
news/2025/1/11 10:56:52/




关键词: 人工智能;数字化教学设计;教学能力发展;智能化教学设计工具;个性化教学方案


With the rapid development of information technology and the deepening of educational reform, digital teaching has become an important trend in the field of education. This study focuses on the digital teaching design ability of teachers and explores how artificial intelligence can effectively promote its development as a driving force. Through literature review, case analysis, and empirical research, this study found that the introduction of artificial intelligence technology not only enriches teachers' teaching design methods, but also significantly improves their teaching design efficiency and innovation ability. The application of intelligent teaching design tools, the design and implementation of personalized teaching plans, and the automation and intelligence of teaching design together constitute the digital teaching design mode driven by artificial intelligence. This model significantly improves teachers' digital instructional design ability by providing them with accurate data analysis, intelligent recommendation system and efficient design tools.

Specifically, intelligent teaching design tools utilize big data and artificial intelligence technology to provide personalized teaching resource recommendations and teaching design suggestions for teachers, effectively reducing their workload and improving design efficiency. Personalized teaching plans tailor teaching content and methods for teachers based on students' learning styles and needs, thereby improving the pertinence and effectiveness of teaching. In addition, the automation and intelligence of instructional design have further promoted the development of teachers' instructional design abilities, enabling them to focus more on innovative teaching strategies and meeting students' needs. In order to further enhance teachers' digital teaching design capabilities, this study also proposes strategies such as establishing training and training mechanisms, practical communities, and improving incentive and evaluation mechanisms. These strategies aim to help teachers continuously update their knowledge structure, enhance their teaching skills, and stimulate their enthusiasm and creativity in participating in digital teaching design.

Keywords: artificial intelligence; Digital teaching design; Development of teaching ability; Intelligent teaching design tools; Personalized teaching plan




第一章 引言

1.1 研究背景与意义

1.2 国内外研究现状

1.2.1 国外研究现状

1.2.2 国内研究现状

1.3 研究方法与创新点

第二章 相关理论基础

2.1 数字化教学设计理论

2.2 人工智能在教育中的应用

2.3 教师专业发展理论

第三章 人工智能驱动的数字化教学设计模式

3.1 智能化教学设计工具的应用

3.2 个性化教学方案的设计与实施

3.3 教学设计的自动化与智能化

第四章 教师数字化教学设计能力的提升策略

4.1 培训与研修机制的建立

4.2 实践社区的建设与运营

4.3 激励与评价机制的完善

第五章 实证研究与分析

5.1 研究方法与数据来源




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