有时候获取很大的 json 内容, 在网页的免费转换工具中因为数据太大不让转换如下
我们可以使用简单的 python 进行转换方便阅读
import pandas as pddata = {'address1': '969 West Wen Yi Road', 'address2': 'Yu Hang District', 'city': 'Hangzhou', 'zip': '311121', 'country': 'China', 'phone': '86 571 8502 2088', 'fax': '86 571 8376 8429', 'website': 'https://www.alibabagroup.com', 'industry': 'Internet Retail', 'industryKey': 'internet-retail', 'industryDisp': 'Internet Retail', 'sector': 'Consumer Cyclical', 'sectorKey': 'consumer-cyclical', 'sectorDisp': 'Consumer Cyclical', 'longBusinessSummary': "Alibaba Group Holding Limited, through its subsidiaries, provides technology infrastructure and marketing reach to help merchants, brands, retailers, and other businesses to engage with their users and customers in the People's Republic of China and internationally. The company operates through seven segments: China Commerce, International Commerce, Local Consumer Services, Cainiao, Cloud, Digital Media and Entertainment, and Innovation Initiatives and Others. It operates Taobao and Tmall, which are digital retail platforms; Alimama, a proprietary monetization platform; 1688.com and Alibaba.com, which are online wholesale marketplaces; AliExpress, a retail marketplace; Lazada, Trendyol, and Daraz that are e-commerce platforms; Freshippo, a retail platform for groceries and fresh goods; and Tmall Global, an import e-commerce platform. The company also operates Cainiao Network logistic services platform; Ele.me, an on-demand delivery and local services platform; Koubei, a restaurant and local services guide platform; and Fliggy, an online travel platform. In addition, it offers pay-for-performance, in-feed, and display marketing services; and Taobao Ad Network and Exchange, a real-time online bidding marketing exchange. Further, the company provides elastic computing, storage, network, security, database, big data, and IoT services; and hardware, software license, software installation, and application development and maintenance services. Additionally, it operates Youku, an online video platform; Quark, a platform for information search, storage, and consumption; Alibaba Pictures and other content platforms that provide online videos, films, live events, news feeds, literature, music, and others; Amap, a mobile digital map, navigation, and real-time traffic information app; DingTalk, a business efficiency mobile app; and Tmall Genie smart speaker. The company was incorporated in 1999 and is based in Hangzhou, the People's Republic of China.", 'fullTimeEmployees': 198162, 'companyOfficers': [{'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Mr. Joseph C. Tsai', 'age': 59, 'title': 'Executive Chairman', 'yearBorn': 1964, 'fiscalYear': 2018, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}, {'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Mr. Yongming Wu', 'age': 48, 'title': 'CEO, Head of Core E-Commerce Business & Director', 'yearBorn': 1975, 'fiscalYear': 2018, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}, {'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Mr. J. Michael Evans', 'age': 65, 'title': 'President & Director', 'yearBorn': 1958, 'fiscalYear': 2018, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}, {'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Mr. Hong Xu', 'age': 50, 'title': 'Chief Financial Officer', 'yearBorn': 1973, 'fiscalYear': 2018, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}, {'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Ms. Joan