
news/2024/12/5 3:06:51/

[HUAWEI]user-interface console 0 #进入console口
[HUAWEI-ui-console0]authentication-mode aaa #console启动aaa认证模式
Info: The password of CON0 will be changed. Please verify the old password.
Please enter old password: #密码验证
Warning: The level of the user-interface(s) will be the default level of AAA users, please check whether it is correct.
Info: The password was cleared.
Info: Succeeded in changing the authentication mode.
[HUAWEI-ui-console0]q #返回
[HUAWEI]aaa #进入aaa模式
[HUAWEI-aaa]local-user admin service-type terminal #启动admin用户终端登录模式
Info: After you change the rights (including the password, access type, FTP directory, and level) of a local user, the rights of users already online do not change. The change takes effect to users who go online after the change.
[HUAWEI-aaa]local-user admin password irreversible-cipher admin123 #修改admin有用户密码
Info: After you change the rights (including the password, access type, FTP directory, and level) of a local user, the rights of users already online do not change. The change takes effect to users who go online after the change.
[HUAWEI-aaa]display local-user username admin #显示admin用户信息
The contents of local user(s):
Password : ****************
State : active
Service-type-mask : M #(M)终端模式打开
Privilege level : -
Ftp-directory : -
Access-limit : -
Accessed-num : 0
Idle-timeout : -
User-group : -
Original-password : Yes
Password-set-time : 2022-12-08 07:02:06+08:00
Password-expired : No
Password-expire-time : -
[HUAWEI-aaa]local-aaa-user password policy administrator #进入Local-aaa-user密码策略管理员
[HUAWEI-aaa-lupp-admin]password alert before-expire 80 #全局密码80天到期
[HUAWEI-aaa]display local-user username admin
The contents of local user(s):
Password : ****************
State : active
Service-type-mask : M
Privilege level : -
Ftp-directory : -
Access-limit : -
Accessed-num : 0
Idle-timeout : -
User-group : -
Original-password : Yes
Password-set-time : 2022-12-08 07:02:06+08:00
Password-expired : No
Password-expire-time : 2023-03-08 07:02:06+08:00

Username:admin #admin
Password: #密码
Warning: The initial password poses security risks.
The password needs to be changed. Change now? [Y/N]: n #没有强制修改
Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z.




通过串口线配置S5700 的管理IP地址和网关&#xff0c;串口线接在交换机的console口&#xff0c;ip设置完成后网线接在ETH口&#xff1a; <Quidway> system-view [Quidway] interface Meth 0/0/1 [Quidway-Meth0/0/1]ip address x.x.x.x 255…


交换机的三种模式: 1、Access模式: 一般用来连接计算机与交换机. 此模式下有一个PVID就是本端口所属的VLAN号,如果从链路上收到无标签的帧,则打上默认VLAN号,然后发给其他端口,如果从链路上收到有标签的帧,如果这个帧的VLAN等于PVID,则直接发给其他端口,如果不等于PVID,则直接…

交换机设备登录账号权限1_华为交换机S5700设置远程ssh telnet登录



测试环境ENPS------S3700交换机&#xff1a; zabbix服务器------centos 7 zabbix3.4: Switch配置 S2]undo info-center enable [S2]inter Vlanif 1 [S2-Vlanif1]ip add 24 \\设置vlan 1 IPaddress [S2-Vlanif1]q [S2] [S2]…


场景&#xff1a;PC1&#xff08;;与PC2&#xff08;;分别接在交换机不同VLAN端口&#xff0c;实现PC1与PC2 互通。 配置VLAN间通过VLANIF接口通信&#xff1a; 创建VLAN&#xff0c;确定用户所属的VLAN。配置接口加入VLAN&…


一台S5700的三层交换机&#xff0c;划分了几个VLAN&#xff0c;使用DHCP动态分发IP地址&#xff0c;拓扑图如下&#xff0c;想实现如下功能&#xff1a; 1、PC1与PC2&#xff0c;可以访问Server1—Server4&#xff0c;可以访问外网&#xff1b; 2、PC3&#xff0c;无法访问Se…

代码随想录算法训练营day59 | 503.下一个更大元素II,42. 接雨水

代码随想录算法训练营day59 | 503.下一个更大元素II&#xff0c;42. 接雨水 503.下一个更大元素II解法一&#xff1a;单调栈&#xff08;两次遍历解决环状问题&#xff09; 42. 接雨水解法一&#xff1a;单调栈&#xff08;横向累计&#xff09;解法二&#xff1a;暴力解法解法…


学习目标 掌握接口速率的配置方法 掌握使用手动模式配置链路聚合的方法 掌握使用静态LACP模式配置链路聚合的方法 掌握在静态LACP模式下配置接口优先级的方法 拓扑图 图4.1 以太网链路聚合拓扑图 场景 您是公司的网络管理员。现在公司购买了两台华为的S5700系列的交换机…