AMD GPU 系列版本信息

news/2025/2/12 9:22:34/

AMD GPU 系列版本信息


AMDGPU is AMD’s open source graphics driver for the latest AMD Radeon graphics cards. It is a complement to the open source Radeon driver, which works with graphics cards not supported by AMDGPU. AMDGPU supports a growing number of cards, but will not be available for pre-GCN (Graphics Core Next) architecture cards.
AMDGPU 是 AMD 的开源图形驱动程序,适用于最新的 AMD Radeon 显卡。这是对开源 Radeon driver 的补充,Radeon driver 适用于 AMDGPU 不支持的显卡。AMDGPU 支持越来越多的卡,但不适用于 pre-GCN (Graphics Core Next) 架构卡。

AMDGPU is the next generation family of open source graphics drivers using the new Display Core (DC) framework for Vega GPUs and Raven Ridge APUs. It is however also capable of handling newer AMD/ATI Radeon graphics cards based on GCN1.0+, namely the Southern Islands, Sea Islands, Volcanic Islands, and Arctic Islands chipsets.
AMDGPU 是下一代开源图形驱动程序系列,使用适用于 Vega GPU 和 Raven Ridge APU 的新 Display Core (DC) 框架。然而,它也能够处理基于 GCN1.0+ 的较新的 AMD/ATI Radeon 显卡,即 Southern Islands, Sea Islands, Volcanic Islands, and Arctic Islands 芯片组。

Setting up a system to use AMDGPU requires identifying the proper card, installing the corresponding firmware, configuring the kernel, and installing the X11 driver.

// detect the graphics card
(base) yongqiang@yongqiang:~$ lspci | grep -i VGA

AMDGPU-PRO is the next generation closed source graphics component that operates on top of the open source AMDGPU drivers for newer AMD/ATI Radeon graphics cards.
AMDGPU-PRO 是下一代闭源图形组件,它在开源 AMDGPU 驱动程序之上运行,适用于较新的 AMD/ATI Radeon graphics cards。

firmware [ˈfɜː(r)mˌweə(r)]:n. 固件
Graphics Core Next,GCN:下一代图形核心
Instruction Set Architecture,ISA:指令集体系结构
Accelerated Processing Unit,APU:加速处理单元
Display Core,DC
Display Abstraction Layer,DAL
volcanic [vɒlˈkænɪk]:adj. 火山的,火山引起的,火山产生的
arctic [ˈɑː(r)ktɪk]:adj. 北极的,北极地区的,极冷的,严寒的 n. 北极,北极地区
Northern Islands:北方群岛

2. AMD GPU 系列版本信息

FamilyChipset nameMicroarchitectureISAProduct name
Evergreen (常青树)CEDAR, REDWOOD, JUNIPER, CYPRESS, PALM (Wrestler/Ontario), SUMO, SUMO2 (Llano), SUMO2 (Llano)HD5430-HD5970, all HD6xxx not listed under Northern Islands, HD7350
Northern Islands (北方群岛)ARUBA, BARTS, TURKS, CAICOS, CAYMANHD6450, HD6570, HD6670, HD6790-HD6990, HD64xxM, HD67xxM, HD69xxM, HD7450-HD7670, HD8450, R5 230
Southern Islands (南方群岛)CAPE VERDE, PITCAIRN, TAHITI, OLAND, HAINANGCN1.1+DCE 6.xHD7750-HD7970, R9 270, R9 280, R9 370X, R7 240, R7 250
Sea Islands (海洋群岛)BONAIRE, KABINI, KAVERI, HAWAII, MULLINSGCN2.xDCE 8.xHD7790, R7 260, R9 290, R7 360, R9 390
Volcanic Islands (火山群岛)CARRIZO, FIJI, STONEY, TONGA, TOPAZ, WANIGCN3.xDCE 10/11.xR9 285, R9 380, R9 380X, R9 Fury, R9 Nano, R9 Fury X, Pro Duo
Arctic Islands (北极群岛)POLARIS10/11/12, VEGAMGCN4.xDCE 11.2RX 460, RX 470, RX 480, RX 540, RX 550, RX 560, RX 570, RX 580, RX 590
Vega (织女星)VEGA10/11/12/20GCN5.xDCE 12.xRX Vega 56, RX Vega 64, Radeon Vega II, Radeon VII
Vega (织女星)RAVENGCN5.xDCN 1.0Raven Ridge APU series
Vega (织女星)RENOIRGCN5.xDCN 2.1Renoir APU series
Navi (仙后座)NAVI10/14/21/22/23RDNADCN 2.0RX 5500, RX 5500 XT, RX 5600, RX 5600 XT, RX 5700, RX 5700 XT
Navi (仙后座)NAVI10/14/21/22/23RDNA2DCN 3.0RX 6600, RX 6600 XT, RX 6700, RX 6700 XT, RX 6800, RX 6800 XT, RX 6900 XT

AMD previously called the microarchitecture Display Core (DC). GCN stands for Graphics Core Next and was introduced with the Radeon HD7000 series (GCN1.0). It was superseded by RDNA, short for Radeon DNA, introduced with the Radeon RX 5000 series (NAVI) in 2019.
AMD 以前称为微架构显示核心 (DC)。 GCN 代表 Graphics Core Next 并随 Radeon HD7000 series (GCN1.0) 一起推出。它被 Radeon DNA (RDNA) 取代,于 2019 年随 Radeon RX 5000 series (NAVI) 一起推出。

The actual Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) is defined by the Display Core Engine (DCE), which was superseded by Display Core Next (DCN), introduced with the Raven Ridge APUs (mobile Vega graphics core).
实际的指令集架构 (ISA) 由 Display Core Engine (DCE) 定义,它已被与 Raven Ridge APU (mobile Vega graphics core) 一起引入的 Display Core Next (DCN) 所取代。

supersede [ˌsuːpə(r)ˈsiːd]:v. 取代



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