ARM Process state -- SPSR

news/2024/12/21 2:45:28/

Holds the saved process state for the current mode.

N, bit [31]
    Set to the value of PSTATE.N on taking an exception to the current mode, and copied to PSTATE.N on executing an exception return operation in the current mode.

Z, bit [30]
    Set to the value of PSTATE.Z on taking an exception to the current mode, and copied to PSTATE.Z on executing an exception return operation in the current mode.

C, bit [29]
    Set to the value of PSTATE.C on taking an exception to the current mode, and copied to PSTATE.C on executing an exception return operation in the current mode.

V, bit [28]
    Set to the value of PSTATE.V on taking an exception to the current mode, and copied to PSTATE.V on executing an exception return operation in the current mode.

Q, bit [27]
    Set to the value of PSTATE.Q on taking an exception to the current mode, and copied to PSTATE.Q on executing an exception return operation in the current mode.

J, bit [24]
    In previous versions of the architecture, the {J, T} bits determined the AArch32 Instruction set state. ARMv8 does not support either Jazelle state or T32EE state, and the T bit determines the Instruction set state.

PAN, bit [22]
    When ARMv8.1-PAN is implemented:
    Privileged Access Never. This bit is set to the value of PSTATE.PAN on taking an exception to the current mode, and copied to PSTATE.PAN on executing an exception return operation in the current mode.

DIT, bit [21]
    When ARMv8.4-DIT is implemented:
    Data Independent Timing. This bit is set to the value of PSTATE.DIT on taking an exception to the current mode, and copied to PSTATE.DIT on executing an exception return operation in the current mode.

IL, bit [20]
    Illegal Execution state bit. Shows the value of PSTATE.IL immediately before the exception was taken.

GE, bits [19:16]
    Greater than or Equal flags, for parallel addition and subtraction.

IT[7:2], bits [15:10]
    IT block state bits for the T32 IT (If-Then) instruction.
    T32 IT(If Then)指令的IT块状态位。

E, bit [9]
    Endianness state bit. Controls the load and store endianness for data accesses:
    0b0  Little-endian operation
    0b1  Big-endian operation.

A, bit [8]
    SError interrupt mask bit.
    0b0  Exception not masked.
    0b1  Exception masked.

I, bit [7]
    IRQ mask bit.
    0b0  Exception not masked.
    0b1  Exception masked.

F, bit [6]
    FIQ mask bit.
    0b0  Exception not masked.
    0b1  Exception masked.

T, bit [5]
    T32 Instruction set state bit. Determines the AArch32 instruction set state that the exception was taken from.
    0b0  Taken from A32 state.
    0b1  Taken from T32 state.

M[4], bit [4]
    Execution state that the exception was taken from.
    0b1  Exception taken from AArch32.

M[3:0], bits [3:0]
    AArch32 mode that an exception was taken from.
    0b0000  User.
    0b0001  FIQ.
    0b0010  IRQ.
    0b0011  Supervisor.
    0b0110  Monitor (only valid in Secure state, if EL3 is implemented and can use AArch32).
    0b0111  Abort.
    0b1010  Hyp.
    0b1011  Undefined.
    0b1111  System.
    Other values are reserved.



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