第 2 章:基本函数构建-Claude开发应用教程

news/2024/9/23 0:42:16/


运行以下设置单元以加载您的 API 密钥并建立 get_completion 辅助函数。

>  !pip install anthropic
> #Import python's built-in regular expression library
> import re
> import anthropic
> #Retrieve the API_KEY & MODEL_NAME variables from the IPython store
> %store -r API_KEY
> %store -r MODEL_NAME
> client = anthropic.Anthropic(api_key=API_KEY)
> #Note that we changed max_tokens to 4K just for this lesson to allow for longer completions in the exercises
> def get_completion(prompt: str, system_prompt=""):
>     message = client.messages.create(
>         model=MODEL_NAME,
>         max_tokens=4000,
>         temperature=0.0,
>         system=system_prompt,
>         messages=[
>           {"role": "user", "content": prompt}
>         ]
>     )
>     return message.content[0].text


Claude 对明确而直接的指示反应最好。

将 Claude 视为任何其他刚上任的人。除了您直接告诉它的内容之外,Claude 不知道该做什么。就像您第一次指示人类完成任务时一样,您越是直截了当地向 Claude 解释您想要什么,Claude 的回应就会越好、越准确。”如有疑问,请遵循明确提示的黄金法则:

向同事或朋友展示您的提示,让他们自己按照说明操作,看看他们是否能产生您想要的结果。如果他们感到困惑,Claude 也会感到困惑。


让我们以写诗这样的任务为例。(忽略任何音节不匹配 – LLM 还不擅长计算音节。)

> #Prompt
> PROMPT = "Write a haiku about robots."
> #Print Claude's response
> print(get_completion(PROMPT))

这首俳句已经很不错了,但用户可能希望 Claude 直接进入诗歌,而不使用“这是一首俳句”的开场白。


> #Prompt
> PROMPT = "Write a haiku about robots. Skip the preamble; go straight into the poem."
> #Print Claude's response
> print(get_completion(PROMPT))

这是另一个例子。让我们问 Claude 谁是有史以来最优秀的篮球运动员。您可以在下面看到,虽然 Claude 列出了几个名字,但它并没有用明确的“最佳”来回答。

> #Prompt
> PROMPT = "Who is the best basketball player of all time?"
> #Print Claude's response
> print(get_completion(PROMPT))


> #Prompt
> PROMPT = "Who is the best basketball player of all time? Yes, there are differing opinions, but if you absolutely had to pick one player, who would it be?"
> #Print Claude's response
> print(get_completion(PROMPT))



练习 2.1 – Spanish

修改 SYSTEM_PROMPT,让 Claude 以西班牙语输出答案。

> #System prompt - this is the only field you should chnage
> SYSTEM_PROMPT = "[Replace this text]"
> #Prompt
> PROMPT = "Hello Claude, how are you?"
> #Get Claude's response
> response = get_completion(PROMPT, SYSTEM_PROMPT)
> #Function to grade exercise correctness
> def grade_exercise(text):
>     return "hola" in text.lower()
> #Print Claude's response and the corresponding grade
> print(response)
> print("\n--------------------------- GRADING ---------------------------")
> print("This exercise has been correctly solved:", grade_exercise(response))

练习 2.2 – 仅限一名玩家

修改提示,使 Claude 完全不含糊其辞,并且仅用一名特定玩家的名字来回答,而不使用其他单词或标点符号。

> #Prompt - this is the only field you should change
> PROMPT = "[Replace this text]"
> #Get Claude's response
> response = get_completion(PROMPT)
> #Function to grade exercise correctness
> def grade_exercise(text):
>     return text == "Michael Jordan"
> #Print Claude's response and the corresponding grade
> print(response)
> print("\n--------------------------- GRADING ---------------------------")
> print("This exercise has been correctly solved:", grade_exercise(response))

练习 2.3 – 写一个故事

修改提示,让 Claude 尽可能长地回答。如果您的答案超过 800 个字,Claude 的回答将被评为正确。

> #Prompt - this is the only field you should change
> PROMPT = "[Replace this text]"
> #Get Claude's response
> response = get_completion(PROMPT)
> #Function to grade exercise correctness
> def grade_exercise(text):
>     trimmed = text.strip()
>     words = len(trimmed.split())
>     return words >= 800
> #Print Claude's response and the corresponding grade
> print(response)
> print("\n--------------------------- GRADING ---------------------------")
> print("This exercise has been correctly solved:", grade_exercise(response))




这是一个供您自由试验本课中显示的提示示例的区域,并调整提示以查看它如何影响 Claude 的回答。

> #Prompt
> PROMPT = "Write a haiku about robots."
> #Print Claude's response
> print(get_completion(PROMPT))
> #Prompt
> PROMPT = "Write a haiku about robots. Skip the preamble; go straight into the poem."
> #Print Claude's response
> print(get_completion(PROMPT))
> #Prompt
> PROMPT = "Who is the best basketball player of all time?"
> #Print Claude's response
> print(get_completion(PROMPT))
> #Prompt
> PROMPT = "Who is the best basketball player of all time? Yes, there are differing opinions, but if you absolutely had to pick one player, who would it be?"
> #Print Claude's response
> print(get_completion(PROMPT))

本文由AI技术博客平台 ClaudeAI http://assh83.com/发布!




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