struct PSInput
{float4 position : SV_POSITION;float4 color : COLOR;float4 color2 : COLOR2;
};PSInput VS(float4 pos : POSITION, float4 color : COLOR)
{PSInput result;result.position = pos;result.color = color;return result;
}float4 PS(PSInput input) : SV_Target
{return input.color + input.color2;
source_sha1: {0x66390dc6, 0x70183d7d, 0x85314169, 0x1ea4ea16, 0x26fa6adc}
internal: false
stage: 4
next_stage: 0
inputs_read: 33-34
outputs_written: 4
subgroup_size: 0
bit_sizes_float: 0x20
bit_sizes_int: 0x20
origin_upper_left: true
inputs: 0
outputs: 0
uniforms: 0
decl_var system INTERP_MODE_NONE none vec4 SV_Position (SYSTEM_VALUE_FRAG_COORD)
decl_var shader_in INTERP_MODE_NONE none vec4 COLOR (VARYING_SLOT_VAR1.xyzw, 0, 0)
decl_var shader_in INTERP_MODE_NONE none vec4 COLOR_2 (VARYING_SLOT_VAR2.xyzw, 0, 0)
decl_var shader_out INTERP_MODE_NONE none vec4 SV_Target (FRAG_RESULT_DATA0.xyzw, 0, 0)
decl_function main (0 params)impl main {con block b0: // preds:32 %0 = deref_var &COLOR_2 (shader_in vec4)32 %10 = load_const (0x00000000 = 0.000000)32x4 %11 = @load_input (%10) (base=0, range=1, component=0, dest_type=float32, io location=VARYING_SLOT_VAR2 slots=1) // COLOR_232 %2 = deref_var &COLOR (shader_in vec4)32 %12 = load_const (0x00000000 = 0.000000)32x4 %13 = @load_input (%12) (base=0, range=1, component=0, dest_type=float32, io location=VARYING_SLOT_VAR1 slots=1) // COLOR32 %4 = fadd %13.x, %11.x32 %5 = fadd %13.y, %11.y32 %6 = fadd %13.z, %11.z32 %7 = fadd %13.w, %11.w32 %8 = deref_var &SV_Target (shader_out vec4)32x4 %9 = vec4 %4, %5, %6, %7@store_deref (%8, %9) (wrmask=xyzw, access=none)return (pass_flags: 0xcd)// succs: b1block b1:
#version 430layout(location = 1) in vec4 COLOR;
layout(location = 2) in vec4 COLOR2;
out vec4 FragColor;void main()
{FragColor = COLOR + COLOR2;
source_blake3: {0x7338de06, 0x8f93c5b1, 0xe49d7e79, 0xe70d38eb, 0xcfc0ab1f, 0x0f3bb3fd, 0xfc42e485, 0xb2e36f24}
name: GLSL3
internal: false
stage: 0
next_stage: 4
inputs_read: 15,18
outputs_written: 0,33-34
subgroup_size: 1
bit_sizes_float: 0x20
bit_sizes_int: 0x20
flrp_lowered: true
inputs: 2
outputs: 3
uniforms: 0
decl_var shader_in INTERP_MODE_NONE none vec3 aPos (VERT_ATTRIB_GENERIC0.xyz, 0, 0)
decl_var shader_in INTERP_MODE_NONE none vec4 aPos2 (VERT_ATTRIB_GENERIC3.xyzw, 1, 0)
decl_var shader_out INTERP_MODE_NONE none vec4 gl_Position (VARYING_SLOT_POS.xyzw, 0, 0)
decl_var shader_out INTERP_MODE_NONE none vec4 COLOR (VARYING_SLOT_VAR1.xyzw, 1, 0)
decl_var shader_out INTERP_MODE_NONE none vec4 COLOR2 (VARYING_SLOT_VAR2.xyzw, 2, 0)
decl_function main (0 params)impl main {con block b0: // preds: 32 %0(driver_location=0) = deref_var &aPos (shader_in vec3)32x3 %1 = @load_deref (%0) (access=none)32 %2(driver_location=1) = deref_var &aPos2 (shader_in vec4)32x4 %3 = @load_deref (%2) (access=none)32 %4 = load_const (0x3f800000 = 1.000000 = 1065353216)32x4 %5 = vec4 %1.x, %1.y, %1.z, %432x4 %6 = fadd %5, %332 %7(driver_location=0) = deref_var &gl_Position (shader_out vec4)@store_deref (%7, %6) (wrmask=xyzw, access=none)32 %8(driver_location=1) = deref_var &COLOR (shader_out vec4)@store_deref (%8, %3) (wrmask=xyzw, access=none)32 %9(driver_location=2) = deref_var &COLOR2 (shader_out vec4)@store_deref (%9, %3) (wrmask=xyzw, access=none)// succs: b1 block b1:
/* Depending on PIPE_CAP_TGSI_TEXCOORD (st->needs_texcoord_semantic) we* may need to fix up varying slots so the glsl->nir path is aligned* with the anything->tgsi->nir path.*/
static void
st_nir_fixup_varying_slots(/*struct st_context* st, */nir_shader* shader, nir_variable_mode mode)
{//if (st->needs_texcoord_semantic)// return;/* This is called from finalize, but we don't want to do this adjustment twice. *///assert(!st->allow_st_finalize_nir_twice);nir_foreach_variable_with_modes(var, shader, mode) {if (var->data.location >= VARYING_SLOT_VAR0 && var->data.location < VARYING_SLOT_PATCH0) {var->data.location += 9;}else if (var->data.location == VARYING_SLOT_PNTC) {var->data.location = VARYING_SLOT_VAR8;}else if ((var->data.location >= VARYING_SLOT_TEX0) &&(var->data.location <= VARYING_SLOT_TEX7)) {var->data.location += VARYING_SLOT_VAR0 - VARYING_SLOT_TEX0;}}
st_nir_assign_varying_locations(/*struct st_context* st, */nir_shader* nir)
{/* Lowered IO don't have variables, so exit. */if (nir->info.io_lowered)return;if (nir->info.stage == MESA_SHADER_VERTEX) {nir_assign_io_var_locations(nir, nir_var_shader_out,&nir->num_outputs,nir->info.stage);st_nir_fixup_varying_slots(/*st, */nir, nir_var_shader_out);}else if (nir->info.stage == MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY ||nir->info.stage == MESA_SHADER_TESS_CTRL ||nir->info.stage == MESA_SHADER_TESS_EVAL) {nir_assign_io_var_locations(nir, nir_var_shader_in,&nir->num_inputs,nir->info.stage);st_nir_fixup_varying_slots(/*st, */nir, nir_var_shader_in);nir_assign_io_var_locations(nir, nir_var_shader_out,&nir->num_outputs,nir->info.stage);st_nir_fixup_varying_slots(/*st, */nir, nir_var_shader_out);}else if (nir->info.stage == MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT) {nir_assign_io_var_locations(nir, nir_var_shader_in,&nir->num_inputs,nir->info.stage);st_nir_fixup_varying_slots(/*st, */nir, nir_var_shader_in);nir_assign_io_var_locations(nir, nir_var_shader_out,&nir->num_outputs,nir->info.stage);}else if (nir->info.stage == MESA_SHADER_COMPUTE) {/* TODO? */}else {unreachable("invalid shader type");}