Give azure openai an encyclopedia of information

news/2024/9/23 18:57:01/

题意:给 Azure OpenAI 提供一部百科全书式的信息


I am currently dabbling in the Azure OpenAI service. I want to take the default model and knowledge base and now add on to it my own unique information. So, for example, for making a game world, I want to be able to tell it all the main characters, the locations, the major factions, and the relationships between all these entities.

我目前正在尝试使用 Azure OpenAI 服务。我想在默认模型和知识库的基础上,添加我自己独特的信息。比如,为了创建一个游戏世界,我希望能够告诉它所有的主要角色、地点、主要派系,以及这些实体之间的关系

Now I know that I can fine-tune my model, providing hundreds of prompt-answer pairs, and I suppose I could fill that out by saying things like:


Who are all the members of the Borean Clan? King Jappy, Queen Stefanos, Sir Barmyn, etc.

谁是北风氏族的所有成员?国王 Jappy、王后 Stefanos、骑士 Barmyn 等等

Is that really the only way, though? And won't this still create the possibility that the AI will generate text responses that are outside of this encyclopedia of knowledge, referencing people and places that don't actually exist in the game world?

但这真的是唯一的办法吗?而且这难道不会仍然有可能让 AI 生成超出这个知识百科范围的文本回复,提到在游戏世界中并不存在的人物和地点吗?

I guess I'm just wondering if there's a better way to approach this. Thanks!



The suggested approach from Microsoft is not to fine-tune the model in your case. There are several options:


  • at the moment, you can have a look to this demo which is based on a Cognitive Search index to provide details: 


  • GitHub - Azure-Samples/azure-search-openai-demo: A sample app for the Retrieval-Augmented Generation pattern running in Azure, using Azure AI Search for retrieval and Azure OpenAI large language models to power ChatGPT-style and Q&A experiences.

  • in a few days, you should also see the arrival of the preview feature of "Add your data" feature in Azure OpenAI Studio, which has been announced at Build event a few days ago: see video here. This accelerates the ability to query your own data while using Azure OpenAI

几天内,你还应该能看到 Azure OpenAI Studio 中“添加你的数据”功能的预览版发布,该功能在几天前的 Build 活动上已经宣布:可在此处查看视频。这将加速在使用 Azure OpenAI 时查询你自己数据的能力



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