神经网络基础(Neural net foundations)

news/2024/9/24 19:13:59/

Today we’ll be learning about the mathematical foundations of deep learning: Stochastic gradient descent (SGD), and the flexibility of linear functions layered with non-linear activation functions. We’ll be focussing particularly on a popular combination called the Rectified linear function (ReLU).


This lesson is based partly on chapter 4 of the book.


  • Notebooks for this lesson:
    • HuggingFace Spaces Pets repository
    • Which image models are best?
    • How does a neural net really work?
  • Other resources for the lesson
    • Titanic spreadsheet: see the course repository
    • Titanic data (training CSV) can be downloaded from Kaggle
  • Solutions to chapter 4 questions from the book

Links from the lesson

  • Know your pet
  • “Lesson 0”




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