001 | How To Take Study Notes:五种做笔记的方法(中英)

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How To Take Study Notes: 5 Effective Note Taking Methods

Try these 5 methods to find the best note taking method for you!

1、The Cornell Method


What Does it look like?

2、The Mapping Method


What Does it look like?

How Do You Use It?

3、The Outlining Method


What Does it look like?

How Do You Use It?

4.The Charting Method


What Does it look like?

How Do You Use It? 

5、The Sentence Method


What Does it look like?

How Do You Use It?


How To Take Study Notes: 5 Effective Note Taking Methods

If your in-class notes are messy, unorganized, and unclear at first glance, you’re not going to get much use out of them. This has nothing to do with how neat your handwriting is — it’s all about how your notes are structured.

One of the most effective ways to remember (and understand) what you are learning in class is to take effective notes in the classroom.

Try these 5 methods to find the best note taking method for you!

1、The Cornell Method

The Cornell note taking method helps organize class notes into easily digestible summaries. This method is effective because the main points, details, study cues, and summary are all written in one place.

  • Notes are neatly organized, summarized, and easy to review
  • Allows you to pull out major ideas and concepts
What Does it look like?

The paper is divided into 3 sections: a 2.5” margin to the left, a 2” summary section on the bottom, and a main 6” in-class note section.

  • Use the main notes section to take notes during class.
  • Use the cues section to review your notes. After class, write down things you’ll need to remember and a prompt for each. You can also use this section for vocabulary words and study questions.
  • In the summary segment at the bottom, write a summary of your notes. This is where you will highlight the main points.

2、The Mapping Method

The Mapping note taking method is a more visual way to organize your class notes. This technique is useful when learning about relationships between topics.

  • Useful for visual learners who struggle with studying from notes.
  • Helps you remember and connect relationships between topics.
What Does it look like?

The page is organized by topic. The main topics branch out into subtopics with detailed information about each.

How Do You Use It?
  • While in class, begin the map with the main topic.
  • Branching off the main topic, write a heading for each of the subtopics.
  • Write any important notes underneath each subtopic.
  • Continue the pattern.
  • recomended application:Xmind、MIND MANAGER

3、The Outlining Method

The Outlining note taking method uses headings and bullet points to organize topics. This method is most useful when learning about topics that include a lot of detail.

  • Allows notes to be neatly organized.
  • It is easy to see the relationship between topics and subtopics.
  • It is easy to turn points into study questions.
What Does it look like?

Each section starts with a heading of the main topic. Each subtopic and supporting fact is written underneath the proper heading.

How Do You Use It?
  • During a lesson, begin your notes with a single bullet point and write the main topic.
  • Place the first subtopic below and indented slightly to the right.
  • List any details below your heading and slightly to the right.

4.The Charting Method

Charting note taking method uses columns to organize information. This method is useful for lessons that cover a lot of facts or relationships between topics.

  • Facts are organized and easy to review.
  • Highlights key pieces of information for each topic.
What Does it look like?

The page is divided into columns labeled by category. The details of each category are filled out in the rows below.

How Do You Use It? 
  • When information about a category is mentioned, jot it down underneath the proper column.
  • When the next topic begins move down one row and begin again.

5、The Sentence Method

The Sentence note taking method is simply writing down each topic as a jot note sentence. This method works well for fast paced lessons where a lot of information is being covered.

  • Jotting main points helps you determine which information is important and which is not.
  • You are able to cover a lot of details and information quickly.
  • Notes are simplified for study and review.
What Does it look like?

Each line on the page is a new and separate topic. To organize your notes even more, you can use headings for each main topic.

How Do You Use It?
  • Write down important information the teacher has emphasized. This can be in sentence form or point form.
  • Start a new sentence or point for each new detail.
  • Use headings to organize points by main topics.


5 effective note taking methods:The cornell method、The mapping method、The outlining method、The charting method and The sentence method.














        --推荐应用:Xmind、MIND MANAGER















1、25上半年 四六级 词汇课第二节--五种做笔记的方式_哔哩哔哩_bilibili

2、https://www.ox.ac.uk/welcome.html 牛津大学官网





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