• 温度设置,17-30,分辨率0.5
• 设置模式,0自动,1制冷,2制热,3抽湿,4送风
• 设置风速,0自动,1为20%,2为40%,3为60%,4为80%,5为100%
• ECO,扫风,防直吹,参数1为打开,参数0为关闭。
#include <Arduino.h>
#define IRSENDMEIDI_H_class IRsendMeidi{public:void begin_2(); //初始化,放入void setup()中explicit IRsendMeidi(uint8_t ir_led);void setCodeTime(int marks,int one_spaces,int zero_spaces, int l_marks, int l_spaces, int s_spaces);//设置发送码的高低电平时间void setTemps(float Temps1); //设置温度void setModes(int Modes1); //设置模式void setFanSpeeds(int FanSpeeds1); //设置风速void setEco(bool Eco); //开关ECOvoid setPowers(bool Powers); //开关空调void setZBPL(int khz); //设置载波频率void setSwingUD(bool SwingUD); //开关上下扫风void setSwingLR(bool SwingLR); //开关左右扫风void setFZC(bool FZC); //开关防直吹void setTimers(float Timers); //设置定时void Send_Code(uint8_t A, uint8_t B,uint8_t C); //ABC码发送
/** 美的空调遥控器RN02S13红外发射控制库,需配合IRremoteESP8266库使用。* 可以控制的参数:温度(精确到0.5),模式,风速,开关机,定时,扫风,ECO,防直吹。* 作者:光阴似水1204* 了解更多请访问www.songzx.top* 时间:2021年9月17日*/
#include <Arduino.h>
#include "IRsendMeidi.h"
#include <IRremoteESP8266.h>
#include <IRsend.h>
int ZBPL = 38; //设置红外发射载波频率默认值,单位kHz
float Temps = 26; //设置温度默认值,17-30,分辨率0.5
int Modes = 0; //设置模式默认值,0自动,1制冷,2制热,3抽湿,4送风
int FanSpeeds = 0; //设置风速默认值,0自动,1为20%,2为40%,3为60%,4为80%,5为100%
bool Temp01 = 0; //设置默认发射温度小数位,1为0.5,0为0
int Marks = 500; //标记位时间单位us
int One_Space = 1600; //1位高电平时间
int Zero_Space = 550; //0位高电平时间
int L_Mark = 4400; //引导位低电平时间
int L_Space = 4400; //引导位高电平时间
int S_Space = 5220; //间隔位高电平时间
uint8_t D_1 = 0xAB, D_2 = 0x66, D_3 = 0x00, D_4 = 0x00, D_5 = 0x00, D_6 = 0xDC;
uint8_t A,B,C,B_1 = 0xF, B_2, C_1 = 0x1, C_2 = 0xB;
uint8_t kIrLed = 4; // ESP8266 GPIO pin to use. Recommended: 4 (D2).IRsend irsend(kIrLed); // Set the GPIO to be used to sending the message.void Lead_Code(); //定义引导码发送函数
void Stop_Code(); //定义分隔码发送函数
void Send_Byte(uint8_t data1, int nbit1, bool msb); //定义发送原始数据的函数,data1(数据),nbit1(数据二进制位数),msb(数据发送顺序,1为低位先发,0为高位先发)void Send_Code_S(uint8_t A, uint8_t B, uint8_t C, uint8_t D_1, uint8_t D_2, uint8_t D_3, uint8_t D_4, uint8_t D_5, uint8_t D_6);
//定时用的数据发送函数,因为定时发送的数据C码的反码位置为固定的11111111,所以引入该函数,C的反码位置为固定的0xFFvoid Send_Code_L(uint8_t A, uint8_t B, uint8_t C, uint8_t D_1, uint8_t D_2, uint8_t D_3, uint8_t D_4, uint8_t D_5, uint8_t D_6);
