
news/2024/10/21 10:00:18/


首先说明一下我的操作系统:Arch linux
服务器操作系统:Ubantu 18.04.6



  • 命令的分割
  • 命令的执行方式
  • 重定向和管道与命令执行的关系



#ifndef _COLOR_H
#define _COLOR_H#define NONE  "\e[0m"           //清除颜色,即之后的打印为正常输出,之前的不受影响
#define BLACK  "\e[0;30m"  //深黑
#define L_BLACK  "\e[1;30m" //亮黑,偏灰褐
#define RED   "\e[0;31m" //深红,暗红
#define L_RED  "\e[1;31m" //鲜红
#define GREEN  "\e[0;32m" //深绿,暗绿
#define L_GREEN   "\e[1;32m" //鲜绿
#define BROWN "\e[0;33m" //深黄,暗黄
#define YELLOW "\e[1;33m" //鲜黄
#define BLUE "\e[0;34m" //深蓝,暗蓝
#define L_BLUE "\e[1;34m" //亮蓝,偏白灰
#define PINK "\e[0;35m" //深粉,暗粉,偏暗紫
#define L_PINK "\e[1;35m" //亮粉,偏白灰
#define CYAN "\e[0;36m" //暗青色
#define L_CYAN "\e[1;36m" //鲜亮青色
#define GRAY "\e[0;37m" //灰色
#define WHITE "\e[1;37m" //白色,字体粗一点,比正常大,比bold小
#define BOLD "\e[1m" //白色,粗体
#define UNDERLINE "\e[4m" //下划线,白色,正常大小
#define BLINK "\e[5m" //闪烁,白色,正常大小
#define REVERSE "\e[7m" //反转,即字体背景为白色,字体为黑色
#define HIDE "\e[8m" //隐藏
#define CLEAR "\e[2J" //清除
#define CLRLINE "\r\e[K" //清除行



printf("RED"hello world ! \n"NONE");


#include "./head.h"
#include "./log_message.h"// 第一个参数是日志等级,第二个参数是文件路径,第三个参数是记录类型(有补充和添加两种) 后面两个参数是用来写入内容的,和printf以及scanf的用法一样。
void log_event(int level, const char *filename, int log_type, const char *format, ...) {time_t now = time(NULL);char *level_str;FILE *fp;va_list args;switch(level) {case LOG_LEVEL_INFO: {level_str = "INFO";break;}case LOG_LEVEL_WARNING: {level_str = "WARNING";break;}case LOG_LEVEL_ERROR : {level_str = "ERROR";break;}default: {level_str = "UNKNOWN";break;}}fp = fopen(filename, "a");if(fp == NULL) {perror("[Log]Open file ERROR!");return ;}if(fp != NULL) {fprintf(fp, "%s [%s]: ", ctime(&now), level_str);va_start(args, format);vfprintf(fp, format, args);va_end(args);fprintf(fp, "\n");fclose(fp);}return ;


#ifndef _LOG_MESSAGE_H
#define _LOG_MESSAGE_H#define LOG_LEVEL_INFO 0
#define LOG_LEVEL_UNKNOWN 3#define LOGT_add 0
#define LOGT_new 1void log_event(int level, const char *filename, int log_type, const char *format, ...);#endif


#ifndef _HEAD_H
#define _HEAD_H#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <grp.h>
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <libgen.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>//---head file from user#include "color.h"//------------------------------ DBG ------------------------------ 
#ifdef _D/* * DBG : aimed to printf the name and num (enough char, int or other) of the variable.* */#define DBG(fmt, args...) printf(fmt, ##args)// 泛型选择器
#define _AUTO_DBG(arg) _Generic((arg),\int: printf(""#arg" = %d\n", (arg)),\long: printf(""#arg" = %ld\n", (arg)),\long long: printf(""#arg" = %lld\n", (arg)),\float: printf(""#arg" = %f\n", (arg)),\double: printf(""#arg" = %lf\n", (arg)),\long double: printf(""#arg" = %Lf\n", (arg)),\char: printf(""#arg" = %c\n", (arg)),\char*: printf(""#arg" = '%s'\n", (arg)),\default: printf(""#arg" = %p\n", (arg))\
)#define _D_DBG(arg) printf("DBG:"#arg" = %d\n", arg);
#define _F_DBG(arg) printf("DBG:"#arg" = %f\n", arg);
#define _LF_BG(arg) printf("DBG:"#arg" = %lf\n", arg);
#define _LLD_NDBG(arg) printf("DBG:"#arg" = %lld\n", arg);
#define _LLF_DBG(arg) printf("DBG:"#arg" = %llf\n", arg);
#define _S_DBG(arg) printf("DBG:"#arg" = '%s'\n", arg);
#define _C_DBG(arg) printf("DBG:"#arg" = %c\n", arg);
#define _G_DBG(arg) printf("DBG:"#arg" = %g\n", arg);#else#define DBG(fmt, args...)
#define _AUTO_DBG(arg)
#define _D_DBG(arg)
#define _F_DBG(arg)
#define _LF_DBG(arg)
#define _LLD_DBG(arg)
#define _LLF_DBG(arg)
#define _S_DBG(arg)
#define _C_DBG(arg)
#define _G_DBG(arg)#endif#endif




