp);