Unity 时间格式 12小时制与24小时制

news/2024/9/23 4:20:03/

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;
using UniRx;

public class DisplayTime : MonoBehaviour
private TextMeshProUGUI _time;
private int _timeType = 0;

enum TimeType
}private static readonly string TAG = "DisplayTime";void Start()
{DataCenter.TimeFormat.Subscribe(i =>{Log.I(TAG, "Time select value:  " + i);if (i == 0){_timeType = (int)TimeType.is24HourFormat;}else if (i == 1){_timeType = (int)TimeType.is12HourFormat;}else if (i == 2){_timeType = (int)TimeType.isError;}}).AddTo(this);
private void Awake()
}private void UpdateTime()
{DateTime currentTime = DateTime.Now;if (_timeType == (int)TimeType.is24HourFormat){// 24 小时制string timeIn24HourFormat = currentTime.ToString("HH:mm");_time.text = timeIn24HourFormat;}else if (_timeType == (int)TimeType.is12HourFormat){// 12 小时制int hour = currentTime.Hour;if (hour > 12) { hour = hour - 12; }string timeIn12HourFormat = hour + ":" + currentTime.ToString("mm");_time.text = timeIn12HourFormat;}else{_time.text = "--:--";}
private IEnumerator UpdateTimeEverySecond()
{while (true){UpdateTime();yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.0f);}





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