【AIGC魔童】DeepSeek v3推理部署:华为昇腾NPU/TRT-LLM

news/2025/2/9 11:15:35/

AIGC魔童】DeepSeek v3推理部署:华为昇腾NPU/TRT-LLM

    • (1)使用华为昇腾NPU推理部署DeepSeek
    • (2)使用TRT-LLM推理部署DeepSeek



来自华为昇腾社区的 MindIE 框架成功适配了 DeepSeek-V3 的 BF16 版本。

有关 Ascend NPU 的分步指南,请按照此处的说明进行操作。



TensorRT-LLM 现在支持 DeepSeek-V3 模型,仅提供 BF16 和 INT4/INT8 权重等精度选项。对 FP8 的支持目前正在进行中,并将很快发布。

您可以通过以下链接访问 TRTLLM 专门用于 DeepSeek-V3 支持的自定义分支,直接体验新功能:https://github.com/NVIDIA/TensorRT-LLM/tree/deepseek/examples/deepseek_v3。

2.8.1 下载DeepSeek模型权重

Download DeepSeek-V3 weights from HF https://huggingface.co/deepseek-ai/DeepSeek-V3-Base.

git lfs install
git clone https://huggingface.co/deepseek-ai/DeepSeek-V3-Base

可选项: 转化 FP8 权重到 BF16.

This is not necessary unless you want to run the model E2E in BF16 precision.

git clone https://github.com/deepseek-ai/DeepSeek-V3.git
cd DeepSeek-V3/inference/
python fp8_cast_bf16.py --input-fp8-hf-path /path/to/DeepSeek-V3 --output-bf16-hf-path /path/to/deepseek-v3-bf16
cp /path/to/DeepSeek-V3/config.json /path/to/DeepSeek-V3/configuration_deepseek.py /path/to/deepseek-v3-bf16/

2.8.2 构建TensorRT引擎


  • 模型转化

转化为 FP8 权重:

# Convert Deepseek-v3 HF Native FP8 weights to TensorRT-LLM checkpoint.
python convert_checkpoint.py --model_dir ./DeepSeek-V3 \--output_dir ./trtllm_checkpoint_deepseek_v3_8gpu_fp8 \--dtype bfloat16 \--use_fp8_weights \--tp_size 8 \--workers 8 # using multiple workers can accelerate the conversion process

可选项: 转化为 BF16 权重:

# Convert Deepseek-v3 HF weights to TensorRT-LLM checkpoint in BF16.
python convert_checkpoint.py --model_dir ./DeepSeek-V3 \--output_dir ./trtllm_checkpoint_deepseek_v3_32gpu_bf16 \--dtype bfloat16 \--tp_size 32 \--workers 8 # using multiple workers can accelerate the conversion process
  • 构建TensorRT引擎


# Build FP8 engine
trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir ./trtllm_checkpoint_deepseek_v3_8gpu_fp8 \--output_dir ./trtllm_engines/deepseek_v3/fp8/tp8-sel4096-isl2048-bs4 \--max_batch_size 4 \--max_seq_len 4096 \--max_input_len 2048 \--use_paged_context_fmha enable \--workers 8


# Build BF16 engine
trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir ./trtllm_checkpoint_deepseek_v3_32gpu_bf16 \--output_dir ./trtllm_engines/deepseek_v3/bf16/tp32-sel4096-isl2048-bs4 \--gpt_attention_plugin bfloat16 \--gemm_plugin bfloat16 \--max_batch_size 4 \--max_seq_len 4096 \--max_input_len 2048 \--use_paged_context_fmha enable \--workers 8

Caution: --max_batch_size and --max_seq_len are the main factors to determine how many GPU memory will be used during runtime, so later when try to run e.g., summarize.py or mmlu.py or gptManagerBenchmark.cppmay need adjust --max_batch_size and --max_seq_len accordingly to avoid OOM.(meaning rebuild TensorRT engine with smaller --max_batch_size and --max_seq_len if needed based on GPU memory size), there is beautiful technical log perf-best-practices.md (https://github.com/NVIDIA/TensorRT-LLM/blob/main/docs/source/performance/perf-best-practices.md) explained the mechanism.

