windows7开机壁纸_如何在Windows 7上修复黑色墙纸错误

news/2024/10/22 5:04:49/


Black wallpaper on a Windows 7 desktop.

Microsoft is no longer updating Windows 7, but there’s a problem: In Windows 7’s last update, released on January 14, Microsoft introduced a bug that can replace your desktop wallpaper with an empty black screen.

Microsoft不再更新Windows 7 ,但是存在一个问题:在1月14日发布的Windows 7的最新更新中,Microsoft引入了一个错误,该错误可以用空白的黑屏替换您的桌面墙纸。

As Bleeping Computer noticed, Microsoft says this bug will be fixed—but only for organizations that pay for Extended Security Updates. If you’re a home user, Microsoft will apparently not fix this bug for you. You’re on your own. Home users can’t even pay for extended security updates. Thankfully, there’s a way to avoid the bug.

正如Bleeping Computer所注意到的那样,Microsoft说此错误将得到修复-但仅适用于为Extended Security Updates付费的组织。 如果您是家庭用户,Microsoft显然不会为您修复此错误。 你一个人。 家庭用户甚至不需要为扩展的安全更新付费。 值得庆幸的是,有一种方法可以避免该错误。

Update: Microsoft has changed its mind. The company released an update to fix this problem on February 7, 2020. You can download KB4539602 from Microsoft to fix this bug on your Windows 7 PC.

更新 :微软改变了主意 。 该公司于2020年2月7日发布了更新,以解决此问题。您可以从Microsoft 下载KB4539602 ,以修复Windows 7 PC上的此错误。

不要让Windows 7“拉伸”您的墙纸 (Don’t Have Windows 7 “Stretch” Your Wallpaper)

The bug is in the “Stretch” wallpaper option. To avoid the black wallpaper bug, you can select an alternative option like “Fill,” “Fit,” “Tile,” or “Center.”

该错误位于“拉伸”墙纸选项中。 为避免出现黑色墙纸错误,您可以选择其他选项,例如“填充”,“适合”,“平铺”或“居中”。

To do so, right-click your desktop background and select “Personalize.” Click “Desktop Background” and then select an alternative option from the drop-down box. Choose anything except “Stretch.”

为此,请右键单击您的桌面背景,然后选择“个性化”。 单击“桌面背景”,然后从下拉框中选择一个替代选项。 选择“拉伸”以外的任何内容。

Selecting wallpaper options on Windows 7.

You can also simply choose a desktop wallpaper that matches your screen resolution. This is the best option for picture quality, as you’ll get an appropriately sized image for your screen. It won’t be stretched and blown up.

您也可以简单地选择与屏幕分辨率匹配的桌面墙纸。 这是提高图像质量的最佳选择,因为您将获得适合屏幕尺寸的图像。 它不会被拉伸和炸毁。

For example, if you have a 1920×1080 display, look for a desktop background with those dimensions. Right-click your desktop and select “Screen Resolution” to view your current screen resolution.

例如,如果您有1920×1080的显示屏,请查找具有这些尺寸的桌面背景。 右键单击您的桌面,然后选择“屏幕分辨率”以查看当前的屏幕分辨率。

If you prefer stretching your background image of choice, you can open your preferred desktop wallpaper in an image editor of your choice. Even Microsoft Paint, included with Windows 7, works.

如果您希望拉伸所选的背景图像,则可以在所选的图像编辑器中打开首选的桌面墙纸。 甚至Windows 7附带的Microsoft Paint也可以使用。

Resize the image to match your current screen resolution and save it. Set that new resized image as your desktop background. Windows 7 won’t be stretching it, so it will work normally and you won’t see a blank black background instead.

调整图像大小以适合您当前的屏幕分辨率并保存。 将该新调整大小的图像设置为桌面背景。 Windows 7不会拉伸它,因此它将正常工作,并且您不会看到空白的黑色背景。

不要卸载Buggy更新 (Don’t Uninstall the Buggy Update)

We don’t recommend uninstalling the buggy KB4534310 update. This update contains important security fixes for Windows 7. It’s better to work around this bug than go without the crucial security fixes.

我们不建议您卸载有问题的KB4534310更新 。 此更新包含Windows 7的重要安全修复程序。与没有重要的安全修复程序相比,解决此bug更好。

As long as you avoid the “Stretch” option, you won’t experience the black wallpaper bug. Stretching is bad for image quality, anyway.

只要您避免使用“拉伸”选项,就不会遇到黑色墙纸错误。 无论如何,拉伸不利于图像质量。

On Windows 7, black wallpaper can also be the result of using a copy of Windows 7 that is “not genuine.”

在Windows 7上,黑色墙纸也可能是使用Windows 7副本( 不是正版)的结果。

If Windows 7 can’t activate with Microsoft, Windows will frequently revert your desktop background to a blank black image. In this situation, you’ll also see a “This copy of Windows is not genuine” message appear on the black wallpaper at the bottom-right corner of your screen, above the taskbar’s notification area.

如果Windows 7无法通过Microsoft激活,Windows会经常将您的桌面背景还原为空白的黑色图像。 在这种情况下,您还会在屏幕右下角任务栏的通知区域上方的黑色墙纸上看到“此Windows副本不是正版”消息。




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