前端 vue 或者麦克风,智能语音识别 和播放功能
1. 终端安装
npm install recordrtc
import RecordRTC from 'recordrtc'
< div class = "Page" > < el- form ref= "mainFormRef" class = "mainForm" : model= "main_form" label- width= "100px" label- position= "top" > < el- form- item : label= "'热词设置:\n(一行一个关键字,空格隔开权重,如将1号屏和3号屏调换 20)'" > < el- input type= "textarea" v- model= "main_form.hotWords" placeholder= "请输入热词" : autosize= "{ minRows: 5, maxRows: 15 }" > < / el- input> < / el- form- item> < el- form- item label= "语音识别 结果显示:" > < div : class = "resultDetails && resultDetails.status <= 0 ? 'result_content r_h_input_red' : 'result_content'" > { { main_form. result } } < / div> < / el- form- item> < el- form- item label= "声纹采集:" prop= "file" > < div class = "voiceGather_btn" > < el- select : disabled= "voiceStatus" style= "width: 100%" v- model= "main_form.chooseMicDeviceId" placeholder= "请选择麦克风" > < el- option v- for = "item in Mic" : key= "item.deviceId" : label= "item.label" : value= "item.deviceId" > < / el- option> < / el- select> < div class = "voiceGather" v- if = "main_form.chooseMicDeviceId != ''" > < el- button style= "margin-left: 20px" @click= "voiceInput" : loading= "startLoading" > { { voiceStatus ? "取消录音" : "开始录音" } } < / el- button> < / div> < / div> < div class = "voiceGather_btn" > < audio controls v- if = "recordedBlob" : src= "recordedBlob" > < / audio> < / div> < / el- form- item> < / el- form> < / div>
data ( ) { return { recorder : '' , voiceStatus : false , main_form : { chooseMicDeviceId : '' , hotWords : '' , result : '' , } , Mic : [ ] , RMSList : [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , ] , audioURL : null , file : null , resultDetails : { } , startLoading : false , recordedBlob : null , } ; } ,
mounted ( ) { this . getMic ( )
methods ( ) { getMic ( ) { let that = this ; if ( navigator. mediaDevices && navigator. mediaDevices. getUserMedia) { navigator. mediaDevices. getUserMedia ( { audio : true } ) . then ( ( stream ) => { navigator. mediaDevices. enumerateDevices ( ) . then ( function ( devices ) { devices. forEach ( function ( device ) { if ( device. kind === 'audioinput' ) { if ( device. deviceId != 'default' && device. deviceId != 'communications' ) { that. Mic. push ( device) } } that. main_form. chooseMicDeviceId = that. Mic[ 0 ] ? that. Mic[ 0 ] . deviceId : '' } ) ; } ) stream. getTracks ( ) . forEach ( track => track. stop ( ) ) ; } ) } } , voiceInput ( ) { if ( this . voiceStatus) { this . stopRecord ( ) } else { this . resultDetails = { } this . main_form. result = '' this . recordedBlob = null this . startRecord ( ) } } , startRecord ( ) { console. log ( 'startRecord:鼠标摁下------------------------------' ) var that = this this . voiceStatus = true window. navigator. mediaDevices. getUserMedia ( { audio : { deviceId : this . main_form. chooseMicDeviceId } } ) . then ( ( stream ) => { this . stream = stream; this . getVoice ( ) this . recorder = RecordRTC ( stream, { type : 'audio' , mimeType : 'audio/wav' , recorderType : RecordRTC. StereoAudioRecorder, desiredSampRate : 16000 , numberOfAudioChannels : 1 , timeSlice : 1000 , ondataavailable : this . sendData, } ) ; this . recorder. startRecording ( ) ; } ) . catch ( function ( err ) { alert ( '当前浏览器不支持开启麦克风!' ) ; that. voiceStatus = false } ) ; } , sendData ( blob ) { return } , stopRecord ( ) { console. log ( 'stopRecord:鼠标放开------------------------------' ) if ( this . recorder != null ) { this . startLoading = true let recorder = this . recorderrecorder. stopRecording ( ( ) => { const blob = this . recorder. getBlob ( ) ; this . recordedBlob = URL . createObjectURL ( blob) ; var BB = new Blob ( [ blob] , { 'type' : 'audio/wav; codecs=opus' } ) let file = new window. File ( [ BB ] , '测试.wav' ) this . file = fileconsole. log ( '获取到文件流上传到后台---------------------' , this . file) ; this . uploadSubmit ( ) ; } ) ; let stream = this . stream; clearInterval ( this . timer1) ; stream. getAudioTracks ( ) . forEach ( track => track. stop ( ) ) ; } } , uploadSubmit ( ) { uploadAudio ( this . file, this . main_form. hotWords) . then ( res => { this . resultDetails = res. data. data || { } this . main_form. result = res. data. data. result || '' this . voiceStatus = false this . startLoading = false } ) . catch ( err => { this . voiceStatus = false this . startLoading = false } ) } , getVoice ( ) { const audioContext = new ( window. AudioContext || window. webkitAudioContext) ( ) const mediaStreamSource = audioContext. createMediaStreamSource ( this . stream) const analyserNode = audioContext. createAnalyser ( ) mediaStreamSource. connect ( analyserNode) const dataArray = new Uint8Array ( analyserNode. frequencyBinCount) ; function getVolume ( ) { analyserNode. getByteFrequencyData ( dataArray) ; let sum = 0 ; for ( let i = 0 ; i < dataArray. length; i++ ) { sum += dataArray[ i] ; } const averageVolume = sum / dataArray. length; return averageVolume; } this . timer1 = setInterval ( ( ) => { const volume = getVolume ( ) ; console. log ( '音量:' , Math. round ( volume) ) ; } , 1000 ) ; } ,