Zhou', 'title': 'Investment Director', 'fiscalYear': 2018, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}, {'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Mr. Yuen Jen Yao', 'title': 'Senior VP & Head of Corporate Finance', 'fiscalYear': 2018, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}, {'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Mr. Robert Lin', 'title': 'Investor Relations', 'fiscalYear': 2018, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}, {'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Ms. Siying Yu', 'age': 49, 'title': 'General Counsel', 'yearBorn': 1974, 'fiscalYear': 2018, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}, {'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Ms. Fang Jiang', 'age': 49, 'title': 'Chief People Officer', 'yearBorn': 1974, 'fiscalYear': 2018, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}, {'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Mr. Xiaofeng Shao', 'age': 57, 'title': 'Group Executive Vice President', 'yearBorn': 1966, 'fiscalYear': 2018, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}], 'auditRisk': 2, 'boardRisk': 2, 'compensationRisk': 9, 'shareHolderRightsRisk': 4, 'overallRisk': 5, 'governanceEpochDate': 1730419200, 'compensationAsOfEpochDate': 1546214400, 'maxAge': 86400, 'priceHint': 3, 'previousClose': 82.95, 'open': 81.8, 'dayLow': 79.35, 'dayHigh': 82.25, 'regularMarketPreviousClose': 82.95, 'regularMarketOpen': 81.8, 'regularMarketDayLow': 79.35, 'regularMarketDayHigh': 82.25, 'dividendRate': 0.98, 'dividendYield': 0.0111, 'exDividendDate': 1718150400, 'payoutRatio': 0.5142, 'beta': 0.349, 'trailingPE': 17.07889, 'forwardPE': 9.210253, 'volume': 132887781, 'regularMarketVolume': 132887781, 'averageVolume': 87225959, 'averageVolume10days': 69094991, 'averageDailyVolume10Day': 69094991, 'bid': 80.05, 'ask': 80.1, 'marketCap': 1526994305024, 'fiftyTwoWeekLow': 64.6, 'fiftyTwoWeekHigh': 118.7, 'priceToSalesTrailing12Months': 1.6069429, 'fiftyDayAverage': 89.974, 'twoHundredDayAverage': 81.08275, 'currency': 'HKD', 'enterpriseValue': 1565425795072, 'profitMargins': 0.07383, 'floatShares': 16569143040, 'sharesOutstanding': 19059800064, 'heldPercentInsiders': 0.11512999, 'heldPercentInstitutions': 0.25393, 'impliedSharesOutstanding': 19385899008, 'bookValue': 405.378, 'priceToBook': 0.19759336, 'lastFiscalYearEnd': 1711843200, 'nextFiscalYearEnd': 1743379200, 'mostRecentQuarter': 1719705600, 'earningsQuarterlyGrowth': -0.288, 'netIncomeToCommon': 69677998080, 'trailingEps': 4.69, 'forwardEps': 9.44, 'enterpriseToRevenue': 1.647, 'enterpriseToEbitda': 8.865, '52WeekChange': 0.11482251, 'SandP52WeekChange': 0.2421279, 'lastDividendValue': 0.0825, 'lastDividendDate': 1718150400, 'exchange': 'HKG', 'quoteType': 'EQUITY', 'symbol': '9988.HK', 'underlyingSymbol': '9988.HK', 'shortName': 'BABA-W', 'longName': 'Alibaba Group Holding Limited', 'firstTradeDateEpochUtc': 1574731800, 'timeZoneFullName': 'Asia/Hong_Kong', 'timeZoneShortName': 'HKT', 'uuid': 'd55eb109-298f-3d01-9a6d-a9cd21082973', 'messageBoardId': 'finmb_42083601', 'gmtOffSetMilliseconds': 28800000, 'currentPrice': 80.1, 'targetHighPrice': 140.81091, 'targetLowPrice': 83.25177, 'targetMeanPrice': 119.15114, 'targetMedianPrice': 123.42738, 'recommendationMean': 1.35484, 'recommendationKey': 'strong_buy', 'numberOfAnalystOpinions': 28, 'totalCash': 448923992064, 'totalCashPerShare': 23.598, 'ebitda': 176592994304, 'totalDebt': 240122003456, 'quickRatio': 0.97, 'currentRatio': 1.412, 'totalRevenue': 950248013824, 'debtToEquity': 22.796, 'revenuePerShare': 382.182, 'returnOnAssets': 0.04679, 'returnOnEquity': 0.05668, 'freeCashflow': 142874492928, 'operatingCashflow': 170922999808, 'earningsGrowth': -0.257, 'revenueGrowth': 0.039, 'grossMargins': 0.37902, 'ebitdaMargins': 0.18584, 'operatingMargins': 0.16089001, 'financialCurrency': 'CNY', 'trailingPegRatio': 0.546}main_df = pd.DataFrame()