//正常的发送数据的函数,用来发送长码void if_D6(int fs); //计算风速数据的函数,因为风速数据的D_6和温度是否有0.5位相关联。void Send_Meidi(bool Code_State); //发送长码数据的函数,1为正常发送,0为C反码固定为0xFF的发送。void IRsendMeidi::begin_2(){ //初始化IRsend.begin的函数,需写入到主程序的void setup()中。irsend.begin();
}void IRsendMeidi::setCodeTime(int marks,int one_spaces,int zero_spaces, int l_marks, int l_spaces, int s_spaces){Marks = marks;One_Space = one_spaces;Zero_Space = zero_spaces;L_Mark = l_marks;L_Space = l_spaces;S_Space = s_spaces;
}IRsendMeidi::IRsendMeidi(uint8_t ir_led){ //返回发射信号的引脚kIrLed = ir_led;
}void IRsendMeidi::setZBPL(int khz){ //定义红外发射的载波频率ZBPL = khz;
}void IRsendMeidi::setTemps(float Temps1){ //设置空调温度Temps = Temps1;int temp2 = floor(Temps);float temp_f = Temps - temp2;if(temp_f == 0.5){Temp01 = 1;D_3 = 0x04;}else {Temp01 = 0;D_3 = 0x00;}if_D6(FanSpeeds);switch(temp2){case 17: C_2 = 0x0; break;case 18: C_2 = 0x8; break;case 19: C_2 = 0xC; break;case 20: C_2 = 0x4; break;case 21: C_2 = 0x6; break;case 22: C_2 = 0xE; break;case 23: C_2 = 0xA; break;case 24: C_2 = 0x2; break;case 25: C_2 = 0x3; break;case 26: C_2 = 0xB; break;case 27: C_2 = 0x9; break;case 28: C_2 = 0x1; break;case 29: C_2 = 0x5; break;case 30: C_2 = 0xD; break;}Send_Meidi(1);
}void IRsendMeidi::setModes(int Modes1){ //设置空调模式。Modes = Modes1;B_1 = 0xF;switch(Modes){case 0: C_1 = 0x1; B_2 = 0x8; break; //autocase 1: C_1 = 0x0; B_2 = 0xB; break; //coolcase 2: C_1 = 0x3; B_2 = 0xB; break; //hotcase 3: C_1 = 0x2; B_2 = 0x8; break; //choushicase 4: C_1 = 0x2; B_2 = 0xB; C_2 = 0x7; break; //songfeng}Send_Meidi(1);
}void IRsendMeidi::setFanSpeeds(int FanSpeeds1){ //设置空调风速。FanSpeeds = FanSpeeds1;B_1 = 0xF;if_D6(FanSpeeds);Send_Meidi(1);
}void IRsendMeidi::setEco(bool Eco){ //开关ECO模式if(Eco == 1){Send_Code(0xB9, 0xAF ,0x24);}if(Eco == 0){Send_Code(0xB9, 0xAF ,0xA4);}
}void IRsendMeidi::setPowers(bool Powers){ //开关空调if(Powers == 1){B_1 = 0xF;setTemps(Temps); }else{Send_Code(0XB2, 0xDE, 0x07); }
}void IRsendMeidi::setSwingUD(bool SwingUD){ //开关上下扫风if(SwingUD == 1){Send_Code(0xB9, 0xAF ,0x20);}if(SwingUD == 0){Send_Code(0xB9, 0xAF ,0xA0);}
}void IRsendMeidi::setSwingLR(bool SwingLR){ //开关左右扫风if(SwingLR == 1){Send_Code(0xB9, 0xAF ,0xE0);}if(SwingLR == 0){Send_Code(0xB9, 0xAF ,0x10);}
}void IRsendMeidi::setFZC(bool FZC){ //开关防直吹if(FZC == 1){Send_Code(0xB9, 0xAF ,0xDA);}if(FZC == 0){Send_Code(0xB9, 0xAF ,0x3A);}
