【QCA6174】QCA6174 DFS认证4.6.2.3 Channel Shutdown信道不跳转及检测不到雷达信号问题分析及解决方案

news/2024/11/8 12:09:07/

WIFI DFS测试要求 Channel Shutdown ---信道关闭


QCA6174 DFS测试调试指令


This command is used to inject a fake radar indication to the protocol stack and
test the channel change functionality of SAP.
Usage: “iwpriv wlan0 setRadar 1”


This command must be issued before the setRadar command, to set the next
required channel for SAP to operate on when setRadar command is executed. In the
following example 100 will be the next channel that SAP is going to operate on when
setRadar command is issued.
Usage: “iwpriv wlan0 setNextChnl 100”


This command is used to disable channel availability check wait time
and immediately starts beaconing when SAP starts operating on a DFS channel.
Usage: “iwpriv wlan0 setDfsIgnoreCAC 1”

iwpriv wlan0 setRadar 1   //模拟雷达信号指令




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