
news/2024/10/17 8:29:12/

The American public’s obsession with dieting has led to one of the most dangerous health
misconceptions of all times. Many television ads, movies, magazine articles, and diet-food product labels
would have consumers believe that carbohydrates(碳水化合物)are bad for the human body and that those
who eat them will quickly become overweight. We are advised to avoid food a such as potatoes, rice and
white bread and opt for meats and vegetables instead. Some companies promote this idea to encourage
consumer to buy their “carb-free”(are not telling the truth) food products. But the truth is, the human body needs carbohydrates to function properly, and a body that relies on carbohydrates but is exhausted(deprived)of this dietary element is not in good shape after all.

Most foods that wo consume on a daily basis like potatoes and rice are loaded with carbohydrates.
Contrary to popular belief, carbohydrates have many health benefits; some fight diseases such as high
blood pressure and heart disease, and others help to prevent cancer and stroke. Cutting these foods out of
your diet may deprive your body of the many health benefits of carbohydrates.

One of the best benefits of carbohydrates is their ability to help to maintain the health of our organs,
tissues, and cells. Scientific studies have shown that one type of carbohydrate called fiber reduces the risk
of heart disease. Carbohydrates also contain antioxidants(抗氧化剂),which protect the body’s cells from
harmful particles with the potential to cause cancer.

This does not mean that the human body can survive on a diet composed entirely of carbohydrates. We
also need certain percentages of proteins and fats to maintain healthy bodies. But carbohydrates certainly
should not be avoided altogether. In fact, the food pyramid, the recommended basis of a healthy diet, shows
that a person should consume six to eleven servings of breads and grains, as well as three to four servings
each of fruits and vegetables—all carbohydrate-containing foods. It is easy to see why cutting
carbohydrates out of a person’s diet is not a good idea.

The only way to know what is truly healthy for your own body is to talk to a nutritionist or dietician,
who can help you choose foods that are right for you as well as guide you toward a proper exercise
program for weight loss, or muscle gain. These professionals will never tell you to cut out carbohydrates
entirely! The bottom line: listen to experts, not the advertisers!





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