}void IRsendMeidi::setTimers(float Timers){ //设置定时uint8_t C_1_t = C_1;int Timers1 = floor(Timers);float Timers_f = Timers - Timers1;switch(Timers1){case 0: B_1 = 0x8; B_2 = 0x5; C_1 = 0x0; break;case 1: if(Timers_f == 0){B_1 = 0xC; B_2 = 0x5; C_1 = 0x0;}else {B_1 = 0xA; B_2 = 0x5; C_1 = 0x0;}break;case 2: if(Timers_f == 0){B_1 = 0xE; B_2 = 0x5; C_1 = 0x0;}else {B_1 = 0x9; B_2 = 0x5; C_1 = 0x0;}break;case 3: if(Timers_f == 0){B_1 = 0xD; B_2 = 0x5; C_1 = 0x0;}else {B_1 = 0xB; B_2 = 0x5; C_1 = 0x0;}break;case 4: if(Timers_f == 0){B_1 = 0xF; B_2 = 0x5; C_1 = 0x0;}else {B_1 = 0x8; B_2 = 0xD; C_1 = 0x0;}break;case 5: if(Timers_f == 0){B_1 = 0xC; B_2 = 0xD; C_1 = 0x0;}else {B_1 = 0xA; B_2 = 0xD; C_1 = 0x0;}break;case 6: if(Timers_f == 0){B_1 = 0xE; B_2 = 0xD; C_1 = 0x0;}else {B_1 = 0x9; B_2 = 0xD; C_1 = 0x0;}break;case 7: if(Timers_f == 0){B_1 = 0xD; B_2 = 0xD; C_1 = 0x0;}else {B_1 = 0xB; B_2 = 0xD; C_1 = 0x0;}break;case 8: if(Timers_f == 0){B_1 = 0xF; B_2 = 0xD; C_1 = 0x0;}else {B_1 = 0x8; B_2 = 0x5; C_1 = 0x8;}break;case 9: if(Timers_f == 0){B_1 = 0xC; B_2 = 0x5; C_1 = 0x8;}else {B_1 = 0xA; B_2 = 0x5; C_1 = 0x8;}break;case 10: B_1 = 0xE; B_2 = 0x5; C_1 = 0x8; break;case 11: B_1 = 0xD; B_2 = 0x5; C_1 = 0x8; break;case 12: B_1 = 0xF; B_2 = 0x5; C_1 = 0x8; break;case 13: B_1 = 0xC; B_2 = 0xD; C_1 = 0x8; break;case 14: B_1 = 0xE; B_2 = 0xD; C_1 = 0x8; break;case 15: B_1 = 0xD; B_2 = 0xD; C_1 = 0x8; break;case 16: B_1 = 0xF; B_2 = 0xD; C_1 = 0x8; break;case 17: B_1 = 0xC; B_2 = 0x5; C_1 = 0x4; break;case 18: B_1 = 0xE; B_2 = 0x5; C_1 = 0x4; break;case 19: B_1 = 0xD; B_2 = 0x5; C_1 = 0x4; break;case 20: B_1 = 0xF; B_2 = 0x5; C_1 = 0x4; break;case 21: B_1 = 0xC; B_2 = 0xD; C_1 = 0x4; break;case 22: B_1 = 0xE; B_2 = 0xD; C_1 = 0x4; break;case 23: B_1 = 0xD; B_2 = 0xD; C_1 = 0x4; break;case 24: B_1 = 0xF; B_2 = 0xD; C_1 = 0x4; break;}Send_Meidi(0);C_1 = C_1_t;}void IRsendMeidi::Send_Code(uint8_t AC, uint8_t BC,uint8_t CC){ //发送ABC码的函数Lead_Code();Send_Byte(AC,8,1);Send_Byte(~AC,8,1);Send_Byte(BC,8,0);Send_Byte(~BC,8,0);Send_Byte(CC,8,0);Send_Byte(~CC,8,0);Stop_Code();Lead_Code();Send_Byte(AC,8,1);Send_Byte(~AC,8,1);Send_Byte(BC,8,0);Send_Byte(~BC,8,0);Send_Byte(CC,8,0);Send_Byte(~CC,8,0);Stop_Code();
