
news/2025/2/13 0:53:54/

之前根据其他人的经验贴,准备了一些可能APS 面试审核可能会遇到的常规问题,现在简单分享一下。

一般性问题 General Issues

  1. 你可以简单介绍一下你自己吗?
    Could you take a few minutes to one brief introduction of yourself?
  2. 你的名字有什么特殊含义吗?
    Is there any special meaning of your name?
  3. 你的父母是从事什么职业的?
    What are the occupations of your parents?
  4. 你的父母住在哪里?你和你的父母一起住吗?
    What are your parents living now? Do you live with your parents?
  5. 你的家乡在哪个省?你的家乡有什么特产?
    Which province is your hometown? Is there any special product in your hometown?
  6. 你业余时间喜欢做什么?
    What are your interests in the spare time (off-hour)?
  7. 你学习德语多长时间了?你对德国有什么印象?(这个问题很重要!)你觉得你能适应在德国的生活吗?你觉得你能适应德国的文化吗?
    How long have you learnt the German? What’s your impression of Germany? Do you think you could adapt to the life in Germany? Do you think you could adapt to the German culture?
  8. 你有兄弟姐妹吗?你有旧友、朋友、亲戚在德国可以帮助你解决问题吗?Do you have siblings? (brothers or sisters?) Do you have any friend or relative in Germany could help you solve problems?
  9. 你了解过德国的信息吗?从哪里了解的?你对德国有什么了解(政治、经济、文化、地理)?(这个问题很重要!)
    How are you aware of the Germany information? What is your understanding to Germany in fields of Political\ Economic\ Cultural\ Geography?

关于教育背景 Educational Background

  • 你受到过哪些教育?
    What are your education in detail?
  • 你什么时候、在哪里上的这些学校?你上大学了多长时间?
    When and where do you take these education? How long have you studied in your college\ university now?
  • 你已经毕业了吗?你是什么专业?你参加过实习吗
    Have you graduated now? What is your profession? Have you taken part in any internships\ practice?
  • (对于中断学业的)你为什么想中断在中国的学业?
    Why do you want to interrupt your studying course in China?
  • (对于毕业后有工作经历的)你给我讲述一下你在中国的职业经历?你在中国已经有工作了,为什么还去德国?
    Can you explain your occupation experience in China? You already have one occupation in China, why do you want to go to Germany?
  • 你对什么科目最感兴趣?你认为你学的这些学业对你的将来有有帮助吗?能简短介绍下你所学的专业?你所学的专业的重点是什么?你在这个专业学到了什么?大学时最有代表性的课程?在校参加过什么比赛?(这几个问题非常重要!)
    Which subject are you interested in firstly? Do you think there is any help to your future by the profession subjects now? Could you make a brief introduction to your professional? What is the main point in your professional? What do you learn from your professional?
  • 你的毕业论文题目是什么?你给我简单介绍下你的毕业论文?你的毕业论文的框架是什么?你为什么选择这个题目作为你的毕业设计?(这几个问题也很重要!)
    What is the topic of your graduated thesis? Could you make a brief introduction? What is the framework in your graduated design? Why you chose this issue as your graduated design?

德国学业问题 German Academic Problems

  1. 你为什么想去德国学习?
    Why you want to go to German for studying?
  2. 你想去德国哪个地方?为什么?
    Where do you want to German and why?
  3. 你在德国的学业由谁来资助?
    Who will fund your studies in German?(Financial issues)
  4. 你的学业在德国完成后,想继续留在德国吗?
    When you finish your education in German, do you want to still live in Germany?
  5. (对于需要打工来维持生活的学生)如果你必须打工来维持学业,你怎么保证毕业?你认为你在德国能找到工作吗(上学期间)?
    If you have to wage to maintain your studies, how could you ensure your graduation successfully? Do you think you will find the works during the period of your studying in Germany?
  6. 你怎么看待你自己和德国学生的关系?你对德国高校了解过吗?你对未来想就读的学校有哪些了解?
    What do you think about the relationship between the German students and yourself? Have you ever understood the Germany’s colleges and universities?
  7. 你在德国有什么期待?哪个德国城市最符合你的胃口?
    What do you expect in German? Which is your favorite city in Germany?
  8. 你还会别的外语吗?(对于选择英语授课的)为什么你在德国要选择英语授课?
    Could you speak other foreign lanuage? Why would you like to choose the courses by English language in German?
  9. 你想从冬季还是夏季开始读?
    Which terms do you want to begin to study, the winter courses or the summer courses?
    Why don’t you think about other countries for your studying? How much do you know will be paid for your studying courses in one year?




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介绍 https://blog.devwiki.net/2023/11/27/Windows-repo.html 安装: https://blog.csdn.net/ysy950803/article/details/104188793


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