
news/2024/11/16 5:12:40/




<a class=内存池维护的数据结构" />前端使用类模板,通过重新定义一个New类和Delete类来帮助使用者利用内存池管理内存。



// Created by crab on 2024/10/28.
//#ifndef MUTEX_H
#define MUTEX_H
#include <pthread.h>class Mutex
public://创建锁static Mutex* createNew();//构造与析构函数Mutex();~Mutex();//加锁 解锁void lock();void unlock();//获取锁的对象pthread_mutex_tpthread_mutex_t* get() { return &mMutex; };private:pthread_mutex_t mMutex;};
class MutexLockGuard
public:MutexLockGuard(Mutex* mutex);~MutexLockGuard();private:Mutex* mMutex;};
#endif //MUTEX_H
// Created by crab on 2024/10/28.
//#include "Mutex.h"
#include "New.h"Mutex* Mutex::createNew()
{//return new Mutex();return New<Mutex>::allocate();
{pthread_mutex_init(&mMutex, NULL);
}void Mutex::lock()
}void Mutex::unlock()
}MutexLockGuard::MutexLockGuard(Mutex* mutex) :mMutex(mutex)



// Created by crab on 2024/10/28.
//#ifndef ALLOCATOR_H
#define ALLOCATOR_H#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>#include "Mutex.h"//内存池
class Allocator
public:enum {ALIGN = 8};enum {MAX_BYTES = 128};enum {NFREELISTS = MAX_BYTES / ALIGN};union Obj {union Obj* next;char data[1];};static void* allocate(uint32_t size);static void deallocate(void* p, uint32_t size);private:Allocator() : mStartFree(NULL), mEndFree(NULL), mHeapSize(0){mMutex = new Mutex;memset(mFreeList, 0, sizeof(mFreeList));};~Allocator() {};static Allocator* getInstance();void* alloc(uint32_t size);void dealloc(void* p, uint32_t size);/* 获取指定字节数在自由链表的下标 */uint32_t freelistIndex(uint32_t bytes) {return (((bytes) + ALIGN-1) / ALIGN - 1);}/* 字节对齐 */uint32_t roundup(uint32_t bytes) {return (((bytes) + ALIGN-1) & ~(ALIGN - 1));}void *refill(uint32_t bytes);char* chunkAlloc(uint32_t size, int& nobjs);private:static Allocator* mAllocator;Mutex* mMutex;/* 维护缓存块 */char* mStartFree;char* mEndFree;uint32_t mHeapSize;Obj* mFreeList[NFREELISTS];};
#endif //ALLOCATOR_H
// Created by crab on 2024/10/28.
//#include "Allocator.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>Allocator* Allocator::mAllocator = NULL;void* Allocator::allocate(uint32_t size)
{return getInstance()->alloc(size);
}void Allocator::deallocate(void* p, uint32_t size)
{getInstance()->dealloc(p, size);
}Allocator* Allocator::getInstance()
{if(!mAllocator)mAllocator = new Allocator();return mAllocator;
}void* Allocator::alloc(uint32_t size)
{Obj* result;uint32_t index;MutexLockGuard mutexLockGuard(mMutex);/* 如果分配内存大于 MAX_BYTES,那么就直接通过 malloc 分配 */if(size > MAX_BYTES)return malloc(size);index = freelistIndex(size);result = mFreeList[index];/* 如果没有找到则重新分配内存 */if(!result){void* r = refill(roundup(size));return r;}/* 找到了就从链表中删除内存块 */mFreeList[index] = result->next;return result;
}void Allocator::dealloc(void* p, uint32_t size)
{Obj* obj = (Obj*)p;uint32_t index;MutexLockGuard mutexLockGuard(mMutex);/* 如果释放内存大于 MAX_BYTES,那么就直接通过 free 释放 */if(size > MAX_BYTES)free(p);index = freelistIndex(size); //获取该大小在freelist的下标/* 将内存块添加进链表中 */obj->next = mFreeList[index];mFreeList[index] = obj;
}/* 重新分配内存 */
void* Allocator::refill(uint32_t bytes)
