醛固酮(Aldosterone)/Aldosterone ELISA kit--比色竞争法酶免疫检测试剂盒

news/2024/9/23 11:21:09/


ENZO Aldosterone ELISA kit是一种比色竞争法酶免疫检测试剂盒,过夜 + 1 小时可以得到检测结果。

● 高灵敏度,可检测低至4.7 pg/ml的醛固酮

● 几乎不与其他类固醇反应

● 经过人和啮齿动物血清和血浆样本验证和测试

● 超越半定量Western blot分析的全定量检测

ENZO热销产品—— <a class=Aldosterone ELISA kit" height="273" src="https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/img_convert/ae5e8156978672d6427aeee0097e61d4.png" width="335" />



ADI-900-173/ ADI-901-173


Aldosterone ELISA kit(醛固酮ELISA试剂盒


96 wells/ 5x96 wells


4.7 pg/ml


3.9 - 250 pg/ml


Overnight + 1 hour


Species independent


plasma, serum, and urine


Store all components at -20°C


DxS IgG Microtiter plate, Conjugate, Antibody, Assay buffer concentrate, Wash buffer concentrate, Standard, pNpp Substrate, Stop solution


1. A cardiac-null mutation of Prdm16 causes hypotension in mice with cardiac hypertrophy via increased nitric oxide synthase 1: J.O. Kang, et al.; PLoS One 17, e0267938 (2022)

2. Effects of amiloride on acetylcholine-dependent arterial vasodilation evolve over time in mice on a high salt diet: S.M. Mutchler, et al.; Physiol. Rep. 10, e15255 (2022)

3. Low-salt diet increases mRNA expression of aldosterone-regulated transporters in the intermediate portion of the endolymphatic sac: A. Matsubara, et al.; Pflugers Arch. (2022)

4. The microbiota-gut-kidney axis mediates host osmoregulation in a small desert mammal: Z. Nouri, et al.; NPJ Biofilms Microbiomes 8, 16 (2022)

5. The prognostic importance of the angiotensin II/angiotensin-(1–7) ratio in patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection: L.M. Amezcua-Guerra, et al.; Ther. Adv. Respir. Dis. 16, 17534666221122544 (2022)

6. Differential roles of VPS and RAAS in water homeostasis and a risk for kidney dysfunction in rats undergoing rapid fasting/dehydration with regular exercise: K. Hasegawa, et al.; Physiol. Rep. 9, e14670 (2021), Application(s): ELISA using rat plasma

7. Factors affecting the urinary aldosterone-to-creatinine ratio in healthy dogs and dogs with naturally occurring myxomatous mitral valve disease: A. Galizzi, et al.; BMC Vet. Res. 17, 15 (2021), Application(s): ELISA using dog urine

8. Loss of Soluble (Pro)renin Receptor Attenuates Angiotensin-II Induced Hypertension and Renal Injury: N. Ramkumar, et al.; Circ. Res. 129, 50 (2021), Application(s): Mouse urine and plasma

9. Metabolic syndrome during gestation and lactation: An important renal problem in dams. selenium renal clearance: F. Nogales, et al.; J. Trace Elem. Med. Biol. 64, 126709 (2021), Application(s): ELISA using rat serum

10. Renal interstitial fibroblasts coproduce erythropoietin and renin under anaemic conditions: K. Miyauchi, et al.; EBioMedicine 64, 103209 (2021), Application(s): ELISA using rat plasma

11. Salt-Sensitivity of Volume and Blood Pressure in a Mouse with Globally Reduced ENaC γ Subunit Expression: E.C. Ray, et al.; Am. J. Physiol. Renal Physiol. 321, F705 (2021)

12. Sex-dependent Effects of Nephron Ift88 Disruption on Blood Pressure, Renal Function and Cystogenesis: C. Hu, et al.; J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 32, 2210 (2021)

13. The Effects of Beverage Intake after Exhaustive Exercise on Organ Damage, Inflammation and Oxidative Stress in Healthy Males: T. Tominaga, et al.; Antioxidants (Basel) 10, 866 (2021), Application(s): Aldosterone quantification on human plasma samples

14. The Expression of RAAS Key Receptors, Agtr2 and Bdkrb1, Is Downregulated at an Early Stage in a Rat Model of Wolfram Syndrome: M. Punapart, et al.; Genes (Basel) 12, 1717 (2021)

15. Differences in Renal BMAL1 Contribution to Na + Homeostasis and Blood Pressure Control in Male and Female Mice: G.R. Crislip, et al.; Am. J. Physiol. Renal Physiol. 318, 1463 (2020)

16. Kisspeptin deficiency leads to abnormal adrenal glands and excess steroid hormone secretion: A. Berthon, et al.; Hum. Mol. Genet. 2020, ddaa215 (2020)



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