
news/2024/9/24 10:17:20/












         Nowadays, a westerner who visiting China may not feel surprise for the differences in culture but for the alerming speed of economic construction.


        二、feel surprise 搭配错误,正确的是feel surprised 

        三、拼写错误 alerming -->alarming 

        四、为...感觉到震惊 使用fell surpirsed by 描述某人因某事而感到某种情感。

        A Westerner visiting China now may not get any cultural shock; but he is sure to be amazed at the tremendous speed of economic construction in China.

        五、惊奇于某事 be amazed at sth.

        六、tremendous adj.巨大的,极大的;极好的,精彩的;令人望而生畏的,可怕的


        China has many western-style five star restarants, but many foreigners would rather chinese-style restarants because they come here far away from China with no purpose to experience their domestic daily lives.

        一、拼写错误。 restarants-->restaurants five star-->five-star chinese-style-->Chinese-style;

        二、搭配异常。would rather +do sth. 

         She went to the museum with no purpose of buying anything.


        China has a large number of 5-star hotels with Western features; but some foreign tourists would prefer a Chinese-style hotel, saying they don't travel thousands of miles in order to experience what they have every day in their own country.

         三、【西方特色的五星级宾馆】5-star hotels with Western features

        四、词汇辨析:would rather/would prefer

         would rather后通常直接接动词原形,表达一种宁愿做某事的强烈愿望。   would rather通常跟than搭配使用

        I would rather eat at home than go out.


        would prefer后接动词时,通常使用不定式(to do)或动名词(doing)。

        I would prefer to eat at home.”       



         Divorce in China is very rare in the past, but now it has become more common; but the actual divorce rate is still low compared with that in developed countries.

        一、【过去】关键字提示需要用到过去时 Divorce was very rare in the past.


        三、漏译。【还是】【相当】still ,quite,丢失了【相当】这个意思。

        Divorce, which used to be rare in China, is now becoming ever more common. However, the actual divorce rate is still quite low in comparison with developed countries.


         Many scientists think AIDS is actually a society problem due to its close relationship with bad habitions in society like prostitution or drug taking.

        一、社会问题:social problem

        二、恶习:bad habitions 是错误表达,应该为bad habits

        Many scientists think that AIDS is in essence a social problem, since it is closely linked with such social evils as prostitution and drug taking.

        三、词汇辨析:bad habits / social evils

        bad habits: 侧重于个人的不良习惯或行为,这些习惯或行为可能对个人自身或他人造成负面影响。

        social evils:侧重于社会层面上的不良现象或问题,这些问题通常是由社会结构、文化、经济等多种因素共同作用的结果。

        所以【社会恶习】表示为social evils

        四、词汇辨析:relationship with/ link with

        relationship with主要指的是两个或多个实体之间的关联或关系,这种关系可能是长期的、稳定的,也可能包含情感、社会、经济等方面的联系。

        I have a close relationship with my family.


        link with 则更多地强调两个或多个实体之间的直接联系或关联,这种联系可能是短暂的、临时的,也可能是因果关系、空间关系、逻辑关系等。

        The internet is a crucial link with the outside world for many rural communities.



        As long as we adopt proper actions, we can attract people's attentions and endevors, which can effectively prevent AIDS spread.

        一、attention在表述【注意力】的时候为不可数名词 ,attentions-->attention


        三、固定搭配异常。prevent sth. from doing sth.

        The strict rules prevented the children from playing in the street after dark.


        四、漏译:【肯定】surely;【在中国】in China

        As long as we take adequate measures to call forth people's attention and their efforts, we can surely prevent AIDS from speading in China.

        五、 call forth :唤起:指通过某种方式引起或激发某种反应或情感。

        We call forth the archaic forces!





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