{int nobjs = 20;char* chunk = chunkAlloc(bytes, nobjs); //分配内存Obj* result;Obj* currentObj;Obj* nextObj;int i;uint32_t index;/* 如果只有一个节点,那么直接放回,不需要处理剩余内存 */if(1 == nobjs)return chunk;result = (Obj*)chunk;index = freelistIndex(bytes);mFreeList[index] = nextObj = (Obj*)(chunk + bytes);/* 将剩余内存连成链表 */for(i = 1; ; ++i){currentObj = nextObj;nextObj = (Obj*)((char*)nextObj + bytes);if(nobjs-1 == i) //最后一个节点{currentObj->next = 0;break;}else{currentObj->next = nextObj;}}return result;
}char* Allocator::chunkAlloc(uint32_t size, int& nobjs)
{char* result;uint32_t totalBytes = size * nobjs; //总共需求的内存uint32_t bytesLeft = mEndFree - mStartFree; //缓存块中剩余的内存大小if(bytesLeft > totalBytes) //如果缓存块的内存满足需求,则直接从缓存块中获取内存{result = mStartFree;mStartFree += totalBytes;return result;}else if(bytesLeft > size) //如果缓存块剩余大小大于一个节点的大小,则尽可能返回多个节点{nobjs = bytesLeft / size;totalBytes = size * nobjs;result = mStartFree;mStartFree += totalBytes;return result;}else{uint32_t bytesToGet = 2 * totalBytes + roundup(mHeapSize >> 4); //至少两倍增长if(bytesLeft > 0) //如果缓存块还剩余内存,那么它肯定可以插入到某个节点中{uint32_t index = freelistIndex(bytesLeft);((Obj*)(mStartFree))->next = mFreeList[index];mFreeList[index] = (Obj*)mStartFree;}/* 重新申请内存 */mStartFree = (char*)malloc(bytesToGet);mHeapSize += bytesToGet;mEndFree = mStartFree + bytesToGet;/* 递归调用chunkAlloc,重新分配 */return chunkAlloc(size, nobjs);}


// Created by crab on 2024/10/28.
//#ifndef CONSTRUCT_H
#define CONSTRUCT_H#include <new>//在特定内存位置上构造或销毁对象,与内存池连用template <class T>
inline void destroy(T* pointer)
}template <class T>
inline void construct(T* p)
{new (p) T();
}template <class T, class T1>
inline void construct(T* p, const T1& a1)
{new (p) T(a1);
}template <class T, class T1, class T2>
inline void construct(T* p, const T1& a1, const T2& a2)
{new (p) T(a1, a2);
}template <class T, class T1, class T2, class T3>
inline void construct(T* p, const T1& a1, const T2& a2, const T3& a3)
{new (p) T(a1, a2, a3);
}template <class T, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4>
inline void construct(T* p, const T1& a1, const T2& a2, const T3& a3, const T4& a4)
{new (p) T(a1, a2, a3, a4);
}#endif //CONSTRUCT_H
// Created by crab on 2024/10/28.
//#ifndef NEW_H
#define NEW_H#include "Allocator.h"
#include "Construct.h"#define     ALLOCATOR       Allocatortemplate <class T>
class New
public:typedef     T           Value;typedef     T*          Point;typedef     T&          Ref;typedef     ALLOCATOR   Alloc;public:static Point allocate() {Point obj = (Point)Alloc::allocate(sizeof(Value));construct(obj);return obj;}template <class T1>static Point allocate(const T1& a1) {Point obj = (Point)Alloc::allocate(sizeof(Value));construct(obj, a1);return obj;}template <class T1, class T2>static Point allocate(const T1& a1, const T2& a2) {Point obj = (Point)Alloc::allocate(sizeof(Value));construct(obj, a1, a2);return obj;}template <class T1, class T2, class T3>static Point allocate(const T1& a1, const T2& a2, const T3& a3) {Point obj = (Point)Alloc::allocate(sizeof(Value));construct(obj, a1, a2, a3);return obj;}template <class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4>static Point allocate(const T1& a1, const T2& a2, const T3& a3, const T4& a4) {Point obj = (Point)Alloc::allocate(sizeof(Value));construct(obj, a1, a2, a3, a4);return obj;}
};class Delete
public:typedef     ALLOCATOR   Alloc;template <class T1>static void release(T1* point) {destroy(point);Alloc::deallocate(point, sizeof(T1));}};#endif //NEW_H



// Created by crab on 2024/10/28.
