OpenResty 安装及lua-resty-redis

news/2024/11/17 6:01:37/

目的: 需要记录用户真实IP + 访问量

openresty_2">1. 下载openresty

2. 编译安装

./configure --help | more 可以查看configure 可选参数

# 1、安装前置依赖
yum install -y readline-devel pcre pcre-devel openssl openssl-devel gcc curl GeoIP-devel perl# 2、编译
##选择模块 ./configure --help
sudo ./configure --with-luajit --with-pcre --with-http_gzip_static_module --with-http_realip_module --with-http_geoip_module --with-http_ssl_module  --with-http_stub_status_module --without-lua_resty_redis# 3、安装,默认安装在/usr/local/openresty 目录
sudo gmake
sudo gmake install

luarestyredis_24">3. 安装 lua-resty-redis


git clone cp -r lua-resty-redis/lib/resty/* /usr/local/openresty/site/lualib/resty/

lua__ip_redislua__34">4. 创建lua 文件 ip_redis.lua 并引用

ip_redis.lua 内容:

lua">local redis = require("resty.redis")
local red = redis:new()-- 连接到 Redis
local ok, err = red:connect("", 6379)
if not ok thenngx.log(ngx.ERR, "Failed to connect to Redis server: ", err)return
end-- 身份验证
local res, err = red:auth("123456")
if not res thenngx.log(ngx.ERR, "Failed to authenticate: ", err)red:close()return
end-- 选择数据库
local ok, err = red:select(1)
if not ok thenngx.log(ngx.ERR, "Failed to select database: ", err)red:close()return
end-- 获取当前时间戳(秒)
local current_timestamp = 设置 Redis 键,格式为 "ip:timestamp"
local key = ngx.var.remote_addr .. ":" .. math.floor(current_timestamp / 60)-- 增加计数器
local res, err = red:incr(key)
if not res thenngx.log(ngx.ERR, "Failed to increment counter: ", err)red:close()return
end-- 获取计数器的值
local count, err = red:get(key)
if not count thenngx.log(ngx.ERR, "Failed to get count: ", err)red:close()return
end-- 关闭 Redis 连接
local ok, err = red:close()
if not ok thenngx.log(ngx.ERR, "Failed to close Redis connection: ", err)return
endngx.log(ngx.INFO, "IP ", ngx.var.remote_addr, " 访问了 ", count, " 次")

5. nginx.conf 引用

location / {#root   html;#index  index.html index.htm;default_type text/html;access_by_lua_file lua/all_redis.lua;

相关文档地址: lua


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