文献阅读 250201-The carbon budget of China: 1980–2021

news/2025/2/2 7:19:53/

The carbon budget of China: 1980–2021

来自 <https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2095927323007703>

中国碳预算:1980–2021 年

## Abstract:

  1.  Using state-of-the-art datasets and models, this study comprehensively estimated the anthropogenic CO2 emissions from energy, industrial processes and product use, and waste along with natural sources and sinks of CO2 for all of China during 1980–2021.
  2. To recognize the differences among various methods of estimating greenhouse emissions, the estimates are compared with China’s National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (NGHGIs) for 1994, 2005, 2010, 2012, and 2014.

## Intro:

  • The Chinese government compiled five National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (NGHGIs), specifically in 1994, 2005, 2010, 2012, and 2014, (https://unfccc.int/documents), as a commitment to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

-- NGHGIs include four defined sectors: (1) energy, (2) industrial processes and product use (IPPU), (3) land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF), and (4) waste , which comprehensively cover the vast majority of CO2 sources and sinks.

-- In the NGHGIs, CO2 emissions from energy and IPPU have been highlighted to be strongly determined by national statistics related to fossil fuel use with relatively low uncertainties.

  • Gaps:

-- NGHGIs of China were reported for only five time points covering 21 years (i.e., 1994–2014), while the long-term variations in CO2 fluxes and their drivers remain to be clarified.

--Compared with fossil CO2 emissions, estimated CO2 fluxes from LULUCF still have high uncertainties.

-- Moreover, NGHGIs are conducted over the country level, and cannot provide insights on the regional balance between carbon sources and sinks. Substantial spatial heterogeneity exists for both carbon sources and sinks in China.

## Results:

  •  CO2 emissions and the terrestrial carbon sink reported by NGHGIs

--  CO2 emissions from energy sector

Fig. 1. Long-term variations in CO2 emissions from energy (a), industrial processes and product use (IPPU, (b)), and waste sector (c) derived from National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (NGHGIs) and all datasets. The numbers of figures show the rate of increase.

Fig. 2. Magnitude of CO2 emissions for provincial and other administrative areas from energy (a), industrial processes and product use (b), ecosystem net biome production (NBP) (c), and fraction of terrestrial carbon sink offsetting CO2 emission (d). The values averaged from 2010 to 2021. Data for Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan were not used in this investigation.




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