以下代码用ANSI编码保存到 C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2025\Presets\Scripts\AddEXIFFrame.jsx
#target photoshop// covert "2025:02:20 13:11:21" to 2025-02-20 13:11:21
function convertToStandardTime(input) {if(input.length != 19){return input;}/*var parts = input.split(' ');var datePart = parts[0];var timePart = parts[1];var formattedDate = datePart.replace(/:/g, '-').replace(/-([^-]*)$/, ':$1');return formattedDate + ' ' + timePart;*/var arr = input.split('');arr[4] = '-';arr[7] = '-';return arr.join('');
}// ********** DATA FUNCTIONS START ***************
// Common Data Functions used to gather EXIF data
// Sets image data to a string that will later be used to set into the image
function getExifData(doc) {const exifInfos = {"Producer":"","Model": "","FocalLength": "","FocalLength35mm": "","ExposureTime" : "","ISO" : "","Aperture": "","ExposureBiasValue": "","Lens" : "","DateTimeDigitized": "","DateTime": ""};// Get exif data from filevar exifString = doc.info.exif.toString();const parts = exifString.split(',');// check the data for (i = 0; i < parts.length; i = i + 3) {var key = parts[i];var value = parts[i + 1];switch(key){case "制造":case "Make":exifInfos.Producer = value;break;case "机型":case "Model":exifInfos.Model = value;break;case "焦距":case "Focal Length":exifInfos.FocalLength = value.replace(" mm", "mm");break;case "Focal Length in 35mm Film":exifInfos.FocalLength35mm = value.replace(" mm", "mm");break;case "曝光时间":case "Exposure Time":exifInfos.ExposureTime = value.replace(" sec", "s");break;case "ISO 感光度":case "ISO Speed Ratings":exifInfos.ISO = value;break;case "光圈值":case "Aperture Value":exifInfos.Aperture = value;break;case "曝光补偿值":case "Exposure Bias Value":exifInfos.ExposureBiasValue = value;break;case "EXIF tag 42036":exifInfos.Lens = value;break;case "数字化日期时间":case "Date Time Digitized":exifInfos.DateTimeDigitized = convertToStandardTime(value);break;case "日期时间":case "Date Time":exifInfos.DateTime = convertToStandardTime(value);break;default:break;}}return exifInfos;}function addText(doc, x, y, layer_name, text, color, justification, vertical_degree, anchor_position){var textLayer = doc.artLayers.add();textLayer.kind = LayerKind.TEXT;textLayer.name = layer_name;var textItem = textLayer.textItem;textItem.position = [x, y];textItem.size = 11;textItem.font = "Arial";textItem.tracking = 100;textItem.color = color;textItem.justification = justification;if(vertical_degree != 0){ textItem.contents = "TEXT";textLayer.rotate(vertical_degree, anchor_position);}textItem.contents = text;return textLayer;
}// Define Colors
var black = new SolidColor();
black.rgb.red = black.rgb.green = black.rgb.blue = 0;
var white = new SolidColor();
white.rgb.red = white.rgb.green = white.rgb.blue = 255;
var gray = new SolidColor();
gray.rgb.red = gray.rgb.green = gray.rgb.blue = 127;var textColor = new SolidColor();
textColor.rgb.red = textColor.rgb.green = textColor.rgb.blue = 230;// check image opened.
if (app.documents.length > 0) {var originalRuleUnits = app.preferences.rulerUnits;app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;var doc = app.activeDocument;var whRatio = doc.width/ doc.height;var resizing = false;var newWidth = doc.width;var newHeight = doc.height;if( whRatio > 1){if(doc.height > 2000) {// resizenewHeight = 2000;newWidth = newHeight * doc.width / doc.height;resizing = true;}}else {if(doc.width > 2000) {// resizenewWidth = 2000;newHeight = newWidth * doc.height / doc.width;resizing = true;}}if(resizing){try {doc.resizeImage(newWidth, newHeight, null, ResampleMethod.BICUBIC);// alert("Image resized to " + newWidth + "x" + newHeight + " px.");} catch (e) {alert("Failed to resize image:" + e.message);}}var originalWidth = doc.width;var originalHeight = doc.height;var bgLayer = undefined;if (doc.artLayers.length > 0) {bgLayer = doc.artLayers[doc.artLayers.length - 1];bgLayer.isBackgroundLayer = false;}// set marginsvar borderSize = Math.min(originalWidth, originalHeight) * 0.04;if( borderSize < 20) {borderSize = 20;}newWidth = originalWidth + borderSize * 2 + 10;newHeight = originalHeight + borderSize * 2 + 10;// resize cavasdoc.resizeCanvas(newWidth, newHeight, AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER);// create frame layervar borderLayer = doc.artLayers.add();borderLayer.name = "Frame";var selection = doc.selection;selection.selectAll();selection.fill(white);selection.stroke(black, borderSize, StrokeLocation.INSIDE, ColorBlendMode.NORMAL, 100, false);selection.selectAll();selection.stroke(gray, 2, StrokeLocation.INSIDE, ColorBlendMode.NORMAL, 100, false);selection.deselect();if(bgLayer != undefined) {borderLayer.move(bgLayer, ElementPlacement.PLACEAFTER);}else {borderLayer.move(doc, ElementPlacement.PLACEATBEGINNING);}exifInfos = getExifData(doc);var text1 = exifInfos.FocalLength + ' ' + exifInfos.Aperture + ' ' +exifInfos.ExposureTime + ' ISO' + exifInfos.ISO ;if(exifInfos.ExposureBiasValue == 0){text1 = text1 + ' EV+0.0';}else {text1 = text1 + ' EV' + exifInfos.ExposureBiasValue;}var text3 = exifInfos.Producer + ' ' + exifInfos.Model + ' / ' + exifInfos.Lens;var text2 = exifInfos.DateTimeDigitized;if(text3 == ""){exifInfos.DateTime;}var x = newWidth - borderSize;var y = newHeight - borderSize * 0.5 + 10;addText(doc, x, y , "EXIF Text 1", text1 , textColor, Justification.RIGHT, 0, AnchorPosition.BOTTOMLEFT);x = newWidth - borderSize;y = borderSize * 0.5 + 10;if(text2 != ""){addText(doc, x, y, "EXIF Text 2", text2, textColor, Justification.RIGHT, 0, AnchorPosition.TOPLEFT);}x = borderSize - 10;y = newHeight - borderSize - 20;addText(doc,x , y, "EXIF Text 3", text3, textColor, Justification.LEFT, -90, AnchorPosition.BOTTOMLEFT);app.preferences.rulerUnits = originalRuleUnits;} else {alert("Open image first");