【设计模式】11、flyweight 享元模式

news/2024/10/19 23:34:40/


  • 十一、flyweight
    • 11.1 pool 连接池
      • 11.1.1 pool_test.go
      • 11.1.2 pool.go
      • 11.1.3 conn.go
    • 11.2 chess_board
      • 11.2.1 chess_test.go
      • 11.2.2 chess.go



大量重复的对象, 如果很消耗资源, 没必要每次都初始化, 可以共用, 共享. 这就是 flyweight 享元模式.

各种池技术: 线程池, 数据库连接池, http 网络连接池, 都是应用场景

参考: 共享单车示例

11.1 pool 连接池

├── conn.go
├── pool.go
├── pool_test.go
└── readme.md

11.1.1 pool_test.go

package _11poolimport ("github.com/stretchr/testify/require""testing"
=== RUN   TestPoolWithSize1
[连接池] 申请连接资源, 开始
[连接池] 申请连接资源, 成功
数据库连接池: 连接中...
[连接池] 申请连接资源, 开始
[连接池] 归还连接资源, 成功
[连接池] 申请连接资源, 开始
[连接池] 申请连接资源, 成功
数据库连接池: 连接中...
--- PASS: TestPoolWithSize1 (0.00s)
func TestPoolWithSize1(t *testing.T) {conns := []conn{&dbConn{}}p := NewPool(conns)c1, err := p.getConn()require.NoError(t, err)require.NotNil(t, c1)c1.connect()c2, err := p.getConn()require.Error(t, err)require.Nil(t, c2)p.putConn(c1)c3, err := p.getConn()require.NoError(t, err)require.NotNil(t, c3)c3.connect()
=== RUN   TestPoolWithSize5
[连接池] 申请连接资源, 开始
[连接池] 申请连接资源, 成功
数据库连接池: 连接中...
[连接池] 归还连接资源, 成功
[连接池] 申请连接资源, 开始
[连接池] 申请连接资源, 成功
数据库连接池: 连接中...
[连接池] 归还连接资源, 成功
[连接池] 申请连接资源, 开始
[连接池] 申请连接资源, 成功
数据库连接池: 连接中...
[连接池] 归还连接资源, 成功
[连接池] 申请连接资源, 开始
[连接池] 申请连接资源, 成功
数据库连接池: 连接中...
[连接池] 归还连接资源, 成功
[连接池] 申请连接资源, 开始
[连接池] 申请连接资源, 成功
数据库连接池: 连接中...
[连接池] 归还连接资源, 成功
--- PASS: TestPoolWithSize5 (0.00s)
func TestPoolWithSize5(t *testing.T) {conns := []conn{&dbConn{}, &dbConn{}, &dbConn{}, &httpConn{}, &wsConn{}}p := NewPool(conns)for i := 0; i < len(conns); i++ {c, err := p.getConn()require.NoError(t, err)require.NotNil(t, c)c.connect()p.putConn(c)}

11.1.2 pool.go

package _11poolimport ("fmt"
)// IPool 连接池
type IPool interface {getConn() (conn, error)putConn(conn)
}// 连接池实现
type pool struct {connDict map[conn]struct{}
}func NewPool(conns []conn) IPool {connDict := map[conn]struct{}{}for _, c := range conns {connDict[c] = struct{}{}}return &pool{connDict: connDict,}
}// 获取连接
func (p *pool) getConn() (conn, error) {fmt.Println("[连接池] 申请连接资源, 开始")l := len(p.connDict)if l == 0 {return nil, fmt.Errorf("[连接池] 申请连接资源, 失败: 已无空闲连接资源")}fmt.Println("[连接池] 申请连接资源, 成功")var c connfor cIter := range p.connDict {c = cIterbreak}delete(p.connDict, c)return c, nil
}// 归还连接
func (p *pool) putConn(c conn) {if c == nil {return}p.connDict[c] = struct{}{}fmt.Println("[连接池] 归还连接资源, 成功")

11.1.3 conn.go

package _11poolimport "fmt"// 连接
type conn interface {connect()
}type dbConn struct{}func (c *dbConn) connect() {fmt.Println("数据库连接池: 连接中...")
}type httpConn struct{}func (c *httpConn) connect() {fmt.Println("http连接池: 连接中...")
}type wsConn struct{}func (c *wsConn) connect() {fmt.Println("http连接池: 连接中...")

11.2 chess_board


├── chess.go
├── chess_test.go
└── readme.md

11.2.1 chess_test.go

package _12chess_boardimport ("github.com/stretchr/testify/require""testing"
=== RUN   TestChess
--- PASS: TestChess (0.00s)
func TestChess(t *testing.T) {board1 := NewChessBoard()// board1.Move(1, 1, 2)board2 := NewChessBoard()// board2.Move(2, 2, 3)require.EqualValues(t, board1.chessPieces[1].Unit, board2.chessPieces[1].Unit)require.EqualValues(t, board1.chessPieces[2].Unit, board2.chessPieces[2].Unit)

11.2.2 chess.go

package _12chess_boardvar ChessPieceUnits = map[int]*ChessPieceUnit{1: {ID: 1, Name: "车", Color: "red"},2: {ID: 2, Name: "马", Color: "yellow"},3: {ID: 3, Name: "炮", Color: "blue"},
}// ChessPiece 棋子
type ChessPiece struct {Unit *ChessPieceUnitX    intY    int
}// ChessPieceUnit 棋子享元
type ChessPieceUnit struct {ID    intName  stringColor string
}// NewChessPieceUnit 创建棋子
func NewChessPieceUnit(id int) *ChessPieceUnit {return ChessPieceUnits[id]
}// ChessBoard 棋盘
type ChessBoard struct {chessPieces map[int]*ChessPiece
}func NewChessBoard() *ChessBoard {board := &ChessBoard{chessPieces: map[int]*ChessPiece{}}for id := range ChessPieceUnits {board.chessPieces[id] = &ChessPiece{Unit: NewChessPieceUnit(id),X:    0,Y:    0,}}return board
}// Move 移动棋子
func (c *ChessBoard) Move(id, x, y int) {c.chessPieces[id].X = xc.chessPieces[id].Y = y




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