用来表示一个BEAN-A的实例化依赖另一个BEAN-B的实例化, 但是BEAN-A并不需要持有一个BEAN-B的对象,如果需要则需要使用依赖注入或者ref标签。
// 该注解的属性是一个字符串数组,数组的元素是每个依赖的BEAN的名称。
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD})
public @interface DependsOn {String[] value() default {};
Beans on which the current bean depends. Any beans specified are guaranteed to be created by the container before this bean. Used infrequently in cases where a bean does not explicitly depend on another through properties or constructor arguments, but rather depends on the side effects of another bean's initialization. A depends-on declaration can specify both an initialization-time dependency and, in the case of singleton beans only, a corresponding destruction-time dependency. Dependent beans that define a depends-on relationship with a given bean are destroyed first, prior to the given bean itself being destroyed. Thus, a depends-on declaration can also control shutdown order. May be used on any class directly or indirectly annotated with org.springframework.stereotype.Component or on methods annotated with Bean. Using DependsOn at the class level has no effect unless component-scanning is being used. If a DependsOn-annotated class is declared via XML, DependsOn annotation metadata is ignored, and is respected instead.
(3)直接或者间接标注在带有@Bean 注解的方法上面;
(5)@DependsOn({“BEAN-NAME-1”, “BEAN-NAME-2”}),先创建BEAN-NAME-1,再创建BEAN-NAME-2,最后再创建当前的BEAN。
@DependsOn({"c", "b"})
public class A implements InitializingBean, DisposableBean {public A() {System.out.println("TO CREATE: " + this.getClass().getName());}@Overridepublic void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {}@Overridepublic void destroy() throws Exception {System.out.println("TO DESTROY: " + this.getClass().getName());}
public class B implements InitializingBean, DisposableBean {public B() {System.out.println("TO CREATE: " + this.getClass().getName());}@Overridepublic void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {}@Overridepublic void destroy() throws Exception {System.out.println("TO DESTROY: " + this.getClass().getName());}
public class C implements InitializingBean, DisposableBean {public C() {System.out.println("TO CREATE: " + this.getClass().getName());}@Overridepublic void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {}@Overridepublic void destroy() throws Exception {System.out.println("TO DESTROY: " + this.getClass().getName());}