提高组织绩效的战略方法 —— 目标管理(MBO)

news/2024/9/17 18:56:32/ 标签: 管理学


Management by Objectives (MBO) 目标管理(MBO)

A strategic approach to enhance the performance of an organization

Written by CFI Team

What is Management by Objectives (MBO)? 什么是目标管理(MBO)?

Management by Objectives (MBO) is a strategic approach to enhance the performance of an organization. It is a process where the goals of the organization are defined and conveyed by the management to the members of the organization with the intention to achieve each objective.

An important step in the MBO approach is the monitoring and evaluation of the performance and progress of each employee against the established objectives. Ideally, if the employees themselves are involved in setting goals and deciding their course of action, they are more likely to fulfill their obligations.
MBO 方法的一个重要步骤是根据既定目标监控和评估每个员工的绩效和进步。理想情况下,如果员工自己参与设定目标和决定他们的行动方案,他们更有可能履行自己的义务。

Steps in Management by Objectives Process 按目标管理过程的步骤

1. Define organization goals 1. 定义组织目标

Setting objectives is not only critical to the success of any company, but it also serves a variety of purposes. It needs to include several different types of managers in setting goals. The objectives set by the supervisors are provisional, based on an interpretation and evaluation of what the company can and should achieve within a specified time.

2. Define employee objectives 2. 定义员工目标

Once the employees are briefed about the general objectives, plan, and the strategies to follow, the managers can start working with their subordinates on establishing their personal objectives. This will be a one-on-one discussion where the subordinates will let the managers know about their targets and which goals they can accomplish within a specific time and with what resources. They can then share some tentative thoughts about which goals the organization or department can find feasible.

3. Continuous monitoring performance and progress 3. 持续监控绩效和进度

Though the management by objectives approach is necessary for increasing the effectiveness of managers, it is equally essential for monitoring the performance and progress of each employee in the organization.

4. Performance evaluation 4. 绩效评估

Within the MBO framework, the performance review is achieved by the participation of the managers concerned.

5. Providing feedback 5. 提供反馈

In the management by objectives approach, the most essential step is the continuous feedback on the results and objectives, as it enables the employees to track and make corrections to their actions. The ongoing feedback is complemented by frequent formal evaluation meetings in which superiors and subordinates may discuss progress towards objectives, leading to more feedback.

6. Performance appraisal 6、绩效考核

Performance reviews are a routine review of the success of employees within MBO organizations.
绩效评估是对 MBO 组织内员工成功的例行审查。

Benefits of Management by Objectives 按目标分类管理的好处

  • Management by objectives helps employees appreciate their on-the-job roles and responsibilities.
  • The Key Result Areas (KRAs) planned are specific to each employee, depending on their interest, educational qualification, and specialization.
    计划的关键成果领域 (KRA) 特定于每个员工,具体取决于他们的兴趣、教育资格和专业化。
  • The MBO approach usually results in better teamwork and communication.
    MBO 方法通常会带来更好的团队合作和沟通。
  • It provides the employees with a clear understanding of what is expected of them. The supervisors set goals for every member of the team, and every employee is provided with a list of unique tasks.
  • Every employee is assigned unique goals. Hence, each employee feels indispensable to the organization and eventually develops a sense of loyalty to the organization.
  • Managers help ensure that subordinates’ goals are related to the objectives of the organization.

Limitations of Management by Objectives 按目标划分的管理局限性

  • Management by objectives often ignores the organization’s existing ethos and working conditions.
  • More emphasis is given on goals and targets. The managers put constant pressure on the employees to accomplish their goals and forget about the use of MBO for involvement, willingness to contribute, and growth of management.
    更加强调目标和指标。经理们不断向员工施加压力,要求他们实现目标,而忘记了使用 MBO 来参与、做出贡献的意愿和管理层的成长。
  • The managers sometimes over-emphasize the target setting, as compared to operational issues, as a generator of success.
  • The MBO approach does not emphasize the significance of the context wherein the goals are set. The context encompasses everything from resource availability and efficiency to relative buy-in from the leadership and stakeholders.
    MBO 方法不强调设定目标的背景的重要性。背景包括从资源可用性和效率到领导层和利益相关者的相对支持等方方面面。
  • Finally, there is a tendency for many managers to see management by objectives as a total system that can handle all management issues once installed. The overdependence may impose problems on the MBO system that it is not prepared to tackle, and that frustrates any potentially positive effects on the issues it is supposed to deal with.

Key Takeaways 关键要点

  • Management by Objectives (MBO) is an approach adopted by managers to control their employees by implementing a series of concrete goals that both the employee and the organization aim to accomplish in the immediate future and work accordingly to achieve.
  • The MBO approach is implemented to ensure that the employees get a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities, along with expectations, so that they can understand the relation of their activities to the overall success of the organization.
    实施 MBO 方法是为了确保员工清楚地了解他们的角色和职责以及期望,以便他们能够理解他们的活动与组织整体成功的关系。
  • If the management by objectives strategy is not adequately set, decided upon, and controlled by organizations, self-centered workers can be likely to misinterpret results, wrongly portraying the achievement of short-term, narrow-minded goals.


  • Management by Objectives (MBO) - Overview, Steps, Benefits




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