#ifndef _MYSHELL_H
#define _MYSHELL_H#define MAX_NAME_LEN        128             // 用户名最大长度
#define MAX_HOST_NAME_LEN   128             // 主机名最大长度
#define MAX_DIRECTORY_LEN   128             // 目录最大长度#define BUFF_LEN            1024            // 普通缓冲长度,用于程序中一些错误信息的存储
#define MAX_BUFF_LEN        64              // 单个命令参数缓冲最大长度,应当与MAX_CMD_LEN保持相同值
#define MAX_CMD_NUM         64              // 最大支持参数个数
#define MAX_CMD_LEN         64              // 单个命令参数最大长度
#define MAX_ENV_LEN         8192            // 维护的环境变量的最大长度/* 内置命令标号 */
#define COMMENDF_EXIT       0               // exit
#define COMMENDF_CD         1               // cd#define Ture 1
#define False 0
#define clear_flush_scanf() while(getchar() != '\n')/** 命令行 **/
const char* COMMAND_EXIT = "exit";
const char* COMMAND_ECHO = "echo";
const char* COMMAND_CD = "cd";
const char* COMMAND_IN = "<";
const char* COMMAND_OUT = ">";
const char* COMMAND_PIPE = "|";char UserName[MAX_NAME_LEN];
char HostName[MAX_HOST_NAME_LEN];
char CurWorDir[MAX_DIRECTORY_LEN];                    // 记录当前工作路径的全路径
char *BaseWorDir;                                     // 记录当前工作路径的最后一层路径
char CmdProSym;// 内置状态码
};/* 参数数量以及参数数组 */
int argc;
char argv[MAX_CMD_NUM][MAX_CMD_LEN];/* ---------------------- init ---------------------- */
int Get_Username(); // 获取当前用户名
int Get_hostname(); // 获取当前主机名
int Get_WorDir(); // 获取当前所在目录
inline void Init_ShellState(); // 执行启动之后的初始化等操作/* 解析命令函数 */
void Get_Commands();
int isPartation(char *buff);
int __get_cmds(char *buff);int isCommandExist(const char *command);
bool isWrapByCitation(const char *buff);
bool isVariable(const char *buff);
bool isWrapByBigPar(const char *buff);
char *getVarInPar(const char *buff);
/* --------------------- call ---------------------- */
int callExit();
int callCd();int __callCommands_Pipe_(int l, int r);
int __callCommands_Redi_(int l, int r);
int callCommands();/* ---------------------- handle --------------------- */bool Cd_result_handle(int result);               // cd命令的结果处理函数
bool Other_Commands_result_handle(int result);#endif







