java 流量单位转换_将内容转换为持续流量的五种最佳方法

news/2025/2/14 6:59:44/

java 流量单位转换

Websites that have focused on content marketing have done really well for themselves. We are not the only ones saying it. Kapost statistics show that website conversion rate is 6 times more for those who have invested in content marketing as a strategy.  According to content marketing statistics for the UK in 2018, provided by the Content Marketing Institute, 86 % of respondents are using content marketing but only 7 %  of the respondents said that they are doing content marketing at the optimum levels and getting results from it. This means that there is a lot of scope for creating great content, doing content promotion and increasing your overall business.

专注于内容营销的网站对自己而言确实做得很好。 我们不是唯一这样说的人。 Kapost的统计数据显示,对于那些将内容营销作为策略进行投资的人来说,其网站转化率要高出6倍。 根据内容行销协会提供的2018年英国内容行销统计数据,有86%的受访者正在使用内容行销,但只有7%的受访者表示他们正在以最佳水平进行内容行销并从中获得结果。 这意味着创建大量内容,进行内容推广和增加整体业务的范围很大。

There is no doubt that demand for content is huge but only consistent implementation of best practices can result in long-term success in the form of traffic generation.


Here are 5 ways in which you can convert your content into returning traffic and long-term customers.


融合教育内容和销售内容 (Blend content that educates and content that sells)

Most business owners do one of the two things very well – They either create content that is great at educating customers or they create content that is great in selling to customers. The key is to create content that does both the things well.  Doing one at the cost of the other is not an option. Too much of selling or information without any sales pitch will affect the content strategy in the long run and fail to serve any purpose.

大多数企业主都很好地做到了两件事之一–他们要么创造出对客户教育很有用的内容,要么创造出向客户出售产品的出色内容。 关键是创建能够同时兼顾两者的内容。 不能以牺牲另一个为代价。 从长远来看,太多的销售或信息销售会影响内容策略,无法达到任何目的。

A good example of creating content that mixes both educations and sales would be a blog that for example talks about weight loss exercises and at the same time points the prospective customers towards weight loss supplements to buy. The key here is to provide content that appeals to people who are looking for solutions to the problem of weight loss. It has to be content that appeals emotionally as well as logically to prospective customers. Make sure that none of the content looks forced and planted as if you’re trying to advertise your product.

一个创建融合了教育和销售内容的很好的例子是一个博客,例如谈论减肥运动,同时将潜在客户指向购买减肥补品。 这里的关键是提供吸引正在寻求减肥问题解决方案的人们的内容。 它必须满足于在情感上和逻辑上吸引潜在客户的内容。 确保没有任何内容看起来像是在强迫广告或植入,就像您要在宣传产品一样。

内容的不同类型和形式导致更多的流量 (Different types and forms of content lead to more traffic)

Your content strategy should be such that you are open to publishing different forms of content and different types of content. Diversity in the type and forms of content will help you to fulfil all your online marketing needs and convert the content into serious traffic.

您的内容策略应允许您公开发布不同形式的内容和不同类型的内容。 内容类型和形式的多样性将帮助您满足所有在线营销需求,并将内容转换为大量流量。

Here are six different types of content that you should try and publish. This will also help you find out which type works best.

这是您应该尝试发布的六种不同类型的内容。 这也将帮助您找出最适合的类型。

Content Type 1: Blogs


Blogs are probably the most common and one of the most effective means of expressing yourself on the internet. If the quality of your blog is good and you follow different strategies of getting people to your blog such as sharing content on different platforms, optimizing load time of your pages and placing related links inside the posts you can get a lot of high quality traffic to your blog. WordPress is one of the best platforms to set up a blog for your business.

博客可能是在互联网上表达自己的最常见且最有效的方法之一。 如果您的博客质量很好,并且您采取了不同的策略来吸引人们进入您的博客,例如在不同的平台上共享内容,优化页面的加载时间以及在帖子中放置相关链接,则可以吸引大量高质量的访问量您的博客。 WordPress是为您的企业建立博客的最佳平台之一。

Content Type 2: Infographics


As the name suggests, data presented in a graphical format with illustrations is visually very appealing compared to just bland numbers. You don’t need any technical expertise to make an infographic. You can ask a professional graphic designer to make one for you or simply use online services such as piktochart, and which have free as well as premium versions available.

顾名思义,与图形相比,以平淡无奇的数字呈现的具有插图的数据在视觉上非常吸引人。 您不需要任何技术专业知识即可制作图表。 您可以要求专业的平面设计师为您制作一个,或者简单地使用piktochart,Visual.ly和easyl.ly等在线服务,这些服务均提供免费版本和高级版本。

Content Type 3: Videos


 Short videos of 2-3 minutes are a great way to speak to your audience and move them to take actions. The videos can be about your products and services or they can be also ‘take a tour’ kind of videos. Apart from putting the video on your site, you can also publish the video to platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo.

2-3分钟的简短视频是与观众交流并采取行动的一种好方法。 这些视频可以是关于您的产品和服务的,也可以是“浏览”类的视频。 除了将视频放到您的网站上之外,您还可以将视频发布到YouTube和Vimeo等平台。

Content Type 4: Case study


Case studies help your customers to understand how your product or service has helped previous customers.  A case study starts with an overview of your client, the challenges faced by the client and how your service or product helped the client in getting over his problems. The case study ends with a conclusion and a call to action.

