
news/2025/2/15 23:16:10/


So you’re sitting at your desk working on your TPS reports, but how are you supposed to remember the cover sheet with your annoying co-worker that just won’t shut up? Accounts payable Nina speaking, just a moment! Shut up!

因此,您坐在办公桌前处理TPS报告,但是您应该如何与恼人的同事一起记住封底呢? 尼娜(Nina)应付帐款,片刻! 闭嘴!

Accounts Payable Nina Speaking, Just a moment!

Sure, you can always put on a set of headphones and turn the music all the way up. But if you are like me, you can’t really concentrate on your work with loud music playing, and soft music doesn’t drown anybody out.

当然,您总是可以戴上耳机并完全打开音乐。 但是,如果您像我一样,就无法真正专注于播放响亮的音乐,柔和的音乐也不会淹没任何人。

Noise Canceling Headphones


Sure, you can always check out a pair of expensive noise canceling headphones. They work well, but they aren’t cheap. And I don’t know about you, but I don’t really like having a giant pair of headphones on—especially if I’m somewhere else other than my desk.

当然,您可以随时检查一副昂贵的降噪耳机。 它们运作良好,但并不便宜。 而且我不认识您,但是我真的不喜欢戴一副巨大的耳机-尤其是在我的办公桌以外的其他地方。

Noise Canceling Headphones

Sony MDR-NC60 Noise Canceling Headphone


The solution: White Noise!


The best way to drown somebody out without breaking your eardrums or losing your concentration is to use some white noise. Personally, I’m a fan of the SimplyNoise generator—specifically the brown/red noise with an oscillating volume level. It ends up sounding very similar to waves at the ocean, which would also probably work well for drowning somebody out.

将某人淹没而不会破坏您的耳膜或失去注意力的最好方法是使用一些白噪声。 就我个人而言,我是SimplyNoise发生器的粉丝-特别是棕色/红色噪声,其音量在不断波动。 最终听起来与海洋中的海浪非常相似,这对于将某人淹死也很有效。


Use the SimplyNoise white noise generator


Add Something Pleasant to the Background


So now you’ve got your white noise going, and your co-worker’s annoying mouth is just a distant memory—but it’s just a little boring. You can use the Zendesk buddha machine wall to add some pleasant Zen sounds that will help get you in the concentrating mood. Just click on any of the speakers, and then choose a sound. You can combine multiple sounds together for a very soothing experience.

因此,现在您已经发出白噪声,而您同事的烦人的嘴只是遥远的记忆-但这有点无聊。 您可以使用Zendesk佛机墙添加一些令人愉悦的Zen声音,这将有助于您集中注意力。 只需单击任何扬声器,然后选择一种声音即可。 您可以将多种声音组合在一起,以获得非常舒缓的体验。


Use the FM3 Buddha Machine Wall


…Or Just Listen to Music


You can just combine the white noise generator with some fairly mellow, appropriate music.


I love Depeche Mode

The white noise fills in the quiet spots in the song, so you won’t have to hear anybody.


So how do you drown out those annoying co-workers?


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/3210/drown-out-that-annoying-co-worker-without-hurting-your-ears/





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