#include "./common/head.h"
#include "./common/log_message.h"
#include "./myshell.h"int main() {int result;pid_t pid;int status;Init_ShellState();if ((pid = fork()) == -1) {perror("[fork]ERROR_FORK");exit(ERROR_FORK);}if (pid != 0) {int status;wait(&status);return 0;} else if (pid == 0) {while (true) {printf(RED "%s" NONE "@" BLUE "%s " YELLOW "%s " NONE "%c ", UserName, HostName, BaseWorDir, CmdProSym);Get_Commands();if (argc != 0) {for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {if (strcmp(argv[i], "exit") == 0) {result = callExit();if (ERROR_EXIT == result) {log_event(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "/home/royi/1.OS_programing/9.myshell/log.txt", LOGT_new, "ERROR EXIT!\n");exit(1);}}}  // run "cd"if (strcmp(argv[0], COMMAND_CD) == 0) {result = callCd();if (Cd_result_handle(result)) exit(ERROR_SYSTEM);} else { /* run "other commands" */result = callCommands();if (Other_Commands_result_handle(result)) exit(ERROR_SYSTEM);}}}}
}/* 获取当前工作目录, 用户名, 主机名*/
inline void Init_ShellState() {Get_WorDir();Get_Username();Get_hostname();if (strcmp("root", UserName) == 0) CmdProSym = '$';else CmdProSym = '%';return ;
}int Get_Username() {char *temp = getenv("USER");if (temp == NULL) {log_event(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "/home/royi/1.OS_programing/9.myshell/log.txt", LOGT_new, "Feild to get environment of \"USER\"");return ERROR_SYSTEM;}strcpy(UserName, temp);log_event(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "/home/royi/1.OS_programing/9.myshell/log.txt", LOGT_new, "UserName = \"USER\" is %s\n", UserName);return RESULT_NORMAL;
}int Get_hostname() {if (gethostname(HostName, MAX_HOST_NAME_LEN) == -1) {log_event(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "/home/royi/1.OS_programing/9.myshell/log.txt", LOGT_new, "Not found hostname!\n");return ERROR_SYSTEM;}log_event(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "/home/royi/1.OS_programing/9.myshell/log.txt", LOGT_new, "Find the hostname : %s\n", HostName);return RESULT_NORMAL;
}int Get_WorDir() {char *result = getcwd(CurWorDir, MAX_DIRECTORY_LEN);if (result == NULL) {log_event(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "/home/royi/1.OS_programing/9.myshell/log.txt", LOGT_new, "{Get_WorDir} : func > getcwd() error!\n");return ERROR_SYSTEM;}log_event(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "/home/royi/1.OS_programing/9.myshell/log.txt", LOGT_new, "Path from (getcwd) = {%s}", CurWorDir);BaseWorDir = basename(CurWorDir);if (strcmp(BaseWorDir, UserName) == 0)  BaseWorDir = "~";return RESULT_NORMAL;
}// 得到下一个由两个空格包裹的参数
// 并且存储到buff中
// 如果遇到换行符说明后面没有参数了,返回1
// 如果没有遇到换行符说明后面有参数,返回0
int __get_cmds(char *buff) {int buffsize = 0;char temp;memset(buff, 0, sizeof(buff));while((temp = getchar()) == ' ' && temp != '\n');//DBG(RED "First char = %c\n" NONE, temp);if(temp == '\n') return 1;do {buff[buffsize++] = temp;//DBG(YELLOW "buff[%d] = %c\n" NONE, buffsize - 1, temp);} while((temp = getchar()) != ' ' && temp != '\n');if(temp == '\n') return 1;else return 0;
}void Get_Commands(){char buff[MAX_BUFF_LEN] = {0};// init all argumentsargc = 0;memset(argv, 0, sizeof(argv));while(!__get_cmds(buff)) {DBG(YELLOW "buff = {%s}\n" NONE, buff);strcpy(argv[argc++], buff);}if (strcmp("", buff) != 0) strcpy(argv[argc++], buff);DBG(YELLOW "last buff = {%s}\n" NONE, argv[argc - 1]);return ;
}int callExit() {pid_t cpid = getpid();if (kill(cpid, SIGTERM) == -1) return ERROR_EXIT;else return RESULT_NORMAL;
}int callCd() {int result = RESULT_NORMAL;if (argc == 1) {const char* home = getenv("HOME");//DBG("{callCd} : home : |%s|\n", home);if (home != nullptr) {int ret = chdir(home);//DBG("{callCd} : %d\n", ret);if (ret) {result = ERROR_WRONG_PARAMETER;log_event(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "/home/royi/1.OS_programing/9.myshell/log.txt", LOGT_new, "{callCd} : \"cd\" not found directory of user.\n");}} else {result = ERROR_MISS_PARAMETER;}} else if (argc > 2) {result = ERROR_TOO_MANY_PARAMETER;} else {int ret = chdir(argv[1]);//DBG("{callCd} : %d\n", ret);if (ret) result = ERROR_WRONG_PARAMETER;}return result;
