Steam’s wishlist feature is handy, but it’s not always useful. If you’re waiting for a significant discount on a $60 game, five bucks off probably won’t change your mind. There’s a better way.
Steam的愿望清单功能很方便,但并不总是有用。 如果您正在等待一款60美元游戏的大幅折扣,那么5美元的折扣可能不会改变您的想法。 有更好的方法。
IsThereAnyDeal.com can connect to your Steam account, import your wish list, and send you an email notification when a game goes below a specific price level or a percentage value. It’s a great way to save money on new titles and on all that stuff on your wish list.
当游戏低于特定价格水平或百分比值时, IsThereAnyDeal.com可以连接到您的Steam帐户,导入您的愿望清单并向您发送电子邮件通知。 这是省钱购买新书名和愿望清单上所有东西的好方法。
将IsThereAnyDeal连接到Steam (Connect IsThereAnyDeal to Steam)
Before you start, you’ll need to give IsThereAnyDeal access to your Steam account. This is perfectly safe—they don’t get access to your personal information or payment methods. Note that, for this to work, you need to set your Steam profile to public. You can make an account on the site and add games manually if that makes you uncomfortable.
在开始之前,您需要授予IsThereAnyDeal访问您的Steam帐户的权限。 这是绝对安全的-他们无法访问您的个人信息或付款方式。 请注意,要使其正常工作,您需要将您的Steam个人资料设置为public 。 您可以在该网站上注册一个帐户,然后手动添加游戏(如果这样做会使您感到不舒服)。
To start, go to IsThereAnyDeal.com and click “Sign in” in the upper-right corner.
首先,请访问IsThereAnyDeal.com ,然后单击右上角的“登录”。
In the pop-up menu, click “Sign in through Steam.” You’ll be given a web-based login for your Steam account.
在弹出菜单中,单击“通过Steam登录”。 您的Steam帐户将获得基于Web的登录名。
Once you’re back at the main IsThereAnyDeal page, click the arrow next to your Steam username and then click “Waitlist” on the drop-down menu.
Click “Sync Profiles” on the right side of the page. Under the “Waitlist” entry on this page, click “Sync Now.”
点击页面右侧的“同步配置文件”。 在此页面上的“等待列表”条目下,单击“立即同步”。
This process adds any games on your Steam wishlist to your IsThereAnyDeal Waitlist (which is the same thing, only better). You can repeat this process manually to add or remove items from your Steam wishlist or click “periodically synchronize” to do it automatically.
此过程会将Steam愿望清单上的所有游戏添加到IsThereAnyDeal等待清单中(这是同一件事,但效果更好)。 您可以手动重复此过程以在Steam愿望清单中添加或删除项目,或单击“定期同步”以自动进行。
设置自定义价格警报 (Set Up Custom Price Alerts)
From the page in the above step, click the arrow next to “Waitlist” on the right side of the page.
On the Waitlist page that opens, you’ll see all your wishlist items and the digital stores that are selling the games at the lowest prices
The best price is displayed with its corresponding discount in terms of total price and percentage. Note that these prices are from sellers across the internet that sell digital codes, not necessarily on Steam itself.
以总价和百分比显示最佳价格及其相应的折扣。 请注意,这些价格来自互联网上出售数字代码的卖家,而不一定是Steam本身。
Let’s use Attack on Titan from my list as an example, since that game never seems to go on sale. Highlight the game with your mouse and then click “Edit.”
让我们以我的清单中的《进击的巨人》为例,因为该游戏似乎从未发售过。 用鼠标突出显示游戏,然后单击“编辑”。
On the next page, you can set a specific price alert in the “Price” field or a percentage cut in the “Price cut” field. I’ll set mine for $30, since I don’t want to pay more than twenty-five bucks for this particular game. In the “But only if” field you can select modifiers: the option to alert only if a store is selling a Steam activation key is very useful, so I’ve activated it. You can set the same condition for DRM-free, Origin, and U-Play games.
在下一页上,您可以在“价格”字段中设置特定的价格警报,或在“降价”字段中设置削减百分比。 我将我的价格定为30美元,因为我不想为这个特定的游戏支付超过25美元。 在“但仅当”字段中,您可以选择修饰符:仅在商店出售Steam激活密钥时发出警报的选项非常有用,因此我已将其激活。 您可以为无DRM,原始和U-Play游戏设置相同的条件。
Click “Update my Waitlist” to apply these conditions to your price alert, and you’re done! Click the “X” in the pop-up to return to your Waitlist and start on a new game.
单击“更新我的候补清单”以将这些条件应用于价格提醒,您已完成! 单击弹出窗口中的“ X”以返回到您的等待列表并开始新游戏。
将警报限制为特定商店 (Restrict Alerts to Specific Stores)
But what if you’re waiting for a sale on Steam because you have some gift card credit that you can’t redeem on any other online store? That’s easy to accommodate too. On the edit page, click “Override default store selection.”
但是,如果您因无法获得在其他在线商店上无法兑换的某些礼品卡信用额而在Steam上等待销售的时候怎么办? 这也很容易容纳。 在编辑页面上,单击“替代默认商店选择”。
Here you can select specific stores to watch and ignore for alerts. For just Steam, I’ll click “none” in the selection menu and then re-enable only Steam.
在这里,您可以选择要监视的特定商店,并忽略警报。 对于仅Steam,我将在选择菜单中单击“无”,然后仅重新启用Steam。
Click “Update my Waitlist” again to apply your changes. If you never want to see alerts from specific stores, perhaps because they’re not available in your country or you just don’t want to make another account, click the link marked “manage in your settings.” There, you can hide some stores from all alerts.
再次单击“更新我的等待列表”以应用更改。 如果您从不希望查看来自特定商店的警报,可能是因为您所在的国家/地区没有该警报,或者您不想建立另一个帐户,请单击标记为“管理您的设置”的链接。 在这里,您可以从所有警报中隐藏一些商店。
确保您收到电子邮件警报 (Make Sure You’re Getting Email Alerts)
Before you finish, you’ll want to check to make sure you’re getting email alerts from IsThereAnyDeal, so you don’t need to check it constantly for price drops. Click the arrow next to your Steam login name and then click “Settings.”
在完成之前,您将需要检查以确保从IsThereAnyDeal收到电子邮件警报,因此您无需经常检查它的价格下降。 单击您的Steam登录名旁边的箭头,然后单击“设置”。
Enter your email in the “Email” field and then click “Save.”
That’s it. You’re now set to receive price alerts via your email inbox.
而已。 现在,您已设置为通过电子邮件收件箱接收价格提醒。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/370403/how-to-get-better-steam-price-alerts/