//#ifndef ALLOCATOR_H
#define ALLOCATOR_H#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>#include "Mutex.h"//内存池
class Allocator
public://ALIGN:内存块的对齐单位常量enum {ALIGN = 8};//Max_Bytes:内存块的最大字节数enum {MAX_BYTES = 128};//NFREELISTS:自由链表数量enum {NFREELISTS = MAX_BYTES / ALIGN};//一个union联合体,用来作为内存块节点的数据结构。 union Obj {union Obj* next;char data[1];};//根据请求的size的分配内存static void* allocate(uint32_t size);//释放指定大小的内存块pstatic void deallocate(void* p, uint32_t size);private://构造函数,初始化内存池的起始和结束指针mStartFree和mEndFree,堆大小mHeapSize,分配一个Mutex对象管理线程安全Allocator() : mStartFree(NULL), mEndFree(NULL), mHeapSize(0){mMutex = new Mutex;memset(mFreeList, 0, sizeof(mFreeList));};~Allocator() {};//静态方法用来获取Allocator的唯一实例static Allocator* getInstance();//内存分配void* alloc(uint32_t size);//内存释放void dealloc(void* p, uint32_t size);/* 获取指定字节数在自由链表的下标 *///快速找到该大小的链表头,如:16字节的内存:(16 + 8 - 1)/ 8 - 1= 1 uint32_t freelistIndex(uint32_t bytes) {return (((bytes) + ALIGN-1) / ALIGN - 1);}/* 字节对齐 *///将给定的字节数向上取整为8的倍数,实现快速对齐 //eg: 14字节: (14+8-1)~(8-1)=16 : ~(8-1) 7的二进制取反:11111000, 然后将21与11111000进行与运算,结果为16uint32_t roundup(uint32_t bytes) {return (((bytes) + ALIGN-1) & ~(ALIGN - 1));}//补充指定大小的内存块void *refill(uint32_t bytes);//从堆上分配多个内存块char* chunkAlloc(uint32_t size, int& nobjs);private://Allocator的静态实例static Allocator* mAllocator;//锁Mutex* mMutex;/* 维护缓存块 */char* mStartFree;char* mEndFree;uint32_t mHeapSize;//指针数组,用来维护内存块链表Obj* mFreeList[NFREELISTS];};
#endif //ALLOCATOR_H
// Created by crab on 2024/10/28.
//#include "Allocator.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>Allocator* Allocator::mAllocator = NULL;void* Allocator::allocate(uint32_t size)
{//通过Allocator的Instance调用alloc分配size大小的内存块return getInstance()->alloc(size);
}void Allocator::deallocate(void* p, uint32_t size)
{//delloc释放getInstance()->dealloc(p, size);
}Allocator* Allocator::getInstance()
{if(!mAllocator)mAllocator = new Allocator();return mAllocator;
void* Allocator::alloc(uint32_t size)
{Obj* result;uint32_t index;//加锁,确保线程安全MutexLockGuard mutexLockGuard(mMutex);/* 如果分配内存大于 MAX_BYTES,那么就直接通过 malloc 分配 */if(size > MAX_BYTES)return malloc(size);//获取内存块在链表数组中的位置,然后从mFreeList中获取对应链表的上的内存块index = freelistIndex(size);result = mFreeList[index];/* 如果没有找到则重新分配内存 */if(!result){void* r = refill(roundup(size));return r;}/* 找到了就从链表中删除内存块 */mFreeList[index] = result->next;return result;
}void Allocator::dealloc(void* p, uint32_t size)
{Obj* obj = (Obj*)p;uint32_t index;MutexLockGuard mutexLockGuard(mMutex);/* 如果释放内存大于 MAX_BYTES,那么就直接通过 free 释放 */if(size > MAX_BYTES)free(p);index = freelistIndex(size); //获取该大小在freelist的下标/* 将内存块添加进链表中 */obj->next = mFreeList[index];mFreeList[index] = obj;
}/* 重新分配内存 */
void* Allocator::refill(uint32_t bytes)
{int nobjs = 20;char* chunk = chunkAlloc(bytes, nobjs); //分配内存Obj* result;Obj* currentObj;Obj* nextObj;int i;uint32_t index;/* 如果只有一个节点,那么直接放回,不需要处理剩余内存 */if(1 == nobjs)return chunk;result = (Obj*)chunk;index = freelistIndex(bytes);mFreeList[index] = nextObj = (Obj*)(chunk + bytes);/* 将剩余内存连成链表 */for(i = 1; ; ++i){currentObj = nextObj;nextObj = (Obj*)((char*)nextObj + bytes);if(nobjs-1 == i) //最后一个节点{currentObj->next = 0;break;}else{currentObj->next = nextObj;}}return result;