}bool Cd_result_handle(int result) {switch (result) {case ERROR_MISS_PARAMETER:fprintf(stderr, "" RED "Error: Miss parameter while using command \"%s\" \n" NONE "", COMMAND_CD);log_event(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "/home/royi/1.OS_programing/9.myshell/log.txt", LOGT_new, "{Cd_result_handle} : Miss parameter while using command \"%s\".\n", COMMAND_CD);return false;case ERROR_WRONG_PARAMETER:fprintf(stderr, "" RED "Error: No such path \"%s\".\n" NONE "", argv[1]);log_event(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "/home/royi/1.OS_programing/9.myshell/log.txt", LOGT_new, "{Cd_result_handle} : \"%s\" Path not found.\n", COMMAND_CD);return false;case ERROR_TOO_MANY_PARAMETER:fprintf(stderr, "" RED "Error: Too many parameters while using command \"%s\".\n" NONE "", COMMAND_CD);log_event(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "/home/royi/1.OS_programing/9.myshell/log.txt", LOGT_new, "{Cd_result_handle} : \"%s\" Too many parameters while using command\n", COMMAND_CD);log_event(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "/home/royi/1.OS_programing/9.myshell/log.txt", LOGT_add, "Usage : cd ./path\n");return false;case RESULT_NORMAL:result = Get_WorDir();if (ERROR_SYSTEM == result) {log_event(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "/home/royi/1.OS_programing/9.myshell/log.txt", LOGT_new, "{Cd_result_handle} : Lost path after cd.\n");return true;} else {log_event(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "/home/royi/1.OS_programing/9.myshell/log.txt", LOGT_new, "{Cd_result_handle} : cd OK.\n");return false;}default:log_event(LOG_LEVEL_UNKNOWN, "/home/royi/1.OS_programing/9.myshell/log.txt", LOGT_new, "Unknow what happend at func : {Cd_result_handle}\n");return true;}
}// 执行可能存在管道的命令
int __callCommands_Pipe_(int l, int r) {if (l >= r) return RESULT_NORMAL; // 没有可以执行的命令了int pipeIdx = -1;for (int i = l; i < r; ++i) {if (strcmp(argv[i], COMMAND_PIPE) == 0) {pipeIdx = i;break;}}// 没有管道,执行可能存在重定向的命令if (pipeIdx == -1) {return __callCommands_Redi_(l, r);} else if (pipeIdx + 1 == argc) {// 管道在最末尾return ERROR_PIPE_MISS_PARAMETER;}// 正式执行命令int fds[2];if (pipe(fds) == -1) {return ERROR_PIPE;}int result = RESULT_NORMAL;pid_t pid = vfork();if (pid == -1) {result = ERROR_FORK;} else if (pid == 0) {close(fds[0]);dup2(fds[1], STDOUT_FILENO); // 将这个命令执行的输出输入到写端close(fds[1]);result = __callCommands_Redi_(l, pipeIdx);exit(result);} else {// 父进程等待子进程的退出状态int status;waitpid(pid, &status, 0);int exitCode = WEXITSTATUS(status);if (exitCode != RESULT_NORMAL) {char info[BUFF_LEN] = {0};char line[BUFF_LEN] = {0};close(fds[1]);dup2(fds[0], STDIN_FILENO);close(fds[0]);while (fgets(line, BUFF_LEN, stdin) != NULL) {strcat(info, line);}printf("%s", info); // 打印错误result = exitCode;} else if (pipeIdx + 1 < r) {close(fds[1]);dup2(fds[0], STDIN_FILENO);close(fds[0]);result = __callCommands_Pipe_(pipeIdx + 1, r);}} return result;
}// 不存在管道,调用可能存在重定向的函数
int __callCommands_Redi_(int l, int r) {// 判断命令是否存在if (!isCommandExist(argv[l])) {return ERROR_COMMAND;}int inNum = 0, outNum = 0;// 存储重定向的文件路径char *inFile = NULL, *outFile = NULL;int endIdx = r; // 第一个重定向符号的位置// 寻找重定向符号并且记录for (int i = l; i < r; ++i) {if (strcmp(argv[i], COMMAND_IN) == 0) {++inNum;if (i + 1 < r) {inFile = argv[i + 1];} else return ERROR_MISS_PARAMETER;if (endIdx == r) endIdx = i;} else if (strcmp(argv[i], COMMAND_OUT) == 0) {++outNum;if (i + 1 < r) {outFile = argv[i + 1];} else return ERROR_MISS_PARAMETER;if (endIdx == r) endIdx = i;}}// 非法情况判断if (inNum > 1) { // 输入重定向符超过一个return ERROR_MANY_IN;} else if (outNum > 1) { // 输出重定向符超过一个return ERROR_MANY_OUT;}// 判断文件是否存在if (inNum == 1) {FILE* fp = fopen(inFile, "r");if (fp == NULL) {return ERROR_FILE_NOT_EXIST;}fclose(fp);}int result = RESULT_NORMAL;pid_t pid = vfork();if (pid == -1) {return ERROR_FORK;} else if (pid == 0) {// 这里的两个标准IO已经在外层被重定向过了if (inNum == 1) freopen(inFile, "r", stdin);if (outNum == 1) freopen(outFile, "w", stdout); char *tcommand[BUFF_LEN];for (int i = l; i < endIdx; ++i) {tcommand[i] = argv[i];}tcommand[endIdx] = NULL;// echo 内置命令if (strcmp(tcommand[l], COMMAND_ECHO) == 0) {// 被花括号包裹的情况if(isWrapByCitation(tcommand[l + 1])) {int len = strlen(tcommand[l + 1]);for (int i = 1; i < len - 1; ++i) {fprintf(stdout, "%c", tcommand[l + 1][i]);}fprintf(stdout, "\n");} else if (isVariable(tcommand[l + 1])) {// 存在变量符号的情况char *temp;if (isWrapByBigPar(tcommand[l + 1])) {// 变量名被花括号包裹char *t = getVarInPar(tcommand[l + 1]);temp = getenv(t);free(t); // 及时释放内存} else {// 没有被包裹temp = getenv(tcommand[l + 1] + 1);}if (temp == NULL) {fprintf(stdout, "\n");} else {// 什么也不是的情况,直接输出原话fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", temp);}} else {fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", tcommand[l + 1]);}} else execvp(tcommand[l], tcommand + l); // 执行命令并输出到stdout// 如果执行到这里说明execvp执行失败了,返回错误exit(errno);} else {int status;waitpid(pid, &status, 0);int err = WEXITSTATUS(status);if (err) {printf(RED"Error : %s\n", strerror(err));}}return result;
}char *getVarInPar(const char *buff) {int len = strlen(buff);char *temp = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * (len - 3));memset(temp, 0, sizeof(temp));for (int i = 2; i <= len - 2; ++i) {temp[i - 2] = buff[i];}return temp;
}bool isWrapByBigPar(const char *buff) {int len = strlen(buff);if (len == 0) return false;if (buff[1] == '{' && buff[len - 1] == '}') return true;else return false;
}bool isVariable(const char *buff) {if (buff[0] == '$') return true;else return false;
}bool isWrapByCitation(const char *buff) {int len = strlen(buff);if (len == 0) return false;if (buff[0] == '\"' && buff[len - 1] == '\"') return true;else return false;
}int isCommandExist(const char *command) {if (command == NULL || strlen(command) == 0) return false;int result = true;int fds[2];if (pipe(fds) == -1) {log_event(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "/home/royi/1.OS_programing/9.myshell/log.txt", LOGT_new, "{isCommandExist} : pipe(fds) == -1");result = false;} else {int inFd = dup(STDIN_FILENO);int outFd = dup(STDOUT_FILENO);pid_t pid = vfork();if (pid == -1) {log_event(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "/home/royi/1.OS_programing/9.myshell/log.txt", LOGT_new, "{isCommandExist} : vfork fild!");result = false;} else if (pid == 0) {char tcommand[BUFF_LEN];close(fds[0]);dup2(fds[1], STDOUT_FILENO);close(fds[1]);sprintf(tcommand, "command -v %s", command);system(tcommand); // 执行命令检查exit(1);} else {waitpid(pid, NULL, 0);close(fds[1]);dup2(fds[0], STDIN_FILENO);close(fds[0]);if (getchar() == EOF) {log_event(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "/home/royi/1.OS_programing/9.myshell/log.txt", LOGT_new, "{isCommandExist} : command -v Not found!\n");result = false;}dup2(inFd, STDIN_FILENO);dup2(outFd, STDOUT_FILENO);}}return result;
}// 外部函数调用命令
int callCommands() {pid_t pid = fork();if (pid == -1) {return ERROR_FORK;} else if (pid == 0) {// 为了使子进程接管标准输入输出,需要重定向标准输入输出文件符号// 因此需要记录下来int inFd = dup(STDIN_FILENO);int outFd = dup(STDOUT_FILENO);int result = __callCommands_Pipe_(0, argc);dup2(inFd, STDIN_FILENO);dup2(outFd, STDOUT_FILENO);exit(result);} else {// 父进程等待子进程执行命令int status;waitpid(pid, &status, 0);return WEXITSTATUS(status);}return 0;
}bool Other_Commands_result_handle(int result) {switch (result) {case ERROR_FORK:fprintf(stderr, "\e[31;1mError: Fork error.\n\e[0m");log_event(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "/home/royi/1.OS_programing/9.myshell/log.txt", LOGT_new, "result from {callCommands} : vfork() faild!\n");return true; // exitcase ERROR_COMMAND:fprintf(stderr, "\e[31;1mError: Command not exist in myshell.\n\e[0m");return false;case ERROR_MANY_IN:fprintf(stderr, "\e[31;1mError: Too many redirection symbol \"%s\".\n\e[0m", COMMAND_IN);return false;case ERROR_MANY_OUT:fprintf(stderr, "\e[31;1mError: Too many redirection symbol \"%s\".\n\e[0m", COMMAND_OUT);return false;case ERROR_FILE_NOT_EXIST:fprintf(stderr, "\e[31;1mError: Input redirection file not exist.\n\e[0m");return false;case ERROR_MISS_PARAMETER:fprintf(stderr, "\e[31;1mError: Miss redirect file parameters.\n\e[0m");return false;case ERROR_PIPE:fprintf(stderr, "\e[31;1mError: Open pipe error.\n\e[0m");return false;case ERROR_PIPE_MISS_PARAMETER:fprintf(stderr, "\e[31;1mError: Miss pipe parameters.\n\e[0m");return false;}return 0;






