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When you create a named table in Excel, you can colour the alternating rows with one of the built-in Table Styles. But how could you colour alternating groups of information, such as dates? This example shows show to create colour bands, based on dates, so it's easy to see where each day's data begins and ends.

在Excel中创建命名表时,可以使用内置的表样式之一为交替的行着色。 但是,如何为交替的信息组(例如日期)着色? 此示例显示了根据日期创建色带的显示,因此很容易看到每天数据的开始和结束位置。

Excel中的色带 (Colour Bands in Excel)

In the steps shown below, you'll see how to use Excel conditional formatting to create colour bands, based on the data in one column..


In this example, the sales rows for the dates are in alternating colours - blue and no fill. This technique was adapted from Chip Pearson's site.

在此示例中,日期的销售行以交替的颜色显示-蓝色且没有填充。 该技术改编自Chip Pearson的站点 。

dolour bands for dates

添加新列 (Add a New Column)

First, we need to add a new column to the table, where a formula will check the date, and compare it with the date in the previous row.


  • In cell D1, type a heading for a new column - TRUE


  • In cell D2, enter this formula, to compare the dates:

  • =IF(A1=A2,D1,NOT(D1))

    = IF(A1 = A2,D1,NOT(D1))

  • Press Enter, and the formula automatically fills down to the end of the table, with a result of TRUE or FALSE in each row.

Colour Bands in Excel Table Based on Dates

公式如何运作 (How the Formula Works)

The formula in cell D2 compares the date in column A, to the date in the cell above that



= IF( A1 = A2 ,D1,NOT(D1))

If the dates are the same, the result is the value from column D, in the previous row



= IF(A1 = A2, D1 ,NOT(D1))

If the dates are different, the result is the opposite of the value in the row above, because the Excel NOT function reverses TRUE and FALSE.

如果日期不同,则结果与上一行中的值相反,因为Excel NOT函数将TRUE和FALSE取反。


= IF(A1 = A2,D1, NOT(D1) )

In cell D2, the result is FALSE (the opposite of the TRUE in cell D1), because the date in cell A1 is not equal to the "Date" heading in cell A1.


NOTE: You could use either TRUE or FALSE as the heading in column D

注意 :您可以使用TRUE或FALSE作为D列的标题

桌上型Opton (Table Style Optons)

Before you add the conditional formatting, turn off banded rows in your Excel table, if that feature is active.


  • Select a cell in the table

  • On the Excel Ribbon, click the Table Design tab

  • In the Table Style Options group, remove the check mark for Banded Rows.


添加条件格式 (Add Conditional Formatting)

Then, follow these steps to add the conditional formatting that creates colour bands:


  • Starting  from row 2, select all the data cells in the table

  • On the Home tab, click Conditional Formatting, New Rule

  • Click on "Use a formula to determine which cells to format"

  • In the formula box, type this formula, referring to the active data cell:

  • =$D2=TRUE

    = $ D2 = TRUE

  • Click the Format button, and choose a fill colour for the rows that have TRUE in column D

  • Click OK, twice, to apply the formatting

  • (Optional) Hide the TRUE/FALSE column, to tidy up the worksheet.

    (可选)隐藏TRUE / FALSE列,以整理工作表。

绝对参考 (Absolute Reference)

In the conditional formatting rule, =$D2=TRUE, we use an absolute reference to column D ($D), instead of a relative reference (D).

在条件格式化规则= $ D2 = TRUE中 ,我们使用对列D( $ D )的绝对引用,而不是相对引用( D )。

  • With an absolute reference, all the columns will refer to the value in column D

  • With a relative reference, the formula would adjust in each column, and each cell would check its own value, instead of the cell in column D.


For example, the conditional formatting in column B would look for TRUE in column E, instead of column D. Column E is empty, so there's no colour applied in column B.


为单独的组添加边框 (Add a Border to Separate Groups)

Another way to separate the groups is with a top border, like I did with this list of dates.

分隔组的另一种方法是使用顶部边框,就像我对日期列表所做的那样 。

You don't been an extra column for this technique.


基于一个单元格的值的颜色行 (Colour Row Based on One Cell's Value)

This video shows how to format multiple cells in a row, based on on cell's value, using an absolute reference.



更多条件格式示例 (More Conditional Formatting Examples)

See more conditional formatting examples on my Contextures website, and download the sample file there.

在我的Contextures网站上查看更多条件格式示例 ,然后在此处下载示例文件。

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2020/05/07/colour-bands-in-excel-table-based-on-dates/




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