2.8.3 模型推理

使用run.py 脚本测试FP8模型:

# run.sh
python3 ../run.py --input_text "Today is a nice day." \--max_output_len 30 \--tokenizer_dir ./DeepSeek-V3 \--engine_dir ./trtllm_engines/deepseek_v3/fp8/tp8-sel4096-isl2048-bs4 \--top_p 0.95 \--temperature 0.3


srun -N 2 -w node-[1-2] --gres=gpu:8 --ntasks-per-node 8 \--container-image tensorrt_llm/release:latest \--container-mounts ${PWD}:/workspace \sh /workspace/command/run.sh


[TensorRT-LLM][INFO] Refreshed the MPI local session
[TensorRT-LLM][INFO] Refreshed the MPI local session
[TensorRT-LLM][INFO] Refreshed the MPI local session
[TensorRT-LLM][INFO] Refreshed the MPI local session
[TensorRT-LLM][INFO] Refreshed the MPI local session
[TensorRT-LLM][INFO] Refreshed the MPI local session
[TensorRT-LLM][INFO] Refreshed the MPI local session
[TensorRT-LLM][INFO] Refreshed the MPI local session
[TensorRT-LLM][INFO] Refreshed the MPI local session
[TensorRT-LLM][INFO] Refreshed the MPI local session
[TensorRT-LLM][INFO] Refreshed the MPI local session
[TensorRT-LLM][INFO] Refreshed the MPI local session
[TensorRT-LLM][INFO] Refreshed the MPI local session
[TensorRT-LLM][INFO] Refreshed the MPI local session
[TensorRT-LLM][INFO] Refreshed the MPI local session
[TensorRT-LLM][INFO] Refreshed the MPI local session
Input [Text 0]: "Today is a nice day."
Output [Text 0 Beam 0]: " I am going to the park with my friends. We are going to play soccer. We are going"

2.8.4 模型评估

使用 mmlu.py 脚本实现模型评估:

# Download MMLU dataset
mkdir mmlu_data && cd mmlu_data
wget https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~hendrycks/data.tar && tar -xf data.tar
# Run MMLU evaluation
python3 mmlu.py \--hf_model_dir ${MODEL_DIR} \--engine_dir ./trtllm_engines/deepseek_v3/fp8/tp8-sel4096-isl2048-bs4 \--data_dir mmlu_data \--test_trt_llm 2>&1 | tee ${ENGINE_DIR}/test_with_mmlu.log


Average accuracy 0.926 - high_school_macroeconomics
Average accuracy 0.752 - high_school_mathematics
Average accuracy 0.954 - high_school_microeconomics
Average accuracy 0.848 - high_school_physics
Average accuracy 0.967 - high_school_psychology
Average accuracy 0.861 - high_school_statistics
Average accuracy 0.956 - high_school_us_history
Average accuracy 0.954 - high_school_world_history
Average accuracy 0.861 - human_aging
Average accuracy 0.931 - human_sexuality
Average accuracy 0.975 - international_law
Average accuracy 0.907 - jurisprudence
Average accuracy 0.920 - logical_fallacies
Average accuracy 0.848 - machine_learning
Average accuracy 0.951 - management
Average accuracy 0.957 - marketing
Average accuracy 0.950 - medical_genetics
Average accuracy 0.957 - miscellaneous
Average accuracy 0.870 - moral_disputes
Average accuracy 0.798 - moral_scenarios
Average accuracy 0.918 - nutrition
Average accuracy 0.916 - philosophy
Average accuracy 0.932 - prehistory
Average accuracy 0.869 - professional_accounting
Average accuracy 0.714 - professional_law
Average accuracy 0.956 - professional_medicine
Average accuracy 0.908 - professional_psychology
Average accuracy 0.800 - public_relations
Average accuracy 0.869 - security_studies
Average accuracy 0.960 - sociology
Average accuracy 0.950 - us_foreign_policy
Average accuracy 0.578 - virology
Average accuracy 0.930 - world_religions
Average accuracy 0.852 - math
Average accuracy 0.874 - health
Average accuracy 0.905 - physics
Average accuracy 0.936 - business
Average accuracy 0.958 - biology
Average accuracy 0.825 - chemistry
Average accuracy 0.888 - computer science
Average accuracy 0.912 - economics
Average accuracy 0.890 - engineering
Average accuracy 0.851 - philosophy
Average accuracy 0.917 - other
Average accuracy 0.932 - history
Average accuracy 0.944 - geography
Average accuracy 0.904 - politics
Average accuracy 0.936 - psychology
Average accuracy 0.949 - culture
Average accuracy 0.744 - law
Average accuracy 0.883 - STEM
Average accuracy 0.827 - humanities
Average accuracy 0.926 - social sciences
Average accuracy 0.898 - other (business, health, misc.)
Average accuracy: 0.877



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