Retelling|Gap Year

news/2024/9/20 1:20:27/ 标签: 职场和发展


Retelling|Gap Year

gap year


im a trainee from DJ teaching interpretation. And I'm going to talk about taking a gap year. It's Most of our popular off for students are taken after college and before University, the UK taking a cut cups here and have many advantages and disadvantages.

Hello, my name is Anna Stewart and I'm a trainee at DG interpretation. This speech will be about taking a gap year. The speech will start shortly. Gap years are now quite common for students in the UK after they finished college and before starting university. There are many advantages to taking a gap year, but there were also some disadvantages. 


First of all, are many students who would travel more to her job but the growth of the family during the gaps here.

First of all, he needs to take gaps and take a job at the very end. You can accumulate quite an amount of money before you go to school. It is true that many students who would apply for US war on have some might not cover all the fears in their education. For example, maybe.

Students who take a gap year will either go traveling or work for a year. Some will even do both. Not all gap years are the same, which makes them so interesting. It's a time when many young people get their first proper work or traveling experience. One of the benefits of working for a year is that students can save a lot of money before starting university. Although many students will get a loan for university, it is not normally enough to cover all the costs of accommodation, food, or university fees.


Second, if you take our job as you can be allowed to have the skills and experience a job to teach your discipline many students do not have any work and experience by the town education step some students like my

job at a shop is and that's huge is to travel and different kinds of people.

Also, if you work for a year, you can gain important skills and experience. Work teaches discipline, and many students have not had any work experience by the time they finish school. Although some people, like myself, had a job at weekends in the shop. Many people will choose to go travelling, sometimes for many months. This is an excellent way to see more of the world and gain life experience.


Yeah, real world and I eXplorance for example, I traveled to China, Australia.

I met up different nationalities and travel the different cultural sides.

If you travel, you will meet different people and see different things. For example, I went to China, Australia and New Zealand where I met people of all nationalities and visited lots of different cultural sites. A gap year is a good opportunity to challenge yourself and learn many different skills which will be useful at university, it gives you a year to mature and is a good way to get real world experience after being in full time education. This means when it's time to start at university, you're ready to learn. 


So if you choose to take our tops here you can get a lot you can not have the skills and real world experience.

taking a gap year is not always school for everyone in school for example, if you choose to travel to some top dusting motions, that would be very expensive. For example, Australia and South and I hadn't so on most you you're not you might not have a much financial security in your arm

during your education,

However, a gap year is not for everyone and there are some possible disadvantages. If you travel abroad, especially to some more popular gap year destinations, like Thailand, Australia or South America, it can be very expensive. Which means when you get to university you may have less financial security.


backhand if you are the only one of the among your friends to take on here.

You would feel you would feel that you are lagging behind.

You cannot share experience.

It would be hard for you to motivate yourself.

When your friends are investigated take

a word to be in your room your take our gaps were wrong.

Another problem can be if you were the only one of your friends who takes a gap year, then you'll be one year behind them. You won't share experiences, you may graduate later, and you may feel left behind. It's hard to motivate yourself when your friends are already free from university.


Last your scouts to study. Right. This would be particularly hard if you take majors like math, chemistry.

Yeah, you might find yourself or pick out on a different and many important theories.

So, the most important part of why it is good to take gaps there are not required to integrate law class.

take I took a gap here that I could travel cup draw a new language.

Also, if you take a year out you could lose some of the study skills that you learnt at school, it can be very difficult to remember how to learn and study. This can be very difficult, especially if you're going to study a subject like maths or chemistry. And you've forgotten useful theories or equations.



According to John, taking a gap year can have several benefits, including gaining real-world experience, traveling, and accumulating money before university. However, he also acknowledges potential drawbacks, such as the lack of financial security and the possibility of falling behind in education, particularly in majors like math and chemistry.

John emphasizes the importance of weighing the pros and cons before making a decision.

In conclusion, the most important thing to remember is that it's neither a good or a bad decision to take a gap year, it's up to the individual and what's right for them. When I did my gap year, I did it so I could work, travel and learn a new language. 



  • Benefits and drawbacks of taking a gap year before university.

  • Speaker 1 discusses benefits of taking a gap year, including gaining real-world experience and traveling to different countries.
  • Speaker 1 also mentions potential drawbacks, such as financial insecurity and feeling left behind by peers who choose to continue their education.


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