for key, value in data.items():if isinstance(value, list):for item in value:for sub_key, sub_value in item.items():new_key = f"{key}_{sub_key}"main_df = pd.concat([main_df, pd.DataFrame({'字段名': [new_key], '值': [sub_value]})], ignore_index=True)else:main_df = pd.concat([main_df, pd.DataFrame({'字段名': [key], '值': [value]})], ignore_index=True)main_df.to_excel('output.xlsx', index=False)
可以看到这里的 data 很长 处理后 excel 如下
这个 JSON 数据各主要部分的详细分析:
- 地址相关:
为 “969 West Wen Yi Road”,address2
是 “Yu Hang District”,所在城市为Hangzhou
是 “311121”,表明公司位于中国杭州的具体地址信息,有助于定位其实际办公地点等情况。- 所在国家明确为
- 通讯信息:
字段给出的电话号码是 “86 571 8502 2088”,fax
号码为 “86 571 8376 8429”,方便外界通过电话、传真方式联系该企业相关事务。website
是 “https://www.alibabagroup.com”,这是其官方网站地址,人们可以通过该网址了解公司业务、产品、动态等全面信息。
- 所属行业与板块分类:
显示为 “Internet Retail”(互联网零售),industryKey
为 “internet-retail”,industryDisp
同样是 “Internet Retail”,明确其核心行业领域归属,说明公司主要业务围绕互联网零售开展。sector
是 “Consumer Cyclical”(消费周期性行业),sectorKey
为 “consumer-cyclical”,sectorDisp
也是 “Consumer Cyclical”,从更大的板块层面将其归类到消费周期性行业,意味着其业务表现与消费者消费周期波动存在关联。
- 业务范围概述:
详细描述了公司通过旗下众多子公司及业务板块开展的各类业务。- 电商平台方面:运营包括 Taobao(淘宝)、Tmall(天猫)、Alibaba.com(阿里巴巴国际站)、AliExpress(速卖通)、Lazada、Trendyol、Daraz、Tmall Global(天猫国际)等不同类型和面向不同市场(国内、国际)、不同客户群体(零售、批发等)的电商平台,构建起庞大的电商生态体系。
- 生活服务与物流方面:有 Cainiao Network(菜鸟网络)提供物流服务,Ele.me(饿了么)提供即时配送和本地生活服务,Koubei(口碑)作为餐饮和本地生活服务指南平台,Fliggy(飞猪)则聚焦在线旅游服务等,涉足多个与人们日常生活息息相关的服务领域,拓展业务边界。
- 营销与技术服务方面:具备如 Alimama 这样的自有盈利平台提供营销服务,还提供按效果付费、信息流以及展示营销等多样化营销服务,并且提供包括弹性计算、存储、网络、安全等云计算相关服务以及软件、硬件等多方面的技术服务,显示出其在技术和营销助力商业运营方面的强大能力。
- 内容与智能硬件方面:运营 Youku(优酷)在线视频平台、Quark(夸克)信息搜索等平台,还有 Alibaba Pictures(阿里影业)等内容平台提供多种类型的线上内容,以及像 Amap(高德地图)、DingTalk(钉钉)、Tmall Genie(天猫精灵)等分别在地图导航、企业办公效率、智能硬件等领域布局,呈现多元化业务发展格局。
- 涵盖姓名(
)等基本信息,像执行董事长 Joseph C. Tsai(蔡崇信)、CEO 及核心电商业务负责人 Yongming Wu(吴泳铭)等,能让人了解公司核心领导团队的构成情况,不同职位对应的人员负责不同业务板块的决策与管理运营工作。
(审计风险)值为 2,boardRisk
(董事会风险)为 2,compensationRisk
(薪酬风险)为 9,shareHolderRightsRisk
(股东权益风险)为 4,overallRisk
(总体风险)为 5,这些不同维度的风险评估数值可以帮助投资者等相关方大致判断公司在治理、运营等方面面临的各类风险程度高低,数值越高往往意味着对应风险相对越大。
- 价格相关指标:
(前一日收盘价)是 82.95,open
(开盘价)为 81.8,dayLow
(当日最低价)是 79.35,dayHigh
(当日最高价)为 82.25,regularMarketPreviousClose
(当前价格)为 80.1,是实时反映股价的关键指标,投资者可据此判断当下股票的价值水平。- 还有如
(推荐关键等级,此处为 “strong_buy”,强烈买入)和numberOfAnalystOpinions
(分析师意见数量,为 28 个),这些指标综合起来可以反映市场上专业分析师对该股票未来价格走势的预期以及整体推荐态度,为投资者决策提供参考。
- 交易数量与市值相关指标:
(成交量)为 132,887,781,regularMarketVolume
(平均成交量)是 87,225,959 等不同时间周期的成交量指标,可以观察股票交易的活跃程度变化情况。marketCap
(市值)达到 1,526,994,305,024,能直观体现公司在资本市场的规模大小以及价值高低,是衡量公司整体实力和市场影响力的重要指标之一。
- 财务比率相关指标:
- 像
(贝塔系数,此处为 0.349)反映股票相对于市场波动的敏感性,数值较低意味着其股价波动相对市场整体波动较为平稳。 trailingPE
(预期市盈率,9.210253)等市盈率指标可以帮助投资者评估股票价格相对公司盈利的合理性,判断股价是否被高估或低估。- 还有诸如
(过去 12 个月市销率)、priceToBook
- 像
- 盈利与现金流相关:
(普通股净利润)为 69,677,998,080,trailingEps
(滚动每股收益)是 4.69,forwardEps
(预期每股收益)为 9.44,这些指标反映公司的盈利水平以及每股对应的盈利情况,是衡量公司盈利能力的关键数据。freeCashflow
- 资产负债相关:
- 盈利与增长相关指标:
(季度盈利增长率, -0.288)、earningsGrowth
(盈利增长率, -0.257)、revenueGrowth
(营收增长率,0.039)等增长指标展示了公司在盈利和营收方面的增长态势,正负值体现是增长还是下滑情况,投资者可据此判断公司业务发展的活力与前景。- 像