}void Send_Code_S(uint8_t AC, uint8_t BC,uint8_t CC,uint8_t D1C,uint8_t D2C, uint8_t D3C,uint8_t D4C,uint8_t D5C,uint8_t D6C){Lead_Code();Send_Byte(AC,8,1);Send_Byte(~AC,8,1);Send_Byte(BC,8,0);Send_Byte(~BC,8,0);Send_Byte(CC,8,0);Send_Byte(0xFF,8,0);Stop_Code();Lead_Code();Send_Byte(AC,8,1);Send_Byte(~AC,8,1);Send_Byte(BC,8,0);Send_Byte(~BC,8,0);Send_Byte(CC,8,0);Send_Byte(0xFF,8,0);Stop_Code();Lead_Code();Send_Byte(D1C,8,0);Send_Byte(D2C,8,0);Send_Byte(D3C,8,0);Send_Byte(D4C,8,0);Send_Byte(D5C,8,0);Send_Byte(D6C,8,0);Stop_Code();
}void Send_Code_L(uint8_t AC, uint8_t BC,uint8_t CC,uint8_t D1C,uint8_t D2C, uint8_t D3C,uint8_t D4C,uint8_t D5C,uint8_t D6C){Lead_Code();Send_Byte(AC,8,1);Send_Byte(~AC,8,1);Send_Byte(BC,8,0);Send_Byte(~BC,8,0);Send_Byte(CC,8,0);Send_Byte(~CC,8,0);Stop_Code();Lead_Code();Send_Byte(AC,8,1);Send_Byte(~AC,8,1);Send_Byte(BC,8,0);Send_Byte(~BC,8,0);Send_Byte(CC,8,0);Send_Byte(~CC,8,0);Stop_Code();Lead_Code();Send_Byte(D1C,8,0);Send_Byte(D2C,8,0);Send_Byte(D3C,8,0);Send_Byte(D4C,8,0);Send_Byte(D5C,8,0);Send_Byte(D6C,8,0);Stop_Code();
}void Send_Meidi(bool Code_State){ //发送长码数据的函数,1为正常发送,0为C反码固定为0xFF的发送。A = 0xB2;B = (B_1<<4) + B_2;C = (C_1<<4) + C_2;if(Code_State == 1){Send_Code_L( A, B, C, D_1, D_2, D_3, D_4, D_5, D_6);}if(Code_State == 0){Send_Code_S(A, B, C, D_1, D_2, D_3, D_4, D_5, D_6);}
void Lead_Code(){ //引导码函数定义irsend.enableIROut(ZBPL);irsend.sendData(L_Mark,L_Space,450,450,1,1,1);
}void Stop_Code(){ //间隔码函数定义irsend.enableIROut(ZBPL);irsend.sendData(450,450,Marks,S_Space,0,1,1);
}void Send_Byte(uint8_t data1, int nbit1, bool msb){ //数据发送函数定义irsend.enableIROut(ZBPL);irsend.sendData(Marks,One_Space,Marks,Zero_Space,data1,nbit1,msb); //使用IRsend库里的数据发送函数,具体使用方法可以查看IRsend库里的注释
} void if_D6(int fs){ //计算风速数据的函数switch(fs){case 0: B_2 = 0xD; D_2 = 0x66; if(Temp01 == 0){D_6 = 0xDC;}else D_6 = 0xDA;break; //autocase 1: B_2 = 0xF; D_2 = 0x28; if(Temp01 == 0){D_6 = 0x97;}else D_6 = 0x90;break; //20case 2: B_2 = 0x9; D_2 = 0x14; if(Temp01 == 0){D_6 = 0x97;}else D_6 = 0xB8;break; //40case 3: B_2 = 0xA; D_2 = 0x3C; if(Temp01 == 0){D_6 = 0x88;}else D_6 = 0x8C;break; //60case 4: B_2 = 0xC; D_2 = 0x0A; if(Temp01 == 0){D_6 = 0xA4;}else D_6 = 0xA2;break; //80case 5: B_2 = 0xC; D_2 = 0x26; if(Temp01 == 0){D_6 = 0xDC;}else D_6 = 0xDA;break; //100}