
news/2024/11/15 3:32:06/

Facelift( 紧肤术) followed by a week on a beach in Thailand? Hip surgery with a side of shopping in
Singapore? Over the last 10 years, Asia’s rise on the medical tourism scene has been quick. Eastern nations
dominate the global scene. Now Bali wants a slice of the action.

The Indonesian island recently opened its first facility specifically targeting medical tourists with packages
and services, Bali international Medical Centre (BIMC) Nusa Dua. BIMC already has an international hospital in
Kuta , which opened in 1998.

The new internationally managed facility offers surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures and dental care.
Unlike most of the region’s hospitals, BIMC is designed to feel more like a spa or resort(度假村) than a medical facility..

The 50-bed hospital has a 24-hour medical emergency entrance and hotel-like lobby at the front of the
building servicing the hospital’s medical , and dental centers.If you’re a celebrity who doesn’t want everyone
to know you’re here for a bit of lipo(吸脂术),no worries.
There’s a private entrance that leads to the CosMedic Centre ,which offers views of a golf course.
BIMC has even teamed up with the nearby Courtyard by Marriott Bali, which provides specific after-care
services like tailor-made meals and wellness programs for patients.

Latest technology and cool interiors are a start, but breaking into a regional industry that already has some of
the worlds top international hospitals will be tough, says Josef-Woodman, CEO of U.S.-based medical travel
consumer guide Patients Beyond Borders(PBB).

“As a newcomer,Bali faces stiff competition from nearby international healthcare providers.To compete,Bali
will to demonstrate a quality level of care and promote its services to the region and the world .On the positive
side,Bali is blessed as one of the region’s safest ,most popular tourist destinations,with a built -in potential to
attract medical travelers.”

The lndonesian island could’t have picked a better time to get into the game,says PBB.”The world
population is aging and becoming weather at rates that surpass the availability of quality healthcare
resources ,”says the company’s research.

紧肤术之后的来一个泰国海滨一周游?髋关节手术后在新加坡购物?在过去的10 年里,亚洲医疗旅游
(BIMC)Nsa Dua。早在1998 年,巴厘岛国际医疗中心已在库塔开设了一个国际医院。
不同于大多数地区医院的是,BIMC 的设计使人们感觉它更像是温泉浴场或度假村而不是医院。
这配备有有50 张床的医院拥有24 小时急诊入口,在大楼的前部有酒店式的大堂服务设施以及医院的
BIMC 甚至与附近万豪巴厘岛的庭院联手提供了特殊的后续服务,如为病人提供特制食物和健康计划。
艰难, 美国基础医疗旅游消费指导“患者超越国界” 的首席执行官Josef Woodman 说道。




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