cd /op-bash: 无法为立即文档创建临时文件: 设备上没有空间

问题 在shell输入命令按tab键时出现以下报错 (base) [link999hadoop102 ~]$ cd /op-bash: 无法为立即文档创建临时文件: 设备上没有空间 -bash: cd: /op: 没有那个文件或目录原因分析 磁盘空间不够 df -Th # 通过命令查看具体情况解决 1、清理大文件 进入到 容量-已用 使…

上海计算机学会 2024年4月月赛 丙组T1 最大公约数

第一题&#xff1a;T1最大公约数 标签&#xff1a; g c d gcd gcd题意&#xff1a;求 a a a和 b b b的最大公约数&#xff08; 1 ≤ a , b ≤ 1 , 000 , 000 , 000 1≤a,b≤1,000,000,000 1≤a,b≤1,000,000,000&#xff09;题解&#xff1a;辗转相除法 g c d ( a , b ) g c …


循环队列中&#xff0c;由于入队时尾指针向前追赶头指针;出队时头指针向前追赶尾指针&#xff0c;造成队空和队满时头尾指针均相等。因此&#xff0c;无法通过条件frontrear来判别队列是"空"还是"满"。 解决这个问题的方法至少有两种: ① 另设一布尔变量…



【JS】js数字转k、w结尾 | 1000 = 1k

问题 数字转k、w结尾 如&#xff1a;10001k 100001w 码 /*** 数字转k,w* param {Number} num * returns String*/ const numberTokw num > {if (num < 1000) return numlet endStr w,numVal 10000;if (num > 999 && num < 10000) {endStr knumVal …


随着VR全景技术的愈发成熟&#xff0c;无数人感到惊艳&#xff0c;也让各行各业看到了一片光明的发展前景。尤其是越来越多的文旅景区开始引入VR全景技术&#xff0c;相较于以往的静态风景图&#xff0c;显然现在的VR全景结合了动态图像和声音更加吸引人。 VR全景技术正在逐步改…


前言 为什么需要二次封装 开发后台管理系统,会接触到很多表格和表单,一但表格表单多起来,仅仅只需要一小部分改变&#xff0c;都需要在中重写一大堆代码,许多重复逻辑,我们可以把重复逻辑抽离出来二次封装一个组件 使用,减少在开发中需要编写的代码。 为什么需要定制化 每个…