2021 E3 算法题第一题(Max Sentence Length)

news/2024/9/25 7:23:58/


You would like to find the sentence containing the largest number of words in some given text. The text is specified as a string S consisting of N characters: letters, spaces, dots (.), question marks (?) and exclamation marks (!).The text can be divided into sentences by splitting it at dots, question marks and exclamation marks. A sentence can be divided into words by splitting it at spaces. A sentence without words is valid, but a valid word must contain at least one letter.For example, given S = "We test coders. Give us a try?", there are three sentences: "We test coders"," Give us a try" and "". 
The first sentence contains three words: "We", "test" and "coders". 
The second sentence contains four words: "Give", "us", "a" and "try". 
The third sentence is empty.Write a function:class Solution { public int solution(String $); }that, given a string S consisting of N characters, returns the maximum number of words in a sentence.For example, given S = "We test coders. Give us a try?", the function should return 4, as explained above.Given S="Forget CVs..Save time . x x", the function should return 2, as there are four sentences: "Forget CVs" (2 words), "" (0 words), "Save time "(2 words) and" x x" (2 words).Assume that:•  the length of S is within the range [1..100];•  string S consists only of letters (a-z, A-Z), spaces, dots (.), question marks (?) and exclamation marks (!).In your solution, focus on correctness. The performance of your solution will not be the focus of the assessment.





import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class Task1 {private List divideIntoSentences(String text){List<String> sentences = new ArrayList<>();char[] chars =  text.toCharArray();int startIndex = 0;int endIndex =0 ;for(int i=0; i<chars.length; i++){if ('.' == chars[i] || '!' == chars[i] || '?'==chars[i]){endIndex = i;sentences.add(text.substring(startIndex, endIndex));startIndex = endIndex+1;}}sentences.add(text.substring(startIndex-1, chars.length-1));return sentences;}public int solution(String text){if (text.length()==0){return 0;}List<String> sentences = divideIntoSentences(text);int maxLength = 0;int maxLengthInCurSentence;for (String sentence :sentences){maxLengthInCurSentence =0;String[] words = sentence.split(" ");for(int i=0; i< words.length; i++){if (words[i].length()!=0){maxLengthInCurSentence ++;}}if (maxLength < maxLengthInCurSentence){maxLength = maxLengthInCurSentence;}}return maxLength;}public static void main(String[] args) {Task1 task = new Task1();System.out.println(task.solution("We test coders. Give us a try?"));  // Output: 4System.out.println(task.solution("Forget CVs..Save time . x x"));  // Output: 2}}




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