19c-rac 心跳网卡绑定模式

news/2024/11/25 3:44:51/


Network interface bonding status of private interconnect network interfaces - Checks if the network bonding feature, if used for private interconnect network interfaces, is configured using correct bonding mode?Error:
??PRVE-0464 : Network bonding feature is enabled on nodes "db1,db2" with a bonding mode discouraged for cluster private interconnect usage. ? Cause:?An incorrect bonding mode was used for the network bonds in which private interconnect network interfaces participate on the indicated nodes. ? Action:?Ensure that the network bonding mode is set to the recommended value of 0 or 1 for all the network bonds in which private interconnect network interfaces participate.

Verification WARNING result on node: db1 燚etails:
??PRVE-0463 : Network bonding feature is enabled on node "db1" with bonding mode "802.3ad" which is not a recommended value of 0 "balance-rr" or 1 "active-backup" for private interconnect network interfaces "eno2,eno1" ? Cause:?The bonding mode specified for the network interfaces used as private cluster interconnect was not a recommended value. ? Action:?Configure network bonding mode 0 or 1 on interfaces used for private cluster interconnect.
Verification WARNING result on node: db2 燚etails:
??PRVE-0463 : Network bonding feature is enabled on node "db2" with bonding mode "802.3ad" which is not a recommended value of 0 "balance-rr" or 1 "active-backup" for private interconnect network interfaces "eno2,eno1" ? Cause:?The bonding mode specified for the network interfaces used as private cluster interconnect was not a recommended value. ? Action:?Configure network bonding mode 0 or 1 on interfaces used for private cluster interconnect.

Verification WARNING result on node: db1 燚etails:
??PRVE-0463 : Network bonding feature is enabled on node "db1" with bonding mode "802.3ad" which is not a recommended value of 0 "balance-rr" or 1 "active-backup" for private interconnect network interfaces "eno2,eno1" ? Cause:?The bonding mode specified for the network interfaces used as private cluster interconnect was not a recommended value. ? Action:?Configure network bonding mode 0 or 1 on interfaces used for private cluster interconnect.
Verification WARNING result on node: db2 燚etails:
??PRVE-0463 : Network bonding feature is enabled on node "db2" with bonding mode "802.3ad" which is not a recommended value of 0 "balance-rr" or 1 "active-backup" for private interconnect network interfaces "eno2,eno1" ? Cause:?The bonding mode specified for the network interfaces used as private cluster interconnect was not a recommended value. ? Action:?Configure network bonding mode 0 or 1 on interfaces used for private cluster interconnect.

BONDING_OPTS='mode=4 miimon=100 primary=eno1 updelay=0 downdelay=0 num_grat_arp=50'




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