}char* Allocator::chunkAlloc(uint32_t size, int& nobjs)
{char* result;uint32_t totalBytes = size * nobjs; //总共需求的内存uint32_t bytesLeft = mEndFree - mStartFree; //缓存块中剩余的内存大小if(bytesLeft > totalBytes) //如果缓存块的内存满足需求,则直接从缓存块中获取内存{result = mStartFree;mStartFree += totalBytes;return result;}else if(bytesLeft > size) //如果缓存块剩余大小大于一个节点的大小,则尽可能返回多个节点{nobjs = bytesLeft / size;totalBytes = size * nobjs;result = mStartFree;mStartFree += totalBytes;return result;}else{uint32_t bytesToGet = 2 * totalBytes + roundup(mHeapSize >> 4); //至少两倍增长if(bytesLeft > 0) //如果缓存块还剩余内存,那么它肯定可以插入到某个节点中{uint32_t index = freelistIndex(bytesLeft);((Obj*)(mStartFree))->next = mFreeList[index];mFreeList[index] = (Obj*)mStartFree;}/* 重新申请内存 */mStartFree = (char*)malloc(bytesToGet);mHeapSize += bytesToGet;mEndFree = mStartFree + bytesToGet;/* 递归调用chunkAlloc,重新分配 */return chunkAlloc(size, nobjs);}
// Created by crab on 2024/10/28.
//#ifndef CONSTRUCT_H
#define CONSTRUCT_H#include <new>//在特定内存位置上构造或销毁对象,与内存池连用template <class T>
inline void destroy(T* pointer)
}template <class T>
inline void construct(T* p)
{new (p) T();
}template <class T, class T1>
inline void construct(T* p, const T1& a1)
{new (p) T(a1);
}template <class T, class T1, class T2>
inline void construct(T* p, const T1& a1, const T2& a2)
{new (p) T(a1, a2);
}template <class T, class T1, class T2, class T3>
inline void construct(T* p, const T1& a1, const T2& a2, const T3& a3)
{new (p) T(a1, a2, a3);
}template <class T, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4>
inline void construct(T* p, const T1& a1, const T2& a2, const T3& a3, const T4& a4)
{new (p) T(a1, a2, a3, a4);
}#endif //CONSTRUCT_H
// Created by crab on 2024/10/28.
//#ifndef NEW_H
#define NEW_H#include "Allocator.h"
#include "Construct.h"#define     ALLOCATOR       Allocatortemplate <class T>
class New
public:typedef     T           Value;typedef     T*          Point;typedef     T&          Ref;typedef     ALLOCATOR   Alloc;public:static Point allocate() {Point obj = (Point)Alloc::allocate(sizeof(Value));construct(obj);return obj;}template <class T1>static Point allocate(const T1& a1) {Point obj = (Point)Alloc::allocate(sizeof(Value));construct(obj, a1);return obj;}template <class T1, class T2>static Point allocate(const T1& a1, const T2& a2) {Point obj = (Point)Alloc::allocate(sizeof(Value));construct(obj, a1, a2);return obj;}template <class T1, class T2, class T3>static Point allocate(const T1& a1, const T2& a2, const T3& a3) {Point obj = (Point)Alloc::allocate(sizeof(Value));construct(obj, a1, a2, a3);return obj;}template <class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4>static Point allocate(const T1& a1, const T2& a2, const T3& a3, const T4& a4) {Point obj = (Point)Alloc::allocate(sizeof(Value));construct(obj, a1, a2, a3, a4);return obj;}
};class Delete
public:typedef     ALLOCATOR   Alloc;template <class T1>static void release(T1* point) {destroy(point);Alloc::deallocate(point, sizeof(T1));}};#endif //NEW_H




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