案例研究可帮助您的客户了解您的产品或服务如何帮助了以前的客户。 案例研究首先概述了客户,客户面临的挑战以及您的服务或产品如何帮助客户解决问题。 案例研究以结论和行动号召结束。

Content Type 5: Meme


A meme is a humorous graphic that usually has a tagline written on the top or bottom of an image.  Memes are popular on social media platforms.  While memes can be created for almost anything, in marketing, you can use it to create a brand message that will communicate your brand’s humorous message. Memes can be created using online tools such as Meme generator and quick meme.

模因是幽默的图形,通常在图像的顶部或底部都带有标语。 模因在社交媒体平台上很流行。 虽然几乎可以为所有事物创建模因,但是在市场营销中,您可以使用它来创建品牌信息,以传达您品牌的幽默信息。 可以使用在线工具(如Meme Generator和Quick Meme)创建Memes。

Content Type 6: Press releases/News


Publishing press releases on online PR sites about the latest updates at your end is a great way to keep your customers informed about the goings on in your business and to get out word about yourself in the market. Remember that unlike most other forms of content, a press release needs to be very to-the-point and has to provide something newsworthy. The content has to be in the form of news.

在在线PR网站上发布有关您末尾最新更新的新闻稿是一种很好的方式,可以使您的客户了解您的业务发展情况,并在市场上了解自己。 请记住,与大多数其他形式的内容不同,新闻稿必须非常准确,并且必须提供具有新闻价值的内容。 内容必须采用新闻形式。

( Know where you’re headed with regular content audits

A content audit is something that you do on a website to find out how far your content strategy and your content has been successful with your audience. Simply putting content out there is not enough. You also need to know which of your content is converting to traffic and which is hitting a chord with your audience. A content audit should be conducted at least weekly, quarterly or monthly so that you know if the content is succeeding in converting visitors into leads. The audit will give you an idea about how to improve your strategy and improve your content. This is also one of the best ways to improve your content marketing.

您可以在网站上进行内容审核,以了解您的内容策略和内容在受众群体中取得了多大成功。 仅仅将内容放在那里是不够的。 您还需要知道哪些内容正在转化为流量,哪些正在引起观众的共鸣。 内容审核至少应每周,每季度或每月进行一次,以便您知道内容是否成功地将访问者转化为潜在客户。 审核将为您提供有关如何改善策略和改善内容的想法。 这也是改善内容营销的最佳方法之一。

为千禧一代创建自适应内容 (Create adaptive content for millennials)

Millennials can be defined as people who were born in the 1980s to 1996 and reached young adulthood in the 21st century. Millennials constitute a huge section of anything that is technology or web related. This translates to them being a huge chunk of your audience.

千禧可以被定义为谁是出生在20世纪80年代到1996年达到了21 世纪青年期的人。 千禧一代构成与技术或网络相关的任何事物的很大一部分。 这意味着他们是您听众的很大一部分。

Adaptive content is the way to attract them to your content. Adaptive content simply means content that lets people interact with it across different platforms. Just as water takes the shape of any vessel it is put into, similarly adaptive content adapts itself to the screen of the device it is being displayed on. The device could be a mobile phone, a PC screen or a laptop screen.

自适应内容是将其吸引到您的内容的方式。 自适应内容只是意味着可以使人们跨不同平台与其交互的内容。 就像水可以放入任何容器一样,类似的自适应内容也可以适应正在显示的设备的屏幕。 该设备可以是手机,PC屏幕或笔记本电脑屏幕。

So for example if a reader started viewing your content on his home PC, he or she should be able  to continue the same on their mobile phone and even complete their purchase through another device without  being restricted to a particular device or platform.


始终运行A / B测试 (Consistently Run A/B Tests)

A/B testing or split testing is simply testing which you perform to see which content namely content A or content B performs better and converts more. Focus

A / B测试或拆分测试只是测试您要执行的测试,以查看哪些内容(即内容A或内容B)的效果更好并带来更多转化。 焦点

Irrespective of whether you’re into marketing or a small business owner, conducting A/B split tests will help you ascertain which headlines, call-to-actions and type of content works best for your readers. Once you understand what works best for you, you can fine-tune your marketing strategies and understand what exactly needs to go on your website.

无论您是从事营销还是小企业主,进行A / B拆分测试都将帮助您确定哪种标题,号召性用语和内容类型最适合您的读者。 一旦了解了最适合自己的内容,就可以调整营销策略并了解在网站上的确切需求。

These are the top ways to convert your content into serious traffic. Keep experimenting with different methods and keep yourself up-to-date with the latest trends in content marketing so that you can stay one step ahead of competitors.

这些是将您的内容转换为大量流量的最佳方法。 继续尝试不同的方法,并及时了解内容营销的最新趋势,以便您可以领先竞争对手一步。

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如果您正在寻找高性能的托管服务来帮助您的网站在移动设备上更快地加载,请查看我们的VPS软件包 。


java 流量单位转换




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